def __init__(self): self.description = "Strategy with no gameplay mechanics." # DEBUG self.debugLines = [] self.debugPoints = [] self.debugString = "" # Striker self.striker = StrategyStriker() self.opponentStriker = StrategyStriker() # Striker Limits self.maxSpeed = MAX_SPEED self.acceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION self.deceleration = MAX_DECELERATION self.gain = KP_GAIN # Puck self.puck = StrategyPuck() self.puckHistory = [] self.puckHistory.append(self.puck) self.lastMove = 0 # Trajectory info self.goalLineIntersection = 0 self.willBounce = False # Parameters self.historySize = 50 self.noOfBounces = 1 self.minSpeedLimit = 100 self.highAngleTolerance = 50 self.mediumAngleTolerance = 15 self.lowAngleTolerance = 8 self.positionTolerance = 100 self.capturesWithBadLowAngle = 0 self.capturesWithBadMediumAngle = 0 # States self.stepTime = 0 self.gameTime = 0 self.timeSinceLastCameraInput = 0 self.sameCameraInputsInRow = 0 self.previousErrorSide = 0 self.firstUsefull = 1 self.predictedPosition = Vector2(0, 0) # Filter self.angleFilter = Filter(15, 2, 1, isVector=False) # Init for i in range(self.historySize - 1): self.puckHistory.append(StrategyPuck())
def __init__(self, game, fps): = game self.filter = Filter(15, 2.2, 1.2) self.delay = 0.02 # in seconds - will not be precise self.frameRate = fps self.stepsSinceLastCapture = 0 self.newData = False self.puckPosition = Vector2(0, 0) self.positionHistory = [] self.xGrid = [] self.yGrid = [] self.createGrid(4) self.historySize = max(round(self.delay/(1/self.frameRate)),1)
def __init__(self, settings=None): # 320, 192 if settings is None: settings = Settings('AirHockey_settings.obj') self.settings = else: self.settings = settings self.piVideo = None = None self.detectionStopped = True self.analyzingStopped = True # self.findingFieldStopped = True self.lockingAwbStopped = True self.counter = FPSCounter(movingAverage=120).start() self.detectingCounter = FPSCounter(movingAverage=120) self.frame = None self.mask = None self.filteredMask = None self.cursorPosition = None self.frameCount = 0 # self._determineColorIntervals() self.p2uTranformMatrix = None self.u2pTranformMatrix = None self.prevFieldCorners = None self._createTransformMatrices(self.settings["fieldCorners"].copy()) self.newPosition = False self.pixelPuckPosition = Vector2(int(0), int(0)) self.unitPuckPosition = Vector2(0, 0) self.unitFilteredPuckPosition = Vector2(0, 0) self.filter = Filter(*self.settings["filterConstants"]) self.callback = self._nothing
class Camera(): def __init__(self, settings=None): # 320, 192 if settings is None: settings = Settings('AirHockey_settings.obj') self.settings = else: self.settings = settings self.piVideo = None = None self.detectionStopped = True self.analyzingStopped = True # self.findingFieldStopped = True self.lockingAwbStopped = True self.counter = FPSCounter(movingAverage=120).start() self.detectingCounter = FPSCounter(movingAverage=120) self.frame = None self.mask = None self.filteredMask = None self.cursorPosition = None self.frameCount = 0 # self._determineColorIntervals() self.p2uTranformMatrix = None self.u2pTranformMatrix = None self.prevFieldCorners = None self._createTransformMatrices(self.settings["fieldCorners"].copy()) self.newPosition = False self.pixelPuckPosition = Vector2(int(0), int(0)) self.unitPuckPosition = Vector2(0, 0) self.unitFilteredPuckPosition = Vector2(0, 0) self.filter = Filter(*self.settings["filterConstants"]) self.callback = self._nothing def lockCameraAwb(self): print("Calibrating...") # Get auto-set values rg, bg = prevGains = (rg, bg) print("Warming up...") time.sleep(1.0) print("Done") frameCount = 0 while frameCount < 300: if self.piVideo.newFrame: self.frame = frameCount += 1 greenPart = np.repeat(self.frame[:, :, 1], 3).reshape(self.frame.shape) diffToWhite = (self.frame.astype("int16") - greenPart.astype("int16")) if frameCount == 1: # Get reference pixels vectorized = diffToWhite.reshape((-1, 3)).astype("float32") K = 8 attempts = 10 criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 10, 1.0) ret, label, center = cv2.kmeans(vectorized, K, None, criteria, attempts, cv2.KMEANS_PP_CENTERS) labels = label.flatten() mostFrequentLabel = np.argmax(np.bincount(labels)) referenceIndexes = [ random.choice( np.argwhere(labels == mostFrequentLabel))[0] for x in range(10) ] mask = (labels == mostFrequentLabel).reshape( self.frame.shape[0], self.frame.shape[1]).astype("uint8") # Get reference pixel for current iteration referencePixel = diffToWhite.reshape( (-1, 3))[random.choice(referenceIndexes)] if abs(referencePixel[0]) < 5 and abs(referencePixel[2]) < 5: break # If good enough -> break # Set white balance iterably rg -= referencePixel[2] / 500 bg -= referencePixel[0] / 500 self.settings["whiteBalance"] = [ max(min(rg, 8), 0), max(min(bg, 8), 0) ] self.setWhiteBalance() self.frame = cv2.bitwise_and(self.frame, self.frame, mask=mask) # cv2.imshow("Calibrating", self.frame) cv2.waitKey(1) time.sleep(0.2) rg, bg = if rg < 0.1 or bg < 0.1: results = "Failed to find sufficient gains.