def gprTorch_1d_singleTask_test(): """ Test for GPR for 1d parameter """ def fEx(x): """ Simulator """ yEx=np.sin(2*mt.pi*x) return yEx def noiseGen(n,noiseType): """ Generate a 1D numpy array of standard deviations of the observation noise """ if noiseType=='h**o': sd=0.2 #standard deviation (Note: non-zero, to avoid instabilities) sdV=[sd]*n sdV=np.asarray(sdV) elif noiseType=='hetero': sdMin=0.05 sdMax=0.55 sdV=sdMin+(sdMax-sdMin)*np.linspace(0.0,1.0,n) return sdV def trainData(xBound,n,noiseType): """ Create training data D={X,Y} """ x=np.linspace(xBound[0],xBound[1],n) sdV=noiseGen(n,noiseType) y=fEx(x) + sdV * np.random.randn(n) return x,y,sdV #----- SETTINGS ---------------- n=120 #number of training samples nTest=100 #number of test samples xBound=[0.,1] #parameter range #Type of the noise noiseType='hetero' #'h**o'=homoscedastic, 'hetero'=heterscedastic nIter_=800 #number of iterations in optimization of GPR hyperparameters lr_ =0.1 #learning rate in the optimization of the hyperparameters convPlot_=True #plot convergence of optimization of the GPR hyperparameters #------------------------------------------------ #(0) Assemble gprOpts dictionary gprOpts={'nIter':nIter_,'lr':lr_,'convPlot':convPlot_} #(1) Generate training and test samples xTrain,yTrain,noiseSdev=trainData(xBound,n,noiseType) xTest = np.linspace(xBound[0]-0.2, xBound[1]+.2, nTest) #if numpy is used for training #xTest = torch.linspace(xBound[0], xBound[1], nTest) #if torch is used for training #(2) Construct the GPR using the training data gpr_=gpr(xTrain=xTrain[:,None],yTrain=yTrain[:,None],noiseV=noiseSdev, xTest=xTest[:,None],gprOpts=gprOpts) post_f=gpr_.post_f post_obs=gpr_.post_y #(3) Exact response surface fExTest=fEx(xTest) #(4) Plot pltOpts={'title':'Single-task GPR, 1D parameter, %s-scedastic noise'%noiseType} gprPlot(pltOpts).torch1d(post_f,post_obs,xTrain,yTrain,xTest,fExTest)
def ppce_1d_test(): """ Test PPCE over 1D parameter space """ def fEx(x, fType, qInfo): """ Simulator """ yEx = analyticTestFuncs.fEx1D(x, fType, qInfo).val return yEx # def noiseGen(n, noiseType): """ Generate a 1D numpy array of the standard deviation of the observation noise """ if noiseType == 'h**o': #homoscedastic noise sd = 0.1 #(non-zero, to avoid instabilities) sdV = [sd] * n sdV = np.asarray(sdV) elif noiseType == 'hetero': #heteroscedastic noise sdMin = 0.02 sdMax = 0.2 sdV = sdMin + (sdMax - sdMin) * np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, n) return sdV # def trainData(xInfo, n, noiseType, trainSamplyType, distType, fType): """ Create training data D={X,Y} """ X_ = sampling.trainSample(sampleType=trainSampleType, GQdistType=distType, qInfo=xInfo, nSamp=n) x = X_.q sdV = noiseGen(n, noiseType) y = fEx(x, fType, xInfo) + sdV * np.random.randn(n) return x, y, sdV # #-------SETTINGS------------------------------ distType = 'Norm' #type of distribution of the parameter (Acc. gPCE rule) trainSampleType = 'normRand' #how to draw the trainining samples, see trainSample in qInfo = [0.5, 0.9] #info about the parameter #if 'Unif', qInfo =[min(q),max(q)] #if 'Norm', qInfo=[m,v] for q~N(m,v^2) n = 30 #number of training samples in GPR