Ejemplo n.º 1
    def computeNormals(self, useExisting=False):

        if useExisting and 'normal' in self.vertAttr:
            #print("Skipping normal computation, normals are already defined")

        # Expand out an indexed view of our vertices
        faceVerts = self.verts[self.tris]

        # Compute face normals as a cross product of the face vertices
        # TODO why the double colon...?
        faceNormals = np.cross(faceVerts[::, 1] - faceVerts[::, 0],
                               faceVerts[::, 2] - faceVerts[::, 0])

        # Area of each face is used for a weighted average below, so save that
        faceAreas = 0.5 * norm(faceNormals, axis=1).reshape((self.nTris, 1))
        faceNormals = normalize(faceNormals)

        self.faceAttr['normal'] = faceNormals

        # Now compute vertex normals as a area-weighted average of the face normals
        vertNormals = np.zeros(self.verts.shape, dtype=self.verts.dtype)
        vertNormals[self.tris[:, 0]] += faceNormals * faceAreas
        vertNormals[self.tris[:, 1]] += faceNormals * faceAreas
        vertNormals[self.tris[:, 2]] += faceNormals * faceAreas

        self.vertAttr['normal'] = vertNormals
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = obj()
  frameOut = frame.copy()
  frame = norm(frame)
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)
  r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], mean[2]))
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
  print "m: %d, std %d" % (mean, std)
  #r = frame[:, :, 2]
  r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (9, 9), 0)
  debugFrame("ChannelOfInterest", r)
  edges = cv2.Canny(r, std * 3.5,  1.2* std)
  debugFrame("edges", edges)

  lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, 4, math.pi/180, 200, minLineLength = 100, maxLineGap = 50)
  if isinstance(lines, list):
    print "numLines: %d" % len(lines[0])
    for line in lines[0]:
      p1 = (line[0], line[1])
      p2 = (line[2], line[3])
      dx = p1[0] - p2[0]
      dy = abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
      theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)
      if abs(theta - math.pi/2) <  10 *math.pi/180:
        cv2.line(frameOut, p1, p2, (255, 0, 255), 5)
  Below is the param info for HoughCircles
    image is the imaged being looked at by the function
    method cv2.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT is the only method available
    dp the size of accumulator inverse relative to input image, dp = 2 means accumulator is half dim of input image
    minDist minimum distance between detected circles, too small and mult neighbor circ founds, big and neighbor circ counted as same
    param1 bigger value input into canny, unsure why it is useful therefore not using
    param2 vote threshold
    minRadius  min Radius of circle to look for
    maxRadius  max Radius of circle to look for
  maxrad = 300
  minrad = 10
  step = 50
  for radius in range(minrad + step, maxrad + 1, step):
    circles =  cv2.HoughCircles(image = r, method = cv2.cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, dp = .5, minDist =  radius * 2, param2 = int((2 * radius * math.pi)/15), minRadius = radius - step, maxRadius = radius)
    msg = "minRadius: %d, maxRadius %d" % (radius - step, radius)
    if type(circles) != type(None):
      print msg + " found: %d" % (len(circles))
      for circ in circles[0,:]:
      print msg + " no circ found"
  frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
  debugFrame("houghProb", frameOut)
  print "-------------------------------"
  return out
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ProcessFrame(frame):
    out = obj([False, 0, 0, 0])
    frameOut = np.copy(frame)
    frame = norm(frame)
    m = cv2.mean(frame)
    red = dist(frame, [m[0], m[1], 255])
    debugFrame("red", red)
    (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
    maxArea = (row * col) / 3
    minArea = 200
    red = cv2.medianBlur(red, ksize=3)
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red,
                                np.mean(red) - max(np.std(red), 10) * 2.65,
                                255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
    debugFrame("threshOg", thresh)
    kernel = np.ones((7, 7), np.uint8)
    thresh = cv2.erode(thresh, kernel, iterations=2)
    debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    for cont in contours:
        if len(cont) < 3:
        (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(cont)
        area = w * h
        aspectRatio = 0
        if w != 0:
            aspectRatio = h / w
            if aspectRatio < 1 and aspectRatio != 0:
                aspectRatio = 1 / aspectRatio
                ang += 90
            aspectRatio = 1

