Ejemplo n.º 1
    def updateQualityChanges(self) -> bool:
        application = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance()
        global_stack = application.getMachineManager().activeMachine
        if not global_stack:
            return False


        current_quality_changes_name = global_stack.qualityChanges.getName()
        current_quality_type = global_stack.quality.getMetaDataEntry(
        extruder_stacks = list(global_stack.extruders.values())
        container_registry = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance(
        machine_definition_id = ContainerTree.getInstance().machines[
        for stack in [global_stack] + extruder_stacks:
            # Find the quality_changes container for this stack and merge the contents of the top container into it.
            quality_changes = stack.qualityChanges

            if quality_changes.getId() == "empty_quality_changes":
                quality_changes = InstanceContainer(
                        (stack.getId() + "_" +
                             " ", "_")))
                quality_changes.setMetaDataEntry("type", "quality_changes")
                if stack.getMetaDataEntry(
                        "position") is not None:  # Extruder stacks.
                        "position", stack.getMetaDataEntry("position"))
                stack.qualityChanges = quality_changes

            if not quality_changes or container_registry.isReadOnly(
                    "Could not update quality of a nonexistant or read only quality profile in stack %s",

            self._performMerge(quality_changes, stack.getTop())


        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _updateMetaData(self, container: InstanceContainer) -> None:
        index = self.find("id", container.id)

        if self._section_property:
            self.setProperty(index, "section", container.getMetaDataEntry(self._section_property, ""))

        self.setProperty(index, "metadata", container.getMetaData())
        self.setProperty(index, "name", container.getName())
        self.setProperty(index, "id", container.getId())
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def read(self, file_name):
        archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, "r")

        cura_file_names = [name for name in archive.namelist() if name.startswith("Cura/")]

        # Create a shadow copy of the preferences (we don't want all of the preferences, but we do want to re-use its
        # parsing code.
        temp_preferences = Preferences()
        temp_preferences.readFromFile(io.TextIOWrapper(archive.open("Cura/preferences.cfg")))  # We need to wrap it, else the archive parser breaks.

        # Copy a number of settings from the temp preferences to the global
        global_preferences = Preferences.getInstance()

        visible_settings = temp_preferences.getValue("general/visible_settings")
        if visible_settings is None:
            Logger.log("w", "Workspace did not contain visible settings. Leaving visibility unchanged")
            global_preferences.setValue("general/visible_settings", visible_settings)

        categories_expanded = temp_preferences.getValue("cura/categories_expanded")
        if categories_expanded is None:
            Logger.log("w", "Workspace did not contain expanded categories. Leaving them unchanged")
            global_preferences.setValue("cura/categories_expanded", categories_expanded)

        Application.getInstance().expandedCategoriesChanged.emit()  # Notify the GUI of the change

        self._id_mapping = {}

        # We don't add containers right away, but wait right until right before the stack serialization.
        # We do this so that if something goes wrong, it's easier to clean up.
        containers_to_add = []

        global_stack_file, extruder_stack_files = self._determineGlobalAndExtruderStackFiles(file_name, cura_file_names)

        global_stack = None
        extruder_stacks = []
        extruder_stacks_added = []
        container_stacks_added = []

        containers_added = []

        global_stack_id_original = self._stripFileToId(global_stack_file)
        global_stack_id_new = global_stack_id_original
        global_stack_need_rename = False

        extruder_stack_id_map = {}  # new and old ExtruderStack IDs map
        if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
            # We need a new id if the id already exists
            if self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = global_stack_id_original):
                global_stack_id_new = self.getNewId(global_stack_id_original)
                global_stack_need_rename = True

            for each_extruder_stack_file in extruder_stack_files:
                old_container_id = self._stripFileToId(each_extruder_stack_file)
                new_container_id = old_container_id
                if self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = old_container_id):
                    # get a new name for this extruder
                    new_container_id = self.getNewId(old_container_id)

                extruder_stack_id_map[old_container_id] = new_container_id

        # TODO: For the moment we use pretty naive existence checking. If the ID is the same, we assume in quite a few
        # TODO: cases that the container loaded is the same (most notable in materials & definitions).
        # TODO: It might be possible that we need to add smarter checking in the future.
        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking definitions...")
        # Get all the definition files & check if they exist. If not, add them.
        definition_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._definition_container_suffix)]
        for definition_container_file in definition_container_files:
            container_id = self._stripFileToId(definition_container_file)
            definitions = self._container_registry.findDefinitionContainers(id = container_id)
            if not definitions:
                definition_container = DefinitionContainer(container_id)

