Ejemplo n.º 1
    def maximizeLikelihood(self,

        Maximize likelihood. This function can be used to fit any model of the form lambda=exp(Xbeta).
        This function is used to fit both:
        - static threshold
        - dynamic threshold
        The difference between the two functions is in the size of beta0 and the returned beta, as well
        as the function buildXmatrix.

        # Precompute all the matrices used in the gradient ascent (see Eq. 20 in Pozzorini et al. 2015)

        # here X refer to the matrix made of y vectors defined in Eq. 21 (Pozzorini et al. 2015)
        # since the fit can be perfomed on multiple traces, we need lists
        all_X = []

        # similar to X but only contains temporal samples where experimental spikes have been observed
        # storing this matrix is useful to improve speed when computing the likelihood as well as its derivative
        all_X_spikes = []

        # sum X_spikes over spikes. Precomputing this quantity improve speed when the gradient is evaluated
        all_sum_X_spikes = []

        # variables used to compute the loglikelihood of a Poisson process spiking at the experimental firing rate
        T_tot = 0.0
        N_spikes_tot = 0.0

        traces_nb = 0

        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:

            if tr.useTrace:

                traces_nb += 1

                # Simulate subthreshold dynamics
                (time, V_est,
                 eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(
                     tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())

                # Precomputes matrices to compute gradient ascent on log-likelihood
                # depeinding on the model being fitted (static vs dynamic threshodl) different buildXmatrix functions can be used
                (X_tmp, X_spikes_tmp, sum_X_spikes_tmp, N_spikes,
                 T) = buildXmatrix(tr, V_est)

                T_tot += T
                N_spikes_tot += N_spikes


        # Compute log-likelihood of a poisson process (this quantity is used to normalize the model log-likelihood)

        logL_poisson = N_spikes_tot * (np.log(N_spikes_tot / T_tot) - 1)

        # Perform gradient ascent

        print "Maximize log-likelihood (bit/spks)..."

        beta = beta0
        old_L = 1

        for i in range(maxIter):

            learning_rate = 1.0

            # In the first iterations using a small learning rate makes things somehow more stable
            if i <= 10:
                learning_rate = 0.1

            L = 0
            G = 0
            H = 0

            for trace_i in np.arange(traces_nb):

                # compute log-likelihood, gradient and hessian on a specific trace (note that the fit is performed on multiple traces)
                (L_tmp, G_tmp, H_tmp) = self.computeLikelihoodGradientHessian(
                    beta, all_X[trace_i], all_X_spikes[trace_i],

                # note that since differentiation is linear: gradient of sum = sum of gradient ; hessian of sum = sum of hessian
                L += L_tmp
                G += G_tmp
                H += H_tmp

            # Update optimal parametes (ie, implement Newton step) by tacking into account multiple traces

            beta = beta - learning_rate * np.dot(inv(H), G)

            if (i > 0 and abs((L - old_L) / old_L) < stopCond):  # If converged
                print "\nConverged after %d iterations!\n" % (i + 1)

            old_L = L

            # Compute normalized likelihood (for print)
            # The likelihood is normalized with respect to a poisson process and units are in bit/spks
            L_norm = (L - logL_poisson) / np.log(2) / N_spikes_tot

            if math.isnan(L_norm):
                print "Problem during gradient ascent. Optimizatino stopped."

        if (i == maxIter - 1):  # If too many iterations

            print "\nNot converged after %d iterations.\n" % (maxIter)

        return beta
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def maximizeLikelihood(self, experiment, beta0, buildXmatrix, maxIter=10 ** 3, stopCond=10 ** -6):

        Maximize likelihood. This function can be used to fit any model of the form lambda=exp(Xbeta).
        Here this function is used to fit both:
        - static threshold
        - dynamic threshold
        The difference between the two functions is in the size of beta0 and the returned beta, as well
        as the function buildXmatrix.