        #caluclating solidity
        contArea = cv2.contourArea(cont)
        if contArea < .1:
            conArea = 1.0

        if area == 0:
            area = 1

        solidity = contArea / (1.0 * area)
        loc = (int(center[0]), int(center[1]))
        stringOut = "%f" % (solidity)
        #cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, loc, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, 255)

        if area > 1500 and aspectRatio > 3 and aspectRatio < 13 and solidity > .8:
            angp = -1 * ang
            #angp = angp - round((angp/180.0)) * 180
            stringOut += ", ang: %d" % (angp)
            cv2.drawContours(frameOut, [cont], -1, (0, 0, 0), 3)
            out = obj([True, angp, center[0], center[1]])
            frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
        cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, loc, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5,
        print stringOut

    debugFrame("out", frameOut)
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ProcessFrame(frame):
    out = obj()
    frameOut = frame.copy()
    HEIGHT, WIDTH, _ = frame.shape
    contImg = np.zeros((HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3), np.uint8)
    frame = norm(frame)
    mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)

    r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], mean[2]))
    mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
    print "m: %d, std %d" % (mean, std)
    #r = frame[:, :, 2]
    r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (9, 9), 0)
    debugFrame("red", r)
    if std > 6:
        edges = cv2.Canny(r, std * 1.8, std * 1.2)
        edges = cv2.Canny(r, 30, 20)
    debugFrame("edges", edges)
    lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges,
                            math.pi / 180,
    if isinstance(lines, list):
        print "numLines: %d" % len(lines[0])
        for line in lines[0]:
            p1 = (line[0], line[1])
            p2 = (line[2], line[3])
            dx = p1[0] - p2[0]
            dy = abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
            theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)
            if abs(theta - math.pi / 2) < 10 * math.pi / 180:
                cv2.line(frameOut, p1, p2, (255, 0, 255), 5)

    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    dice = []
    for i in range(len(contours)):
        area = cv2.contourArea(contours[i])
        if area < WIDTH * HEIGHT / 2:
            cv2.drawContours(contImg, contours, i, (255, 255, 255), 5)
            x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contours[i])
            if w * h > 700 and h != 0 and w / h < 2 and w / h > 1 / 2:
                cv2.rectangle(frameOut, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 2)
                dice.append([x + w / 2, y + h / 2, (w + h) / 2])

    debugFrame("contours", contImg)
    print "Contours: ", len(contours)
    if (len(dice) >= 2):
        for die in dice:
    frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)

    debugFrame("houghProb", frameOut)
    print "-------------------------------"

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def computeNormals(self, useExisting=False):

        if useExisting and 'normal' in self.vertAttr:
            #print("Skipping normal computation, normals are already defined")

        # Expand out an indexed view of our vertices
        faceVerts = self.verts[self.tris]

        # Compute face normals as a cross product of the face vertices
        # TODO why the double colon...?
        faceNormals = np.cross(faceVerts[::,1 ] - faceVerts[::,0],
                               faceVerts[::,2 ] - faceVerts[::,0])

        # Area of each face is used for a weighted average below, so save that
        faceAreas = 0.5 * norm(faceNormals, axis=1).reshape((self.nTris, 1))
        faceNormals = normalize(faceNormals)

        self.faceAttr['normal'] = faceNormals

        # Now compute vertex normals as a area-weighted average of the face normals
        vertNormals = np.zeros( self.verts.shape, dtype=self.verts.dtype)
        vertNormals[ self.tris[:,0] ] += faceNormals * faceAreas
        vertNormals[ self.tris[:,1] ] += faceNormals * faceAreas
        vertNormals[ self.tris[:,2] ] += faceNormals * faceAreas

        self.vertAttr['normal'] = vertNormals
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = obj([False, 0, 0])
  frameOut = frame.copy()
  frame = norm(frame)
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)
  r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], mean[2]))
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
  print "m: %d, std %d" % (mean, std)
  #r = frame[:, :, 2]
  r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (9, 9), 0)
  debugFrame("ChannelOfInterest", r)
  edges = cv2.Canny(r, std * 3.5,  1.2* std)
  debugFrame("edges", edges)

  lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, 4, math.pi/180, 200, minLineLength = 100, maxLineGap = 50)
  if lines != None:
    print "numLines: %d" % len(lines[0])
    for line in lines[0]:
      p1 = (line[0], line[1])
      p2 = (line[2], line[3])
      dx = p1[0] - p2[0]
      dy = abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
      theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)
      if abs(theta - math.pi/2) <  10 *math.pi/180:
        cv2.line(frameOut, p1, p2, (255, 0, 255), 5)
  Below is the param info for HoughCircles
    image is the imaged being looked at by the function
    method cv2.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT is the only method available
    dp the size of accumulator inverse relative to input image, dp = 2 means accumulator is half dim of input image
    minDist minimum distance between detected circles, too small and mult neighbor circ founds, big and neighbor circ counted as same
    param1 bigger value input into canny, unsure why it is useful therefore not using
    param2 vote threshold
    minRadius  min Radius of circle to look for
    maxRadius  max Radius of circle to look for
  maxrad = 300
  minrad = 10
  step = 50
  for radius in range(minrad + step, maxrad + 1, step):
    circles =  cv2.HoughCircles(image = r, method = cv2.cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, dp = .5, minDist =  radius * 2, param2 = int((2 * radius * math.pi)/20), minRadius = radius - step, maxRadius = radius)
    msg = "minRadius: %d, maxRadius %d" % (radius - step, radius)
    if circles != None:
      print msg + " found: %d" % (len(circles))
      for circ in circles[0,:]:
        cv2.circle(frameOut, (int(circ[0]), int(circ[1])), circ[2], (0, 255, 255), 2)
        cv2.circle(frameOut, (int(circ[0]), int(circ[1])), 2, (0, 0, 255), 2)
      print msg + " no circ found"
  frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
  debugFrame("houghProb", frameOut)
  print "-------------------------------"
  return out.dict()  
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = obj([False, 0, 0, 0])
  frameOut = np.copy(frame)
  frame = norm(frame)
  m = cv2.mean(frame)
  red = dist(frame, [m[0],  m[1], 255])
  debugFrame("red", red)
  (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
  maxArea = (row * col)/3
  minArea = 200
  red = cv2.medianBlur(red, ksize = 3)
  ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red, np.mean(red) - max(np.std(red), 10) * 2.65, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
  debugFrame("threshOg", thresh)
  kernel = np.ones((7,7),np.uint8)
  thresh = cv2.erode(thresh,kernel, iterations = 2)
  debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
  contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
  for cont in contours:
    if len(cont) < 3:
    (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(cont)
    area = w * h
    aspectRatio = 0
    if w != 0:
      aspectRatio = h / w
      if aspectRatio < 1 and aspectRatio != 0:
    	  aspectRatio = 1/aspectRatio
      aspectRatio = 1
    #caluclating solidity
    contArea = cv2.contourArea(cont)
    if contArea < .1:
      conArea = 1.0
    if area == 0:
      area = 1
    solidity = contArea / (1.0 * area)
    loc = (int(center[0]), int(center[1]))
    stringOut = "%f" % (solidity)
    #cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, loc, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, 255)
    if area > 1500 and aspectRatio > 3 and aspectRatio < 13 and solidity > .8:
      angp = -1 * ang
      #angp = angp - round((angp/180.0)) * 180
      stringOut += ", ang: %d" % (angp)
      cv2.drawContours(frameOut, [cont], -1, (0,0, 0), 3)
      out = obj([True, angp, center[0], center[1]])
      frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
    cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, loc, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, 255)
    print stringOut
  debugFrame("out", frameOut)
  return out
Ejemplo n.º 8
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = obj()
  frameOut = frame.copy()
  HEIGHT,WIDTH,_  = frame.shape
  contImg = np.zeros((HEIGHT,WIDTH,3), np.uint8)
  frame = norm(frame)
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)

  r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], mean[2]))
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
  print "m: %d, std %d" % (mean, std)
  #r = frame[:, :, 2]
  r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (9, 9), 0)
  debugFrame("red", r)
  if std > 6:
    edges = cv2.Canny(r, std * 1.8 , std * 1.2)
    edges = cv2.Canny(r, 30 , 20)
  debugFrame("edges", edges)
  lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, 4, math.pi/180, 200, minLineLength = 100, maxLineGap = 50)
  if isinstance(lines, list):
    print "numLines: %d" % len(lines[0])
    for line in lines[0]:
      p1 = (line[0], line[1])
      p2 = (line[2], line[3])
      dx = p1[0] - p2[0]
      dy = abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
      theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)
      if abs(theta - math.pi/2) <  10 *math.pi/180:
        cv2.line(frameOut, p1, p2, (255, 0, 255), 5)

