Ejemplo n.º 1
    def checkResult( self, tested_image, reference_image ):
        """ Check if testVar and refVar are equal with the given precision and the given type
        @param tested_image: variable computed by the test
        @param reference_image: array variable containing the reference value(s), the precision and the type
            -> reference value(s) to compare with the testVar
            -> numerical precision to use to chekc if variables are equal
            -> type of variables to check

        @return: True is variables are equal, False otherwise
        print "Comparing {} and {}".format(reference_image, tested_image)

        command = "otbcli_CompareImages -ref.in {} -meas.in {}".format(reference_image,
        mse = -9999
        mae = -9999
        psnr = -9999
        res = run_process(command)
        lines = str(res).splitlines()
        # for line in lines:
        #     # sensor_line = result_sensor[0]
        #     mse = re.search('mse: (\d*)$', line)
        #     if mse:
        #         # group 1 parce qu'on a demande qqchose de particulier a la regexpr a cause des ()
        #         mse = mse.group(1)
        #         continue
        # print "suite", lines
        # for line in lines:
        #     mae = re.search('mae: (\d*)$', line)
        #     if mae:
        #         # group 1 parce qu'on a demande qqchose de particulier a la regexpr a cause des ()
        #         mae = mae.group(1)
        #         print "MAE", mae
        #         continue
        # for line in lines:
        #     psnr = re.search('mse: (\d*)$', line)
        #     if psnr:
        #         # group 1 parce qu'on a demande qqchose de particulier a la regexpr a cause des ()
        #         mse = psnr.group(1)
        #         continue
        mse_line = lines[-4]
        mae_line = lines[-3]
        psnr_line = lines[-2]

        mse = re.search('mse: (\d*)$', mse_line).group(1).replace(" ", "")
        mae = re.search('mae: (\d*)$', mae_line).group(1).replace(" ", "")
        psnr = re.search('psnr: (\d*)$', psnr_line).group(1).replace(" ", "")

        if mse == mae == psnr == "0":
            return True
            print '"{}"'.format(mse)
            print "mse: {}, \n mae {}, \n psnr: {}".format(mse, mae, psnr)
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def checkResult(self, tested_image, reference_image):
        """ Check if testVar and refVar are equal with the given precision and the given type
        @param tested_image: variable computed by the test
        @param reference_image: array variable containing the reference value(s), the precision and the type
            -> reference value(s) to compare with the testVar
            -> numerical precision to use to chekc if variables are equal
            -> type of variables to check

        @return: True is variables are equal, False otherwise
        print "Comparing {} and {}".format(reference_image, tested_image)

        command = "otbcli_CompareImages -ref.in {} -meas.in {}".format(
            reference_image, tested_image)
        mse = -9999
        mae = -9999
        psnr = -9999
        res = run_process(command)
        lines = str(res).splitlines()
        # for line in lines:
        #     # sensor_line = result_sensor[0]
        #     mse = re.search('mse: (\d*)$', line)
        #     if mse:
        #         # group 1 parce qu'on a demande qqchose de particulier a la regexpr a cause des ()
        #         mse = mse.group(1)
        #         continue
        # print "suite", lines
        # for line in lines:
        #     mae = re.search('mae: (\d*)$', line)
        #     if mae:
        #         # group 1 parce qu'on a demande qqchose de particulier a la regexpr a cause des ()
        #         mae = mae.group(1)
        #         print "MAE", mae
        #         continue
        # for line in lines:
        #     psnr = re.search('mse: (\d*)$', line)
        #     if psnr:
        #         # group 1 parce qu'on a demande qqchose de particulier a la regexpr a cause des ()
        #         mse = psnr.group(1)
        #         continue
        mse_line = lines[-4]
        mae_line = lines[-3]
        psnr_line = lines[-2]

        mse = re.search('mse: (\d*)$', mse_line).group(1).replace(" ", "")
        mae = re.search('mae: (\d*)$', mae_line).group(1).replace(" ", "")
        psnr = re.search('psnr: (\d*)$', psnr_line).group(1).replace(" ", "")

        if mse == mae == psnr == "0":
            return True
            print '"{}"'.format(mse)
            print "mse: {}, \n mae {}, \n psnr: {}".format(mse, mae, psnr)
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def classify(self):
        dirDest = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(
            str("Répertoire de destination des fichiers de la classification"),
        if dirDest:
            self.output_dir = dirDest

        simulation = False

        # Get rasters
        selectedrasterlayers = self.rasterlayerselector.getSelectedOptions()
        logger.debug("selectedrasterlayers" + str(selectedrasterlayers))
        if len(selectedrasterlayers) < 1:
            QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( self, \
                                        u"Erreur", \
                                        u"Aucune couche raster sélectionnée" )