        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking materials...")
        material_containers = []
        # Get all the material files and check if they exist. If not, add them.
        xml_material_profile = self._getXmlProfileClass()
        if self._material_container_suffix is None:
            self._material_container_suffix = ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(xml_material_profile).suffixes[0]
        if xml_material_profile:
            material_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._material_container_suffix)]
            for material_container_file in material_container_files:
                container_id = self._stripFileToId(material_container_file)
                materials = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)

                if not materials:
                    material_container = xml_material_profile(container_id)
                    material_container = materials[0]
                    if not material_container.isReadOnly():  # Only create new materials if they are not read only.
                        if self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "override":
                        elif self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "new":
                            # Note that we *must* deserialize it with a new ID, as multiple containers will be
                            # auto created & added.
                            material_container = xml_material_profile(self.getNewId(container_id))


        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking instance containers...")
        # Get quality_changes and user profiles saved in the workspace
        instance_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._instance_container_suffix)]
        user_instance_containers = []
        quality_and_definition_changes_instance_containers = []
        for instance_container_file in instance_container_files:
            container_id = self._stripFileToId(instance_container_file)
            serialized = archive.open(instance_container_file).read().decode("utf-8")

            # HACK! we ignore "quality" and "variant" instance containers!
            parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
            if not parser.has_option("metadata", "type"):
                Logger.log("w", "Cannot find metadata/type in %s, ignoring it", instance_container_file)
            if parser.get("metadata", "type") in self._ignored_instance_container_types:

            instance_container = InstanceContainer(container_id)

            # Deserialize InstanceContainer by converting read data from bytes to string
            container_type = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("type")

            # IMPORTANT:
            # If an instance container (or maybe other type of container) exists, and user chooses "Create New",
            # we need to rename this container and all references to it, and changing those references are VERY
            # HARD.
            if container_type in self._ignored_instance_container_types:
                # Ignore certain instance container types
                Logger.log("w", "Ignoring instance container [%s] with type [%s]", container_id, container_type)
            elif container_type == "user":
                # Check if quality changes already exists.
                user_containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
                if not user_containers:
                    if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override" or self._resolve_strategies["machine"] is None:
                        instance_container = user_containers[0]
                    elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
                        # The machine is going to get a spiffy new name, so ensure that the id's of user settings match.
                        old_extruder_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
                        if old_extruder_id:
                            new_extruder_id = extruder_stack_id_map[old_extruder_id]
                            new_id = new_extruder_id + "_current_settings"
                            instance_container._id = new_id
                            instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("extruder", new_extruder_id)

                        machine_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None)
                        if machine_id:
                            new_machine_id = self.getNewId(machine_id)
                            new_id = new_machine_id + "_current_settings"
                            instance_container._id = new_id
                            instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", new_machine_id)
            elif container_type in ("quality_changes", "definition_changes"):
                # Check if quality changes already exists.
                changes_containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
                if not changes_containers:
                    # no existing containers with the same ID, so we can safely add the new one
                    # we have found existing container with the same ID, so we need to resolve according to the
                    # selected strategy.
                    if self._resolve_strategies[container_type] == "override":
                        instance_container = changes_containers[0]

                    elif self._resolve_strategies[container_type] == "new":
                        # TODO: how should we handle the case "new" for quality_changes and definition_changes?

                        new_changes_container_id = self.getNewId(instance_container.getId())
                        instance_container._id = new_changes_container_id

                        # TODO: we don't know the following is correct or not, need to verify
                        #       AND REFACTOR!!!
                        if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
                            # The machine is going to get a spiffy new name, so ensure that the id's of user settings match.
                            old_extruder_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
                            if old_extruder_id:
                                new_extruder_id = extruder_stack_id_map[old_extruder_id]
                                instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("extruder", new_extruder_id)

                            machine_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None)
                            if machine_id:
                                new_machine_id = self.getNewId(machine_id)
                                instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", new_machine_id)


                    elif self._resolve_strategies[container_type] is None:
                        # The ID already exists, but nothing in the values changed, so do nothing.
                existing_container = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
                if not existing_container:
            if global_stack_need_rename:
                if instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("machine"):
                    instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", global_stack_id_new)

        # Add all the containers right before we try to add / serialize the stack
        for container in containers_to_add:

        # Get the stack(s) saved in the workspace.
        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking stacks containers...")

        # --
        # load global stack file
            if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
                container_stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = global_stack_id_original)
                stack = container_stacks[0]

                # HACK
                # There is a machine, check if it has authentication data. If so, keep that data.
                network_authentication_id = container_stacks[0].getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id")
                network_authentication_key = container_stacks[0].getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key")
                if network_authentication_id:
                    container_stacks[0].addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", network_authentication_id)
                if network_authentication_key:
                    container_stacks[0].addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key", network_authentication_key)

            elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
                # create a new global stack
                stack = GlobalStack(global_stack_id_new)
                # Deserialize stack by converting read data from bytes to string

                # Ensure a unique ID and name
                stack._id = global_stack_id_new

                # Extruder stacks are "bound" to a machine. If we add the machine as a new one, the id of the
                # bound machine also needs to change.
                if stack.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None):
                    stack.setMetaDataEntry("machine", global_stack_id_new)