\nTry again." = prevGains else: results = "Set white balance:\nRed gain: {}\nBlue gain: {}".format( round(float(rg), 1), round(float(bg), 1)) self.lockingAwbStopped = True self.callback(results) # print(results) return # cv2.destroyWindow("Calibrating") # cv2.waitKey(1) # def findField(self): # # TODO # self.settings["fieldCorners"] = self.settings["fieldCorners"] # self._calibrateField() # self.findingFieldStopped = True def analyzeColor(self): started = time.time() secondLeft = 3 print("Analyzing most domiant color...") print("Saving in: " + str(secondLeft)) secondLeft -= 1 while True: if self.piVideo.newFrame: self.frame = frame = self.frame[ round(self.settings["resolution"][1] * 0.2):round(self.settings["resolution"][1] * 0.8), round(self.settings["resolution"][0] * 0.2):round(self.settings["resolution"][0] * 0.8)] frame = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (11, 11), 0) # cv2.imshow("Analyzing", frame) if time.time() - started > 1: print(secondLeft) secondLeft -= 1 started = time.time() vectorized = frame.reshape((-1, 3)).astype("float32") K = 3 attempts = 10 criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 10, 1.0) ret, label, center = cv2.kmeans(vectorized, K, None, criteria, attempts, cv2.KMEANS_PP_CENTERS) labels = label.flatten() mostFrequentLabel = np.argmax(np.bincount(labels)) self.settings["colorToDetect"] = detectedColor = cv2.cvtColor( np.uint8([[center[mostFrequentLabel]]]), cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[0, 0, :] self._determineColorIntervals() # Create a blank 300x300 black image foundColorFrame = np.zeros((100, 100, 3), np.uint8) # Fill image with red color(set each pixel to red) foundColorFrame[:] = np.uint8([[center[mostFrequentLabel]] ])[0, 0, :] # cv2.imshow("FoundColor", foundColorFrame) cv2.waitKey(1) if secondLeft == 0: print("Saving found color...") self._determineColorIntervals() break # cv2.destroyWindow("Analyzing") # cv2.destroyWindow("FoundColor") # cv2.waitKey(1) results = "Found color: {}\n Set limits: {} {}".format( detectedColor, self.settings["lowerLimits"], self.settings["upperLimits"]) self.callback(results) # print(results) self.analyzingStopped = True def detectPuck(self): if not MAX_PERFORMANCE: cv2.namedWindow('Frame') if HSV_TRACKBARS: cv2.setMouseCallback('Frame', self._mouseHSV) cv2.namedWindow("Trackbars") cv2.createTrackbar("Hl", "Trackbars", 0, 179, self._nothing) cv2.createTrackbar("Hh", "Trackbars", 0, 179, self._nothing) cv2.setTrackbarPos("Hl", "Trackbars", self.settings["lowerLimits"][0]) cv2.setTrackbarPos("Hh", "Trackbars", self.settings["upperLimits"][0]) if WHITEBALANCE_TRACKBARS: cv2.namedWindow("White balance") cv2.createTrackbar("Red", "White balance", 0, 80, self._nothing) cv2.createTrackbar("Blue", "White balance", 0, 80, self._nothing) print("Detecting...") while True: if self.piVideo.newFrame: self.frame = self.frameCount += 1 self.counter.tick() self._createTransformMatrices(self.settings["fieldCorners"]) if ENABLE_BLURRING and not MAX_PERFORMANCE: blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(self.frame, (11, 11), 0) frameHSV = cv2.cvtColor(blurred, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # not worth else: frameHSV = cv2.cvtColor(self.frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) if HSV_TRACKBARS and not MAX_PERFORMANCE: self.settings["lowerLimits"][0] = cv2.getTrackbarPos( "Hl", "Trackbars") self.settings["upperLimits"][0] = cv2.getTrackbarPos( "Hh", "Trackbars") # if DETECT_PUCK: if self.settings["lowerLimits"][0] > self.settings[ "upperLimits"][0]: lowerLimit1 = np.uint8(self.settings["lowerLimits"]) higherLimit1 = np.uint8([ 179, self.settings["upperLimits"][1], self.settings["upperLimits"][2] ]) lowerLimit2 = np.uint8([ 0, self.settings["lowerLimits"][1], self.settings["lowerLimits"][2] ]) higherLimit2 = np.uint8(self.settings["upperLimits"]) mask1 = cv2.inRange(frameHSV, lowerLimit1, higherLimit1) mask2 = cv2.inRange(frameHSV, lowerLimit2, higherLimit2) self.mask = cv2.bitwise_or(mask1, mask2) else: self.mask = cv2.inRange(frameHSV, self.settings["lowerLimits"], self.settings["upperLimits"]) # perform a series of dilations and erosions to remove any small blobs left in the self.mask self.filteredMask = cv2.erode(self.mask, None, iterations=1) self.filteredMask = cv2.dilate(self.filteredMask, None, iterations=1) filtered = cv2.bitwise_and(self.frame, self.frame, mask=self.filteredMask) #----------------------------- DETECTION ----------------------------- try: cnts = cv2.findContours(self.filteredMask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = imutils.grab_contours(cnts) center = None # only proceed if at least one contour was found if len(cnts) > 0: # find the largest contour in the mask, then use it to compute the minimum enclosing circle and centroid c = max(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea) ((x, y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(c) # only proceed if the radius meets a minimum size if radius > self.settings["limitPuckRadius"]: self.detectingCounter.tick() pixelPos = Vector2(int(x + 1), int(y + 3)) unitPos = self._pixelsToUnits(pixelPos) if self._isPuckInField(unitPos): self.pixelPuckPosition = pixelPos self.unitPuckPosition = unitPos self.unitFilteredPuckPosition = self.filter.filterData( Vector2(self.unitPuckPosition[0], self.unitPuckPosition[1])) self.newPosition = True except: print("Error during puck detection.") if not MAX_PERFORMANCE: if SHOW_DETECTION: self._drawField(self.settings["fieldCorners"]) self._drawPuck(self.pixelPuckPosition) filteredPixelPos = self._unitsToPixels( self.unitFilteredPuckPosition) self._drawPuck(filteredPixelPos, color=(0, 255, 0)) # self._writeText(str(self.unitPuckPosition), (self.pixelPuckPosition[0] + 10, self.pixelPuckPosition[1] + 10), fontScale=0.5) self._writeText(str(self.unitFilteredPuckPosition), (filteredPixelPos[0] + 10, filteredPixelPos[1] + 10), fontScale=0.5) # min enclosing circle try:, self.pixelPuckPosition, int(radius), (0, 255, 255), 2) except: pass # Write info to frame if SHOW_MOUSE_HSV: try: self._writeText("HSV: " + str(frameHSV[ self.cursorPosition.y, self.cursorPosition.x])) except: pass if SHOW_FPS: self._writeText( "FPS: " + str(round(self.counter.movingAverageFps)), position=(10, 60), fontScale=0.6) if SHOW_CAPTURE_INFO: self._writeText( "Exposure: " + str(, position=(10, 80), fontScale=0.6) r, g = self._writeText("AWB Gains: " + str( (round(float(r), 1), round(float(g), 1))), position=(10, 100), fontScale=0.6) self._writeText("a/d Gains: " + str( (round(float(, 1), round(float(, 1))), position=(10, 120), fontScale=0.6) # Show image if SHOW_MASK and DETECT_PUCK: cv2.imshow("Mask", self.mask) if SHOW_FILTERED_MASK and DETECT_PUCK: cv2.imshow("Filtered mask", self.filteredMask) cv2.imshow("Frame", self.frame) if WHITEBALANCE_TRACKBARS: rg = cv2.getTrackbarPos("Red", "White balance") / 10 bg = cv2.getTrackbarPos("Blue", "White balance") / 10 = (rg, bg) key = cv2.waitKey(5) if self.detectionStopped: print("Detecting stopped.") return self.piVideo.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows() def startCamera(self): if self.piVideo is None: self.piVideo = PiVideoStream(self.settings["resolution"], self.settings["fps"], self.settings["whiteBalance"]) = self.piVideo.start() def stopCamera(self): self.detectionStopped = True self.analyzingStopped = True self.findingFieldStopped = True self.lockingAwbStopped = True time.sleep(.1) self.piVideo.stop() self.piVideo = None = None def startDetecting(self): if self.detectionStopped: self.detectionStopped = False self.detectingCounter.start() Thread(target=self.detectPuck, args=()).start() else: print("Detecting thread already running.") def stopDetecting(self): self.detectingCounter.stop() self.detectionStopped = True def startAnalyzing(self, callback=None): if callback is None: self.callback = self._nothing else: self.callback = callback if self.analyzingStopped: self.analyzingStopped = False Thread(target=self.analyzeColor, args=()).start() else: print("Analyzing thread already running.") def stopAnalyzing(self): self.analyzingStopped = True # def startFindingField(self, callback = None): # if callback is None: # self.callback = self._nothing # else: # self.callback = callback # if self.findingFieldStopped: # self.findingFieldStopped = False # Thread(target=self.findField, args=()).start() # else: # print("Finding field thread already running.") # def stopFindingField(self): # self.findingFieldStopped = True def startLockingAwb(self, callback=None): if callback is None: self.callback = self._nothing else: self.callback = callback if self.lockingAwbStopped: self.lockingAwbStopped = False Thread(target=self.lockCameraAwb, args=()).start() else: print("Locking AWB thread already running.") def stopLockingAwb(self): self.lockingAwbStopped = True def getPuckPosition(self): self.newPosition = False return self.unitFilteredPuckPosition def setWhiteBalance(self): if is not None: = (self.settings["whiteBalance"][0], self.settings["whiteBalance"][1]) def _isPuckInField(self, pos): if not (0 < pos.x < FIELD_WIDTH): return False if not (-FIELD_HEIGHT / 2 < pos.y < FIELD_HEIGHT / 2): return False return True # def _calibrateField(self): # # TODO: find the field # self._createTransformMatrices(self.settings["fieldCorners"]) def _determineColorIntervals(self): Hl = self.settings["colorToDetect"][0] - round( self.settings["intervals"][0] / 2) if Hl < 0: Hl += 179 Hh = self.settings["colorToDetect"][0] + round( self.settings["intervals"][0] / 2) if Hh > 179: Hh -= 179 self.settings["lowerLimits"] = np.uint8([ Hl, max( 5, self.settings["colorToDetect"][1] - round(self.settings["intervals"][1])), max( 5, self.settings["colorToDetect"][2] - round(self.settings["intervals"][2])) ]) self.settings["upperLimits"] = np.uint8([ Hh, min( 255, self.settings["colorToDetect"][1] + round(self.settings["intervals"][1] / 2)), min( 255, self.settings["colorToDetect"][2] + round(self.settings["intervals"][2] / 2)) ]) def _nothing(self, *args): pass def _pixelsToUnits(self, srcPos): srcPos = self._toVector(srcPos) src = np.float32([[srcPos.x, srcPos.y]]) src = np.array([src]) out = cv2.perspectiveTransform(src, self.p2uTranformMatrix) return Vector2(int(out[0][0][0]), int(out[0][0][1])) def _unitsToPixels(self, srcPos): srcPos = self._toVector(srcPos) src = np.float32([[srcPos.x, srcPos.y]]) src = np.array([src]) out = cv2.perspectiveTransform(src, self.u2pTranformMatrix) return Vector2(int(out[0][0][0]), int(out[0][0][1])) def _toTuple(self, vector): if isinstance(vector, Vector2): return (int(vector.x), int(vector.y)) else: return (int(vector[0]), int(vector[1])) def _toVector(self, vector): if isinstance(vector, Vector2): return Vector2(int(vector.x), int(vector.y)) else: return Vector2(int(vector[0]), int(vector[1])) def _createTransformMatrices(self, fieldCorners): if self.prevFieldCorners is None or not (np.all( self.prevFieldCorners == fieldCorners)): # print("Calculating transform matrices.") self.prevFieldCorners = fieldCorners.copy() source = np.float32([[ point[0] * self.settings["resolution"][0], point[1] * self.settings["resolution"][1] ] for point in self.settings["fieldCorners"].tolist()]) dst = np.float32([[0, -FIELD_HEIGHT / 2], [FIELD_WIDTH, -FIELD_HEIGHT / 2], [FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT / 2], [0, FIELD_HEIGHT / 2]]) dst = np.array([dst]) self.p2uTranformMatrix = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(source, dst) self.u2pTranformMatrix = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(dst, source) def _writeText(self, text, position=(10, 30), fontScale=1, fontColor=(255, 255, 255)): font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX lineType = 2 cv2.putText(self.frame, text, self._toTuple(position), font, fontScale, fontColor, lineType) def _drawLine(self, startPoint=(0, 10), endPoint=(250, 10), color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=2): self.frame = cv2.line(self.frame, self._toTuple(startPoint), self._toTuple(endPoint), color, thickness) def _lineHalf(self, startPoint, endPoint): x = round((startPoint[0] + endPoint[0]) / 2) y = round((startPoint[1] + endPoint[1]) / 2) return (x, y) def _drawPoint(self, center, color=(0, 255, 255), size=5): center = self._toTuple(center), center, size, color, -1) def _drawPuck(self, center, color=(0, 0, 255)): center = self._toTuple(center), center, PUCK_RADIUS, color, 1), center, 2, color, -1) def _drawField(self, npPoints, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=3): points = [self._toTuple(p) for p in npPoints] for i in range(len(points) - 1): self._drawLine(points[i], points[i + 1]) self._drawLine(points[3], points[0]) # Draw field center self._drawLine(self._lineHalf(points[0], points[1]), self._lineHalf(points[2], points[3]), thickness=1) self._drawLine(self._lineHalf(points[1], points[2]), self._lineHalf(points[3], points[0]), thickness=1) def _mouseHSV(self, event, x, y, flags, param): self.cursorPosition = Vector2(x, y)
class Camera(): def __init__(self, game, fps): = game self.filter = Filter(15, 2.2, 1.2) self.delay = 0.02 # in seconds - will not be precise self.frameRate = fps self.stepsSinceLastCapture = 0 self.newData = False self.puckPosition = Vector2(0, 0) self.positionHistory = [] self.xGrid = [] self.yGrid = [] self.createGrid(4) self.historySize = max(round(self.delay/(1/self.frameRate)),1) def update(self): stepsToCapture = round((1/self.frameRate)/ if self.stepsSinceLastCapture >= stepsToCapture: self.positionHistory.insert(0,self.capturePuck()) if(len(self.positionHistory) > self.historySize): self.positionHistory.pop(-1) self.puckPosition = self.positionHistory[-1] self.newData = True self.stepsSinceLastCapture = 0 self.stepsSinceLastCapture += 1 def createGrid(self, step): self.xGrid.append(0) i = 0 while self.xGrid[i] < FIELD_WIDTH: self.xGrid.append(self.xGrid[i] + step) i += 1 self.yGrid.append(-FIELD_HEIGHT/2) i = 0 while (self.yGrid[i] < FIELD_HEIGHT/2): self.yGrid.append(self.yGrid[i] + step) i += 1 def capturePuck(self): self.puckPosition = Vector2( self.puckPosition.x += gauss(0, 2) self.puckPosition.y += gauss(0, 2) self.blockView() self.discretize() self.puckPosition = self.filter.filterData(self.puckPosition) return self.puckPosition def discretize(self): tempPos = 0 for element in self.xGrid: if (abs(self.puckPosition.x - element) < abs(self.puckPosition.x - tempPos)): tempPos = element self.puckPosition.x = tempPos tempPos = 0 for element in self.yGrid: if (abs(self.puckPosition.y - element) < abs(self.puckPosition.y - tempPos)): tempPos = element self.puckPosition.y = tempPos def blockView(self): for striker in dist = self.puckPosition.x - striker.position.x if(abs(dist) < PUCK_RADIUS*1.5): self.puckPosition.x = striker.position.x + sign(dist) * PUCK_RADIUS + 0.5*(dist) break
class BaseStrategy(): def __init__(self): self.description = "Strategy with no gameplay mechanics." # DEBUG self.debugLines = [] self.debugPoints = [] self.debugString = "" # Striker self.striker = StrategyStriker() self.opponentStriker = StrategyStriker() # Striker Limits self.maxSpeed = MAX_SPEED self.acceleration = MAX_ACCELERATION self.deceleration = MAX_DECELERATION self.gain = KP_GAIN # Puck self.puck = StrategyPuck() self.puckHistory = [] self.puckHistory.append(self.puck) self.lastMove = 0 # Trajectory info self.goalLineIntersection = 0 self.willBounce = False # Parameters self.historySize = 50 self.noOfBounces = 1 self.minSpeedLimit = 100 self.highAngleTolerance = 50 self.mediumAngleTolerance = 15 self.lowAngleTolerance = 8 self.positionTolerance = 100 self.capturesWithBadLowAngle = 0 self.capturesWithBadMediumAngle = 0 # States self.stepTime = 0 self.gameTime = 0 self.timeSinceLastCameraInput = 0 self.sameCameraInputsInRow = 0 self.previousErrorSide = 0 self.firstUsefull = 1 self.predictedPosition = Vector2(0, 0) # Filter self.angleFilter = Filter(15, 2, 1, isVector=False) # Init for i in range(self.historySize - 1): self.puckHistory.append(StrategyPuck()) # Main process function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process(self, stepTime): # DEBUG self.debugLines = [] self.debugPoints = [] # self.debugString = "" self.stepTick(stepTime) self._process() self.moveIfStuck() self.limitMovement() self.calculateDesiredVelocity() # Only this should be overwriten in inherited strategies def _process(self): self.setDesiredPosition(self.striker.position) # Placeholder # Your strategy code # Puck position handlers ------------------------------------------------------------------ def stepTick(self, stepTime): self.stepTime = stepTime self.gameTime += stepTime for puck in self.puckHistory: puck.timeSinceCaptured += stepTime def cameraInput(self, pos): if pos == self.puck.position: return self.initialCheck(pos) self.setPuck(pos) self.checkState() self.calculateTrajectory() def initialCheck(self, pos): currentStepVector = pos - self.puck.position stepDistance = currentStepVector.magnitude() if self.puck.timeSinceCaptured == 0: stepSpeed = 0 else: stepSpeed = stepDistance / self.puck.timeSinceCaptured errorAngle = self.getAngleDifference(currentStepVector, self.puck.velocity) # Low angle condition if abs(errorAngle) > self.lowAngleTolerance and sign( errorAngle) == self.previousErrorSide: self.capturesWithBadLowAngle += 1 if (self.capturesWithBadLowAngle > 4): # print("Low Angle error") for i in range(4): self.puckHistory[self.firstUsefull].state = USELESS if self.firstUsefull > 1: self.firstUsefull -= 1 else: self.capturesWithBadLowAngle = 0 self.previousErrorSide = sign(errorAngle) if stepSpeed > 200 and stepDistance > 4 and abs(errorAngle): # Medium angle condition if abs(errorAngle) > self.mediumAngleTolerance and sign( errorAngle) == self.previousErrorSide: self.capturesWithBadMediumAngle += 1 if (self.capturesWithBadMediumAngle > 3): # print("Low angle condition.. 4 states -> useless") self.capturesWithBadLowAngle = 0 self.capturesWithBadMediumAngle = 0 # print("Medium Angle error") for i in range(3, len(self.puckHistory)): self.puckHistory[i].state = USELESS else: self.capturesWithBadMediumAngle = 0 # Debug # if len(self.puck.trajectory) > 0: # trajectoryLine = Line(self.puckHistory[self.firstUsefull].position, self.puck.position) # bounceLine = Line(Vector2(0, sign(pos.y) * (FIELD_HEIGHT/2 - PUCK_RADIUS)), Vector2(FIELD_WIDTH, sign(pos.y) * (FIELD_HEIGHT/2 - PUCK_RADIUS))) # self.debugLines.append(trajectoryLine) # self.debugLines.append(bounceLine) # self.debugPoints.append(self.getIntersectPoint(trajectoryLine, bounceLine)) # High angle condition if (abs(errorAngle) > self.highAngleTolerance) or ( stepSpeed > 700 and stepDistance > 25 and abs(errorAngle) > self.highAngleTolerance * .4): self.capturesWithBadLowAngle = 0 