        # Precompute all the matrices used in the gradient ascent

        all_X = []
        all_X_spikes = []
        all_sum_X_spikes = []

        T_tot = 0.0
        N_spikes_tot = 0.0

        traces_nb = 0

        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:

            if tr.useTrace:

                traces_nb += 1

                # Simulate subthreshold dynamics
                (time, V_est, eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())

                # Precomputes matrices to perform gradient ascent on log-likelihood
                (X_tmp, X_spikes_tmp, sum_X_spikes_tmp, N_spikes, T) = buildXmatrix(tr, V_est)

                T_tot += T
                N_spikes_tot += N_spikes


        logL_poisson = N_spikes_tot * (np.log(N_spikes_tot / T_tot) - 1)

        # Perform gradient ascent

        print "Maximize log-likelihood (bit/spks)..."

        beta = beta0
        old_L = 1

        for i in range(maxIter):

            learning_rate = 1.0

            if (
                i <= 10
            ):  # be careful in the first iterations (using a small learning rate in the first step makes the fit more stable)
                learning_rate = 0.1

            L = 0
            G = 0
            H = 0

            for trace_i in np.arange(traces_nb):
                (L_tmp, G_tmp, H_tmp) = self.computeLikelihoodGradientHessian(
                    beta, all_X[trace_i], all_X_spikes[trace_i], all_sum_X_spikes[trace_i]
                L += L_tmp
                G += G_tmp
                H += H_tmp

            beta = beta - learning_rate * np.dot(inv(H), G)

            if i > 0 and abs((L - old_L) / old_L) < stopCond:  # If converged
                print "\nConverged after %d iterations!\n" % (i + 1)

            old_L = L

            # Compute normalized likelihood (for print)
            # The likelihood is normalized with respect to a poisson process and units are in bit/spks
            L_norm = (L - logL_poisson) / np.log(2) / N_spikes_tot

        if i == maxIter - 1:  # If too many iterations
            print "\nNot converged after %d iterations.\n" % (maxIter)

        return beta
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def fitSubthresholdDynamics(self, experiment, DT_beforeSpike=5.0):
        Implement Step 2 of the fitting procedure introduced in Pozzorini et al. PLOS Comb. Biol. 2015
        The voltage reset is estimated by computing the spike-triggered average of the voltage.
        experiment: Experiment object on which the model is fitted.
        DT_beforeSpike: in ms, data right before spikes are excluded from the fit. This parameter can be used to define that time interval.

        print "\nGIF MODEL - Fit subthreshold dynamics..."

        # Expand eta in basis functions
        self.dt = experiment.dt

        # Build X matrix and Y vector to perform linear regression (use all traces in training set)
        # For each training set an X matrix and a Y vector is built.
        X = []
        Y = []

        cnt = 0

        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:

            if tr.useTrace:

                cnt += 1
                reprint("Compute X matrix for repetition %d" % (cnt))

                # Compute the the X matrix and Y=\dot_V_data vector used to perform the multilinear linear regression (see Eq. 17.18 in Pozzorini et al. PLOS Comp. Biol. 2015)
                 Y_tmp) = self.fitSubthresholdDynamics_Build_Xmatrix_Yvector(
                     tr, DT_beforeSpike=DT_beforeSpike)


        # Concatenate matrixes associated with different traces to perform a single multilinear regression
        if cnt == 1:
            X = X[0]
            Y = Y[0]

        elif cnt > 1:
            X = np.concatenate(X, axis=0)
            Y = np.concatenate(Y, axis=0)

            print "\nError, at least one training set trace should be selected to perform fit."

        # Perform linear Regression defined in Eq. 17 of Pozzorini et al. PLOS Comp. Biol. 2015

        print "\nPerform linear regression..."
        XTX = np.dot(np.transpose(X), X)
        XTX_inv = inv(XTX)
        XTY = np.dot(np.transpose(X), Y)
        b = np.dot(XTX_inv, XTY)
        b = b.flatten()

        # Extract explicit model parameters from regression result b

        self.C = 1. / b[1]
        self.gl = -b[0] * self.C
        self.El = b[2] * self.C / self.gl
        self.eta.setFilter_Coefficients(-b[3:] * self.C)


        # Compute percentage of variance explained on dV/dt

        var_explained_dV = 1.0 - np.mean((Y - np.dot(X, b))**2) / np.var(Y)
        print "Percentage of variance explained (on dV/dt): %0.2f" % (
            var_explained_dV * 100.0)

        # Compute percentage of variance explained on V (see Eq. 26 in Pozzorini et al. PLOS Comp. Biol. 2105)

        SSE = 0  # sum of squared errors
        VAR = 0  # variance of data

        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:

            if tr.useTrace:

                # Simulate subthreshold dynamics
                (time, V_est,
                 eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(
                     tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())

                indices_tmp = tr.getROI_FarFromSpikes(0.0, self.Tref)