noiseType = 'h**o' #'h**o'=homoscedastic, 'hetero'=heterscedastic nGQtest = 10 #number of test points (=Gauss quadrature nodes) #GPR options nIter_gpr = 1000 #number of iterations in optimization of hyperparameters lr_gpr = 0.2 #learning rate for the optimization of the hyperparameters convPlot_gpr = True #plot convergence of the optimization of the GPR hyperparameters nMC = 1000 #number of samples drawn from GPR surrogate to construct estimates # for the moments of f(q) #--------------------------------------------- if distType == 'Unif': fType = 'type1' elif distType == 'Norm': fType = 'type2' #(1) generate synthetic training data qTrain, yTrain, noiseSdev = trainData(qInfo, n, noiseType, trainSampleType, distType, fType) #(2) assemble the ppceDict dictionary ppceDict = { 'nGQtest': nGQtest, 'qInfo': qInfo, 'distType': distType, 'nIter_gpr': nIter_gpr, 'lr_gpr': lr_gpr, 'convPlot_gpr': convPlot_gpr, 'nMC': nMC } #(3) construct the ppce ppce_ = ppce(qTrain, yTrain, noiseSdev, ppceDict) fMean_samples = ppce_.fMean_samps fVar_samples = ppce_.fVar_samps optOut = ppce_.optOut #(4) postprocess # (a) plot the GPR surrogate along with response from the exact simulator pltOpts = {'title': 'PPCE, 1D param, %s-scedastic noise' % noiseType} gpr_torch.gprPlot(pltOpts).torch1d(optOut['post_f'], optOut['post_obs'], qTrain, yTrain, optOut['qTest'][0], fEx(optOut['qTest'][0], fType, qInfo)) # (b) plot histogram and pdf of the mean and variance distribution statsUQit.pdfFit_uniVar(fMean_samples, True, []) statsUQit.pdfFit_uniVar(fVar_samples, True, []) # (c) compare the exact moments with estimated values by ppce fEx = analyticTestFuncs.fEx1D(qTrain, fType, qInfo) fEx.moments(qInfo) fMean_ex = fEx.mean fVar_ex = fEx.var fMean_mean = fMean_samples.mean() fMean_sdev = fMean_samples.std() fVar_mean = fVar_samples.mean() fVar_sdev = fVar_samples.std() print(writeUQ.printRepeated('-', 80)) print('>> Exact mean(f) = %g' % fMean_ex) print(' ppce estimated: E[mean(f)] = %g , sdev[mean(f)] = %g' % (fMean_mean, fMean_sdev)) print('>> Exact Var(f) = %g' % fVar_ex) print(' ppce estimated: E[Var(f)] = %g , sdev[Var(f)] = %g' % (fVar_mean, fVar_sdev))
def ppce_2d_test(): """ Test for ppce for 2D parameter """ def fEx(p, sampleType, n, qInfo, fExName): """ Generate synthetic training data """ # (a) xTrain nSamp = n[0] * n[1] xi = [] q = [] qBound = [] if sampleType[0] == 'LHS' and sampleType[1] == 'LHS': if distType == ['Unif'] * p: qBound = qInfo xi = sampling.LHS_sampling(nSamp, [[-1, 1]] * p) xTrain = np.zeros((nSamp, p)) for i in range(p): xTrain[:, i] = pce.mapFromUnit(xi[:, i], qBound[i]) fEx_ = analyticTestFuncs.fEx2D(xTrain[:, 0], xTrain[:, 1], fExName, 'comp') else: raise ValueError( "LHS works only when all q have 'Unif' distribution.") else: for i in range(p): samps = sampling.trainSample(sampleType=sampleType[i], GQdistType=distType[i], qInfo=qInfo[i], nSamp=n[i]) q.append(samps.q) xTrain = reshaper.vecs2grid(q) fEx_ = analyticTestFuncs.fEx2D(q[0], q[1], fExName, 'tensorProd') return xTrain, fEx_ # def trainDataGen(p, sampleType, n, qInfo, fExName, noiseType): """ Generate synthetic training data """ # (a) xTrain and noise-free