self.capturesWithBadMediumAngle = 0 # print("Angle condition: " + str(errorAngle)) if abs(pos.y) > max( 200, FIELD_HEIGHT / 2 - (stepDistance * abs(self.puck.vector.y) + PUCK_RADIUS) ) and sign(currentStepVector.x) == sign( self.puck.velocity.x ) and sign(self.puck.velocity.y) == sign( pos.y ) and self.puck.state == ACURATE: # seems like bounce from sidewalls occured trajectoryLine = Line( self.puckHistory[self.firstUsefull].position, self.puck.position) bounceLine = Line( Vector2(0, sign(pos.y) * (FIELD_HEIGHT / 2 - PUCK_RADIUS)), Vector2(FIELD_WIDTH, sign(pos.y) * (FIELD_HEIGHT / 2 - PUCK_RADIUS))) bouncePoint = trajectoryLine.getIntersectPoint(bounceLine) self.debugLines.append(trajectoryLine) self.debugLines.append(bounceLine) bouncePoint = trajectoryLine.getIntersectPoint(bounceLine) self.puck.position = bouncePoint # print(bouncePoint) for i in range(len(self.puckHistory)): self.puckHistory[i].state = USELESS # print("High Angle error: " + str(abs(errorAngle))) # Quick acceleration - does nothing for now # i = self.firstUsefull - 1 # while self.puckHistory[firstUsefull].position.distance_squared_to(self.puckHistory[i].position) < positionTolerance**2: # if i <= 1: break # i -= 1 def setStriker(self, pos, velocity=None): if velocity == None: step = pos - self.striker.position velocity = Vector2(step) stepMag = step.magnitude() if stepMag > 0.001: if self.stepTime == 0: velocity.scale_to_length(0) else: velocity.scale_to_length(stepMag / self.stepTime) self.striker.velocity = Vector2(velocity) self.striker.position = Vector2(pos) def setOpponentStriker(self, pos, velocity=None): if velocity == None: step = pos - self.opponentStriker.position velocity = Vector2(step) stepMag = step.magnitude() if stepMag > 0.001: if self.stepTime == 0: velocity.scale_to_length(0) else: velocity.scale_to_length(stepMag / self.stepTime) self.striker.velocity = Vector2(velocity) self.opponentStriker.position = Vector2(pos) def setPuck(self, pos): self.puck = StrategyPuck(ACURATE, pos) self.puckHistory.pop(-1) self.puckHistory.insert(0, self.puck) self.firstUsefull = len(self.puckHistory) - 1 while (self.puckHistory[self.firstUsefull].state == USELESS): self.firstUsefull -= 1 if self.firstUsefull == 1: break # print(self.firstUsefull) if not self.puckHistory[self.firstUsefull].timeSinceCaptured == 0: # if self.firstUsefull > 3: stepVector = pos - self.puckHistory[self.firstUsefull].position self.puck.velocity = stepVector / self.puckHistory[ self.firstUsefull].timeSinceCaptured # Filter velocity and normal vector (r, fi) = self.puck.velocity.as_polar() fi = self.angleFilter.filterData(fi, cyclic=360) self.puck.velocity.from_polar((r, fi if fi <= 180 else fi - 360)) # print("-----") # print(fi) # print(r) # self.puck.velocity = self.velocityFilter.filterData(self.puck.velocity) self.puck.vector = self.puck.velocity.normalize() self.puck.speedMagnitude = r self.puck.angle = fi if fi > 0 else 360 - abs(fi) # else: # self.puck.state = INACURATE self.puck.timeSinceCaptured = 0 def checkState(self): # Check for inacurate if abs(self.puck.speedMagnitude < self.minSpeedLimit): self.puck.state = INACURATE # if abs(self.puck.vector.y) > 0.9: # self.puck.state = INACURATE if self.puck.speedMagnitude < self.minSpeedLimit * 5 and self.firstUsefull < min( 3, round(self.historySize / 20)): self.puck.state = INACURATE # Desired position / velocity modification ------------------------------------------------------------------- def setDesiredPosition(self, pos): self.striker.desiredPosition = Vector2(pos) self.limitMovement() self.calculateDesiredVelocity() def setDesiredVelocity(self, vel): posNextStep = self.striker.position + vel * self.stepTime if posNextStep.x > STRIKER_AREA_WIDTH: vel.x = 0 if abs(posNextStep.y) > YLIMIT: vel.y = 0 if posNextStep.x < XLIMIT: vel.x = 0 self.striker.desiredVelocity = vel def clampDesired(self, fromPos, step): desiredPos = fromPos + step line = Line(fromPos, desiredPos) self.debugLines.append(line) if desiredPos.x > STRIKER_AREA_WIDTH: desiredPos = line.getBothCoordinates(x=STRIKER_AREA_WIDTH) if abs(desiredPos.y) > YLIMIT: desiredPos = line.getBothCoordinates(y=sign(desiredPos.y) * YLIMIT) if desiredPos.x < XLIMIT: desiredPos = line.getBothCoordinates(x=XLIMIT) self.setDesiredPosition(desiredPos) def limitMovement(self): if self.striker.desiredPosition.x > STRIKER_AREA_WIDTH: self.striker.desiredPosition.x = STRIKER_AREA_WIDTH if abs(self.striker.desiredPosition.y) > YLIMIT: self.striker.desiredPosition.y = sign( self.striker.desiredPosition.y) * YLIMIT if self.striker.desiredPosition.x < XLIMIT: self.striker.desiredPosition.x = XLIMIT # Check if near corner if self.striker.desiredPosition.x < CORNER_SAFEGUARD_X: if abs(self.striker.desiredPosition.y ) > FIELD_HEIGHT / 2 - CORNER_SAFEGUARD_Y: self.striker.desiredPosition.y = sign( self.striker.desiredPosition.y) * ( FIELD_HEIGHT / 2 - (STRIKER_RADIUS + PUCK_RADIUS * 2)) # Check if near goal if GOAL_SPAN / 2 - GOAL_CORNER_SAFEGUARD_Y < abs( self.striker.desiredPosition.y) < GOAL_SPAN / 2: if self.striker.desiredPosition.x < GOAL_CORNER_SAFEGUARD_X: self.striker.desiredPosition.x = GOAL_CORNER_SAFEGUARD_X def calculateDesiredVelocity(self): # self.striker.desiredVelocity = self.gain*(self.striker.desiredPosition - self.striker.position) # speedDiff = abs(self.striker.velocity.x) - abs(self.striker.velocity.y) # maxSpeed = max(abs(self.striker.velocity.x), abs(self.striker.velocity.y), self.maxSpeed/10) # xmag = max(abs(self.striker.velocity.x),self.maxSpeed/10)/maxSpeed # ymag = max(abs(self.striker.velocity.y),self.maxSpeed/10)/maxSpeed # self.striker.desiredVelocity.x = xmag * self.gain*(self.striker.desiredPosition.x - self.striker.position.x) # self.striker.desiredVelocity.y = ymag * self.gain*(self.striker.desiredPosition.y - self.striker.position.y) self.striker.desiredVelocity.x = self.gain * ( self.striker.desiredPosition.x - self.striker.position.x) self.striker.desiredVelocity.y = self.gain * ( self.striker.desiredPosition.y - self.striker.position.y) # if oppositeSigns(self.striker.desiredVelocity.x, self.striker.velocity.x): # self.striker.desiredVelocity.x = 10 * self.gain*(self.striker.desiredPosition.x - self.striker.position.x) # if oppositeSigns(self.striker.desiredVelocity.y, self.striker.velocity.y): # self.striker.desiredVelocity.y = 10 * self.gain*(self.striker.desiredPosition.y - self.striker.position.y) # Checkers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def isOutsideLimits(self, pos): if pos.x > STRIKER_AREA_WIDTH: return True if abs(pos.y) > YLIMIT: return True if pos.x < XLIMIT: return True if pos.x > FIELD_WIDTH - XLIMIT: return True return False def isPuckOutsideLimits(self, pos): if pos.x > STRIKER_AREA_WIDTH: return True if abs(pos.y) > FIELD_HEIGHT / 2 - PUCK_RADIUS * 0.8: return True if pos.x < PUCK_RADIUS * 0.8: return True if pos.x > FIELD_WIDTH - PUCK_RADIUS * 0.8: return True return False def isPuckBehingStriker(self, pos=None): if pos is None: pos = self.puck.position return self.striker.position.x > pos.x - PUCK_RADIUS * 2 # Get functions -------------------------------------------------------------- def getAngleDifference(self, vector1, vetor2): errorAngle = vector1.angle_to(vetor2) if abs(errorAngle) > 180: errorAngle -= sign(errorAngle) * 360 return errorAngle def getPredictedPuckPosition(self, strikerPos=None, reserve=1.3): if strikerPos is None: strikerPos = self.striker.desiredPosition if self.puck.state == INACURATE: self.predictedPosition = Vector2(self.puck.position) return Vector2(self.puck.position) if len(self.puck.trajectory) > 0: try: step = strikerPos - self.striker.position dist = step.magnitude() # Compute time, that will take striker to move to desired position a = getSpeedInXYdir( step.x, step.y, self.acceleration).magnitude( ) # Acceleration in direction to desired pos vm = getSpeedInXYdir(step.x, step.y, self.maxSpeed).magnitude( ) # Max velocity in direction to desired pos v0 = sign( * ( step * / ) # Projected current velocity in direction to desired pos #(how fast the striker is moving in the right direction) t1 = ( vm - v0 ) / a # Time it would take for striker to accelerate to max speed in the direction to desired pos d1 = 1 / 2 * a * t1**2 + v0 * t1 # Distance the striker would cover in t1 time in direction to desiered pos if d1 > dist: # if the "would be" distance is greater than actual distance to desired pos then: time = max( (-v0 + (v0**2 + 2 * a * dist)**.5) / a, (-v0 - (v0**2 + 2 * a * dist)**.5) / a ) # Calculate time to travel that distance with good old kinematic formula Δx=1/2at^2 + v0t else: # else: time = t1 + ( dist - d1 ) / vm # Get the calculated t1 time and add time calculated as (residual distance)/maximum velocity # time = dist/vm vector = Vector2( self.puck.vector) * (self.puck.speedMagnitude * time) position = self.puck.position + vector * reserve if position.x < PUCK_RADIUS and abs( position.y) < FIELD_HEIGHT - PUCK_RADIUS: position.x = PUCK_RADIUS position.y = self.goalLineIntersection self.predictedPosition = position return position except: return Vector2(0, 0) # Line math --------------- def calculateTrajectory(self): self.puck.trajectory = [] yBound = (FIELD_HEIGHT / 2 - PUCK_RADIUS) myLine = Line(self.puck.position, self.puck.position) tempVector = Vector2(self.puck.vector) self.goalLineIntersection = -10000 for i in range(self.noOfBounces + 1): if not tempVector.x == 0: a = tempVector.y / tempVector.x b = myLine.start.y - a * myLine.start.x else: a = 0 b = 0 if tempVector.x == 0: # not a function - vertical line myLine.end.x = myLine.start.x myLine.end.y = sign(tempVector.y) * yBound elif a == 0: # no slope - horizontal line myLine.end.x = sign(tempVector.x) * FIELD_WIDTH myLine.end.y = myLine.start.y else: # normal linear line myLine.end.x = (sign(tempVector.y) * yBound - b) / a myLine.end.y = sign(tempVector.y) * yBound tempVector.y *= -1 if myLine.end.x < PUCK_RADIUS: myLine.end.x = PUCK_RADIUS myLine.end.y = a * myLine.end.x + b tempVector.x *= -1 tempVector.y *= -1 # Set goal interection self.goalLineIntersection = myLine.end.y elif myLine.end.x > FIELD_WIDTH - PUCK_RADIUS: myLine.end.x = FIELD_WIDTH - PUCK_RADIUS myLine.end.y = a * myLine.end.x + b tempVector.x *= -1 tempVector.y *= -1 self.puck.trajectory.append(myLine.copy()) # If puck aims at goal, break if abs(myLine.end.y) < FIELD_HEIGHT / 2 - PUCK_RADIUS: break myLine.start.x = myLine.end.x myLine.start.y = myLine.end.y if len(self.puck.trajectory) > 1: self.willBounce = True else: self.willBounce = False # Basic strategy functions used in Process method --------------------------------------------- def defendGoalDefault(self): if self.willBounce and self.puck.state == ACURATE\ and (self.puck.vector.x < -0.5 or (self.puck.vector.x < 0 and self.puck.trajectory[-1].end.x <= PUCK_RADIUS))\ and not (self.puck.position.x > FIELD_WIDTH*.6 and self.puck.speedMagnitude < 500): if self.puck.trajectory[-1].end.x > XLIMIT + STRIKER_RADIUS: fromPoint = self.puck.trajectory[-1].end else: fromPoint = self.puck.trajectory[-1].start else: fromPoint = self.puck.position a = Line(fromPoint, Vector2(0, 0)) b = Line(Vector2(DEFENSE_LINE, -FIELD_HEIGHT / 2), Vector2(DEFENSE_LINE, FIELD_HEIGHT / 2)) desiredPosition = a.getIntersectPoint(b) self.debugLines.append(a) self.debugLines.append(b) self.debugString = "basic.defendGoalDefault" if desiredPosition is not None: self.setDesiredPosition(Vector2(desiredPosition)) def defendGoalLastLine(self): if self.puck.position.x < self.striker.position.x and abs( self.puck.position.y ) < GOAL_SPAN * .7: # if puck is behind striker and is infront of goal self.setDesiredPosition( Vector2(self.striker.position.x, GOAL_SPAN / 2 * -sign(self.puck.position.y))) if abs( self.striker.position.y - GOAL_SPAN / 2 * -sign(self.puck.position.y) ) < CLOSE_DISTANCE or self.striker.position.x < XLIMIT + CLOSE_DISTANCE: self.setDesiredPosition( Vector2(XLIMIT, GOAL_SPAN / 2 * -sign(self.puck.position.y))) if self.striker.position.x < XLIMIT + CLOSE_DISTANCE: self.setDesiredPosition( Vector2(XLIMIT, self.puck.position.y)) return if self.striker.position.x < self.puck.position.x - PUCK_RADIUS < self.striker.position.x + PUCK_RADIUS + STRIKER_RADIUS: # if puck is just next to striker blockY = self.puck.position.y elif not self.goalLineIntersection == -10000 and self.puck.state == ACURATE and self.puck.vector.x < 0: if self.puck.vector.x > -.7: self.defendGoalDefault() return else: blockY = self.goalLineIntersection elif self.puck.state == ACURATE and self.puck.vector.x < 0: blockY = self.puck.trajectory[0].end.y else: blockY = self.puck.position.y # self.debugLines.append(a) self.debugString = "basic.defendGoalLastLine" self.setDesiredPosition( Vector2( XLIMIT, sign(blockY) * min(GOAL_SPAN / 2 + STRIKER_RADIUS, abs(blockY)))) # self.setDesiredPosition(Vector2(XLIMIT, sign(self.puck.position.y) * min(GOAL_SPAN/2, abs(self.puck.position.y)))) def defendTrajectory(self): if len(self.puck.trajectory) > 0: vector = Vector2(-self.puck.vector.y, self.puck.vector.x) secondPoint = self.striker.position + vector self.debugString = "basic.defendTrajectory" self.debugLines.append(self.puck.trajectory[0]) self.debugLines.append(Line(self.striker.position, secondPoint)) self.setDesiredPosition(self.puck.trajectory[0].getIntersectPoint( Line(self.striker.position, secondPoint))) def moveIfStuck(self): if self.puck.speedMagnitude > 100 or self.puck.position.x > STRIKER_AREA_WIDTH + PUCK_RADIUS * .8: self.lastMove = self.gameTime if 3 < self.gameTime - self.lastMove < 5: self.setDesiredPosition(self.puck.position) def shouldIntercept(self): if len(self.puck.trajectory) == 0: return 0 return self.puck.state == ACURATE and ( not self.willBounce or (sign(self.puck.vector.y) * self.puck.trajectory[-1].end.y > GOAL_SPAN)) and self.puck.vector.x < 0 def isPuckDangerous(self): if self.puck.position.x > STRIKER_AREA_WIDTH: return True if abs(self.puck.velocity.y) > self.maxSpeed: return True if self.willBounce: return True if self.striker.position.x > self.puck.position.x - PUCK_RADIUS: return True if abs(self.goalLineIntersection) < ( GOAL_SPAN / 2) * 1.2 and self.puck.state == ACURATE: if len(self.puck.trajectory) > 0: if self.puck.trajectory[-1].getPointLineDist( self.striker.position) > PUCK_RADIUS: return True return False