        # Get vectors
        selectedvectorlayers = self.vectorlayerselector.getSelectedOptions()
        if len(selectedvectorlayers) < 2:
            QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( self, \
                                        u"Erreur", \
                                        u"Au minimum deux couches vecteur doivent être sélectionnées" )

            errorDuringClassif = False
            outputdir = self.getOutputDir()

            # Build list of input raster files
            rasterlist = ""
            for r in selectedrasterlayers:
                rasterlist += '"%s" ' % (r.source())
            #logger.debug( "rasterlist" + str( rasterlist ) )

            #firstraster = '"%s" ' % (unicode(selectedrasterlayers[0].source()))
            logger.debug("selectedrasterlayers[0]" +
            firstraster = '"%s" ' % (selectedrasterlayers[0].source())

            # Build list of input vector files
            vectorlist = ""
            labeldescriptor = {}
            label = 0
            for i in range(len(selectedvectorlayers)):
                v = selectedvectorlayers[i]
                inputshpfilepath = v[0].source()
                classcolor = v[1]
                classlabel = v[2]

                labeldescriptor[label] = (classcolor, classlabel)
                logger.debug("labeldescriptor" + str(labeldescriptor))
                label += 1

                # Reprocess input shp file to crop it to firstraster extent
                vectordir = os.path.join(outputdir, 'class%s' % (str(i)))
                #preprocessedshpfile = os.path.join(vectordir, transform_spaces(os.path.basename(unicode(inputshpfilepath))))
                preprocessedshpfile = os.path.join(vectordir,

                cropcommand = ('%s/cropvectortoimage.bat '
                               '"%s" '
                               '"%s" '
                               '"%s" '
                               '"%s" '
                               '"%s" ' %
                               (self.app_dir, inputshpfilepath,
                                os.path.join(vectordir, "imageenveloppe.shp"),
                                os.path.join(vectordir, "tmp_reprojected.shp"),
                terre_image_run_process.run_process(cropcommand, True)
                #                 try:
                #                   if (simulation):
                #                       time.sleep(3)
                #                   else:
                #                       proc = subprocess.Popen(cropcommand.encode('mbcs'),
                #                                               shell=True,
                #                                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                #                                               stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
                #                                               stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
                #                                               universal_newlines=False)
                #                       loglines = []
                #                       for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ""):
                #                           loglines.append(line)
                #                       proc.wait()
                #                       if proc.returncode != 0:
                #                           raise OSError
                #                 except OSError:
                #                   errorDuringClassif = True
                #                   mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
                #                   mbox.setWindowTitle(u"Erreur")
                #                   mbox.setText(u"Une erreur a été rencontrée lors de la préparation des données vecteurs")
                #                   # has no effect...
                #                   #mbox.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
                #                   #mbox.setSizeGripEnabled(True)
                #                   detailedtext = (u"Code de retour : %s%s"
                #                                   "Commande : %s%s"
                #                                   "Sortie standard :%s%s"
                #                                   % ( proc.returncode, 2*os.linesep,
                #                                       cropcommand, 2*os.linesep,
                #                                       os.linesep, u''.join([u'%s%s' % (unicode(c, 'mbcs'), os.linesep) for c in loglines]) ) )
                #                   mbox.setDetailedText(detailedtext)
                #                   mbox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical)
                #                   mbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel)
                #                   ret = mbox.exec_()
                #                   raise OSError

                vectorlist += '"%s" ' % (preprocessedshpfile)

