Ejemplo n.º 1
    def person_at_station(self, person):
        def by_weighted_distance(left, right):
            return cmp(left[1], right[1])

        pp = self.platform
        queue_depths = []
        line_weighting = 10.0
        forward_berth_weighting = 4.0
        for berth in range(0, self.berths):
                        float(len(self.view_queues[berth]) + len(self.berth_queues[berth])) * line_weighting
                        + (
                            person.position - vec3(pp[0].x, pp[0].y - PRT.berth_length / 2 - berth * PRT.berth_length)
                        - float(self.berths - berth) / forward_berth_weighting
        berth = queue_depths[0][0]
        person.manager = self.person_at_berth
        person.manager_args = [berth]
        person.waypoints = [
            vec3(pp[1].x - 0.5, pp[0].y - PRT.berth_length / 2 - berth * PRT.berth_length),
            vec3(pp[0].x + 0.5, pp[0].y - PRT.berth_length / 2 - berth * PRT.berth_length),
        person.behaviors = [Separation(), FollowWaypoints(), Queuing(), InterpenetrationConstraint()]
        return DONT_PASSIVATE
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def generate(self):
        while True:
            start = uniform(1, 199)

            if not prts_only:
                p = Person(interval=interval)
                p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()]
                p.position = vec3(0.0, start)
                platform_position = start * 54 / 199 - 27
                p.destination = vec3(28, 100 + platform_position)
                p.manager = self.rail_station.person_at_platform
                activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)

            p = Person(interval=interval)
            p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()]
            p.position = vec3(100.0, start)
            platform_position = start * 8 / 199
            if start < 100:
                p.destination = self.destination1.copy()
                p.manager = self.station1.person_at_station
                p.manager_args = []
                p.destination = self.destination2.copy()
                p.manager = self.station2.person_at_station
                p.manager_args = []
            activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)

