Ejemplo n.º 1
    def createCryptoBar(self, info):
        res = ""
        available_caids = info.getInfoObject(iServiceInformation.sCAIDs)
        colors = parameters.get("PliExtraInfoColors", (
            0x0000FF00, 0x00FFFF00, 0x007F7F7F,
            0x00FFFFFF))  # "found", "not found", "available", "default" colors

        for caid_entry in caid_data:
            if int(caid_entry[0], 16) <= int(self.current_caid, 16) <= int(
                    caid_entry[1], 16):
                color = Hex2strColor(colors[0])  # green
                color = Hex2strColor(colors[2])  # grey
                    for caid in available_caids:
                        if int(caid_entry[0], 16) <= caid <= int(
                                caid_entry[1], 16):
                            color = Hex2strColor(colors[1])  # yellow

            if color != Hex2strColor(colors[2]) or caid_entry[4]:
                if res: res += " "
                res += color + caid_entry[3]

        res += Hex2strColor(
        )  # white (this acts like a color "reset" for following strings
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def applySkin(self, desktop, parent):
     attribs = []
     for (attrib, value) in self.skinAttributes:
         if attrib == "NumberOfItems":
             self.numberOfItems = int(value)
             attribs.append((attrib, value))
         if attrib == "noLabel":
             self.hideLabel = int(value)
             attribs.append((attrib, value))
         if attrib == "numOfSpaces":
             self.numOfSpaces = int(value)
             attribs.append((attrib, value))
         if attrib == "timeColor":
             self.timecolor = Hex2strColor(parseColor(value).argb())
             attribs.append((attrib, value))
         if attrib == "labelColor":
             self.labelcolor = Hex2strColor(parseColor(value).argb())
             attribs.append((attrib, value))
         if attrib == "foregroundColor":
             self.foregroundColor = Hex2strColor(parseColor(value).argb())
             attribs.append((attrib, value))
     for (attrib, value) in attribs:
         self.skinAttributes.remove((attrib, value))
     if self.timecolor == "":  # fallback to foregroundColor
         self.timecolor = self.foregroundColor
     if self.labelcolor == "":  # fallback to foregroundColor
         self.labelcolor = self.foregroundColor
     return Renderer.applySkin(self, desktop, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def getText(self):
		assert self.type not in (self.LOCK, self.SLOT_NUMBER), "the text output of FrontendInfo cannot be used for lock info"
		percent = None
		swapsnr = config.usage.swap_snr_on_osd.value
		colors = parameters.get("FrontendInfoColors", (0x0000FF00, 0x00FFFF00, 0x007F7F7F)) # tuner active, busy, available colors
		if self.type == self.BER: # as count
			count = self.source.ber
			if count is not None:
				return str(count)
				return _("N/A")
		elif self.type == self.AGC:
			percent = self.source.agc
		elif (self.type == self.SNR and not swapsnr) or (self.type == self.SNRdB and swapsnr):
			percent = self.source.snr
		elif self.type == self.SNR or self.type == self.SNRdB:
			if self.source.snr_db is not None:
				return _("%3.01f dB") % (self.source.snr_db / 100.0)
			elif self.source.snr is not None: #fallback to normal SNR...
				percent = self.source.snr
		elif self.type == self.TUNER_TYPE:
			return self.source.frontend_type or _("Unknown")
		elif self.type == self.STRING:
			string = ""
			for n in nimmanager.nim_slots:
				if n.enabled:
					if n.slot == self.source.slot_number:
						color = Hex2strColor(colors[0])
					elif self.source.tuner_mask & 1 << n.slot:
						color = Hex2strColor(colors[1])
					elif len(nimmanager.nim_slots) <= self.space_for_tuners or n.isFBCRoot() or self.show_all_non_link_tuners and not(n.isFBCLink() or n.internally_connectable):
						color = Hex2strColor(colors[2])
					if string and len(nimmanager.nim_slots) <= self.space_for_tuners_with_spaces:
						string += " "
					string += color + chr(ord("A")+n.slot)
			return string
		if self.type == self.USE_TUNERS_STRING:
			string = ""
			for n in nimmanager.nim_slots:
				if n.enabled:
					if n.slot == self.source.slot_number:
						color = Hex2strColor(colors[0])
					elif self.source.tuner_mask & 1 << n.slot:
						color = Hex2strColor(colors[1])
					if string:
						string += " "
					string += color + chr(ord("A") + n.slot)
			return string
		if percent is None:
			return _("N/A")
		return "%d %%" % (percent * 100 / 65535)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def createCryptoPowerVU(self, info):
     available_caids = info.getInfoObject(iServiceInformation.sCAIDs)
     if int('0xe00', 16) <= int(self.current_caid, 16) <= int('0xeff', 16):
         color = Hex2strColor(self.cryptocolors[0])
         color = Hex2strColor(self.cryptocolors[1])
             for caid in available_caids:
                 if int('0xe00', 16) <= caid <= int('0xeff', 16):
                     color = Hex2strColor(self.cryptocolors[2])
     res = color + 'P'
     res += Hex2strColor(self.cryptocolors[3])
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def updateHddState(self, force=False):
     prev_state = self.isActive
     string = ""
     state = False
     if self.hdd_list:
         for hdd in self.hdd_list:
             if string and not self.notDiskLetterName:
                 string += " "
             if (hdd[1].max_idle_time or force) and not hdd[1].isSleeping():
                 state = True
             if not self.notDiskLetterName:
                 string += Hex2strColor(state and self.colors[1]
                                        or self.colors[0])
                 name = "I"
                 if not hdd[1].internal:
                     name = "E"
                 elif not hdd[1].rotational:
                     name = "S"
                 string += name
         if not state:
             if self.allVisible:
                 if self.notDiskLetterName:
                     string = Hex2strColor(self.colors[0])
