Ejemplo n.º 1
if 'pool.root' in sys.argv[-1]:
    exec('PoolAODInput=["' + sys.argv[-1] + '"]')

### define the list of input files
print '... define list of files'
if not ('PoolAODInput' in dir()):
    PoolAODInput = [
for f in PoolAODInput:
    print '    + %s' % f

### build the transient event and metadata trees
#print '... build collection and metadata trees'
from TrigDecisionTool.BuildTransientTrees import BuildTransientTrees
(transientTree, transientMetaDataTree) = BuildTransientTrees(PoolAODInput)

### instantiate the TrigDecisionToolARA
#print '... instantiate TrigDecisionToolARA'
tdt = ROOT.Trig.TrigDecisionToolARA(transientTree, transientMetaDataTree)
### changing the output level of the TrigDecisionTool (default is ERROR)
#import AthenaCommon.Constants as Constants

### create two triggers

#allL2 = tdt.getChainGroup('L2_.*')
#allEF = tdt.getChainGroup('EF_.*')
all = tdt.getChainGroup('(EF|L2)_.*')

### possible HLT objects
Ejemplo n.º 2
import sys

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    print 'checkTriggerEDM.py poolfile [poolfile2]'

# all the rest besides the 0th element is assumed to be file names
PoolAODInput = sys.argv[1:]

print PoolAODInput

### build the transient event and metadata trees
print '... build collection and metadata trees'
from TrigDecisionTool.BuildTransientTrees import BuildTransientTrees, filtBasic
 transientMetaDataTree) = BuildTransientTrees(PoolAODInput, filtBasic)

### instantiate the TrigDecisionToolARA
print '... instantiate TrigDecisionToolARA'
tdt = ROOT.Trig.TrigDecisionToolARA(transientTree, transientMetaDataTree)
### changing the output level of the TrigDecisionTool (default is ERROR)
#import AthenaCommon.Constants as Constants

### create two triggers

allChains = tdt.getChainGroup('(L2|EF).*')

# error counters
l2errors = {}
eferrors = {}
Ejemplo n.º 3
        pattern = arg.split("=")[1]
        print "selected chains in pattern: ", pattern
    if '--nev' in arg:
        nevt = int(arg.split("=")[1])
        print "number of events: ", nevt

print PoolAODInput

import ROOT  #, PyCintex
### build the transient event and metadata trees
#print '... build collection and metadata trees'
from TrigDecisionTool.BuildTransientTrees import BuildTransientTrees, filtEDMAccess
 transientMetaDataTree) = BuildTransientTrees(PoolAODInput, filtEDMAccess)

### instantiate the TrigDecisionToolARA
#print '... instantiate TrigDecisionToolARA'
tdt = ROOT.Trig.TrigDecisionToolARA(transientTree, transientMetaDataTree)
### changing the output level of the TrigDecisionTool (default is ERROR)
#import AthenaCommon.Constants as Constants

### create two triggers

#allL2 = tdt.getChainGroup('L2_.*')
#allEF = tdt.getChainGroup('EF_.*')
all = tdt.getChainGroup(pattern)

### possible HLT objects
Ejemplo n.º 4

    if options.fileName != None:
        fileName = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(options.fileName))

    fileNames = set(fileNames)
    sc = 0


    # Instantiate TrigDecisionTool
    print '...building transient trees...'
    from TrigDecisionTool.BuildTransientTrees import BuildTransientTrees
    (transientTree, transientMetaDataTree) = BuildTransientTrees(fileNames)
    tdt = ROOT.Trig.TrigDecisionToolARA(transientTree, transientMetaDataTree)
    import AthenaCommon.Constants as Constants
    bits = [
        'EF_passedRaw', 'EF_passThrough', 'EF_prescaled', 'EF_resurrected',
        'L2_passedRaw', 'L2_passThrough', 'L2_prescaled', 'L2_resurrected',
        'L1_isPassedAfterPrescale', 'L1_isPassedBeforePrescale',
    BITS = [(i, getattr(ROOT.TrigDefs, i)) for i in bits]
    # loop over all events
    DATA = {}
    for evt in xrange(transientTree.GetEntries()):