Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _draw_2d_network(self, radius=6, width=1200, height=800, padding=0.2,
                         plot_scale=2, plot_precision=0.03,
                         sub_layer_height_scale=0, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs["show"] and not kwargs["mp4"]:
        layers = len(self._layers) + 1
        units = [layer.shape[0] for layer in self._layers] + [self._layers[-1].shape[1]]
        whether_sub_layers = np.array([False] + [isinstance(layer, SubLayer) for layer in self._layers])
        n_sub_layers = np.sum(whether_sub_layers)  # type: int

        plot_num = int(1 / plot_precision)
        if plot_num % 2 == 1:
            plot_num += 1
        half_plot_num = int(plot_num * 0.5)
        xf = np.linspace(self._x_min * plot_scale, self._x_max * plot_scale, plot_num)
        yf = np.linspace(self._x_min * plot_scale, self._x_max * plot_scale, plot_num) * -1
        input_x, input_y = np.meshgrid(xf, yf)
        input_xs = np.c_[input_x.ravel(), input_y.ravel()]

        activations = [activation.T.reshape(units[i + 1], plot_num, plot_num)
                       for i, activation in enumerate(self._get_activations(input_xs, predict=True))]
        graphs = []
        for j, activation in enumerate(activations):
            graph_group = []
            if j == len(activations) - 1:
                classes = np.argmax(activation, axis=0)
                classes = None
            for k, ac in enumerate(activation):
                data = np.zeros((plot_num, plot_num, 3), np.uint8)
                if j != len(activations) - 1:
                    mask = ac >= np.average(ac)
                    mask = classes == k
                data[mask], data[~mask] = [0, 165, 255], [255, 165, 0]

        img = np.full([height, width, 3], 255, dtype=np.uint8)
        axis0_padding = int(height / (layers - 1 + 2 * padding)) * padding + plot_num
        axis0_step = (height - 2 * axis0_padding) / layers
        sub_layer_decrease = int((1 - sub_layer_height_scale) * axis0_step)
        axis0 = np.linspace(
            height + n_sub_layers * sub_layer_decrease - axis0_padding,
            layers, dtype=np.int)
        axis0 -= sub_layer_decrease * np.cumsum(whether_sub_layers)
        axis1_padding = plot_num
        axis1 = [np.linspace(axis1_padding, width - axis1_padding, unit + 2, dtype=np.int)
                 for unit in units]
        axis1 = [axis[1:-1] for axis in axis1]

        colors, thicknesses, masks = [], [], []
        for weight in self._weights:
            line_info = VisUtil.get_line_info(weight.copy())

        for i, (y, xs) in enumerate(zip(axis0, axis1)):
            for j, x in enumerate(xs):
                if i == 0:
                    cv2.circle(img, (x, y), radius, (20, 215, 20), int(radius / 2))
                    graph = graphs[i - 1][j]
                    img[y - half_plot_num:y + half_plot_num, x - half_plot_num:x + half_plot_num] = graph
            if i > 0:
                cv2.putText(img, self._layers[i - 1].name, (12, y - 36), cv2.LINE_AA, 0.6, (0, 0, 0), 1)
        for i, y in enumerate(axis0):
            if i == len(axis0) - 1:
            for j, x in enumerate(axis1[i]):
                new_y = axis0[i + 1]
                whether_sub_layer = isinstance(self._layers[i], SubLayer)
                for k, new_x in enumerate(axis1[i + 1]):
                    if whether_sub_layer and j != k:
                    if masks[i][j][k]:
                        cv2.line(img, (x, y + half_plot_num), (new_x, new_y - half_plot_num),
                                 colors[i][j][k], thicknesses[i][j][k])

        return img
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _draw_img_network(self, img_shape, width=1200, height=800, padding=0.2,
                          sub_layer_height_scale=0, delay=1,

        img_width, img_height = img_shape
        half_width = int(img_width * 0.5) if img_width % 2 == 0 else int(img_width * 0.5) + 1
        half_height = int(img_height * 0.5) if img_height % 2 == 0 else int(img_height * 0.5) + 1

        layers = len(self._layers)
        units = [layer.shape[1] for layer in self._layers]
        whether_sub_layers = np.array([isinstance(layer, SubLayer) for layer in self._layers])
        n_sub_layers = int(np.sum(whether_sub_layers))