            # Build classifcommand
            outputlog = os.path.join(outputdir, 'output.log')
            outputclassification = os.path.join(outputdir,
            outputresults = os.path.join(outputdir,

            launcher = "%s/classification.bat" % self.app_dir
            classifcommand = ('%s '
                              '-io.il %s '
                              '-io.vd %s '
                              '-io.out "%s" '
                              '-io.results "%s"' %
                              (launcher, rasterlist, vectorlist,
                               outputclassification, outputresults))

            terre_image_run_process.run_process(classifcommand, True)
            # Execute commandline
            #             try:
            #                 if (simulation):
            #                     time.sleep(3)
            #                 else:
            #                     proc = subprocess.Popen(classifcommand.encode('mbcs'),
            #                                             shell=True,
            #                                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
            #                                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
            #                                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
            #                                             universal_newlines=False)
            #                     loglines = []
            #                     with open(outputlog, "w") as logfile:
            #                       for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ""):
            #                           loglines.append(line)
            #                           logfile.writelines(line)
            #                           logfile.flush()
            #                           os.fsync(logfile.fileno())
            #                     proc.wait()
            #                     if proc.returncode != 0:
            #                         raise OSError
            #             except OSError:
            #                 errorDuringClassif = True
            #                 mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
            #                 mbox.setWindowTitle(u"Erreur")
            #                 mbox.setText(u"Une erreur a été rencontrée lors de la classification")
            #                 # has no effect...
            #                 #mbox.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
            #                 #mbox.setSizeGripEnabled(True)
            #                 detailedtext = (u"Code de retour : %s%s"
            #                                 "Commande : %s%s"
            #                                 "Sortie standard :%s%s"
            #                                 % ( proc.returncode, 2*os.linesep,
            #                                     classifcommand, 2*os.linesep,
            #                                     os.linesep, u''.join([u'%s%s' % (unicode(c, 'mbcs'), os.linesep) for c in loglines]) ) )
            #                 mbox.setDetailedText(detailedtext)
            #                 mbox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical)
            #                 mbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel)
            #                 ret = mbox.exec_()
            #                 saferemovefile(outputlog)
            #                 saferemovefile(outputclassification)
            #                 saferemovefile(outputresults)

            if (not simulation and not errorDuringClassif):

                notificationDialog = ConfusionMatrixViewer(
                    selectedvectorlayers, outputresults)



                pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(notificationDialog.size())
                pixmap.save(os.path.join(outputdir, 'resultats.png'))


#        except:
#            raise

            return  # this discards exception
    def classify(self):
        dirDest = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( None, str( "Répertoire de destination des fichiers de la classification" ), self.output_dir )
        if dirDest :
            self.output_dir = dirDest

        logger.debug( "classify" )
        simulation = False

        # Get rasters
        selectedrasterlayers = self.rasterlayerselector.getSelectedOptions()
        logger.debug( "selectedrasterlayers" + str(selectedrasterlayers) )
        if len(selectedrasterlayers) < 1:
            QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( self, \
                                        u"Erreur", \
                                        u"Aucune couche raster sélectionnée" )

        # Get vectors
        selectedvectorlayers = self.vectorlayerselector.getSelectedOptions()
        if len(selectedvectorlayers) < 2:
            QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( self, \
                                        u"Erreur", \
                                        u"Au minimum deux couches vecteur doivent être sélectionnées" )

            errorDuringClassif = False
            outputdir = self.getOutputDir()

            # Build list of input raster files
            rasterlist = ""
            for r in selectedrasterlayers:
                rasterlist += '"%s" ' % (r.source())
            #logger.debug( "rasterlist" + str( rasterlist ) )

            #firstraster = '"%s" ' % (unicode(selectedrasterlayers[0].source()))
            logger.debug( "selectedrasterlayers[0]" + str(selectedrasterlayers[0]) )
            firstraster = '"%s" ' % (selectedrasterlayers[0].source())

            # Build list of input vector files
            vectorlist = ""
            labeldescriptor = {}
            label = 0
            for i in range(len(selectedvectorlayers)):
                v = selectedvectorlayers[i]
                inputshpfilepath = v[0].source()
                classcolor = v[1]
                classlabel = v[2]

                labeldescriptor[label] = (classcolor, classlabel)
                logger.debug( "labeldescriptor" + str(labeldescriptor) )
                label += 1