                SSE += sum((V_est[indices_tmp] - tr.V[indices_tmp])**2)
                VAR += len(indices_tmp) * np.var(tr.V[indices_tmp])

        var_explained_V = 1.0 - SSE / VAR

        print "Percentage of variance explained (on V): %0.2f" % (
            var_explained_V * 100.0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def maximizeLikelihood(self, experiment, beta0, buildXmatrix, maxIter=10**3, stopCond=10**-6) :
        Maximize likelihood. This function can be used to fit any model of the form lambda=exp(Xbeta).
        This function is used to fit both:
        - static threshold
        - dynamic threshold
        The difference between the two functions is in the size of beta0 and the returned beta, as well
        as the function buildXmatrix.
        # Precompute all the matrices used in the gradient ascent (see Eq. 20 in Pozzorini et al. 2015)
        # here X refer to the matrix made of y vectors defined in Eq. 21 (Pozzorini et al. 2015)
        # since the fit can be perfomed on multiple traces, we need lists
        all_X        = []           
        # similar to X but only contains temporal samples where experimental spikes have been observed 
        # storing this matrix is useful to improve speed when computing the likelihood as well as its derivative
        all_X_spikes = []
        # sum X_spikes over spikes. Precomputing this quantity improve speed when the gradient is evaluated
        all_sum_X_spikes = []
        # variables used to compute the loglikelihood of a Poisson process spiking at the experimental firing rate
        T_tot = 0.0
        N_spikes_tot = 0.0
        traces_nb = 0
        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:
            if tr.useTrace :              
                traces_nb += 1
                # Simulate subthreshold dynamics 
                (time, V_est, eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())
                # Precomputes matrices to compute gradient ascent on log-likelihood
                # depeinding on the model being fitted (static vs dynamic threshodl) different buildXmatrix functions can be used
                (X_tmp, X_spikes_tmp, sum_X_spikes_tmp, N_spikes, T) = buildXmatrix(tr, V_est) 
                T_tot        += T
                N_spikes_tot += N_spikes
        # Compute log-likelihood of a poisson process (this quantity is used to normalize the model log-likelihood)
        logL_poisson = N_spikes_tot*(np.log(N_spikes_tot/T_tot)-1)

        # Perform gradient ascent
        print "Maximize log-likelihood (bit/spks)..."
        beta = beta0
        old_L = 1

        for i in range(maxIter) :
            learning_rate = 1.0
            # In the first iterations using a small learning rate makes things somehow more stable
            if i<=10 :                      
                learning_rate = 0.1
            L=0; G=0; H=0;  
            for trace_i in np.arange(traces_nb):
                # compute log-likelihood, gradient and hessian on a specific trace (note that the fit is performed on multiple traces)
                (L_tmp,G_tmp,H_tmp) = self.computeLikelihoodGradientHessian(beta, all_X[trace_i], all_X_spikes[trace_i], all_sum_X_spikes[trace_i])
                # note that since differentiation is linear: gradient of sum = sum of gradient ; hessian of sum = sum of hessian
            # Update optimal parametes (ie, implement Newton step) by tacking into account multiple traces
            beta = beta - learning_rate*np.dot(inv(H),G)
            if (i>0 and abs((L-old_L)/old_L) < stopCond) :              # If converged
                print "\nConverged after %d iterations!\n" % (i+1)
            old_L = L
            # Compute normalized likelihood (for print)
            # The likelihood is normalized with respect to a poisson process and units are in bit/spks
            L_norm = (L-logL_poisson)/np.log(2)/N_spikes_tot
            if math.isnan(L_norm):
                print "Problem during gradient ascent. Optimizatino stopped."
        if (i==maxIter - 1) :                                           # If too many iterations
            print "\nNot converged after %d iterations.\n" % (maxIter)

        return beta
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def fitSubthresholdDynamics(self, experiment, DT_beforeSpike=5.0):

        print "\nGIF MODEL - Fit subthreshold dynamics..."