            yield hold, self, 7
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_intersection(self, boid, wall, position, vector):
     # From http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/lineline2d/
     point1, point2 = wall
     denominator = ((vector.y * (point2[0] - point1[0]))
                    - (vector.x * (point2[1] - point1[1])))
     if denominator == 0.0:
         # parallel or coincident
         return False, None, None
     u_a = (vector.x * (point1[1] - position.y)
            - (vector.y) * (point1[0] - position.x)) / denominator
     u_b = ((point2[0] - point1[0]) * (point1[1] - position.y)
            - (point2[1] - point1[1]) * (point1[0] - position.x)) / denominator
     intersect = 0.0 < u_a < 1.0 and 0.0 < u_b < 1.0
     if intersect:
         intersection = vec3(point1[0] + u_a * (point2[0] - point1[0]),
                             point1[1] + u_a * (point2[1] - point1[1]))
         boid.intersection = intersection
         distance_along_check = u_b
         wall_vector = vec3(point1) - vec3(point2)
         wall_vector_normal = vec3(
             -wall_vector.y, wall_vector.x).normalize()
         boid.intersection_normal = wall_vector_normal
         normal_point = intersection + wall_vector_normal
         local_normal_point = boid.world.to_local(boid, normal_point)
         if local_normal_point.x <= 0.0:
             direction = 'left'
             direction = 'right'
         return True, distance_along_check, direction
         return False, None, None
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def person(self, railcar, yy, railcar_waypoints):
     columns = self.columns
     compactness = self.compactness
     for ii in range(0, columns):
         xx = self.rail_x + (ii - (float(columns) - 1.0) / 2.0) * (Person.average_radius * 2.0 * compactness)
         p = Person(interval=interval)
         p.behaviors = [Containment(), Separation(), FollowWaypoints(), InterpenetrationConstraint()]
         p.steering_mind = queue_steering_mind
         p.position = vec3(xx, yy)
         p.waypoints = railcar_waypoints[0:]
         if self.mode == 'straight':
             if p.waypoints[0].y - self.waypoint_high.y > 3:
             if self.waypoint_low.y - p.waypoints[0].y > 3:
         elif self.mode == 'doorway':
             if p.waypoints[0].y > self.platform_center_y:
             if p.waypoints[0].y <= self.platform_center_y:
             p.waypoints[-1].x -= 7.0
         elif self.mode == 'stair':
             p.waypoints[-1].x -= self.doorway_width * 0.75
             p.waypoints[-1].x -= 1.0
         p.manager = self.prt_station.person_at_station
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def calculate(self, boid):
     the_world = boid.world
     others = the_world.boids(boid, 4)
     speed = boid.velocity.length()
     local_front = vec3(0, 1)
     for other in others:
         local_position = the_world.to_local(boid, other.position)
         angle = local_position.angle(local_front)
         if local_position[1] > 0 and angle < pi / 8:
             if other.velocity.length() < speed:
                 return -boid.localy.scale(speed / boid.max_speed)
     return vec3()
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def distance_from_line(self, position, line):
     line_length = (vec3(line[1]) - vec3(line[0])).length()
     u = ((position.x - line[0][0]) * (line[1][0] - line[0][0])
          + (position.y - line[0][1]) * (line[1][1] - line[0][1])) \
         / line_length ** 2
     if 0.0 < u < 1.0:
         # point is tangent to line
         x = line[0][0] + u * (line[1][0] - line[0][0])
         y = line[0][1] + u * (line[1][1] - line[0][1])
         vector = position - vec3(x, y)
         distance = vector.length()
         return True, distance, vector
     return False, None, None
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def calculate(self, boid):
        the_world = boid.world
        walls = the_world.obstacles(boid)
        acceleration = vec3()
        front_intersect = left_intersect = right_intersect = False
        front_distance = left_distance = right_distance = 3000
        speed = boid.velocity.length()
        front_check = 0.5 + speed * 1.5
        side_check = 0.5 + speed * 0.5
        front_test = boid.localy.scale(front_check)
        left_test = (boid.localy - boid.localx).scale(side_check)
        right_test = (boid.localy + boid.localx).scale(side_check)
        position = boid.position
        boid.intersection = None
        checked = []
        for wall in walls:
            if wall in checked:
            intersect, distance_along_check, direction = self.test_intersection(boid, wall, position, front_test)
            if intersect and distance_along_check < front_distance:
                front_intersect = True
                front_distance = distance_along_check
                front_direction = direction
            intersect, distance_along_check, direction = self.test_intersection(boid, wall, position, left_test)
            if not front_intersect and intersect and distance_along_check < left_distance:
                left_intersect = True
                left_distance = distance_along_check
                left_direction = direction
            intersect, distance_along_check, direction = self.test_intersection(boid, wall, position, right_test)
            if not front_intersect and intersect and distance_along_check < right_distance:
                right_intersect = True
                right_distance = distance_along_check
                right_direction = direction

        speed = boid.velocity.length() / boid.max_speed
        if front_intersect:
            if front_direction == 'left':
                acceleration = -boid.localx.scale(speed)
                acceleration = boid.localx.scale(speed)
        elif left_intersect:
            acceleration = boid.localx.scale(speed)
        elif right_intersect:
            acceleration = -boid.localx.scale(speed)
            acceleration = vec3()

        return acceleration
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def generate(self, interval, waypoints):
        people = []
        rate = 0.5
        #while True:
	for k in range(10):
            start = uniform(0, 5)

            p = Person(interval=interval)
	    #p.destination= vec3(12.5,uniform(2,20))
            p.behaviors = [Containment(), Separation(), Queuing(), FollowWaypoints(), InterpenetrationConstraint()]
 	    #p.behaviors = [FollowWaypoints(),InterpenetrationConstraint()]
 	    #p.behaviors = [Seek(),InterpenetrationConstraint()]
            p.steering_mind = queue_steering_mind
            p.position = vec3(start, 0.0)
            p.waypoints = waypoints[0:]
            activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)

            count = 0
            for p in people:
                if p.position[1] > 25:
                if p.position[1] < 7:
                    count += 1

            if count > 30:
                rate = 1.5
            elif count < 20:
                rate = 0.5