                # Reprocess input shp file to crop it to firstraster extent
                vectordir = os.path.join(outputdir, 'class%s' % (str(i)))
                #preprocessedshpfile = os.path.join(vectordir, transform_spaces(os.path.basename(unicode(inputshpfilepath))))
                preprocessedshpfile = os.path.join(vectordir, "preprocessed.shp")

                cropcommand = ('%s/cropvectortoimage.bat '
                             '"%s" '
                             '"%s" '
                             '"%s" '
                             '"%s" '
                             '"%s" '
                             % ( self.app_dir,
                                 preprocessedshpfile) )
                terre_image_run_process.run_process(cropcommand, True)
#                 try:
#                   if (simulation):
#                       time.sleep(3)
#                   else:
#                       proc = subprocess.Popen(cropcommand.encode('mbcs'),
#                                               shell=True,
#                                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
#                                               stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
#                                               stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
#                                               universal_newlines=False)
#                       loglines = []
#                       for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ""):
#                           loglines.append(line)
#                       proc.wait()
#                       if proc.returncode != 0:
#                           raise OSError
#                 except OSError:
#                   errorDuringClassif = True
#                   mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
#                   mbox.setWindowTitle(u"Erreur")
#                   mbox.setText(u"Une erreur a été rencontrée lors de la préparation des données vecteurs")
#                   # has no effect...
#                   #mbox.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
#                   #mbox.setSizeGripEnabled(True)
#                   detailedtext = (u"Code de retour : %s%s"
#                                   "Commande : %s%s"
#                                   "Sortie standard :%s%s"
#                                   % ( proc.returncode, 2*os.linesep,
#                                       cropcommand, 2*os.linesep,
#                                       os.linesep, u''.join([u'%s%s' % (unicode(c, 'mbcs'), os.linesep) for c in loglines]) ) )
#                   mbox.setDetailedText(detailedtext)
#                   mbox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical)
#                   mbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel)
#                   ret = mbox.exec_()
#                   raise OSError

                vectorlist += '"%s" ' % (preprocessedshpfile)

            # Build classifcommand
            outputlog = os.path.join(outputdir, 'output.log')
            outputclassification = os.path.join(outputdir, 'classification.tif')
            outputresults = os.path.join(outputdir, 'classification.resultats.txt')

            launcher = "%s/classification.bat" % self.app_dir
            classifcommand = (  '%s '
                                '-io.il %s '
                                '-io.vd %s '
                                '-io.out "%s" '
                                '-io.results "%s"'
                                %  (launcher,
                                    outputresults) )

            terre_image_run_process.run_process(classifcommand, True)
            # Execute commandline
#             try:
#                 if (simulation):
#                     time.sleep(3)
#                 else:
#                     proc = subprocess.Popen(classifcommand.encode('mbcs'),
#                                             shell=True,
#                                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
#                                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
#                                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
#                                             universal_newlines=False)
#                     loglines = []
#                     with open(outputlog, "w") as logfile:
#                       for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ""):
#                           loglines.append(line)
#                           logfile.writelines(line)
#                           logfile.flush()
#                           os.fsync(logfile.fileno())
#                     proc.wait()
#                     if proc.returncode != 0:
#                         raise OSError
#             except OSError:
#                 errorDuringClassif = True
#                 mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
#                 mbox.setWindowTitle(u"Erreur")
#                 mbox.setText(u"Une erreur a été rencontrée lors de la classification")
#                 # has no effect...
#                 #mbox.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
#                 #mbox.setSizeGripEnabled(True)
#                 detailedtext = (u"Code de retour : %s%s"
#                                 "Commande : %s%s"
#                                 "Sortie standard :%s%s"
#                                 % ( proc.returncode, 2*os.linesep,
#                                     classifcommand, 2*os.linesep,
#                                     os.linesep, u''.join([u'%s%s' % (unicode(c, 'mbcs'), os.linesep) for c in loglines]) ) )
#                 mbox.setDetailedText(detailedtext)
#                 mbox.setIcon(QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical)
#                 mbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel)
#                 ret = mbox.exec_()
#                 saferemovefile(outputlog)
#                 saferemovefile(outputclassification)
#                 saferemovefile(outputresults)

            if (not simulation and not errorDuringClassif):
                QGisLayers.loadLabelImage(outputclassification, labeldescriptor)

                notificationDialog = ConfusionMatrixViewer(selectedvectorlayers, outputresults)



                pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(notificationDialog.size())
                pixmap.save(os.path.join(outputdir, 'resultats.png'))


#        except:
#            raise

            return # this discards exception