                # Only machines need a new name, stacks may be non-unique

                Logger.log("e", "Resolve strategy of %s for machine is not supported",

            global_stack = stack
            Logger.logException("w", "We failed to serialize the stack. Trying to clean up.")
            # Something went really wrong. Try to remove any data that we added.
            for container in containers_added:

        # --
        # load extruder stack files
            for extruder_stack_file in extruder_stack_files:
                container_id = self._stripFileToId(extruder_stack_file)
                extruder_file_content = archive.open(extruder_stack_file, "r").read().decode("utf-8")

                if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
                    # deserialize new extruder stack over the current ones
                    stack = self._overrideExtruderStack(global_stack, extruder_file_content)

                elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
                    new_id = extruder_stack_id_map[container_id]
                    stack = ExtruderStack(new_id)

                    # HACK: the global stack can have a new name, so we need to make sure that this extruder stack
                    #       references to the new name instead of the old one. Normally, this can be done after
                    #       deserialize() by setting the metadata, but in the case of ExtruderStack, deserialize()
                    #       also does addExtruder() to its machine stack, so we have to make sure that it's pointing
                    #       to the right machine BEFORE deserialization.
                    extruder_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
                    extruder_config.set("metadata", "machine", global_stack_id_new)
                    tmp_string_io = io.StringIO()
                    extruder_file_content = tmp_string_io.getvalue()


                    # Ensure a unique ID and name
                    stack._id = new_id

                    Logger.log("w", "Unknown resolve strategy: %s", self._resolve_strategies["machine"])

            Logger.logException("w", "We failed to serialize the stack. Trying to clean up.")
            # Something went really wrong. Try to remove any data that we added. 
            for container in containers_added:

        # Replacing the old containers if resolve is "new".
        # When resolve is "new", some containers will get renamed, so all the other containers that reference to those
        # MUST get updated too.
        if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
            # A new machine was made, but it was serialized with the wrong user container. Fix that now.
            for container in user_instance_containers:
                # replacing the container ID for user instance containers for the extruders
                extruder_id = container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
                if extruder_id:
                    for extruder in extruder_stacks:
                        if extruder.getId() == extruder_id:
                            extruder.userChanges = container

                # replacing the container ID for user instance containers for the machine
                machine_id = container.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None)
                if machine_id:
                    if global_stack.getId() == machine_id:
                        global_stack.userChanges = container

        for changes_container_type in ("quality_changes", "definition_changes"):
            if self._resolve_strategies[changes_container_type] == "new":
                # Quality changes needs to get a new ID, added to registry and to the right stacks
                for each_changes_container in quality_and_definition_changes_instance_containers:
                    # NOTE: The renaming and giving new IDs are possibly redundant because they are done in the
                    #       instance container loading part.
                    new_id = each_changes_container.getId()

                    # Find the old (current) changes container in the global stack
                    if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
                        old_container = global_stack.qualityChanges
                    elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
                        old_container = global_stack.definitionChanges

                    # sanity checks
                    # NOTE: The following cases SHOULD NOT happen!!!!
                    if not old_container:
                        Logger.log("e", "We try to get [%s] from the global stack [%s] but we got None instead!",
                                   changes_container_type, global_stack.getId())

                    # Replace the quality/definition changes container if it's in the GlobalStack
                    # NOTE: we can get an empty container here, but the IDs will not match,
                    # so this comparison is fine.
                    if self._id_mapping.get(old_container.getId()) == new_id:
                        if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
                            global_stack.qualityChanges = each_changes_container
                        elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
                            global_stack.definitionChanges = each_changes_container

                    # Replace the quality/definition changes container if it's in one of the ExtruderStacks
                    for each_extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
                        changes_container = None
                        if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
                            changes_container = each_extruder_stack.qualityChanges
                        elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
                            changes_container = each_extruder_stack.definitionChanges

                        # sanity checks
                        # NOTE: The following cases SHOULD NOT happen!!!!
                        if not changes_container:
                            Logger.log("e", "We try to get [%s] from the extruder stack [%s] but we got None instead!",
                                       changes_container_type, each_extruder_stack.getId())

                        # NOTE: we can get an empty container here, but the IDs will not match,
                        # so this comparison is fine.
                        if self._id_mapping.get(changes_container.getId()) == new_id:
                            if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
                                each_extruder_stack.qualityChanges = each_changes_container
                            elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
                                each_extruder_stack.definitionChanges = each_changes_container

        if self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "new":
            for each_material in material_containers:
                old_material = global_stack.material

                # check if the old material container has been renamed to this material container ID
                # if the container hasn't been renamed, we do nothing.
                new_id = self._id_mapping.get(old_material.getId())
                if new_id is None or new_id != each_material.getId():

                if old_material.getId() in self._id_mapping:
                    global_stack.material = each_material

                for each_extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
                    old_material = each_extruder_stack.material