yTrain xTrain, fEx_ = fEx(p, sampleType, n, qInfo, fExName) yTrain_noiseFree = fEx_.val nSamp = xTrain.shape[0] # (b) set the sdev of the observation noise noiseSdev = noiseGen(nSamp, noiseType, xTrain, fExName) # (c) Training data yTrain = yTrain_noiseFree + noiseSdev * np.random.randn(nSamp) return xTrain, yTrain, noiseSdev, yTrain_noiseFree, fEx_ # def noiseGen(n, noiseType, xTrain, fExName): """ Generate a 1D numpy array of standard deviation of the observation noise """ if noiseType == 'h**o': sd = 0.2 #(non-zero, to avoid instabilities) sdV = sd * np.ones(n) elif noiseType == 'hetero': sdV = 0.1 * (analyticTestFuncs.fEx2D(xTrain[:, 0], xTrain[:, 1], fExName, 'comp').val + 0.001) return sdV # #----- SETTINGS ------------------------------------------- #settings for parameters and data qInfo = [[-2, 2], [-2, 3]] #info about the parameter #if 'Unif', qInfo =[min(q),max(q)] #if 'Norm', qInfo=[m,v] for q~N(m,v^2) distType = ['Unif', 'Unif'] #distribution type of parameters fExName = 'type1' #name of simulator to generate synthetic dat #see analyticTestFuncs.fEx2D() trainSampleType = ['LHS', 'LHS'] #sampling type, see trainSample in n = [10, 12] #number of training samples for each parameter. #note: n[0]*n[1]<128, due to GpyTorch noiseType = 'hetero' #type of observation noise #'h**o'=homoscedastic, 'hetero'=heterscedastic #options for GPR nIter_gpr = 1000 #number of iterations in optimization of hyperparameters lr_gpr = 0.1 #learning rate for the optimization of the hyperparameters convPlot_gpr = True #plot convergence of optimization of the GPR hyperparameters #options for Gauss quadrature test nodes nGQtest = [18, 18] #number of test samples in each param dimension nMC = 100 #number of samples drawn from GPR surrogate to construct estimates # for the moments of f(q) #--------------------------------------------------------- p = len(distType) #(1) generate synthetic training data qTrain, yTrain, noiseSdev, yTrain_noiseFree, fEx_ = trainDataGen( p, trainSampleType, n, qInfo, fExName, noiseType) #(2) probabilistic PCE ppceDict = { 'nGQtest': nGQtest, 'qInfo': qInfo, 'distType': distType, 'nIter_gpr': nIter_gpr, 'lr_gpr': lr_gpr, 'convPlot_gpr': convPlot_gpr, 'nMC': nMC } ppce_ = ppce(qTrain, yTrain, noiseSdev, ppceDict) optOut = ppce_.optOut fMean_samples = ppce_.fMean_samps fVar_samples = ppce_.fVar_samps #(3) estimate reference mean and varaiance of f(q) using Monte-Carlo approach fEx_.moments(distType, qInfo) fMean_mc = fEx_.mean fVar_mc = fEx_.var #(4) postprocess # (a) plot the exact and GPR response surfaces gpr_torch.gprPlot().torch2d_3dSurf(qTrain, yTrain, optOut['qTest'], optOut['post_obs']) # (b) plot histogram and fitted pdf of the mean and variance distributions statsUQit.pdfFit_uniVar(fMean_samples, True, []) statsUQit.pdfFit_uniVar(fVar_samples, True, []) # (c) compare the reference moments with the estimated values by ppce fMean_mean = fMean_samples.mean() fMean_sdev = fMean_samples.std() fVar_mean = fVar_samples.mean() fVar_sdev = fVar_samples.std() print(writeUQ.printRepeated('-', 80)) print('Reference mean(f) = %g' % fMean_mc) print('PPCE estimated: E[mean(f)] = %g , sdev[mean(f)] = %g' % (fMean_mean, fMean_sdev)) print('Reference var(f) = %g' % fVar_mc) print('PPCE estimated: E[var(f)] = %g , sdev[var(f)] = %g' % (fVar_mean, fVar_sdev))