        # Expand eta in basis functions
        self.dt = experiment.dt

        # Build X matrix and Y vector to perform linear regression (use all traces in training set)
        X = []
        Y = []

        cnt = 0

        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:

            if tr.useTrace:

                cnt += 1
                reprint("Compute X matrix for repetition %d" % (cnt))

                (X_tmp, Y_tmp) = self.fitSubthresholdDynamics_Build_Xmatrix_Yvector(tr, DT_beforeSpike=DT_beforeSpike)


        # Concatenate matrixes associated with different traces to perform a single multilinear regression
        if cnt == 1:
            X = X[0]
            Y = Y[0]

        elif cnt > 1:
            X = np.concatenate(X, axis=0)
            Y = np.concatenate(Y, axis=0)

            print "\nError, at least one training set trace should be selected to perform fit."

        # Linear Regression
        print "\nPerform linear regression..."
        XTX = np.dot(np.transpose(X), X)
        XTX_inv = inv(XTX)
        XTY = np.dot(np.transpose(X), Y)
        b = np.dot(XTX_inv, XTY)
        b = b.flatten()

        # Update and print model parameters
        self.C = 1.0 / b[1]
        self.gl = -b[0] * self.C
        self.El = b[2] * self.C / self.gl
        self.eta.setFilter_Coefficients(-b[3:] * self.C)


        # Compute percentage of variance explained on dV/dt

        var_explained_dV = 1.0 - np.mean((Y - np.dot(X, b)) ** 2) / np.var(Y)
        print "Percentage of variance explained (on dV/dt): %0.2f" % (var_explained_dV * 100.0)

        # Compute percentage of variance explained on V

        SSE = 0  # sum of squared errors
        VAR = 0  # variance of data

        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:

            if tr.useTrace:

                # Simulate subthreshold dynamics
                (time, V_est, eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())

                indices_tmp = tr.getROI_FarFromSpikes(0.0, self.Tref)

                SSE += sum((V_est[indices_tmp] - tr.V[indices_tmp]) ** 2)
                VAR += len(indices_tmp) * np.var(tr.V[indices_tmp])

        var_explained_V = 1.0 - SSE / VAR

        print "Percentage of variance explained (on V): %0.2f" % (var_explained_V * 100.0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def fitSubthresholdDynamics(self, experiment, DT_beforeSpike=5.0):
        Implement Step 2 of the fitting procedure introduced in Pozzorini et al. PLOS Comb. Biol. 2015
        The voltage reset is estimated by computing the spike-triggered average of the voltage.
        experiment: Experiment object on which the model is fitted.
        DT_beforeSpike: in ms, data right before spikes are excluded from the fit. This parameter can be used to define that time interval.
        print "\nGIF MODEL - Fit subthreshold dynamics..." 
        # Expand eta in basis functions
        self.dt = experiment.dt
        # Build X matrix and Y vector to perform linear regression (use all traces in training set)    
        # For each training set an X matrix and a Y vector is built.   
        X = []
        Y = []
        cnt = 0
        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces :
            if tr.useTrace :
                cnt += 1
                reprint( "Compute X matrix for repetition %d" % (cnt) )          
                # Compute the the X matrix and Y=\dot_V_data vector used to perform the multilinear linear regression (see Eq. 17.18 in Pozzorini et al. PLOS Comp. Biol. 2015)
                (X_tmp, Y_tmp) = self.fitSubthresholdDynamics_Build_Xmatrix_Yvector(tr, DT_beforeSpike=DT_beforeSpike)
        # Concatenate matrixes associated with different traces to perform a single multilinear regression
        if cnt == 1:
            X = X[0]
            Y = Y[0]
        elif cnt > 1:
            X = np.concatenate(X, axis=0)
            Y = np.concatenate(Y, axis=0)
        else :
            print "\nError, at least one training set trace should be selected to perform fit."
        # Perform linear Regression defined in Eq. 17 of Pozzorini et al. PLOS Comp. Biol. 2015
        print "\nPerform linear regression..."
        XTX     = np.dot(np.transpose(X), X)
        XTX_inv = inv(XTX)
        XTY     = np.dot(np.transpose(X), Y)
        b       = np.dot(XTX_inv, XTY)
        b       = b.flatten()
        # Extract explicit model parameters from regression result b

        self.C  = 1./b[1]
        self.gl = -b[0]*self.C
        self.El = b[2]*self.C/self.gl
        # Compute percentage of variance explained on dV/dt

        var_explained_dV = 1.0 - np.mean((Y - np.dot(X,b))**2)/np.var(Y)
        print "Percentage of variance explained (on dV/dt): %0.2f" % (var_explained_dV*100.0)