                    # check if the old material container has been renamed to this material container ID
                    # if the container hasn't been renamed, we do nothing.
                    new_id = self._id_mapping.get(old_material.getId())
                    if new_id is None or new_id != each_material.getId():

                    if old_material.getId() in self._id_mapping:
                        each_extruder_stack.material = each_material

        if extruder_stacks:
            for stack in extruder_stacks:
                ExtruderManager.getInstance().registerExtruder(stack, global_stack.getId())
            # Machine has no extruders, but it needs to be registered with the extruder manager.
            ExtruderManager.getInstance().registerExtruder(None, global_stack.getId())

        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is notifying rest of the code of changes...")

        if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
            for stack in extruder_stacks:

        # Actually change the active machine.

        # Notify everything/one that is to notify about changes.

        # Load all the nodes / meshdata of the workspace
        nodes = self._3mf_mesh_reader.read(file_name)
        if nodes is None:
            nodes = []
        return nodes
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def importProfile(self, file_name: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
        Logger.log("d", "Attempting to import profile %s", file_name)
        if not file_name:
            return { "status": "error", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status Don't translate the XML tags <filename>!", "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>: {1}", file_name, "Invalid path")}

        global_stack = cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.getInstance().getGlobalContainerStack()
        if not global_stack:
            return {"status": "error", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status Don't translate the XML tags <filename>!", "Can't import profile from <filename>{0}</filename> before a printer is added.", file_name)}
        container_tree = ContainerTree.getInstance()

        machine_extruders = global_stack.extruderList

        plugin_registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance()
        extension = file_name.split(".")[-1]

        for plugin_id, meta_data in self._getIOPlugins("profile_reader"):
            if meta_data["profile_reader"][0]["extension"] != extension:
            profile_reader = cast(ProfileReader, plugin_registry.getPluginObject(plugin_id))
                profile_or_list = profile_reader.read(file_name)  # Try to open the file with the profile reader.
            except NoProfileException:
                return { "status": "ok", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status Don't translate the XML tags <filename>!", "No custom profile to import in file <filename>{0}</filename>", file_name)}
            except Exception as e:
                # Note that this will fail quickly. That is, if any profile reader throws an exception, it will stop reading. It will only continue reading if the reader returned None.
                Logger.log("e", "Failed to import profile from %s: %s while using profile reader. Got exception %s", file_name, profile_reader.getPluginId(), str(e))
                return { "status": "error", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status Don't translate the XML tags <filename>!", "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>:", file_name) + "\n<message>" + str(e) + "</message>"}

            if profile_or_list:
                # Ensure it is always a list of profiles
                if not isinstance(profile_or_list, list):
                    profile_or_list = [profile_or_list]

                # First check if this profile is suitable for this machine
                global_profile = None
                extruder_profiles = []
                if len(profile_or_list) == 1:
                    global_profile = profile_or_list[0]
                    for profile in profile_or_list:
                        if not profile.getMetaDataEntry("position"):
                            global_profile = profile
                extruder_profiles = sorted(extruder_profiles, key = lambda x: int(x.getMetaDataEntry("position")))
                profile_or_list = [global_profile] + extruder_profiles

                if not global_profile:
                    Logger.log("e", "Incorrect profile [%s]. Could not find global profile", file_name)
                    return { "status": "error",
                             "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status Don't translate the XML tags <filename>!", "This profile <filename>{0}</filename> contains incorrect data, could not import it.", file_name)}
                profile_definition = global_profile.getMetaDataEntry("definition")

                # Make sure we have a profile_definition in the file:
                if profile_definition is None:
                machine_definitions = self.findContainers(id = profile_definition)
                if not machine_definitions:
                    Logger.log("e", "Incorrect profile [%s]. Unknown machine type [%s]", file_name, profile_definition)
                    return {"status": "error",
                            "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status Don't translate the XML tags <filename>!", "This profile <filename>{0}</filename> contains incorrect data, could not import it.", file_name)
                machine_definition = machine_definitions[0]

                # Get the expected machine definition.
                # i.e.: We expect gcode for a UM2 Extended to be defined as normal UM2 gcode...
                has_machine_quality = parseBool(machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("has_machine_quality", "false"))
                profile_definition = machine_definition.getMetaDataEntry("quality_definition", machine_definition.getId()) if has_machine_quality else "fdmprinter"
                expected_machine_definition = container_tree.machines[global_stack.definition.getId()].quality_definition

                # And check if the profile_definition matches either one (showing error if not):
                if profile_definition != expected_machine_definition:
                    Logger.log("d", "Profile {file_name} is for machine {profile_definition}, but the current active machine is {expected_machine_definition}. Changing profile's definition.".format(file_name = file_name, profile_definition = profile_definition, expected_machine_definition = expected_machine_definition))
                    global_profile.setMetaDataEntry("definition", expected_machine_definition)
                    for extruder_profile in extruder_profiles:
                        extruder_profile.setMetaDataEntry("definition", expected_machine_definition)

                quality_name = global_profile.getName()
                quality_type = global_profile.getMetaDataEntry("quality_type")

                name_seed = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[0]
                new_name = self.uniqueName(name_seed)

