Ejemplo n.º 1
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs

        if self.hasRedirectedOutput(options):
            redirected_output = util.getOutputFromFiles(self, options)
            output += redirected_output

        # Expected errors and assertions might do a lot of things including crash so we
        # will handle them seperately
        if specs.isValid('expect_err'):
            if not util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_err']):
                reason = 'EXPECTED ERROR MISSING'
        elif specs.isValid('expect_assert'):
            if options.method in ['dbg', 'devel']:  # Only check asserts in debug and devel modes
                if not util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_assert']):
                    reason = 'EXPECTED ASSERT MISSING'

        # If we've set a reason right here, we should report the pattern that we were unable to match.
        if reason != '':
            output += "#"*80 + "\n\nUnable to match the following pattern against the program's output:\n\n" + specs['expect_err'] + "\n"

        if reason == '':
            reason = RunApp.testFileOutput(self, moose_dir, options, output)

        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(self.fail, reason)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs

        if self.hasRedirectedOutput(options):
            redirected_output = util.getOutputFromFiles(self, options)
            output += redirected_output

        # Expected errors and assertions might do a lot of things including crash so we
        # will handle them seperately
        if specs.isValid('expect_err'):
            if not util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_err']):
                reason = 'EXPECTED ERROR MISSING'
        elif specs.isValid('expect_assert'):
            if options.method in [
                    'dbg', 'devel'
            ]:  # Only check asserts in debug and devel modes
                if not util.checkOutputForPattern(output,
                    reason = 'EXPECTED ASSERT MISSING'

        # If we've set a reason right here, we should report the pattern that we were unable to match.
        if reason != '':
            output += "#" * 80 + "\n\nUnable to match the following pattern against the program's output:\n\n" + specs[
                'expect_err'] + "\n"

        if reason == '':
            RunApp.testFileOutput(self, moose_dir, options, output)

        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(self.fail, reason)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testFileOutput(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        """ Set a failure status for expressions found in output """
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs
        if specs.isValid('expect_out'):
            if specs['match_literal']:
                have_expected_out = util.checkOutputForLiteral(output, specs['expect_out'])
                have_expected_out = util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_out'])
            if (not have_expected_out):
                reason = 'EXPECTED OUTPUT MISSING'

        if reason == '' and specs.isValid('absent_out'):
            have_absent_out = util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['absent_out'])
            if (have_absent_out):
                reason = 'OUTPUT NOT ABSENT'

        if reason == '':
            # We won't pay attention to the ERROR strings if EXPECT_ERR is set (from the derived class)
            # since a message to standard error might actually be a real error.  This case should be handled
            # in the derived class.
            if options.valgrind_mode == '' and not specs.isValid('expect_err') and len( filter( lambda x: x in output, specs['errors'] ) ) > 0:
                reason = 'ERRMSG'
            elif self.exit_code == 0 and specs['should_crash'] == True:
                reason = 'NO CRASH'
            elif self.exit_code != 0 and specs['should_crash'] == False:
                reason = 'CRASH'
            # Valgrind runs
            elif self.exit_code == 0 and self.shouldExecute() and options.valgrind_mode != '' and 'ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors' not in output:
                reason = 'MEMORY ERROR'

        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(reason, self.bucket_fail)

        return reason
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs

        if self.hasRedirectedOutput(options):
            redirected_output = util.getOutputFromFiles(self, options)
            output += redirected_output

        # Expected errors and assertions might do a lot of things including crash so we
        # will handle them seperately
        if specs.isValid('expect_err'):
            if not util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_err']):
                reason = 'NO EXPECTED ERR'
        elif specs.isValid('expect_assert'):
            if options.method == 'dbg':  # Only check asserts in debug mode
                if not util.checkOutputForPattern(output,
                    reason = 'NO EXPECTED ASSERT'

        if reason == '':
            RunApp.testFileOutput(self, moose_dir, options, output)

        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(reason, self.bucket_fail)
            self.setStatus(self.success_message, self.bucket_success)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def testFileOutput(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        """ Set a failure status for expressions found in output """
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs
        if specs.isValid('expect_out'):
            if specs['match_literal']:
                have_expected_out = util.checkOutputForLiteral(output, specs['expect_out'])
                have_expected_out = util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_out'])
            if (not have_expected_out):
                reason = 'EXPECTED OUTPUT MISSING'

        if reason == '' and specs.isValid('absent_out'):
            have_absent_out = util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['absent_out'])
            if (have_absent_out):
                reason = 'OUTPUT NOT ABSENT'

        if reason == '':
            # We won't pay attention to the ERROR strings if EXPECT_ERR is set (from the derived class)
            # since a message to standard error might actually be a real error.  This case should be handled
            # in the derived class.
            if options.valgrind_mode == '' and not specs.isValid('expect_err') and len( filter( lambda x: x in output, specs['errors'] ) ) > 0:
                reason = 'ERRMSG'
            elif self.exit_code == 0 and specs['should_crash'] == True:
                reason = 'NO CRASH'
            elif self.exit_code != 0 and specs['should_crash'] == False:
                reason = 'CRASH'
            # Valgrind runs
            elif self.exit_code == 0 and self.shouldExecute() and options.valgrind_mode != '' and 'ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors' not in output:
                reason = 'MEMORY ERROR'

        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(reason, self.bucket_fail)

        return reason
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs

        if self.hasRedirectedOutput(options):
            redirected_output = util.getOutputFromFiles(self, options)
            output += redirected_output