def gprTorch_2d_singleTask_test(): """ Test for GPR for 2d input """ ## def plot_trainData(n,fSamples,noiseSdev,yTrain): """ Plot the noisy training data which are used in GPR. """ plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) x_=np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): x_[i]=i+1 for i in range(500): #only for plottig possible realizations noise_=noiseSdev*np.random.randn(n) plt.plot(x_,fSamples+noise_,'.',color='steelblue',alpha=0.4,markersize=1) plt.errorbar(x_,fSamples,yerr=1.96*abs(noiseSdev),ls='none',capsize=5,ecolor='k', elinewidth=4,label=r'$95\%$ CI in Obs.') plt.plot(x_,fSamples,'o' ,markersize=6,markerfacecolor='lime', markeredgecolor='salmon',label='Mean Observation') plt.plot(x_,yTrain ,'xr' ,markersize=6,label='Sample Observation') plt.legend(loc='best',fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('QoI',fontsize=17) plt.xlabel('Simulation Index',fontsize=17) plt.xticks(fontsize=15) plt.yticks(fontsize=15) plt.title('Training data with associated confidence') ## def trainDataGen(p,sampleType,n,qBound,fExName,noiseType): """ Generate Training Data """ # (a) xTrain if sampleType=='grid': nSamp=n[0]*n[1] gridList=[] for i in range(p): #grid_=torch.linspace(qBound[i][0],qBound[i][1],n[i]) #torch grid_=np.linspace(qBound[i][0],qBound[i][1],n[i]) gridList.append(grid_) xTrain=reshaper.vecs2grid(gridList) # xTrain = gpytorch.utils.grid.create_data_from_grid(gridList) #torch elif sampleType=='random': nSamp=n #number of random samples xTrain=sampling.LHS_sampling(n,qBound) # (b) Observation noise #noiseSdev=torch.ones(nTot).mul(0.1) #torch noiseSdev=noiseGen(nSamp,noiseType,xTrain,fExName) #yTrain = torch.sin(mt.pi*xTrain[:,0])*torch.cos(.25*mt.pi*xTrain[:,1])+ # torch.randn_like(xTrain[:,0]).mul(0.1) #torch # (c) Training response yTrain=analyticTestFuncs.fEx2D(xTrain[:,0],xTrain[:,1],fExName,'comp').val yTrain_noiseFree=yTrain yTrain=yTrain_noiseFree+noiseSdev*np.random.randn(nSamp) return xTrain,yTrain,noiseSdev,yTrain_noiseFree ## def noiseGen(n,noiseType,xTrain,fExName): """ Generate a 1D numpy array of standard deviations of the observation noise """ if noiseType=='h**o': sd=0.2 # noise standard deviation (Note: non-zero, to avoid instabilities) sdV=sd*np.ones(n) elif noiseType=='hetero': #sdMin=0.01 #sdMax=0.5 #sdV=sdMin+(sdMax-sdMin)*np.linspace(0.0,1.0,n) #sdV=0.15*np.ones(n) sdV=0.1*(analyticTestFuncs.fEx2D(xTrain[:,0],xTrain[:,1],fExName,'comp').val+0.001) return sdV # #----- SETTINGS qBound=[[-2,2],[-2,2]] #Admissible range of parameters fExName='type1' #Type of simulator in analyticTestFuncs.fEx2D #'type1', 'type2', 'type3', 'Rosenbrock' sampleType='random' #'random' or 'grid': type of training samples if sampleType=='grid': n=[9,9] #number of training samples in each input dimension elif sampleType=='random': n=100 #total number of training samples drawn randomly noiseType='hetero' #noise type: 'h**o'=homoscedastic, 'hetero'=heterscedastic #options for GPR nIter_=1000 #number of iterations in optimization