                # Ensure it is always a list of profiles
                if type(profile_or_list) is not list:
                    profile_or_list = [profile_or_list]

                # Make sure that there are also extruder stacks' quality_changes, not just one for the global stack
                if len(profile_or_list) == 1:
                    global_profile = profile_or_list[0]
                    extruder_profiles = []
                    for idx, extruder in enumerate(global_stack.extruderList):
                        profile_id = ContainerRegistry.getInstance().uniqueName(global_stack.getId() + "_extruder_" + str(idx + 1))
                        profile = InstanceContainer(profile_id)
                        profile.setMetaDataEntry("setting_version", cura.CuraApplication.CuraApplication.SettingVersion)
                        profile.setMetaDataEntry("type", "quality_changes")
                        profile.setMetaDataEntry("definition", expected_machine_definition)
                        profile.setMetaDataEntry("quality_type", quality_type)
                        if idx == 0:
                            # Move all per-extruder settings to the first extruder's quality_changes
                            for qc_setting_key in global_profile.getAllKeys():
                                settable_per_extruder = global_stack.getProperty(qc_setting_key, "settable_per_extruder")
                                if settable_per_extruder:
                                    setting_value = global_profile.getProperty(qc_setting_key, "value")

                                    setting_definition = global_stack.getSettingDefinition(qc_setting_key)
                                    if setting_definition is not None:
                                        new_instance = SettingInstance(setting_definition, profile)
                                        new_instance.setProperty("value", setting_value)
                                        new_instance.resetState()  # Ensure that the state is not seen as a user state.

                                    global_profile.removeInstance(qc_setting_key, postpone_emit = True)

                    for profile in extruder_profiles:

                # Import all profiles
                profile_ids_added = []  # type: List[str]
                for profile_index, profile in enumerate(profile_or_list):
                    if profile_index == 0:
                        # This is assumed to be the global profile
                        profile_id = (cast(ContainerInterface, global_stack.getBottom()).getId() + "_" + name_seed).lower().replace(" ", "_")

                    elif profile_index < len(machine_extruders) + 1:
                        # This is assumed to be an extruder profile
                        extruder_id = machine_extruders[profile_index - 1].definition.getId()
                        extruder_position = str(profile_index - 1)
                        if not profile.getMetaDataEntry("position"):
                            profile.setMetaDataEntry("position", extruder_position)
                            profile.setMetaDataEntry("position", extruder_position)
                        profile_id = (extruder_id + "_" + name_seed).lower().replace(" ", "_")

                    else:  # More extruders in the imported file than in the machine.
                        continue  # Delete the additional profiles.

                    result = self._configureProfile(profile, profile_id, new_name, expected_machine_definition)
                    if result is not None:
                        # Remove any profiles that did got added.
                        for profile_id in profile_ids_added:

                        return {"status": "error", "message": catalog.i18nc(
                            "@info:status Don't translate the XML tag <filename>!",
                            "Failed to import profile from <filename>{0}</filename>:",
                            file_name) + " " + result}
                return {"status": "ok", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Successfully imported profile {0}", profile_or_list[0].getName())}

            # This message is throw when the profile reader doesn't find any profile in the file
            return {"status": "error", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "File {0} does not contain any valid profile.", file_name)}

        # If it hasn't returned by now, none of the plugins loaded the profile successfully.
        return {"status": "error", "message": catalog.i18nc("@info:status", "Profile {0} has an unknown file type or is corrupted.", file_name)}
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def read(self, file_name):
        archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, "r")

        cura_file_names = [name for name in archive.namelist() if name.startswith("Cura/")]

        # Create a shadow copy of the preferences (we don't want all of the preferences, but we do want to re-use its
        # parsing code.
        temp_preferences = Preferences()
        temp_preferences.readFromFile(io.TextIOWrapper(archive.open("Cura/preferences.cfg")))  # We need to wrap it, else the archive parser breaks.

        # Copy a number of settings from the temp preferences to the global
        global_preferences = Preferences.getInstance()

        visible_settings = temp_preferences.getValue("general/visible_settings")
        if visible_settings is None:
            Logger.log("w", "Workspace did not contain visible settings. Leaving visibility unchanged")
            global_preferences.setValue("general/visible_settings", visible_settings)

        categories_expanded = temp_preferences.getValue("cura/categories_expanded")
        if categories_expanded is None:
            Logger.log("w", "Workspace did not contain expanded categories. Leaving them unchanged")
            global_preferences.setValue("cura/categories_expanded", categories_expanded)

