Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_Source_notify(self):
        """Source notify"""
        def T(got, expected=True):
            self.assert_(expected == got,
                         'got: %s  expected: %s' % (got, expected))

        a = Source()

        # Records the value of the attr when called
        class cb:
            def __init__(self, source, attr):
                self.source = source
                self.attr = attr
                self.missing = object()

            def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                T(args, ())
                T(kwargs, {})

                    self.v = getattr(self.source, self.attr)
                except AttributeError:
                    self.v = self.missing

        # Setting a callback before the attr is created is perfectly valid.
        c = cb(a, 'spam')
        a.notify('spam', c)

        a.spam = 479606400
        T(c.v, 479606400)

        # Callbacks are a one shot affair
        a.spam = object()
        T(c.v, 479606400)

        # Callbacks are called on deletion as well
        a.notify('spam', c)
        del a.spam
        T(c.v is c.missing)

        # Make sure callbacks can set further callbacks
        class cb:
            def __init__(self, source, attr):
                self.source = source
                self.attr = attr
                self.v = []

            def __call__(self):
                self.source.notify(self.attr, self)
                self.v.append(getattr(self.source, self.attr))

        c = cb(a, 'ham')
        crefs = sys.getrefcount(c)
        arefs = sys.getrefcount(a)
        a.notify('ham', c)
        for i in range(1000):
            a.ham = i
        T(sys.getrefcount(c), crefs)
        T(sys.getrefcount(a), arefs)
        T(c.v, list(range(1000)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_Source_shadow(self):
        from Tuke.context.source import Source

        def T(got, expected=True):
            self.assert_(expected == got,
                         'got: %s  expected: %s' % (got, expected))

        s = Source()
        s.spam = 'spam'
        T(s.spam, 'spam')

        s.__dict_shadow__['spam'] = 'ham'
        T(s.spam, 'ham')
        s.spam = 'eggs'
        T(s.spam, 'ham')
        T(s.__dict__['spam'], 'eggs')

        # Deleting the attr shouldn't effect the shadow
        del s.spam
        T(s.spam, 'ham')
        T(s.__dict__, {})
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_Source__shadowless__(self):
        def T(got, expected=True):
            self.assert_(expected == got,
                         'got: %s  expected: %s' % (got, expected))

        a = Source()
        a.__dict_shadow__['spam'] = 'ham'

                          lambda: getattr(a.__shadowless__, 'spam'))
        a.spam = 'can'
        T(a.__shadowless__.spam, 'can')

        T(a.__shadowless__.__dict_shadow__.items(), [])

        # Should be completely read-only
        def f():
            a.__shadowless__.spam = 10

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f)

        def f():
            del a.__shadowless__.spam

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f)

        def f():
            a.__shadowless__.__dict_shadow__['foo'] = 'bar'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f)

        def f():
            a.__shadowless__.notify('foo', lambda: None)

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f)