of GPR hyperparameters lr_ =0.05 #learning rate in the optimization of the hyperparameters convPlot_=True #plot convergence of optimization of GPR hyperparameters nTest=[21,20] #number of test points in each parameter dimension #------------------------------------------------ #(0) Assemble the gprOpts dict gprOpts={'nIter':nIter_,'lr':lr_,'convPlot':convPlot_} #(1) Generate training data p=len(qBound) #dimension of the input xTrain,yTrain,noiseSdev,yTrain_noiseFree=trainDataGen(p,sampleType,n,qBound,fExName,noiseType) nSamp=yTrain.shape[0] plot_trainData(nSamp,yTrain_noiseFree,noiseSdev,yTrain) #(2) Create the test samples xTestList=[] for i in range(p): #grid_=torch.linspace(qBound[i][0],qBound[i][1],20) #torch grid_=np.linspace(qBound[i][0],qBound[i][1],nTest[i]) xTestList.append(grid_) xTest=reshaper.vecs2grid(xTestList) #(3) Construct the GPR based on the training data and make predictions at the test samples gpr_=gpr(xTrain,yTrain[:,None],noiseSdev,xTest,gprOpts) post_f=gpr_.post_f post_obs=gpr_.post_y # Predicted mean and variance of the posteriors at the test grid fP_=gprPost(post_f,nTest) fP_.torchPost() post_f_mean=fP_.mean post_f_sdev=fP_.sdev lower_f=fP_.ciL upper_f=fP_.ciU obsP_=gprPost(post_obs,nTest) obsP_.torchPost() post_obs_mean=obsP_.mean post_obs_sdev=obsP_.sdev lower_obs=obsP_.ciL upper_obs=obsP_.ciU # Plots with torch.no_grad(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(141) fEx_test=analyticTestFuncs.fEx2D(xTest[:,0],xTest[:,1],fExName,'comp').val CS0=ax.contour(xTestList[0],xTestList[1],fEx_test.reshape((nTest[0],nTest[1]),order='F').T,levels=40) ax.clabel(CS0, inline=True, fontsize=15,colors='k',fmt='%0.2f',rightside_up=True,manual=False) ax.plot(xTrain[:,0],xTrain[:,1],'or') ax.set_title(r'Exact $f(q)$') ax = fig.add_subplot(142) CS1=ax.contour(xTestList[0],xTestList[1],(post_f_mean).T,levels=40) ax.clabel(CS1, inline=True, fontsize=15,colors='k',fmt='%0.2f',rightside_up=True,manual=False) ax.plot(xTrain[:,0],xTrain[:,1],'or') ax.set_title(r'Mean Posterior of $f(q)$') ax = fig.add_subplot(143) CS2=ax.contour(xTestList[0],xTestList[1],upper_obs.T,levels=40) ax.clabel(CS2, inline=True, fontsize=15,colors='k',fmt='%0.2f',rightside_up=True,manual=False) ax.plot(xTrain[:,0],xTrain[:,1],'or') ax.set_title(r'Upper Confidence for Observations') ax = fig.add_subplot(144) CS2=ax.contour(xTestList[0],xTestList[1],lower_obs.T,levels=40) ax.clabel(CS2, inline=True, fontsize=15,colors='k',fmt='%0.2f',rightside_up=True,manual=False) ax.plot(xTrain[:,0],xTrain[:,1],'or') ax.set_title(r'Lower Confidence for Observations') #2dplot pltOpts={'title':'Mean posterior of f(q)', 'xlab':r'$q_1$', 'ylab':r'$q_2$'} gprPlot(pltOpts).torch2d_2dcont(xTrain,xTestList,post_f_mean) #3d plot gprPlot().torch2d_3dSurf(xTrain,yTrain,xTestList,post_obs)