        Application.getInstance().expandedCategoriesChanged.emit()  # Notify the GUI of the change

        self._id_mapping = {}

        # We don't add containers right away, but wait right until right before the stack serialization.
        # We do this so that if something goes wrong, it's easier to clean up.
        containers_to_add = []

        global_stack_file, extruder_stack_files = self._determineGlobalAndExtruderStackFiles(file_name, cura_file_names)

        global_stack = None
        extruder_stacks = []
        extruder_stacks_added = []
        container_stacks_added = []

        containers_added = []

        global_stack_id_original = self._stripFileToId(global_stack_file)
        global_stack_id_new = global_stack_id_original
        global_stack_need_rename = False

        extruder_stack_id_map = {}  # new and old ExtruderStack IDs map
        if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
            # We need a new id if the id already exists
            if self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = global_stack_id_original):
                global_stack_id_new = self.getNewId(global_stack_id_original)
                global_stack_need_rename = True

            for each_extruder_stack_file in extruder_stack_files:
                old_container_id = self._stripFileToId(each_extruder_stack_file)
                new_container_id = old_container_id
                if self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = old_container_id):
                    # get a new name for this extruder
                    new_container_id = self.getNewId(old_container_id)

                extruder_stack_id_map[old_container_id] = new_container_id

        # TODO: For the moment we use pretty naive existence checking. If the ID is the same, we assume in quite a few
        # TODO: cases that the container loaded is the same (most notable in materials & definitions).
        # TODO: It might be possible that we need to add smarter checking in the future.
        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking definitions...")
        # Get all the definition files & check if they exist. If not, add them.
        definition_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._definition_container_suffix)]
        for definition_container_file in definition_container_files:
            container_id = self._stripFileToId(definition_container_file)
            definitions = self._container_registry.findDefinitionContainers(id = container_id)
            if not definitions:
                definition_container = DefinitionContainer(container_id)

        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking materials...")
        material_containers = []
        # Get all the material files and check if they exist. If not, add them.
        xml_material_profile = self._getXmlProfileClass()
        if self._material_container_suffix is None:
            self._material_container_suffix = ContainerRegistry.getMimeTypeForContainer(xml_material_profile).suffixes[0]
        if xml_material_profile:
            material_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._material_container_suffix)]
            for material_container_file in material_container_files:
                container_id = self._stripFileToId(material_container_file)
                materials = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)

                if not materials:
                    material_container = xml_material_profile(container_id)
                    material_container = materials[0]
                    if not material_container.isReadOnly():  # Only create new materials if they are not read only.
                        if self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "override":
                        elif self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "new":
                            # Note that we *must* deserialize it with a new ID, as multiple containers will be
                            # auto created & added.
                            material_container = xml_material_profile(self.getNewId(container_id))


        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking instance containers...")
        # Get quality_changes and user profiles saved in the workspace
        instance_container_files = [name for name in cura_file_names if name.endswith(self._instance_container_suffix)]
        user_instance_containers = []
        quality_and_definition_changes_instance_containers = []
        for instance_container_file in instance_container_files:
            container_id = self._stripFileToId(instance_container_file)
            serialized = archive.open(instance_container_file).read().decode("utf-8")

            # HACK! we ignore "quality" and "variant" instance containers!
            parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
            if not parser.has_option("metadata", "type"):
                Logger.log("w", "Cannot find metadata/type in %s, ignoring it", instance_container_file)
            if parser.get("metadata", "type") in self._ignored_instance_container_types:

            instance_container = InstanceContainer(container_id)

            # Deserialize InstanceContainer by converting read data from bytes to string
            container_type = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("type")

            # IMPORTANT:
            # If an instance container (or maybe other type of container) exists, and user chooses "Create New",
            # we need to rename this container and all references to it, and changing those references are VERY
            # HARD.
            if container_type in self._ignored_instance_container_types:
                # Ignore certain instance container types
                Logger.log("w", "Ignoring instance container [%s] with type [%s]", container_id, container_type)
            elif container_type == "user":
                # Check if quality changes already exists.
                user_containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
                if not user_containers:
                    if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override" or self._resolve_strategies["machine"] is None:
                        instance_container = user_containers[0]
                    elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
                        # The machine is going to get a spiffy new name, so ensure that the id's of user settings match.
                        old_extruder_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
                        if old_extruder_id:
                            new_extruder_id = extruder_stack_id_map[old_extruder_id]
                            new_id = new_extruder_id + "_current_settings"
                            instance_container._id = new_id
                            instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("extruder", new_extruder_id)

                        machine_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None)
                        if machine_id:
                            new_machine_id = self.getNewId(machine_id)
                            new_id = new_machine_id + "_current_settings"
                            instance_container._id = new_id
                            instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", new_machine_id)
            elif container_type in ("quality_changes", "definition_changes"):
                # Check if quality changes already exists.
                changes_containers = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
                if not changes_containers:
                    # no existing containers with the same ID, so we can safely add the new one
                    # we have found existing container with the same ID, so we need to resolve according to the
                    # selected strategy.
                    if self._resolve_strategies[container_type] == "override":
                        instance_container = changes_containers[0]

                    elif self._resolve_strategies[container_type] == "new":
                        # TODO: how should we handle the case "new" for quality_changes and definition_changes?