        # Compute percentage of variance explained on V (see Eq. 26 in Pozzorini et al. PLOS Comp. Biol. 2105)

        SSE = 0     # sum of squared errors
        VAR = 0     # variance of data
        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces :
            if tr.useTrace :

                # Simulate subthreshold dynamics 
                (time, V_est, eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())
                indices_tmp = tr.getROI_FarFromSpikes(0.0, self.Tref)
                SSE += sum((V_est[indices_tmp] - tr.V[indices_tmp])**2)
                VAR += len(indices_tmp)*np.var(tr.V[indices_tmp])
        var_explained_V = 1.0 - SSE / VAR
        print "Percentage of variance explained (on V): %0.2f" % (var_explained_V*100.0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def fitSubthresholdDynamics(self, experiment, Ek_all, DT_beforeSpike=5.0, do_plot=False):
        print "\ngGIF MODEL - Fit subthreshold dynamics..." 
        var_explained_dV_all = []   
        b_all = []
        for Ek in Ek_all :
            print "\nTest Ek = %0.2f mV..." % (Ek)
            # Expand eta in basis functions
            self.dt = experiment.dt
            # Build X matrix and Y vector to perform linear regression (use all traces in training set)            
            X = []
            Y = []
            cnt = 0
            for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces :
                if tr.useTrace :
                    cnt += 1
                    reprint( "Compute X matrix for repetition %d" % (cnt) )        
                    (X_tmp, Y_tmp) = self.fitSubthresholdDynamics_Build_Xmatrix_Yvector(tr, Ek, DT_beforeSpike=DT_beforeSpike)
            # Concatenate matrixes associated with different traces to perform a single multilinear regression
            if cnt == 1:
                X = X[0]
                Y = Y[0]
            elif cnt > 1:
                X = np.concatenate(X, axis=0)
                Y = np.concatenate(Y, axis=0)
            else :
                print "\nError, at least one training set trace should be selected to perform fit."
            # Linear Regression
            print "\nPerform linear regression..."
            XTX     = np.dot(np.transpose(X), X)
            XTX_inv = inv(XTX)
            XTY     = np.dot(np.transpose(X), Y)
            b       = np.dot(XTX_inv, XTY)
            b       = b.flatten()
            # Compute percentage of variance explained on dV/dt
            var_explained_dV = 1.0 - np.mean((Y - np.dot(X,b))**2)/np.var(Y)
            print "Done! Percentage of variance explained (on dV/dt): %0.2f" % (var_explained_dV*100.0)
            # Save results    
        # Select best Ek
        self.Ek_all = Ek_all                  
        self.variance_explained_all = var_explained_dV_all
        ind_opt          = np.argmax(var_explained_dV_all)
        b                = b_all[ind_opt]
        Ek_opt           = Ek_all[ind_opt]
        var_explained_dV = var_explained_dV_all[ind_opt]        
        # Update and print model parameters
        self.C  = 1./b[1]
        self.gl = -b[0]*self.C
        self.El = b[2]*self.C/self.gl
        self.Ek = Ek_opt


        # Compute percentage of variance explained on V
        SSE = 0     # sum of squared errors
        VAR = 0     # variance of data
        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces :
            if tr.useTrace :

                # Simulate subthreshold dynamics 
                (time, V_est, eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())
                indices_tmp = tr.getROI_FarFromSpikes(0.0, self.Tref)
                SSE += sum((V_est[indices_tmp] - tr.V[indices_tmp])**2)
                VAR += len(indices_tmp)*np.var(tr.V[indices_tmp])
        var_explained_V = 1.0 - SSE / VAR
        print "Percentage of variance explained (on V): %0.2f" % (var_explained_V*100.0)
        print "Percentage of variance explained (on dV/dt): %0.2f" % (var_explained_dV*100.0)

        if do_plot :
            plt.figure(figsize=(8,8), facecolor='white')
            plt.plot(self.Ek_all, self.variance_explained_all, '.-', color='black')
            plt.plot([Ek_opt],[var_explained_dV], '.', color='red')
            plt.xlabel('Ek (mV)')
            plt.ylabel('Pct. Variance explained on dV/dt (-)')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def maximizeLikelihood_dynamicThreshold(self, experiment, beta0, theta_tau_all, maxIter=10**3, stopCond=10**-6, do_plot=False) :
        beta_all = []
        L_all = []
        for theta_tau in theta_tau_all :
            print "\nTest tau_theta = %0.1f ms... \n" % (theta_tau)