            yield hold, self, rate
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def execute(self):
     station = self.station
     platform = station.platform
     while True:
         for berth in range(0, len(station.berth_queues)):
             queue = station.berth_queues[berth]
             if len(queue) is 0:
                 p = Person(interval=interval)
                 p.behaviors = [Arrive()]
                 p.position = vec3(platform[0].x + 2,
                                   platform[0].y - PRT.berth_length / 2 - berth * PRT.berth_length)
                 p.destination = vec3(platform[0].x + 0.5,
                                   platform[0].y - PRT.berth_length / 2 - berth * PRT.berth_length)
                 p.velocity = vec3(-0.1, 0.0)
                 activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)
         yield hold, self, 0.01
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def calculate(self, boid):
     waypoints = boid.waypoints
     if len(waypoints) == 0:
         boid.arrived = True
         return vec3()
     displacement = waypoints[0] - boid.position
     if displacement.length() < 2:
         del waypoints[0]
     desired_velocity = displacement.normalize() * boid.desired_speed
     return desired_velocity - boid.velocity
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def execute(self):
     waypoints = self.waypoints
     tk = world().tk
     while True:
         for person in self.people:
             if person.position[1] > 25:
                 start_angle = uniform(0, pi)
                 xx, yy = cos(start_angle) * 25 + 12.5, 21.0 - person.radius * 1.2 - sin(start_angle) * 25
                 person.position = vec3(xx, yy)
                 person.waypoints = waypoints[0:]
         yield hold, self, 0.1
Ejemplo n.º 12
def random_people(cx, cy, dstx, dsty, cluster_size, interval, people):
    def random_position():
        range = cluster_size * (pi * Person.radius**2 + 0.2)
        offset = range / 2
        return random() * range - offset
    for ii in range(0, cluster_size):
        p = Person(interval)
        p.behaviors = [Arrive(), Separation()]
        try_again = True
        while try_again:
            px, py = cx + random_position(),  cy + random_position()
            try_again = False
            for person in people:
                jx, jy, unused_z = person.position
                if sqrt((jx-px)**2 + (jy-py)**2) < Person.radius*2.5:
                    try_again = True
        p.position = vec3(px, py)
        p.destination = vec3(dstx, dsty)
        activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def queue_steering_mind(boid):
    """Sum of all steering vectors, except Separation in some cases.

    The Separation steering vector will be ignored if any prior
    steering behavior gave a non-zero acceleration, typically

    acceleration = vec3()
    for behavior in boid.behaviors:
        if not isinstance(behavior, Separation) or acceleration.length() < 0.0001:
            acceleration += behavior.calculate(boid)
    return acceleration
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def person_at_berth(self, person, berth):
     person.behaviors = [Arrive()]
     person.manager = None
     pp = self.platform
     person.destination = vec3(
         pp[0].x + 0.5 + (len(self.berth_queues[berth]) - 1) * person.radius * 2 * 1.2,
         pp[0].y - PRT.berth_length / 2 - berth * PRT.berth_length,
     person.world.tk.canvas.itemconfig(person.graphic, outline="red")
     return DONT_PASSIVATE
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def calculate(self, boid):
     the_world = boid.world
     others = the_world.boids(boid, 6.0)
     separation_distance = 6.0 * boid.velocity.length() / boid.max_speed
     acceleration = vec3()
     for other in others:
         local_position = the_world.to_local(boid, other.position)
         in_front = local_position[1] > -boid.radius
         if in_front and local_position.length() < separation_distance:
             separation = other.position - boid.position
             force = separation.scale(-1 / separation.length() ** 2)
             acceleration += force
     return acceleration
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def generate(self):
        while True:
            start = uniform(5, 40)

            p = Person(interval=interval)
            p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()]
            p.position = vec3(100.0, start)
            platform_position = start * 8 / 199
            p.destination = self.destination1.copy()
            p.manager = self.station1.person_at_station
            p.manager_args = []
            activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)

            yield hold, self, 3.5
Ejemplo n.º 17
def main(testing='two_clumps', cluster_size=20):
    interval = 0.1
    world(width=25, height=25, scale=25)

    xx = 12.5
    people = []