                        new_changes_container_id = self.getNewId(instance_container.getId())
                        instance_container._id = new_changes_container_id

                        # TODO: we don't know the following is correct or not, need to verify
                        #       AND REFACTOR!!!
                        if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
                            # The machine is going to get a spiffy new name, so ensure that the id's of user settings match.
                            old_extruder_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
                            if old_extruder_id:
                                new_extruder_id = extruder_stack_id_map[old_extruder_id]
                                instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("extruder", new_extruder_id)

                            machine_id = instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None)
                            if machine_id:
                                new_machine_id = self.getNewId(machine_id)
                                instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", new_machine_id)


                    elif self._resolve_strategies[container_type] is None:
                        # The ID already exists, but nothing in the values changed, so do nothing.
                existing_container = self._container_registry.findInstanceContainers(id = container_id)
                if not existing_container:
            if global_stack_need_rename:
                if instance_container.getMetaDataEntry("machine"):
                    instance_container.setMetaDataEntry("machine", global_stack_id_new)

        # Add all the containers right before we try to add / serialize the stack
        for container in containers_to_add:

        # Get the stack(s) saved in the workspace.
        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is checking stacks containers...")

        # --
        # load global stack file
            # Check if a stack by this ID already exists;
            container_stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = global_stack_id_original)
            if container_stacks:
                stack = container_stacks[0]

                if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
                    # TODO: HACK
                    # There is a machine, check if it has authentication data. If so, keep that data.
                    network_authentication_id = container_stacks[0].getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id")
                    network_authentication_key = container_stacks[0].getMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key")
                    if network_authentication_id:
                        container_stacks[0].addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_id", network_authentication_id)
                    if network_authentication_key:
                        container_stacks[0].addMetaDataEntry("network_authentication_key", network_authentication_key)
                elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
                    stack = GlobalStack(global_stack_id_new)

                    # Ensure a unique ID and name
                    stack._id = global_stack_id_new

                    # Extruder stacks are "bound" to a machine. If we add the machine as a new one, the id of the
                    # bound machine also needs to change.
                    if stack.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None):
                        stack.setMetaDataEntry("machine", global_stack_id_new)

                    # Only machines need a new name, stacks may be non-unique
                    Logger.log("w", "Resolve strategy of %s for machine is not supported", self._resolve_strategies["machine"])
                # no existing container stack, so we create a new one
                stack = GlobalStack(global_stack_id_new)
                # Deserialize stack by converting read data from bytes to string

            global_stack = stack
            Logger.logException("w", "We failed to serialize the stack. Trying to clean up.")
            # Something went really wrong. Try to remove any data that we added.
            for container in containers_added:

        # --
        # load extruder stack files
            for index, extruder_stack_file in enumerate(extruder_stack_files):
                container_id = self._stripFileToId(extruder_stack_file)
                extruder_file_content = archive.open(extruder_stack_file, "r").read().decode("utf-8")

                container_stacks = self._container_registry.findContainerStacks(id = container_id)
                if container_stacks:
                    # this container stack already exists, try to resolve
                    stack = container_stacks[0]

                    if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
                        # NOTE: This is the same code as those in the lower part
                        # deserialize new extruder stack over the current ones
                        stack = self._overrideExtruderStack(global_stack, extruder_file_content)

                    elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
                        # create a new extruder stack from this one
                        new_id = extruder_stack_id_map[container_id]
                        stack = ExtruderStack(new_id)

                        # HACK: the global stack can have a new name, so we need to make sure that this extruder stack
                        #       references to the new name instead of the old one. Normally, this can be done after
                        #       deserialize() by setting the metadata, but in the case of ExtruderStack, deserialize()
                        #       also does addExtruder() to its machine stack, so we have to make sure that it's pointing
                        #       to the right machine BEFORE deserialization.
                        extruder_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
                        extruder_config.set("metadata", "machine", global_stack_id_new)
                        tmp_string_io = io.StringIO()
                        extruder_file_content = tmp_string_io.getvalue()


                        # Ensure a unique ID and name
                        stack._id = new_id

                    # No extruder stack with the same ID can be found
                    if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "override":
                        # deserialize new extruder stack over the current ones
                        stack = self._overrideExtruderStack(global_stack, extruder_file_content)

                    elif self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
                        # container not found, create a new one
                        stack = ExtruderStack(container_id)

                        # HACK: the global stack can have a new name, so we need to make sure that this extruder stack
                        #       references to the new name instead of the old one. Normally, this can be done after
                        #       deserialize() by setting the metadata, but in the case of ExtruderStack, deserialize()
                        #       also does addExtruder() to its machine stack, so we have to make sure that it's pointing
                        #       to the right machine BEFORE deserialization.
                        extruder_config = configparser.ConfigParser()
                        extruder_config.set("metadata", "machine", global_stack_id_new)
                        tmp_string_io = io.StringIO()
                        extruder_file_content = tmp_string_io.getvalue()