            # Precompute all the matrices used in the gradient ascent
            all_X        = []
            all_X_spikes = []
            all_sum_X_spikes = []
            T_tot = 0.0
            N_spikes_tot = 0.0
            traces_nb = 0
            for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:
                if tr.useTrace :              
                    traces_nb += 1
                    # Simulate subthreshold dynamics 
                    (time, V_est, eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())
                    # Precomputes matrices to perform gradient ascent on log-likelihood
                    (X_tmp, X_spikes_tmp, sum_X_spikes_tmp, N_spikes, T) = self.buildXmatrix_dynamicThreshold(tr, V_est, theta_tau) 
                    T_tot        += T
                    N_spikes_tot += N_spikes
            logL_poisson = N_spikes_tot*(np.log(N_spikes_tot/T_tot)-1)
            # Perform gradient ascent
            print "Maximize log-likelihood (bit/spks)..."
            beta = beta0
            old_L = 1
            for i in range(maxIter) :
                learning_rate = 1.0
                if i<=10 :                      # be careful in the first iterations (using a small learning rate in the first step makes the fit more stable)
                    learning_rate = 0.1
                L=0; G=0; H=0;  
                for trace_i in np.arange(traces_nb):
                    (L_tmp,G_tmp,H_tmp) = self.computeLikelihoodGradientHessian(beta, all_X[trace_i], all_X_spikes[trace_i], all_sum_X_spikes[trace_i])
                    L+=L_tmp; G+=G_tmp; H+=H_tmp;
                beta = beta - learning_rate*np.dot(inv(H),G)
                if (i>0 and abs((L-old_L)/old_L) < stopCond) :              # If converged
                    print "\nConverged after %d iterations!\n" % (i+1)
                old_L = L
                # Compute normalized likelihood (for print)
                # The likelihood is normalized with respect to a poisson process and units are in bit/spks
                L_norm = (L-logL_poisson)/np.log(2)/N_spikes_tot
            if (i==maxIter - 1) :                                           # If too many iterations
                print "\nNot converged after %d iterations.\n" % (maxIter)
        ind_opt = np.argmax(L_all)
        theta_tau_opt = theta_tau_all[ind_opt]
        beta_opt      = beta_all[ind_opt]
        L_norm_opt    = L_all[ind_opt]
        print "\n Optimal timescale: %0.2f ms" % (theta_tau_opt)
        print "Log-likelihood: %0.2f bit/spike" % (L_norm_opt)
        self.fit_all_tau_theta = theta_tau_all                     
        self.fit_all_likelihood = L_all                    
        if do_plot :
            plt.figure(figsize=(6,6), facecolor='white')
            plt.plot(theta_tau_all, L_all, '.-', color='black')
            plt.plot([theta_tau_opt], [L_norm_opt], '.', color='red')            
            plt.xlabel('Threshold coupling timescale (ms)')
            plt.ylabel('Log-likelihood (bit/spike)')
        return (beta_opt, theta_tau_opt)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def maximizeLikelihood_dynamicThreshold(self, experiment, ki, Vi, beta0, maxIter=10**3, stopCond=10**-6) :
     all_X        = []
     all_X_spikes = []
     all_sum_X_spikes = []
     T_tot = 0.0
     N_spikes_tot = 0.0
     traces_nb = 0
     for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:
         if tr.useTrace :              
             traces_nb += 1
             # Simulate subthreshold dynamics 
             (time, V_est, eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())
             # Precomputes matrices to perform gradient ascent on log-likelihood
             (X_tmp, X_spikes_tmp, sum_X_spikes_tmp, N_spikes, T) = self.buildXmatrix_dynamicThreshold(tr, V_est, ki, Vi) 
             T_tot        += T
             N_spikes_tot += N_spikes
     logL_poisson = N_spikes_tot*(np.log(N_spikes_tot/T_tot)-1)
     # Perform gradient ascent
     print "Maximize log-likelihood (bit/spks)..."
     beta = beta0
     old_L = 1
     for i in range(maxIter) :
         learning_rate = 1.0
         if i<=10 :                      # be careful in the first iterations (using a small learning rate in the first step makes the fit more stable)
             learning_rate = 0.1
         L=0; G=0; H=0;  
         for trace_i in np.arange(traces_nb):
             (L_tmp,G_tmp,H_tmp) = self.computeLikelihoodGradientHessian(beta, all_X[trace_i], all_X_spikes[trace_i], all_sum_X_spikes[trace_i])
             L+=L_tmp; G+=G_tmp; H+=H_tmp;
         beta = beta - learning_rate*np.dot(inv(H),G)
         if (i>0 and abs((L-old_L)/old_L) < stopCond) :              # If converged
             print "\nConverged after %d iterations!\n" % (i+1)
         old_L = L
         # Compute normalized likelihood (for print)
         # The likelihood is normalized with respect to a poisson process and units are in bit/spks
         L_norm = (L-logL_poisson)/np.log(2)/N_spikes_tot
     if (i==maxIter - 1) :                                           # If too many iterations
         print "\nNot converged after %d iterations.\n" % (maxIter)
     return (beta, L_norm)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def fitSubthresholdDynamics(self,