                     string += _("standby ")
             self.isActive = False
             idle = self.standby_time
             if self.notDiskLetterName:
                 string = Hex2strColor(self.colors[1])
                 string += _("active ")
             self.isActive = True
             idle = self.idle_time
         if self.idle_time:
             timeout = len(self.hdd_list) > 1 and self.standby_time or idle
             self.timer.start(timeout * 100, True)
         self.isActive = False
     if string:
         string = _("Disk state: ") + string
     self.state_text = string
     if prev_state != self.isActive or force:
         if SystemInfo["LCDsymbol_hdd"]:
                  "w").write(self.isActive and "1" or "0")
         self.changed((self.CHANGED_ALL, ))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def changed(self, what):
     if what == True or what[0] == self.CHANGED_SPECIFIC and what[
             1] == iPlayableService.evStart:
         string = ""
         NUM_CI = SystemInfo["CommonInterface"]
         if NUM_CI and NUM_CI > 0:
             if self.eDVBCIUIInstance:
                 for slot in range(NUM_CI):
                     state = self.eDVBCIUIInstance.getState(slot)
                     if state == 1 and self.no_visible_state1:
                     add_num = True
                     if string:
                         string += " "
                     if state != -1:
                         if state == 0:
                             if not self.allVisible:
                                 string += ""
                                 add_num = False
                                 string += Hex2strColor(
                                     self.colors[0])  # no module
                         elif state == 1:
                             string += Hex2strColor(
                                 self.colors[1])  # init module
                         elif state == 2:
                             string += Hex2strColor(
                                 self.colors[2])  # module ready
                         if not self.allVisible:
                             string += ""
                             add_num = False
                             string += Hex2strColor(self.colors[3])  # error
                     if add_num:
                         string += "%d" % (slot + 1)
                 if string:
                     string = _("CI slot: ") + string
         self.text = string
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def ShowECMInformation(self):
     from Components.Converter.PliExtraInfo import caid_data
     self.setTitle(_("Service Info: ECM Info"))
     tlist = []
     provid = ""
     for caid in sorted(set(
                        key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])):
         CaIdDescription = _("Undefined")
         extra_info = ""
         for caid_entry in caid_data:
             if int(caid_entry[0], 16) <= caid[0] <= int(caid_entry[1], 16):
                 CaIdDescription = caid_entry[2]
         if caid[2]:
             if CaIdDescription == "Seca":
                 provid = caid[2][:4]
             if CaIdDescription == "Nagra":
                 provid = caid[2][-4:]
             if CaIdDescription == "Via":
                 provid = caid[2][-6:]
             if provid:
                 extra_info = "provid=%s" % provid
                 extra_info = "extra data=%s" % caid[2]
         from Tools.GetEcmInfo import GetEcmInfo
         ecmdata = GetEcmInfo().getEcmData()
         color = Hex2strColor(
                 "ServiceInfoEcmColor", 0x00ffbf00)) if caid[1] == int(
                     ecmdata[3], 16) and caid[0] == int(ecmdata[1],
                                                        16) else ""
             ServiceInfoListEntry("%sECMPid %04X (%d) %04X-%s %s" %
                                  (color, caid[1], caid[1], caid[0],
                                   CaIdDescription, extra_info)))
     if not tlist:
         tlist.append(ServiceInfoListEntry(_("No ECMPids available")))
         tlist.append(ServiceInfoListEntry(_("(FTA Service)")))
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def getText(self):
		value = config.misc.showrotorposition.value
		if SystemInfo["isRotorTuner"] and value != "no":
			if value.isdigit():
				nim_text = nimmanager.rotorLastPositionForNim(int(value), number=False)
				if nim_text == _("undefined"):
					def frontendRotorPosition(slot):
						for x in nimmanager.nim_slots:
							if x.slot == slot:
								rotorposition = x.config.lastsatrotorposition.value
								if rotorposition.isdigit():
									return orbpos(int(rotorposition))
						return ""
					saved_text = frontendRotorPosition(int(value))
					if saved_text:
						nim_text = saved_text
				return "%s:%s" % (Hex2strColor(self.colors[0]) + chr(ord("A") + int(value)), Hex2strColor(self.colors[1]) + nim_text)
			elif value == "all":
				all_text = ""
				for x in nimmanager.nim_slots:
					print("[RotorPosition] slot is %s" % x.slot)
					nim_text = nimmanager.rotorLastPositionForNim(x.slot, number=False)
					if nim_text != _("rotor is not used"):
						if nim_text == _("undefined"):
							rotorposition = x.config.lastsatrotorposition.value
							if rotorposition.isdigit():
								nim_text = orbpos(int(rotorposition))
						all_text += "%s:%s " % (Hex2strColor(self.colors[0]) + chr(ord("A") + x.slot), Hex2strColor(self.colors[1]) + nim_text)
				return all_text
			self.LastRotorPos = config.misc.lastrotorposition.value
			(rotor, tuner) = self.isMotorizedTuner()
			if rotor:
				if value == "withtext":
					return _("Rotor: ") + orbpos(config.misc.lastrotorposition.value)
				if value == "tunername":
					active_tuner = self.getActiveTuner()
					if tuner != active_tuner:
						return "%s:%s" % (Hex2strColor(self.colors[0]) + chr(ord("A") + tuner), Hex2strColor(self.colors[1]) + orbpos(config.misc.lastrotorposition.value))
					return ""
				return orbpos(config.misc.lastrotorposition.value)
		return ""