                        Logger.log("w", "Unknown resolve strategy: %s" % str(self._resolve_strategies["machine"]))

            Logger.logException("w", "We failed to serialize the stack. Trying to clean up.")
            # Something went really wrong. Try to remove any data that we added. 
            for container in containers_added:

        # Replacing the old containers if resolve is "new".
        # When resolve is "new", some containers will get renamed, so all the other containers that reference to those
        # MUST get updated too.
        if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
            # A new machine was made, but it was serialized with the wrong user container. Fix that now.
            for container in user_instance_containers:
                # replacing the container ID for user instance containers for the extruders
                extruder_id = container.getMetaDataEntry("extruder", None)
                if extruder_id:
                    for extruder in extruder_stacks:
                        if extruder.getId() == extruder_id:
                            extruder.userChanges = container

                # replacing the container ID for user instance containers for the machine
                machine_id = container.getMetaDataEntry("machine", None)
                if machine_id:
                    if global_stack.getId() == machine_id:
                        global_stack.userChanges = container

        for changes_container_type in ("quality_changes", "definition_changes"):
            if self._resolve_strategies[changes_container_type] == "new":
                # Quality changes needs to get a new ID, added to registry and to the right stacks
                for each_changes_container in quality_and_definition_changes_instance_containers:
                    # NOTE: The renaming and giving new IDs are possibly redundant because they are done in the
                    #       instance container loading part.
                    new_id = each_changes_container.getId()

                    # Find the old (current) changes container in the global stack
                    if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
                        old_container = global_stack.qualityChanges
                    elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
                        old_container = global_stack.definitionChanges

                    # sanity checks
                    # NOTE: The following cases SHOULD NOT happen!!!!
                    if not old_container:
                        Logger.log("e", "We try to get [%s] from the global stack [%s] but we got None instead!",
                                   changes_container_type, global_stack.getId())

                    # Replace the quality/definition changes container if it's in the GlobalStack
                    # NOTE: we can get an empty container here, but the IDs will not match,
                    # so this comparison is fine.
                    if self._id_mapping.get(old_container.getId()) == new_id:
                        if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
                            global_stack.qualityChanges = each_changes_container
                        elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
                            global_stack.definitionChanges = each_changes_container

                    # Replace the quality/definition changes container if it's in one of the ExtruderStacks
                    for each_extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
                        changes_container = None
                        if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
                            changes_container = each_extruder_stack.qualityChanges
                        elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
                            changes_container = each_extruder_stack.definitionChanges

                        # sanity checks
                        # NOTE: The following cases SHOULD NOT happen!!!!
                        if not changes_container:
                            Logger.log("e", "We try to get [%s] from the extruder stack [%s] but we got None instead!",
                                       changes_container_type, each_extruder_stack.getId())

                        # NOTE: we can get an empty container here, but the IDs will not match,
                        # so this comparison is fine.
                        if self._id_mapping.get(changes_container.getId()) == new_id:
                            if changes_container_type == "quality_changes":
                                each_extruder_stack.qualityChanges = each_changes_container
                            elif changes_container_type == "definition_changes":
                                each_extruder_stack.definitionChanges = each_changes_container

        if self._resolve_strategies["material"] == "new":
            for each_material in material_containers:
                old_material = global_stack.material

                # check if the old material container has been renamed to this material container ID
                # if the container hasn't been renamed, we do nothing.
                new_id = self._id_mapping.get(old_material.getId())
                if new_id is None or new_id != each_material.getId():

                if old_material.getId() in self._id_mapping:
                    global_stack.material = each_material

                for each_extruder_stack in extruder_stacks:
                    old_material = each_extruder_stack.material

                    # check if the old material container has been renamed to this material container ID
                    # if the container hasn't been renamed, we do nothing.
                    new_id = self._id_mapping.get(old_material.getId())
                    if new_id is None or new_id != each_material.getId():

                    if old_material.getId() in self._id_mapping:
                        each_extruder_stack.material = each_material

        if extruder_stacks:
            for stack in extruder_stacks:
                ExtruderManager.getInstance().registerExtruder(stack, global_stack.getId())
            # Machine has no extruders, but it needs to be registered with the extruder manager.
            ExtruderManager.getInstance().registerExtruder(None, global_stack.getId())

        Logger.log("d", "Workspace loading is notifying rest of the code of changes...")

        if self._resolve_strategies["machine"] == "new":
            for stack in extruder_stacks:

        # Actually change the active machine.

        # Notify everything/one that is to notify about changes.

        # Load all the nodes / meshdata of the workspace
        nodes = self._3mf_mesh_reader.read(file_name)
        if nodes is None:
            nodes = []
        return nodes