  contours, _ = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
  dice = []
  for i in range(len(contours)):
    area = cv2.contourArea(contours[i])
    if area < WIDTH * HEIGHT / 2:
      cv2.drawContours(contImg, contours, i, (255, 255, 255), 5)
      x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(contours[i])
      if w * h > 700 and h != 0 and w/h < 2 and w/h > 1/2:
        dice.append([x + w/2, y + h/2, (w+h) / 2])

  debugFrame("contours", contImg)
  print "Contours: ", len(contours)
  if(len(dice) >= 2):
    for die in dice:
  frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)

  debugFrame("houghProb", frameOut)
  print "-------------------------------"
  return out
Ejemplo n.º 9
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = obj([False, 0, 0])
  frameOut = frame.copy()
  frame = norm(frame)
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)
  print mean
  r =  cv2.cvtColor(frameOut, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
  print "m: %d, std %d" % (mean, std)
  #r = frame[:, :, 2]
  debugFrame("COI", r)
  r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (7, 7), 0)
  edges = cv2.Canny(r, std * 2.0 , 1.3 * std)
  debugFrame("edges", edges)

  lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges, 3, math.pi/180, 110)
  poles = []
  if lines is list:
    print "numLines: %d" % len(lines[0])
    for line in lines[0]:
      r = line[0]
      theta = line[1]
      if ( abs(theta - round((theta/math.pi)) * math.pi) < 3.0 * math.pi / 180.0):
        a = math.cos(theta)
        b = math.sin(theta)
        x0 = a * r
        y0 = b * r
        pt1 = (int(x0 - 100*b), int(y0 + 100 * a))
        pt2 = (int(x0 + 100 * b), int(y0 - 100 * a))
        poles.append(((x0, y0), pt1, pt2))
        cv2.line(frameOut, pt1, pt2, (255, 0, 255), 5)
  #filtering out the matching poles
  poles = sorted(poles, key = sortPoles)
  if len(poles) > 0:
    gatePoles = [poles[0]]
    for pole in poles:
      if abs(pole[0][0]  - gatePoles[-1][0][0]) > 80:
    for pole in gatePoles:
      cv2.line(frameOut, pole[1], pole[2], (0, 0, 255), 10)
    if len(gatePoles) == 2:
      out = obj([True, gatePoles[0][0][0], gatePoles[1][0][0]])
    print "len Poles: %d, len gatePoles: %d" % (len(poles), len(gatePoles))
  frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
  debugFrame("houghReg", frameOut)
  print "-------------------------------"
  return out  
Ejemplo n.º 10
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = {}
  out[ort] = -400
  out[cpX] = 0
  out[cpY] = 0
  out[found] = False
  pRed = frame[:, :, 2]
  frame = norm(frame)
  red = frame[:,:,2]
  debugFrame("red", red)
  (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
  maxArea = (row * col)/3
  minArea = 200
  red = cv2.medianBlur(red, ksize = 3)
  ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red, 120, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
  debugFrame("threshOg", thresh)
  kernel = np.ones((7,7),np.uint8)
  thresh = cv2.erode(thresh,kernel, iterations = 2)
  debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
  res, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
  possiblePoles = []
  for cont in contours:
    (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(cont)
    area = w * h
    aspectRatio = 0
    if w != 0:
      aspectRatio = h / w
    if aspectRatio < 1 and aspectRatio != 0:
    	aspectRatio = 1/aspectRatio
    if area > 1000 and aspectRatio > 3 and aspectRatio < 13:
      angp = abs(ang)
      angp = abs(angp - round((angp/90.0)) * 90)
      loc = (int(center[0]), int(center[1]))
      cv2.drawContours(frame, [cont], -1, (0,0, 0), 3)
      [vx,vy,x,y] = cv2.fitLine(cont, cv2.DIST_L2,0,0.01,0.01)
      if vx  > .01:
        lefty = int((-x*vy/vx) + y) 
        righty = int(((col-x)*vy/vx)+y) 
      angm = math.degrees(math.atan2(vy,vx))
      angM = angm - round((angm/90.0)) * 90
      stringOut = "angP %.2f, asp %.2f" % (angM, aspectRatio)
      cv2.putText(frame, stringOut, loc, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, 255)
      out[ort] = int(angM)
      out[cpY] = center[1]
      out[cpX] = center[0]
      out[found] = True
  debugFrame("out", frame)
  return out
Ejemplo n.º 11
def ProcessFrame(frame):
    out = obj([False, 0, 0])
    frameOut = frame.copy()
    frame = norm(frame)
    mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)
    r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], 255))
    mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
    print "m: %d, std %d" % (mean, std)
    #r = frame[:, :, 2]
    r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (9, 9), 0)
    debugFrame("red", r)
    edges = cv2.Canny(r, std * 1.8, 1.2 * std)
    debugFrame("edges", edges)

    lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges,
                            math.pi / 180,
    poles = []
    if lines != None:
        print "numLines: %d" % len(lines[0])
        for line in lines[0]:
            p1 = (line[0], line[1])
            p2 = (line[2], line[3])
            dx = p1[0] - p2[0]
            dy = abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
            theta = math.atan2(dy, dx)
            if abs(theta - math.pi / 2) < 10 * math.pi / 180:
                cv2.line(frameOut, p1, p2, (255, 0, 255), 5)
                poles.append((p1, p2))

    #filtering out the matching poles
    poles = sorted(poles, key=sortPoles)
    if len(poles) > 0:
        gatePoles = [poles[0]]
        for pole in poles:
            if abs(pole[0][0] - gatePoles[-1][0][0]) > 80:
        for pole in gatePoles:
            cv2.line(frameOut, pole[0], pole[1], (0, 0, 255), 10)
        if len(gatePoles) == 2:
            out = obj([True, gatePoles[0][0][0], gatePoles[1][0][0]])

        print "len Poles: %d, len gatePoles: %d" % (len(poles), len(gatePoles))

    frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
    debugFrame("houghProb", frameOut)
    print "-------------------------------"

    return out.dict()
Ejemplo n.º 12
def ProcessFrame(frame):
    out = {}
    out[lp] = 0
    out[rp] = 0
    out[cp] = 0
    frame = norm(frame)
    red = frame[:, :, 2]
    debugFrame("red", red)

    (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
    maxArea = (row * col) / 3
    minArea = 200
    red = cv2.medianBlur(red, ksize=3)
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red, 120, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
    thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, kernel, iterations=1)
    debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
    _, contours, hierchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    possiblePoles = []
    for cont in contours:
        (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(cont)
        area = w * h
        aspectRatio = h / w
        if aspectRatio < 1:
            aspectRatio = 1 / aspectRatio
        angp = abs(ang)
        angp = abs(angp - round((angp / 90.0)) * 90)
        if angp < 10.0 and area > minArea and abs(aspectRatio - 7) < 2:
            possiblePoles.append((cont, center))

    possiblePoles = sorted(possiblePoles, key=sortPoles)
    if len(possiblePoles) > 1:
        prevPole = possiblePoles[0]
        poles = [prevPole]
        for pole in possiblePoles:
            diff = abs(pole[1][0] - prevPole[1][0])
            if (diff > 20):
            prevPole = pole
        if (len(poles) == 2):
            left = poles[0]
            right = poles[1]
            out[rp] = int(right[1][0])
            out[lp] = int(left[1][0])
            out[cp] = out[lp] + (out[rp] - out[lp]) / 2
            cv2.circle(frame, (out[cp], int((right[1][1] + left[1][1]) / 2)),
                       10, (0, 0, 0), 3)
            cv2.drawContours(frame, [left[0], right[0]], -1, (0, 0, 0), 3)

    debugFrame("out", frame)
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 13
def ProcessFrame(frame):
    out = obj([False, 0, 0])
    frameOut = frame.copy()
    frame = norm(frame)
    mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)
    r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], 255))
    r = cv2.cvtColor(frameOut, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
    print "m: %d, std %d" % (mean, std)
    r = frame[:, :, 2]
    debugFrame("red", r)
    r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (7, 7), 0)
    edges = cv2.Canny(r, std * 2.0, 1.3 * std)
    debugFrame("edges", edges)

    lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges, 3, math.pi / 180, 110)
    poles = []
    if lines != None:
        print "numLines: %d" % len(lines[0])
        for line in lines[0]:
            r = line[0]
            theta = line[1]
            if (abs(theta - round((theta / math.pi)) * math.pi) <
                    3.0 * math.pi / 180.0):
                a = math.cos(theta)
                b = math.sin(theta)
                x0 = a * r
                y0 = b * r
                pt1 = (int(x0 - 100 * b), int(y0 + 100 * a))
                pt2 = (int(x0 + 100 * b), int(y0 - 100 * a))
                poles.append(((x0, y0), pt1, pt2))
                cv2.line(frameOut, pt1, pt2, (255, 0, 255), 5)