    p = Person(interval)
    p.behaviors = [Arrive(), Separation()]
    p.position = vec3(xx, 4.0)
    p.destination = vec3(xx, 21.0)
    activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)

    if testing == 'solo':

    if testing == 'immovable object':
        p = Person(interval)
        p.behaviors = [Arrive(), Separation()]
        p.position = vec3(xx - 0.08, 14.0)
        p.destination = vec3(xx - 0.08, 14.0)
        # DON'T activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)

    if testing in ('clump', 'two clumps'):
        random_people(xx, 21.0, xx, 4.0, cluster_size, interval, people)

    if testing == 'two clumps':
        random_people(xx, 4.0, xx, 21.0, cluster_size, interval, people)

    u = Updater(interval)
    activate(u, u.execute(), 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def main(cluster_size=30):
    interval = 0.1
    the_world = world(width=25, height=25, scale=25)

    xx = 12.5
    door_width = 4
    corner_size = 1
    people = []

    waypoints = [vec3(xx, 21.0), vec3(xx, 22.0), vec3(xx, 23.0),
                 vec3(xx, 40.0)]

    people = random_people(xx, 4.0, waypoints, cluster_size, interval, people)

    tk = the_world.tk
    canvas, x_, y_ = tk.canvas, tk.x_, tk.y_
    canvas.create_rectangle(x_(-1), y_(-1), x_(100), y_(100), fill='moccasin')

    for wall in ( ( (-100, 21.0), (12.5 - door_width / 2 - corner_size, 21.0),
                    (12.5 - door_width / 2, 21.0 + corner_size), (12.5 - door_width / 2, 100) ),
                  ( (12.5 + door_width / 2, 100), (12.5 + door_width / 2, 21.0 + corner_size),
                    (12.5 + door_width / 2 + corner_size, 21.0), (100, 21.0) ), ):
        points = []
        for point in wall:
        canvas.create_polygon(points, fill='gray', outline='black')
        for ii in range(0, len(wall)-1):
            the_world.add_wall(wall[ii], wall[ii+1])

    restarter = Restarter(people, waypoints)
    activate(restarter, restarter.execute(), 0.0)

    u = Updater(interval)
    activate(u, u.execute(), 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def main(cluster_size=20):
    interval = 0.1
    the_world = world(width=25, height=25, scale=25)

    xx = 12.5

    p = Person(interval)
    p.behaviors = [Wander(), Separation(), Containment()]
    p.position = vec3(12.5, 12.5)
    p.destination = vec3(-100, 100)
    activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)
    people = [p]

    tk = the_world.tk
    canvas, x_, y_ = tk.canvas, tk.x_, tk.y_
    canvas.create_rectangle(x_(-1), y_(-1), x_(100), y_(100), fill='moccasin')

    for wall in ( ( (-100, 14.5), (10.5, 14.5), (10.5, 100) ),
                  ( (10.5, -100), (10.5, 8.5), (8.5, 10.5), (-100, 10.5) ),
                  ( (14.5, 100), (14.5, 14.5), ( 100, 14.5) ),
                  ( ( 100, 10.5), (16.5, 10.5), (14.5, 8.5), (14.5, -100) ),
        points = []
        for point in wall:
        canvas.create_polygon(points, fill='gray', outline='black')
        for ii in range(0, len(wall)-1):
            the_world.add_wall(wall[ii], wall[ii+1])

    restarter = Restarter(people)
    activate(restarter, restarter.execute(), 0.0)