        # Expected errors and assertions might do a lot of things including crash so we
        # will handle them seperately
        if specs.isValid('expect_err'):
            if not util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_err']):
                reason = 'NO EXPECTED ERR'
        elif specs.isValid('expect_assert'):
            if options.method == 'dbg':  # Only check asserts in debug mode
                if not util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_assert']):
                    reason = 'NO EXPECTED ASSERT'

        if reason == '':
            RunApp.testFileOutput(self, moose_dir, options, output)

        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(reason, self.bucket_fail)
            self.setStatus(self.success_message, self.bucket_success)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        output += FileTester.processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output)

        specs = self.specs

        if self.isFail() or specs['skip_checks']:
            return output
            reason = ''
            # if still no errors, check other files (just for existence)
            for file in self.specs['check_files']:
                if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.specs['test_dir'], file)):
                    reason = 'MISSING FILES'
            for file in self.specs['check_not_exists']:
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.specs['test_dir'], file)):
                    reason = 'UNEXPECTED FILES'

            # if still no errors, check that all the files contain the file_expect_out expression
            if reason == '':
                if self.specs.isValid('file_expect_out'):
                    for file in self.specs['check_files']:
                        fid = open(os.path.join(self.specs['test_dir'], file), 'r')
                        contents = fid.read()
                        if not util.checkOutputForPattern(contents, self.specs['file_expect_out']):
                            reason = 'NO EXPECTED OUT IN FILE'

        # populate status bucket
        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(self.fail, reason)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        FileTester.processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output)

        specs = self.specs

        if self.isFail() or specs['skip_checks']:
            return output
            reason = ''
            # if still no errors, check other files (just for existence)
            for file in self.specs['check_files']:
                if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.specs['test_dir'], file)):
                    reason = 'MISSING FILES'
            for file in self.specs['check_not_exists']:
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.specs['test_dir'], file)):
                    reason = 'UNEXPECTED FILES'

            # if still no errors, check that all the files contain the file_expect_out expression
            if reason == '':
                if self.specs.isValid('file_expect_out'):
                    for file in self.specs['check_files']:
                        fid = open(os.path.join(self.specs['test_dir'], file), 'r')
                        contents = fid.read()
                        if not util.checkOutputForPattern(contents, self.specs['file_expect_out']):
                            reason = 'NO EXPECTED OUT IN FILE'

        # populate status bucket
        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(self.fail, reason)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def testFileOutput(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        """ Set a failure status for expressions found in output """
        reason = ''
        errors = ''
        specs = self.specs

        params_and_msgs = {'expect_err':
                              {'error_missing': True,
                               'modes': ['ALL'],
                               'reason': "EXPECTED ERROR MISSING",
                               'message': "Unable to match the following {} against the program's output:"},
                              {'error_missing': True,
                               'modes': ['dbg', 'devel'],
                               'reason': "EXPECTED ASSERT MISSING",
                               'message': "Unable to match the following {} against the program's output:"},
                               {'error_missing': True,
                                'modes': ['ALL'],
                                'reason': "EXPECTED OUTPUT MISSING",
                                'message': "Unable to match the following {} against the program's output:"},
                               {'error_missing': False,
                                'modes': ['ALL'],
                                'reason': "OUTPUT NOT ABSENT",
                                'message': "Matched the following {}, which we did NOT expect:"}

        for param,attr in params_and_msgs.items():
            if specs.isValid(param) and (options.method in attr['modes'] or attr['modes'] == ['ALL']):
                match_type = ""
                if specs['match_literal']:
                    have_expected_out = util.checkOutputForLiteral(output, specs[param])
                    match_type = 'literal'
                    have_expected_out = util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs[param])
                    match_type = 'pattern'

                # Exclusive OR test
                if attr['error_missing'] ^ have_expected_out:
                    reason = attr['reason']
                    errors += "#"*80 + "\n\n" + attr['message'].format(match_type) + "\n\n" + specs[param] + "\n"

        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(self.fail, reason)

        return errors
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs
        if specs.isValid('expect_out'):
            out_ok = util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_out'])
            if (out_ok and self.exit_code != 0):
                reason = 'OUT FOUND BUT CRASH'
            elif (not out_ok):
                reason = 'NO EXPECTED OUT'
        if reason == '':
            if self.exit_code != 0:
                reason = 'CRASH'

        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(self.fail, reason)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs
        if specs.isValid('expect_out'):
            out_ok = util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_out'])
            if (out_ok and self.exit_code != 0):
                reason = 'OUT FOUND BUT CRASH'
            elif (not out_ok):
                reason = 'NO EXPECTED OUT'
        if reason == '':
            if self.exit_code != 0 :
                reason = 'CRASH'

        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(self.fail, reason)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs
        if specs.isValid('expect_out'):
            out_ok = util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_out'])
            if (out_ok and self.exit_code != 0):
                reason = 'OUT FOUND BUT CRASH'
            elif (not out_ok):
                reason = 'NO EXPECTED OUT'
        if reason == '':
            if self.exit_code != 0 :
                reason = 'CRASH'

        # populate status bucket
        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(reason, self.bucket_fail)
            self.setStatus(self.success_message, self.bucket_success)

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def processResults(self, moose_dir, options, output):
        reason = ''
        specs = self.specs
        if specs.isValid('expect_out'):
            out_ok = util.checkOutputForPattern(output, specs['expect_out'])
            if (out_ok and self.exit_code != 0):
                reason = 'OUT FOUND BUT CRASH'
            elif (not out_ok):
                reason = 'NO EXPECTED OUT'
        if reason == '':
            if self.exit_code != 0:
                reason = 'CRASH'

        # populate status bucket
        if reason != '':
            self.setStatus(reason, self.bucket_fail)
            self.setStatus(self.success_message, self.bucket_success)

        return output