        _activations = [self._weights[0].copy().T]
        for weight in self._weights[1:]:
        _graphs = []
        for j, activation in enumerate(_activations):
            _graph_group = []
            for ac in activation:
                ac = ac.reshape(img_width, img_height)
                ac -= np.average(ac)
                data = np.zeros((img_width, img_height, 3), np.uint8)
                mask = ac >= 0.25
                data[mask], data[~mask] = [0, 130, 255], [255, 130, 0]

        img = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
        axis0_padding = int(height / (layers - 1 + 2 * padding)) * padding + img_height
        axis0_step = (height - 2 * axis0_padding) / layers
        sub_layer_decrease = int((1 - sub_layer_height_scale) * axis0_step)
        axis0 = np.linspace(
            height + n_sub_layers * sub_layer_decrease - axis0_padding,
            layers, dtype=np.int)
        axis0 -= sub_layer_decrease * np.cumsum(whether_sub_layers)
        axis1_padding = img_width
        axis1 = [np.linspace(axis1_padding, width - axis1_padding, unit + 2, dtype=np.int)
                 for unit in units]
        axis1 = [axis[1:-1] for axis in axis1]

        colors, thicknesses = [], []
        color_weights = [weight.copy() for weight in self._weights]
        color_min = [np.min(weight) for weight in color_weights]
        color_max = [np.max(weight) for weight in color_weights]
        color_average = [np.average(weight) for weight in color_weights] if weight_average is None else weight_average
        for weight, weight_min, weight_max, weight_average in zip(
                color_weights, color_min, color_max, color_average
            line_info = VisUtil.get_line_info(weight, weight_min, weight_max, weight_average)

        for i, (y, xs) in enumerate(zip(axis0, axis1)):
            for j, x in enumerate(xs):
                graph = _graphs[i][j]
                img[y - half_height:y + half_height, x - half_width:x + half_width] = graph
            cv2.putText(img, self._layers[i].name, (12, y - 36), cv2.LINE_AA, 0.6, (255, 255, 255), 2)

        for i, y in enumerate(axis0):
            if i == len(axis0) - 1:
            for j, x in enumerate(axis1[i]):
                new_y = axis0[i + 1]
                whether_sub_layer = isinstance(self._layers[i + 1], SubLayer)
                for k, new_x in enumerate(axis1[i + 1]):
                    if whether_sub_layer and j != k:
                    cv2.line(img, (x, y + half_height), (new_x, new_y - half_height),
                             colors[i + 1][j][k], thicknesses[i + 1][j][k])

        cv2.imshow("Neural Network", img)
        return img
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _draw_network(self, radius=6, width=1200, height=800, padding=0.2, sub_layer_height_scale=0, delay=1,
                      weight_average=None, activations=None):

        layers = len(self._layers) + 1
        units = [layer.shape[0] for layer in self._layers] + [self._layers[-1].shape[1]]
        whether_sub_layers = np.array([False] + [isinstance(layer, SubLayer) for layer in self._layers])
        n_sub_layers = int(np.sum(whether_sub_layers))

        img = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
        axis0_padding = int(height / (layers - 1 + 2 * padding)) * padding
        axis0_step = (height - 2 * axis0_padding) / layers
        sub_layer_decrease = int((1 - sub_layer_height_scale) * axis0_step)
        axis0 = np.linspace(
            height + n_sub_layers * sub_layer_decrease - axis0_padding,
            layers, dtype=np.int)
        axis0 -= sub_layer_decrease * np.cumsum(whether_sub_layers)
        axis1_divide = [int(width / (unit + 1)) for unit in units]
        axis1 = [np.linspace(divide, width - divide, units[i], dtype=np.int)
                 for i, divide in enumerate(axis1_divide)]

        colors, thicknesses = [], []
        color_weights = [weight.copy() for weight in self._weights]
        color_min = [np.min(weight) for weight in color_weights]
        color_max = [np.max(weight) for weight in color_weights]
        color_average = [np.average(weight) for weight in color_weights] if weight_average is None else weight_average
        for weight, weight_min, weight_max, weight_average in zip(
                color_weights, color_min, color_max, color_average
            line_info = VisUtil.get_line_info(weight, weight_min, weight_max, weight_average)