    u = Updater(interval)
    activate(u, u.execute(), 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self, mode, platform_center_y, doorway_width, prt_station, rail_x, headway):
     self.world = world()
     self.mode = mode
     self.platform_center_y = platform_center_y
     self.doorway_width = doorway_width
     self.prt_station = prt_station
     self.rail_x = rail_x
     self.headway = headway
     self.rail_waypoints = []
     self.rail_position = []
     self.rail_destination = []
     self.rows = 3
     self.columns = 2
     self.compactness = 1.2
     if self.rows > 6 or self.columns > 4:
         self.compactness = 0.8
     rx = self.rail_x
     railside_x = rx - Railcar.width / 2
     outside_x = rx + Railcar.width / 2
     top_rail_stop = platform_center_y + Railcar.length / 2 + 0.5
     for kk in (0, 1):
         position = -140 - (Railcar.length + 1) * kk
         destination = top_rail_stop - (Railcar.length + 1) * kk
         top = destination + Railcar.length / 2
         bottom = destination - Railcar.length / 2
         self.world.add_wall( (railside_x, top), (outside_x, top),
                              (outside_x, bottom), (railside_x, bottom) )
         rail_waypoints = []
         for ii in range(0, len(Railcar.doors)):
             rail_waypoints.append( [vec3(railside_x, top - Railcar.doors[ii]),
                                     vec3(rx - 3.5, top - Railcar.doors[ii])] )
     print "passegers transferring:", self.rows * self.columns * len(Railcar.doors) * 2
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def calculate(self, boid):
        the_world = boid.world
        position = boid.position
        radius = boid.radius
        for other in the_world.boids(boid):
            offset = position - other.position
            distance = offset.length()
            radius_ij = radius + other.radius
            if distance < radius_ij:
                offset = offset.scale(radius_ij - distance)
                boid.position += offset
        wall_found = False
        checked = []
        for obstacle in the_world.obstacles(boid):
            if obstacle in checked:
            intersect, distance_to_line, normal = self.distance_from_line(
                position, obstacle)
            if intersect and distance_to_line < radius * 1.2:
                wall_found = True
                normal = normal.scale(radius * 1.2 - distance_to_line)
                boid.position += normal
        if not wall_found:
            checked = []
            for obstacle in the_world.obstacles(boid):
                if obstacle in checked:
                for point in (obstacle[0], obstacle[1]):
                    offset = position - vec3(point)
                    distance = offset.length()
                    if distance < radius * 1.2:
                        boid.position += offset.scale(radius * 1.2 - distance)

        return vec3()
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, interval=0.5,roomId=0, L=[]):
	self.L = L 
        self.world = world()
        self.interval = interval
        self.manager = None
        self.manager_args = []
        self.waypoints = []
	self.roomId   = roomId 
        self.position = vec3()
        self.velocity = vec3()
        self.localx = vec3(1, 0)
        self.localy = vec3(0, 1)
        # from Helbing, et al "Self-organizing pedestrian movement"
        self.max_speed = normalvariate(1.36, 0.26)
        self.desired_speed = self.max_speed
        self.radius = normalvariate(self.average_radius, 0.025) / 2
        self.intersection = vec3()
        self.arrived = False
        self.behaviors = []
        self.steering_mind = default_steering_mind
        self.cancelled = 0
	self.endpoint = True
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def generate(self):
        creates a Person at the same time and same relative place on each
        of the PRT and LRT lines.
        prt_platform_length = self.p1_y2 - self.p1_y1
        rail_platform_length = self.r_y2 - self.r_y1
        people = 0
        # http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1215/is_9_204/ai_108788436
        event_max = 5000
        while people < event_max:
            people += 1
            if (people % 100) == 0:
                print "people: ", people

            start = uniform(0, 100)

            if start < 33.33:
                p = Person(interval=interval)
                p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()]
                p.manager_args = []
                if start < 16.66:
                    p_start = self.p1_y1 + start * 6 * prt_platform_length / 100
                    p.position = vec3(self.p1_x, p_start)
                    platform_position = (p_start - self.p1_y1) * 0.7
                    p.destination = vec3(28., self.p1_y1 + 4 + platform_position)
                    p.manager = self.prt_station1.person_at_station
                    p_start = self.p2_y1 + (start - 16.66) * 6 * prt_platform_length / 100
                    p.position = vec3(self.p2_x, p_start)
                    platform_position = (p_start - self.p2_y1) * 0.7
                    p.destination = vec3(28., self.p2_y1 + 4 + platform_position)
                    p.manager = self.prt_station2.person_at_station
                activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)