    #filtering out the matching poles
    poles = sorted(poles, key=sortPoles)
    if len(poles) > 0:
        gatePoles = [poles[0]]
        for pole in poles:
            if abs(pole[0][0] - gatePoles[-1][0][0]) > 80:
        for pole in gatePoles:
            cv2.line(frameOut, pole[1], pole[2], (0, 0, 255), 10)
        if len(gatePoles) == 2:
            out = obj([True, gatePoles[0][0][0], gatePoles[1][0][0]])

        print "len Poles: %d, len gatePoles: %d" % (len(poles), len(gatePoles))

    frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
    debugFrame("houghReg", frameOut)
    print "-------------------------------"

    return out.dict()
Ejemplo n.º 14
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = {}
  out[lp] = 0
  out[rp] = 0
  out[cp] = 0
  frame = norm(frame)
  red = frame[:,:,2]
  debugFrame("red", red)
  (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
  maxArea = (row * col)/3
  minArea = 200
  red = cv2.medianBlur(red, ksize = 3)
  ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red, 120, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
  kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8)
  thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh,kernel, iterations = 1)
  debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
  _, contours, hierchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
  possiblePoles = []
  for cont in contours:
    (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(cont)
    area = w * h
    aspectRatio = h / w
    if aspectRatio < 1:
    	aspectRatio = 1/aspectRatio
    angp = abs(ang)
    angp = abs(angp - round((angp/90.0)) * 90)
    if angp < 10.0 and area > minArea and abs(aspectRatio - 7) < 2:
      possiblePoles.append((cont, center))
  possiblePoles = sorted(possiblePoles, key = sortPoles)
  if len(possiblePoles) > 1:
  	prevPole = possiblePoles[0]
  	poles = [prevPole]
  	for pole in possiblePoles:
  	  diff = abs( pole[1][0] - prevPole[1][0])
  	  if (diff > 20):
  	  prevPole = pole 
  	if (len(poles) == 2):
  	  left = poles[0]
  	  right = poles[1]
  	  out[rp] = int(right[1][0])
  	  out[lp] = int(left[1][0])
  	  out[cp] = out[lp] + (out[rp] - out[lp])/2
  	  cv2.circle(frame, (out[cp], int((right[1][1] + left[1][1])/2)), 10, (0, 0, 0), 3)
  	  cv2.drawContours(frame, [left[0], right[0]], -1, (0,0, 0), 3) 
  debugFrame("out", frame) 
  return out
Ejemplo n.º 15
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = obj([False, 0, 0, 0])
  pRed = frame[:, :, 2]
  frame = norm(frame)
  red = frame[:,:,2]
  debugFrame("red", red)
  (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
  maxArea = (row * col)/3
  minArea = 200
  red = cv2.medianBlur(red, ksize = 3)
  ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red, 120, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
  debugFrame("threshOg", thresh)
  kernel = np.ones((7,7),np.uint8)
  thresh = cv2.erode(thresh,kernel, iterations = 2)
  debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
  contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
  possiblePoles = []
  if contours != None:
    for cont in contours:
      if len(cont) < 3:
      (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(cont)
      area = w * h
      aspectRatio = 0
      if w != 0:
        aspectRatio = h / w
      if aspectRatio < 1 and aspectRatio != 0:
      	aspectRatio = 1/aspectRatio
      if area > 1000 and aspectRatio > 3 and aspectRatio < 13:
        angp = abs(ang)
        angp = abs(angp - round((angp/90.0)) * 90)
        loc = (int(center[0]), int(center[1]))
        cv2.drawContours(frame, [cont], -1, (0,0, 0), 3)
        [vx,vy,x,y] = cv2.fitLine(cont, 2,0,0.01,0.01)
        if vx  > .01:
          lefty = int((-x*vy/vx) + y) 
          righty = int(((col-x)*vy/vx)+y) 
        angm = math.degrees(math.atan2(vy,vx))
        angM = angm - round((angm/90.0)) * 90
        stringOut = "angP %.2f, asp %.2f" % (angM, aspectRatio)
        cv2.putText(frame, stringOut, loc, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, 255)
        out = obj([True, angM, center[0], center[1]])
  debugFrame("out", frame)
  return out
Ejemplo n.º 16
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = obj()
  frameOut = frame.copy()
  frame = norm(frame)
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)
  r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], mean[2]))
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
  print "m: %d, std %d" % (mean, std)
  #r = frame[:, :, 2]
  r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (9, 9), 0)
  debugFrame("ChannelOfInterest", r)
  edges = cv2.Canny(r, std * 2.5,  1.2* std)
  debugFrame("edges", edges)
  height, width = frame.shape[:2]
  outImg = np.zeros((height,width,3), np.uint8)
  #frameOut = outImg
  Below is the param info for HoughCircles
    image is the imaged being looked at by the function
    method cv2.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT is the only method available
    dp the size of accumulator inverse relative to input image, dp = 2 means accumulator is half dim of input image
    minDist minimum distance between detected circles, too small and mult neighbor circ founds, big and neighbor circ counted as same
    param1 bigger value input into canny, unsure why it is useful therefore not using
    param2 vote threshold
    minRadius  min Radius of circle to look for
    maxRadius  max Radius of circle to look for