        activations = [np.average(np.abs(activation), axis=0) for activation in activations]
        activations = [activation / np.max(activation) for activation in activations]
        for i, (y, xs) in enumerate(zip(axis0, axis1)):
            for j, x in enumerate(xs):
                if i == 0:
                    cv2.circle(img, (x, y), radius, (20, 215, 20), int(radius / 2))
                    activation = activations[i - 1][j]
                        cv2.circle(img, (x, y), radius, (
                            int(255 * activation), int(255 * activation), int(255 * activation)), int(radius / 2))
                    except ValueError:
                        cv2.circle(img, (x, y), radius, (0, 0, 255), int(radius / 2))
            if i > 0:
                cv2.putText(img, self._layers[i - 1].name, (12, y - 36), cv2.LINE_AA, 0.6, (255, 255, 255), 2)

        for i, y in enumerate(axis0):
            if i == len(axis0) - 1:
            for j, x in enumerate(axis1[i]):
                new_y = axis0[i + 1]
                whether_sub_layer = isinstance(self._layers[i], SubLayer)
                for k, new_x in enumerate(axis1[i + 1]):
                    if whether_sub_layer and j != k:
                    cv2.line(img, (x, y), (new_x, new_y), colors[i][j][k], thicknesses[i][j][k])

        cv2.imshow("Neural Network", img)
        return img
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _draw_detailed_network(self, radius=6, width=1200, height=800, padding=0.2,
                               plot_scale=2, plot_precision=0.03,
                               sub_layer_height_scale=0, delay=1,

        layers = len(self._layers) + 1
        units = [layer.shape[0] for layer in self._layers] + [self._layers[-1].shape[1]]
        whether_sub_layers = np.array([False] + [isinstance(layer, SubLayer) for layer in self._layers])
        n_sub_layers = int(np.sum(whether_sub_layers))

        plot_num = int(1 / plot_precision)
        if plot_num % 2 == 1:
            plot_num += 1
        half_plot_num = int(plot_num * 0.5)
        xf = np.linspace(self._x_min * plot_scale, self._x_max * plot_scale, plot_num)
        yf = np.linspace(self._x_min * plot_scale, self._x_max * plot_scale, plot_num) * -1
        input_x, input_y = np.meshgrid(xf, yf)
        input_xs = np.c_[input_x.ravel(), input_y.ravel()]

        _activations = [activation.T.reshape(units[i + 1], plot_num, plot_num)
                        for i, activation in enumerate(self._get_activations(input_xs, predict=True))]
        _graphs = []
        for j, activation in enumerate(_activations):
            _graph_group = []
            for ac in activation:
                data = np.zeros((plot_num, plot_num, 3), np.uint8)
                mask = ac >= np.average(ac)
                data[mask], data[~mask] = [0, 125, 255], [255, 125, 0]

        img = np.ones((height, width, 3), np.uint8) * 255
        axis0_padding = int(height / (layers - 1 + 2 * padding)) * padding + plot_num
        axis0_step = (height - 2 * axis0_padding) / layers
        sub_layer_decrease = int((1 - sub_layer_height_scale) * axis0_step)
        axis0 = np.linspace(
            height + n_sub_layers * sub_layer_decrease - axis0_padding,
            layers, dtype=np.int)
        axis0 -= sub_layer_decrease * np.cumsum(whether_sub_layers)
        axis1_padding = plot_num
        axis1 = [np.linspace(axis1_padding, width - axis1_padding, unit + 2, dtype=np.int)
                 for unit in units]
        axis1 = [axis[1:-1] for axis in axis1]

        colors, thicknesses = [], []
        color_weights = [weight.copy() for weight in self._weights]
        color_min = [np.min(weight) for weight in color_weights]
        color_max = [np.max(weight) for weight in color_weights]
        color_average = [np.average(weight) for weight in color_weights] if weight_average is None else weight_average
        for weight, weight_min, weight_max, weight_average in zip(
                color_weights, color_min, color_max, color_average
            line_info = VisUtil.get_line_info(weight, weight_min, weight_max, weight_average)

        for i, (y, xs) in enumerate(zip(axis0, axis1)):
            for j, x in enumerate(xs):
                if i == 0:
                    cv2.circle(img, (x, y), radius, (20, 215, 20), int(radius / 2))
                    graph = _graphs[i - 1][j]
                    img[y - half_plot_num:y + half_plot_num, x - half_plot_num:x + half_plot_num] = graph
            if i > 0:
                cv2.putText(img, self._layers[i - 1].name, (12, y - 36), cv2.LINE_AA, 0.6, (0, 0, 0), 1)

