Ejemplo n.º 1
 async def owo(self, ctx, *, msg: commands.clean_content = None):
     """Converts normal text to OwO
     Usage: !owo 'text'
     If no text is provided, it uses the previous message's contents"""
     if not msg:
         msg = ctx.bot._connection._messages[
             len(ctx.bot._connection._messages) - 2].content
     owo_msg = owo.text_to_owo(msg)
     await ctx.send(owo_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pretty_translate(text_to_translate: str, language_to: str, language_from: str = None):
    if language_to.lower() == "owo" or language_to.lower() == "uwu":
        return text_to_owo(text_to_translate)
    elif language_to.lower() == "clap":
        return text_to_clap(text_to_translate)
    elif language_to.lower() == "yell" or language_to.lower() == "yelling":
        return text_to_translate.upper()
    elif language_to.lower() == "pasta" or language_to.lower() == "emojipasta":
        return text_to_pasta(text_to_translate)
        return "Translation function deactivated for now"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 async def owo(self, ctx):
 Escribe lo que quieras al usar este comando para que lo owofique.
     comand = ["nya>owo", ">>owo", "nya", "owo", "@SatanyaBot"]
     owo = ctx.message.content
     new_owo = owo.split()
     final_owo = [word for word in new_owo if word not in comand]
     final_owo = " ".join(final_owo)
     send_final_owo = (text_to_owo(final_owo))
     await ctx.send(send_final_owo)
     await ctx.message.delete(
     )  #El bot elimina el mensaje del comando enviado por el usuario
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_str(ctx, cmd, bot=None, can_owo=True):
    """Funct to get answers from i18n folder."""
    lang = 'english'
    weeb = False

    if isinstance(ctx, commands.context.Context) and ctx.guild:
        gid = ctx.guild.id
        bot = ctx.bot
        lang = bot.languages_map.get(gid, 'english')
        weeb = bot.owo_map.get(gid, False)
        texthelp = ""
    elif isinstance(ctx, discord.Guild):
        gid = ctx.id
        if bot:
            lang = bot.languages_map.get(gid, 'english')
            weeb = bot.owo_map.get(gid, False)
        bot = ctx.bot

    if bot.loaded_languages:
        lang = [l for l in bot.loaded_languages if l.lower() == lang]
        if lang:
            lang = lang[0]
            lang = 'english'
        current_lang = bot.loaded_languages[lang]
        current_lang = no_lang_loaded
        text = current_lang[cmd]
    except KeyError:
            text = no_lang_loaded[cmd]
        except KeyError:
            # I didn't translated the help for weeb commands.
            if 'Weeb' not in bot.cogs or (cmd.split("-")[1] not in [
                    g.name for g in bot.cogs['Weeb'].get_commands()
                log.error(f"TranslationError {lang} : {cmd} is not existing.")
            if '-help' in cmd and 'cmd-' in cmd:
                realcmd = cmd.replace('cmd-', '').replace('-help', '')
                texthelp = bot.get_command(realcmd).help.split("\n")[-1]
            text = texthelp or "This translation isn't working, please report this command and what you done to my dev with `=bug`."

    if weeb and can_owo:
        text = owo.text_to_owo(text)
        if 'help' in cmd or 'bot' in cmd or 'success' in cmd or 'failed' in cmd or 'dm' in cmd or 'warning' in cmd or '```' in text:
            #  I've to admit that it's ugly but it's a lazy way to check if Watora sends a code block
            # basically if it's in a code block remove back slashes cus they are displayed
            text = text.replace('\\', '')
    return text
Ejemplo n.º 5
def owo_ise(text):
    groups = []
    i = -1

    def _inner(g):
        nonlocal i
        i += 1
        return f"{{{i}}}"

    subbed = i18n.translator.TranslationFormatter.pattern.sub(_inner, text)
    owoed = text_to_owo(subbed)

    return sub_func.sub(lambda g: groups[int(g.group(1))], owoed)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 async def owo(self, ctx):
     await ctx.send(text_to_owo(ctx.message.content))
Ejemplo n.º 7
# Why so sewiouws
# ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Caves of Qud/CoQ.app/Contents/Resources/Data/StreamingAssets/Base/

# importing the module.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from lxml.etree import XMLParser
from TextToOwO.owo import text_to_owo

# parser = XMLParser(encoding='utf-8', recover=True)

# parsing directly.
convos = ET.parse('./Conversations_Base.xml')

# UWUs all Text
for text in convos.iter('text'):
    text.text = text_to_owo(text.text)

# UWUS all choices
for text in convos.iter('choice'):
    if (text.text != None):
        text.text = text_to_owo(text.text)


quests = ET.parse('./Quests_Base.xml')

for text in quests.iter('text'):
    if (text.text != None):
        text.text = text_to_owo(text.text)
def echo(update, context):
    """Echo the user message."""
    message = owo.text_to_owo(update.message.text)
def help(update, context):
    """Send a message when the command /help is issued."""
def start(update, context):
    """Send a message when the command /start is issued."""