Ejemplo n.º 1
    def BranchObj(self, bname, typestr = None):
        obj = None
        if None == typestr:
	    # ok, branch for reading
	    b = self.tree.FindBranch(bname)
	    if None == b:
		raise Exception('Unknown branch name \'%s\' in ' \
			'TTree \'%a\' requested.' % (bname, self.tree.GetName()))
	    l = b.GetLeaf(bname)
	    if None == l:
		raise Exception('Unknown leaf in branch in \'%s\' in ' \
			'TTree \'%a\' requested.' % (bname, self.tree.GetName()))
	    typestr = l.GetTypeName()
	    obj = getTypeFactory(typestr)()
	    self.tree.SetBranchAddress(bname, obj)
	    # new branch for writing
	    b = self.tree.FindBranch(bname)
	    if None != b:
		raise Exception('Branch \'%s\' already exists in ' \
			'TTree \'%s\'.' % (bname, self.tree.GetName()))
	    obj = getTypeFactory(typestr)()
	    bcallargs = (bname, obj)
	    if isinstance(obj, ctypes._SimpleCData):
		# ok a POD type most likely, so ROOT needs telling what kind of
		# branch it's supposed to create
		if type(obj) not in self.__typedictPOD__:
		    raise Exception('Unknown data type for branch \'%s\' in '\
			    'tree \'%s\'' % (bname, self.tree.GetName()))
	        bcallargs += ('%s/%s' % (bname, self.__typedictPOD__[type(obj)]),)
	self.branches[bname] = obj
        return obj
Ejemplo n.º 2
def createTree(filename, treename):
    from ROOT import TFile, TRandom3
    from ROOT import DotLock, TimeStamp, VersionedObject
    from TypeHelper import getTypeFactory
    from GUITree import Tree
    # acquire write lock
    dl = DotLock(filename)
    # open file for writing (overwriting destination if it exists)
    f = TFile(filename, 'RECREATE')
    # be a bit more aggressive when compressing data: we're not CPU-limited
    # when writing tuple files, but we're happy to get by using up less disk
    # bandwidth
    f.SetCompressionSettings(ROOT.ROOT.CompressionSettings(ROOT.ROOT.kLZMA, 6))
    # create tree with given structure
    t = Tree(treename, 'Velo DQ Tree prototype', {
	# define branch names and types
	'runnr':	'UInt_t', # this never gets updated, so no VersionedObject here
	'checked':	'VersionedObject<UShort_t, TimeStamp, std::greater<TimeStamp> >',
	'comment':	'VersionedObject<std::string, TimeStamp, std::greater<TimeStamp> >',
	'meanpedestal':	'VersionedObject<Float_t, TimeStamp, std::greater<TimeStamp> >',
	'occupancy':	'VersionedObject<std::map<int,std::vector<Float_t> >, TimeStamp, std::greater<TimeStamp> >'
    # construct list of valid Velo sensor numbers
    sensors = tuple(xrange(0, 42))
    sensors += tuple(xrange(64, 64 + 42))
    sensors += tuple(xrange(128, 132))
    # get RNG to generate some data to put into the tuple
    rnd = TRandom3()
    # fill tree, 64 entries
    for i in xrange(0, 64):
	# clear out data from last run

	# fill new run
	# step 1: generate time stamp (now)
	now = TimeStamp()
	# step 2: fill branches
	t.runnr = 100000 + i
	print 'Generating dummy DQ data for run %u' % t.runnr
	t.checked[now] = 0
	t.comment[now] = 'initial DQ for run %u: UNCHECKED' % t.runnr
	t.meanpedestal[now] = rnd.Uniform(-5., 5.)
	# simulate about 3 permille dead, 5 permille noisy channels, and have
	# that fluctuate a bit
	fdead = rnd.Uniform(0.003, 0.002)
	if fdead < 0.: fdead = 0.
	fnoisy = rnd.Uniform(0.005,0.003)
	if fnoisy < 0.: fnoisy = 0.
	# ok, put the per-strip occupancies in
	for sensor in sensors:
	    # vector of per-strip occupancies
	    ov = getTypeFactory('std::vector<Float_t>')(2048, 0.)
	    for strip in xrange(0, 2048):
		# simulate dead, noisy and normal strips
		tmp = rnd.Uniform(0., 1.)
		if tmp > (fdead + fnoisy): ov[strip] = rnd.Gaus(0.01, 0.0025)
		elif tmp > fnoisy: ov[strip] = rnd.Uniform(0., 1.)
	        else: pass # zero anyway
	    # put that strip vector for the current sensor into the current
	    # version
	    t.occupancy[now][sensor] = ov
	# step 3: fill tree
    # make sure tree is written to file
    # close file
    del t
    del f