        print "\ngGIF MODEL - Fit subthreshold dynamics..."

        var_explained_dV_all = []
        b_all = []

        for Ek in Ek_all:

            print "\nTest Ek = %0.2f mV..." % (Ek)

            # Expand eta in basis functions
            self.dt = experiment.dt

            # Build X matrix and Y vector to perform linear regression (use all traces in training set)
            X = []
            Y = []

            cnt = 0

            for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:

                if tr.useTrace:

                    cnt += 1
                    reprint("Compute X matrix for repetition %d" % (cnt))

                    (X_tmp, Y_tmp
                     ) = self.fitSubthresholdDynamics_Build_Xmatrix_Yvector(
                         tr, Ek, DT_beforeSpike=DT_beforeSpike)


            # Concatenate matrixes associated with different traces to perform a single multilinear regression
            if cnt == 1:
                X = X[0]
                Y = Y[0]

            elif cnt > 1:
                X = np.concatenate(X, axis=0)
                Y = np.concatenate(Y, axis=0)

                print "\nError, at least one training set trace should be selected to perform fit."

            # Linear Regression
            print "\nPerform linear regression..."
            XTX = np.dot(np.transpose(X), X)
            XTX_inv = inv(XTX)
            XTY = np.dot(np.transpose(X), Y)
            b = np.dot(XTX_inv, XTY)
            b = b.flatten()

            # Compute percentage of variance explained on dV/dt
            var_explained_dV = 1.0 - np.mean((Y - np.dot(X, b))**2) / np.var(Y)
            print "Done! Percentage of variance explained (on dV/dt): %0.2f" % (
                var_explained_dV * 100.0)

            # Save results

        # Select best Ek
        self.Ek_all = Ek_all
        self.variance_explained_all = var_explained_dV_all

        ind_opt = np.argmax(var_explained_dV_all)
        b = b_all[ind_opt]
        Ek_opt = Ek_all[ind_opt]
        var_explained_dV = var_explained_dV_all[ind_opt]

        # Update and print model parameters
        self.C = 1. / b[1]
        self.gl = -b[0] * self.C
        self.El = b[2] * self.C / self.gl
        self.Ek = Ek_opt
        self.eta.setFilter_Coefficients(-b[3:] * self.C)


        # Compute percentage of variance explained on V

        SSE = 0  # sum of squared errors
        VAR = 0  # variance of data

        for tr in experiment.trainingset_traces:

            if tr.useTrace:

                # Simulate subthreshold dynamics
                (time, V_est,
                 eta_sum_est) = self.simulateDeterministic_forceSpikes(
                     tr.I, tr.V[0], tr.getSpikeTimes())

                indices_tmp = tr.getROI_FarFromSpikes(0.0, self.Tref)

                SSE += sum((V_est[indices_tmp] - tr.V[indices_tmp])**2)
                VAR += len(indices_tmp) * np.var(tr.V[indices_tmp])

        var_explained_V = 1.0 - SSE / VAR

        print "Percentage of variance explained (on V): %0.2f" % (
            var_explained_V * 100.0)
        print "Percentage of variance explained (on dV/dt): %0.2f" % (
            var_explained_dV * 100.0)

        if do_plot:

            plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), facecolor='white')

            plt.plot([Ek_opt], [var_explained_dV], '.', color='red')

            plt.xlabel('Ek (mV)')
            plt.ylabel('Pct. Variance explained on dV/dt (-)')