            p = Person(interval=interval)
            p.behaviors = [Seek(), Separation()]
            p.position = vec3(self.r_x, self.r_y1 + 12 + start * 0.6 * rail_platform_length / 100)
            platform_position = start * (self.r_y2 - self.r_y1) / 100
            p.destination = vec3(78., self.r_y1 + platform_position)
            p.manager = self.rail_station.person_at_platform
            p.manager_args = []
            activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)

            yield hold, self, 0.25

        yield passivate, self
Ejemplo n.º 24
def main(mode='path'):
    interval = 0.1
    the_world = world(width=25, height=25, scale=25)

    xx = 12.5
    door_width = 3.0
    corner_size = 1

    waypoints = [vec3(xx, 4.0), vec3(xx, 5.0), vec3(xx, 6.0),
                 vec3(xx, 40.0)]

    tk = the_world.tk
    canvas, x_, y_ = tk.canvas, tk.x_, tk.y_
    canvas.create_rectangle(x_(-1), y_(-1), x_(100), y_(100), fill='blue')

    # stairs are added here so the graphics appear below the walls
    if mode == 'stairs':
        steps = 12
        step_length = 0.28
        zone = Stairs(lower_left=vec3(xx - door_width / 2, 7),
                      upper_right=vec3(xx + door_width / 2, 7 + steps * step_length))
    wall1 = ( (-100, 5.0), (12.5 - door_width / 2 - corner_size, 5.0),
                    (12.5 - door_width / 2, 5.0 + corner_size), (12.5 - door_width / 2, 100) )
    wall2 = ( (12.5 + door_width / 2, 100), (12.5 + door_width / 2, 5.0 + corner_size),
                    (12.5 + door_width / 2 + corner_size, 5.0), (100, 5.0) )
    wall3 = ( (12,10),(13,10),(13,11),(12,11) )
    for wall in ( wall1 , wall2 ,wall3 ):
        points = []
        for point in wall:
        canvas.create_polygon(points, fill='red', outline='black')
        for ii in range(0, len(wall)-1):
            the_world.add_wall(wall[ii], wall[ii+1])

    pg = PersonGenerator()
    activate(pg, pg.generate(interval, waypoints), 0.0)

    u = Updater(interval)
    activate(u, u.execute(), 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def random_people(cx, cy, waypoints, cluster_size, interval, people):
    def random_position():
        range = cluster_size * (pi * Person.average_radius**2 + 0.2)
        offset = range / 2
        return uniform(0.0, range) - offset
    for ii in range(0, cluster_size):
        p = Person(interval)
        p.behaviors = [Containment(), Separation(), Queuing(), FollowWaypoints()]
        p.steering_mind = queue_steering_mind
        try_again = True
        while try_again:
            px, py = cx + random_position(),  cy + random_position()
            if py > (21.0 - Person.radius):
            try_again = False
            for person in people:
                jx, jy, unused_z = person.position
                if sqrt((jx-px)**2 + (jy-py)**2) < Person.average_radius*2.5:
                    try_again = True
        p.position = vec3(px, py)
        p.waypoints = waypoints[0:]
        activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)
    return people
Ejemplo n.º 26
    rsm = RailStationManager()
    rsm.destination_x = 30.0
    activate(rsm, rsm.check(), 0.0)

    pg = PersonGenerator(psm1, psm2, rsm)
    activate(pg, pg.generate(), 0.0)

    s1 = Straight((70.0, -30.0), (70.0, 5.0))
    s1.next, last_left, last_right, length = station((70.0, 5.0), PRT.max_speed, "right", 3, psm1)
    last_left.next = last_right.next = s2 = Straight((70.0, 5.0 + length), (70.0, 125.0))
    psm1.mainline = last_left
    s2.next, last_left, last_right, length = station((70.0, 125.0), PRT.max_speed, "right", 3, psm2)
    last_left.next = last_right.next = s7 = Straight((70.0, 125.0 + length), (70.0, 10000.0))
    psm2.mainline = last_left
    prt_draw(s1, 70.0, -31.0)
    pg.destination1 = vec3(s1.next.destinations[0].x + 2.2, s1.next.destinations[0].y)
    pg.destination2 = vec3(s2.next.destinations[0].x + 2.2, s2.next.destinations[0].y)

    rg = RailcarGenerator(rsm)
    activate(rg, rg.generate(), 0.0)

    tg = PRTGenerator()
    activate(tg, tg.generate(s1, interval), 0.0)

    u = Updater(interval)
    activate(u, u.execute(), 0.0)