def gprTorch_2d_singleTask_test2(): """ Test for GPR for 2d input - Importance of standardization of the training data Run the test with 'standardizeYTrain_' being True and False. """ ## def trainData(): """ Generate training data """ qBound = [[-1, 1], [-1, 1]] x1_ = sampling.trainSample(sampleType='GQ', GQdistType='Unif', qInfo=qBound[0], nSamp=4) x2_ = sampling.trainSample(sampleType='GQ', GQdistType='Unif', qInfo=qBound[1], nSamp=4) xTrain = reshaper.vecs2grid([x1_.q, x2_.q]) yTrain_mean = np.asarray([ -0.0169906, -0.0191095, -0.0167435, -0.0172338, -0.0203195, -0.020089, -0.0184691, -0.0188843, -0.0164581, -0.0200013, -0.0186512, -0.0159343, -0.0185975, -0.0155899, -0.0178921, -0.018329 ]) yTrain_sdev = np.asarray([ 0.00131249, 0.00104324, 0.00085491, 0.00099751, 0.00094231, 0.00102579, 0.0010804, 0.00089567, 0.00081245, 0.0011208, 0.00110756, 0.00126673, 0.00108875, 0.00145115, 0.00098541, 0.00130559 ]) return qBound, xTrain, yTrain_mean, yTrain_sdev # #----- SETTINGS #options for GPR nIter_ = 3000 #number of iterations in optimization of GPR hyperparameters lr_ = 0.05 #learning rate in the optimization of the hyperparameters convPlot_ = True #plot convergence of optimization of GPR hyperparameters standardizeYTrain_ = True #standardize the Y training data? nTest = [41, 40] #number of test points in each parameter dimension #--------------------------------- #(1) Generate training data qBound, xTrain, yTrain_mean, yTrain_sdev = trainData() p = len(qBound) #dimension of the input nSamp = len(yTrain_mean) #(2) Generate noisy training data noise_ = np.random.randn(nSamp) noise_ = yTrain_sdev * noise_ yTrain = yTrain_mean + noise_ #(3) Create test points xTestList = [] for i in range(p): grid_ = np.linspace(qBound[i][0], qBound[i][1], nTest[i]) xTestList.append(grid_) xTest = reshaper.vecs2grid(xTestList) #(4) Fit the GPR gprOpts = { 'nIter': nIter_, 'lr': lr_, 'convPlot': convPlot_, 'standardizeYTrain': standardizeYTrain_ } gpr_ = gpr(xTrain, yTrain[:, None], yTrain_sdev, xTest, gprOpts) post_f = gpr_.post_f post_obs = gpr_.post_y #(4) Predicted mean and variance of the posteriors at the test grid shift_ = 0.0 #default shift and scaling, assuming no standardization in the training data scale_ = 1.0 if standardizeYTrain_: shift_ = gpr_.shift[0] #0: single-response scale_ = gpr_.scale[0] fP_ = gprPost(post_f, nTest, shift=shift_, scale=scale_) fP_.torchPost() post_f_mean = fP_.mean post_f_sdev = fP_.sdev obsP_ = gprPost(post_obs, nTest, shift=shift_, scale=scale_) obsP_.torchPost() post_obs_mean = obsP_.mean post_obs_sdev = obsP_.sdev # (5) Plots # When using 'torch2d_2dcont', de-standardization of the predicted mean and sdev is manual pltOpts = { 'title': 'Mean of posterior f(q)', 'xlab': r'$q_1$', 'ylab': r'$q_2$' } gprPlot(pltOpts).torch2d_2dcont(xTrain, xTestList, post_f_mean * scale_ + shift_) pltOpts = { 'title': 'Sdev of posterior f(q)', 'xlab': r'$q_1$', 'ylab': r'$q_2$' } gprPlot(pltOpts).torch2d_2dcont(xTrain, xTestList, post_f_sdev * scale_) # When using torch2d_3dSurf, the optional arguments shift and scale can be passed. # Therefore, de-standardization of the predictions is automatic. pltOpts = { 'title': 'Mean of posterior f(q)', 'xlab': r'$q_1$', 'ylab': r'$q_2$' } gprPlot(pltOpts).torch2d_3dSurf(xTrain, yTrain, xTestList, post_f, shift=shift_, scale=scale_) pltOpts = { 'title': 'Mean of posterior predictive y=f(q)+e', 'xlab': r'$q_1$', 'ylab': r'$q_2$' } gprPlot(pltOpts).torch2d_3dSurf(xTrain, yTrain, xTestList, post_obs, shift=shift_, scale=scale_)