        for i, y in enumerate(axis0):
            if i == len(axis0) - 1:
            for j, x in enumerate(axis1[i]):
                new_y = axis0[i + 1]
                whether_sub_layer = isinstance(self._layers[i], SubLayer)
                for k, new_x in enumerate(axis1[i + 1]):
                    if whether_sub_layer and j != k:
                    cv2.line(img, (x, y + half_plot_num), (new_x, new_y - half_plot_num),
                             colors[i][j][k], thicknesses[i][j][k])

        cv2.imshow("Neural Network", img)
        return img
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _draw_2d_network(self,
        if not kwargs["show"] and not kwargs["mp4"]:
        layers = len(self._layers) + 1
        units = [layer.shape[0]
                 for layer in self._layers] + [self._layers[-1].shape[1]]
        whether_sub_layers = np.array(
            [False] + [isinstance(layer, SubLayer) for layer in self._layers])
        n_sub_layers = np.sum(whether_sub_layers)  # type: int

        plot_num = int(1 / plot_precision)
        if plot_num % 2 == 1:
            plot_num += 1
        half_plot_num = int(plot_num * 0.5)
        xf = np.linspace(self._x_min * plot_scale, self._x_max * plot_scale,
        yf = np.linspace(self._x_min * plot_scale, self._x_max * plot_scale,
                         plot_num) * -1
        input_x, input_y = np.meshgrid(xf, yf)
        input_xs = np.c_[input_x.ravel(), input_y.ravel()]

        activations = [
            activation.T.reshape(units[i + 1], plot_num, plot_num)
            for i, activation in enumerate(
                self._get_activations(input_xs, predict=True))
        graphs = []
        for j, activation in enumerate(activations):
            graph_group = []
            if j == len(activations) - 1:
                classes = np.argmax(activation, axis=0)
                classes = None
            for k, ac in enumerate(activation):
                data = np.zeros((plot_num, plot_num, 3), np.uint8)
                if j != len(activations) - 1:
                    mask = ac >= np.average(ac)
                    mask = classes == k
                data[mask], data[~mask] = [0, 165, 255], [255, 165, 0]

        img = np.full([height, width, 3], 255, dtype=np.uint8)
        axis0_padding = int(height /
                            (layers - 1 + 2 * padding)) * padding + plot_num
        axis0_step = (height - 2 * axis0_padding) / layers
        sub_layer_decrease = int((1 - sub_layer_height_scale) * axis0_step)
        axis0 = np.linspace(axis0_padding,
                            height + n_sub_layers * sub_layer_decrease -
        axis0 -= sub_layer_decrease * np.cumsum(whether_sub_layers)
        axis1_padding = plot_num
        axis1 = [
                        width - axis1_padding,
                        unit + 2,
                        dtype=np.int) for unit in units
        axis1 = [axis[1:-1] for axis in axis1]

        colors, thicknesses, masks = [], [], []
        for weight in self._weights:
            line_info = VisUtil.get_line_info(weight.copy())

        for i, (y, xs) in enumerate(zip(axis0, axis1)):
            for j, x in enumerate(xs):
                if i == 0:
                    cv2.circle(img, (x, y), radius, (20, 215, 20),
                               int(radius / 2))
                    graph = graphs[i - 1][j]
                    img[y - half_plot_num:y + half_plot_num,
                        x - half_plot_num:x + half_plot_num] = graph
            if i > 0:
                cv2.putText(img, self._layers[i - 1].name, (12, y - 36),
                            cv2.LINE_AA, 0.6, (0, 0, 0), 1)
        for i, y in enumerate(axis0):
            if i == len(axis0) - 1:
            for j, x in enumerate(axis1[i]):
                new_y = axis0[i + 1]
                whether_sub_layer = isinstance(self._layers[i], SubLayer)
                for k, new_x in enumerate(axis1[i + 1]):
                    if whether_sub_layer and j != k:
                    if masks[i][j][k]:
                        cv2.line(img, (x, y + half_plot_num),
                                 (new_x, new_y - half_plot_num),
                                 colors[i][j][k], thicknesses[i][j][k])

        return img