    # simulate(until=400)
Ejemplo n.º 27
	def to_local(self, boid, point):
		xx, yy, unused_z = point - boid.position
		return vec3(boid.localy.y * xx - boid.localy.x * yy,
					-boid.localx.y * xx + boid.localx.x * yy)
Ejemplo n.º 28
            p.manager = self.station1.person_at_station
            p.manager_args = []
            activate(p, p.move(), 0.0)

            yield hold, self, 3.5

if __name__ == '__main__':

    berths = 10
    psm1 = PRTStationManager(berths)
    activate(psm1, psm1.check(), 0.0)
    pg = PersonGenerator(psm1)
    activate(pg, pg.generate(), 0.0)

    s1 = Straight((70., -30.), (70., 5.0))
    s1.next, last_left, last_right, length = station((70.0, 5.0), PRT.max_speed, 'right', berths, psm1)
    last_left.next = last_right.next = s2 = Straight((70.0, 5.0 + length), (70., 10000.0))
    psm1.mainline = last_left
    prt_draw(s1, 70.0, -31.0)
    pg.destination1 = vec3(s1.next.destinations[0].x + 8, (s1.next.platform[0].y + s1.next.platform[1].y) / 2)

    tg = PRTGenerator()
    activate(tg, tg.generate(s1, interval, percent_empty=0.60), 0.0)

    u = Updater(interval)
    activate(u, u.execute(), 0.0)

Ejemplo n.º 29
    def move(self):
	Gr : Graph of rooms  
        while True:
            while self.cancelled:
                yield passivate, self
                print "Person.move: activated after being cancelled"

            checked = []
            for zone in self.world.zones(self):
                if zone not in checked:

            acceleration = self.steering_mind(self)

            acceleration = acceleration.truncate(self.max_acceleration)
            self.acceleration = acceleration

            velocity = self.velocity + acceleration * self.interval
            self.velocity = velocity.truncate(self.max_speed)
            if velocity.length() > 0.2:
                # record direction only when we've really had some
                self.localy = velocity.normalize()
                self.localx = vec3(self.localy.y, -self.localy.x)

            self.position = self.position + self.velocity * self.interval


            if self.arrived:
                self.arrived = False
		if self.endpoint:
			self.endpoint = False
			# Si porte on continue
			# ig destination --> next room
			adjroom  = self.L.Gr.neighbors(self.roomId)
			Nadjroom = len(adjroom)
			k        = int(np.floor(uniform(0,Nadjroom)))
			nextroom = adjroom[k]
			p_nextroom = self.L.Gr.pos[nextroom]
			setdoors1  = self.L.Gr.node[self.roomId]['doors']
			setdoors2  = self.L.Gr.node[nextroom]['doors']
			doorId     = np.intersect1d(setdoors1,setdoors2)[0]
			# coord door
			unode = self.L.Gs.neighbors(doorId)	
			p1    = self.L.Gs.pos[unode[0]]
			p2    = self.L.Gs.pos[unode[1]]
			print p1
			print p2
			pdoor = (np.array(p1)+np.array(p2))/2
			self.destination = vec3(pdoor[0],pdoor[1])
			waittime = uniform(0,10)

			if self.manager:
			    if self.manager(self, *self.manager_args):
				yield hold , self , waittime
			    yield hold, self , waittime 
			#ptemp  = np.array(self.position-p_nextroom)
			#dtemp  = np.sqrt(np.dot(ptemp,ptemp))	
			#if dtemp < 0.1:
			self.endpoint = True
			self.roomId   = nextroom 
		        #	else:
                	yield hold, self, self.interval
                yield hold, self, self.interval
Ejemplo n.º 30
def copy(self):
    return vec3(self)