Ejemplo n.º 1
theTileTBDump.dumpUnknown = False

from TileRecUtils.TileDQstatusAlgDefault import TileDQstatusAlgDefault
TileDQstatusAlgDefault (TileBeamElemContainer = 'TileBeamElemCnt',
                        TileDigitsContainer = 'TileDigitsCnt',
                        TileRawChannelContainer = 'TileRawChannelCnt')

from TileTBRec.TileTBRecConf import TileTBStat
theTileTBStat = TileTBStat()
topSequence += theTileTBStat
theTileTBStat.TileDigitsContainer = "TileDigitsCnt"
theTileTBStat.TileBeamElemContainer = "TileBeamElemCnt"

if OutputLevel < 2:
    from TileByteStream.TileByteStreamConf import TileROD_Decoder
    ToolSvc += TileROD_Decoder()
    ToolSvc.TileROD_Decoder.VerboseOutput = True
    #svcMgr.ByteStreamInputSvc.DumpFlag = True
    svcMgr.ByteStreamInputSvc.DumpFlag = False

svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = OutputLevel
svcMgr.EventSelector.MaxBadEvents = 10000
svcMgr.EventSelector.ProcessBadEvent = True
svcMgr.EventSelector.SkipEvents = EvtMin
theApp.EvtMax = EvtMax

if not 'db' in dir():
    from DBReplicaSvc.DBReplicaSvcConf import DBReplicaSvc
    svcMgr += DBReplicaSvc(UseCOOLSQLite=False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
if memFreeze:
    #---turn off extra PefMon stuff to limit memory growth from monitoring
    if rec.doPerfMon:
        jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doFastMon = True
        jobproperties.PerfMonFlags.doDetailedMonitoring = False
    #---turn off noise in trigger towers -----
    triggerTowerMaker.ADCNoise = 0

# formatting of log output
MessageSvc.debugLimit = 10000
MessageSvc.infoLimit = 1000000
MessageSvc.Format = "% F%48W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"

#get rid of messages and increase speed
Service("StoreGateSvc").ActivateHistory = False

# disable printing of histograms in finalize
if hasattr(svcMgr, 'THistSvc'):
    svcMgr.THistSvc.OutputLevel = WARNING

#from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
print AlgSequence
print ServiceMgr

# Tempory - 24/05/17 # this can be later removed
if not hasattr(svcMgr.ToolSvc, "TileROD_Decoder"):
    from TileByteStream.TileByteStreamConf import TileROD_Decoder
    svcMgr.ToolSvc += TileROD_Decoder()
svcMgr.ToolSvc.TileROD_Decoder.fullTileMode = 0