Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_departures(self, url):
        """ Get list of next departures as Departure objects

        #TODO parse line name and direction for station site parsing

        if not url:
            # FIXME prevent from calling this method with None
            print "ERROR empty url"
            return []

        # open url for 90 min timeslot / get departure for next 90 min
        retry = 0
        tries = 2 # try a second time before return empty list

        while retry < tries:
            # http://www.wienerlinien.at/itip/linienwahl/anzeige.php?PHPSESSID=8ojk9788jlp69mbqtnqvqaqkg5&departureSizeTimeSlot=70&sortType=abfSort
                html = urlopen(url + "&departureSizeTimeSlot=70").read()
            except HTTPError:
                print "HTTPError at %s" % url
                return []
            dep = self.parse_departures(html)

            if dep:
                return dep

            retry += 1
            if retry == tries:
                return []

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_departures_by_station(self, station):
        """ Get list of Departures for one station

        # TODO 1. Error handling
        # TODO 2. more error handling
        # TODO 3. ultimative error handling

        station = station.encode('UTF-8')
        html = urlopen(defaults.departures_by_station % quote_plus(station)).read()

        li = BeautifulSoup(html).ul.findAll('li')

        if li[0].a:
            # calculate levenshtein distance of results
            st = map(lambda x: (distance(station, x.a.text.encode('UTF-8')), x.a.text.encode('UTF-8'), x.a['href']), li)
            # take result with lowest levenshtein distance
            s = min(st)
            lnk = s[2]
            if len(st) > 1:
                print "Multiple results found, using best match:", s[1]
            html = urlopen(defaults.qando + lnk).read()

        dep = self.parse_departures_by_station(html)

        return dep
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_stations(self, name):
        """ Get station by direction
        {'Directionname': [('Station name', 'url')]}
        if not name in self.lines:
            return {}

        st = Stations(name)

        if not st:
            urlopen(defaults.stations % name)
            st.update(self.parse_stations(urlopen(defaults.stations % name).read()))

        return st
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def lines(self):
        """ Dictionary of Line names with url as value
        if not self._lines:
            print "Load lines"
            #self._lines = self.parse_lines(urlopen(defaults.line_overview).read())
            if not self._lines:
                print "Error fetching lines"

        return self._lines
Ejemplo n.º 5
def search(origin_tuple, destination_tuple, dtime=None):
    """ build route request
    returns html result (as urllib response)
    if not dtime:
        dtime = datetime.now()

    origin, origin_type = origin_tuple
    origin, origin_city = split_station(origin)

    destination, destination_type = destination_tuple
    destination, destination_city = split_station(destination)

    if origin_type is None:
        origin_type = guess_location_type(origin)
        print 'Guessed origin type:', origin_type

    if destination_type is None:
        destination_type = guess_location_type(destination)
        print 'Guessed destination type:', destination_type

    if (origin_type not in POSITION_TYPES or
            destination_type not in POSITION_TYPES):
        raise ParserError('Invalid position type')

    post = defaults.search_post
    post['name_origin'] = origin
    post['type_origin'] = origin_type
    post['name_destination'] = destination
    post['type_destination'] = destination_type
    post['itdDateDayMonthYear'] = dtime.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
    post['itdTime'] = dtime.strftime('%H:%M')
    post['place_origin'] = origin_city
    post['place_destination'] = destination_city
    params = urlencode(post)
    url = '%s?%s' % (defaults.action, params)
    #print url

    return urlopen(url)