  """ Find and make list of circles in the image """
  drawAvg = False
  circleList = []

  minDeg = 80.0
  s = .8
  d = 3.7 
  maxrad = 150
  minrad = 30
  step = 50
  for radius in range(minrad + step, maxrad + 1, step):
    circles =  cv2.HoughCircles(image = r, method = cv2.cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, dp = 4.2, minDist =  2 * radius, param2 = int((2 * radius * math.pi)/8.94), minRadius = radius - step, maxRadius = radius)
    msg = "minRadius: %d, maxRadius %d" % (radius - step, radius)
    if type(circles) != type(None):
      print msg + " found: %d" % (len(circles))
      for circ in circles[0,:]:
        if seeCircles:
          cv2.circle(frameOut, (circ[0], circ[1]), circ[2], (0,0,0), 2, 8, 0 )
      print msg + " no circ found"
  if len(circleList) > 2:
    pts = []
    for circle in circleList:
      if seeCircles:
        cv2.circle(frameOut, (int(circle[0]), int(circle[1])), int(circle[2]), (255,0,0), 2, 8, 0 )
        cv2.circle(frameOut, (int(circle[0]), int(circle[1])), 7, (0,0,0), 2, 8, 0 )
      pts.append([circle[0], circle[1]])
    contour = np.array(pts, dtype=np.int32)
    (x,y), r = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour)
    out.append([int(x), int(y), int(r)])
    #cv2.circle(frameOut, (int(x), int(y)), int(r), (0,0,0), 2, 8, 0 )
  frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)

  debugFrame("houghProb", frameOut)
  print "-------------------------------"
  return out
Ejemplo n.º 17
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = obj([False, 0, 0])
  frameOut = np.copy(frame)
  frame = norm(frame)
  m = cv2.mean(frame)
  red = dist(frame, [m[0],  m[1], max(m[2] + 50, 255)])
  debugFrame("red", red)
  (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
  maxArea = 30000
  minArea = 1000
  ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red, np.mean(red) - np.std(red) * 1.5, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
  kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8)
  kernel[:, 0:1] = 0
  kernel[:, 3:5] = 0
  debugFrame("threshOg", thresh)
  thresh = cv2.erode(thresh,kernel, iterations = 1)
  thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, kernel, iterations = 2)
  debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
  contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
  possiblePoles = []
  for cont in contours:
    #cv2.drawContours(frame, [cont], -1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
    (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(cont)
    area = w * h
    if w > 0:
      aspectRatio = h / w
      if aspectRatio < 1 and aspectRatio != 0:
    	  aspectRatio = 1/aspectRatio
      aspectRation = 20
    angp = abs(ang)
    angp = abs(angp - round((angp/180.0)) * 180)
    stringOut = "%d %d %d" % (angp, area, aspectRatio)
    cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, 255)
    if (angp < 10 or angp > 170) and area > minArea and area < maxArea and abs(aspectRatio - 9) <= 4:
      possiblePoles.append((cont, center))
  possiblePoles = sorted(possiblePoles, key = sortPoles)
  for pole in possiblePoles:
  	  cv2.drawContours(frameOut, [pole[0]], -1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
  	  (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(pole[0])
  	  aspectRatio = h / w
  	  if aspectRatio < 1:
  	  angp = abs(ang)
  	  angp = abs(angp - round((angp/180)) * 180)
  	  area = h * w
  	  stringOut = "%d %d %d" % (angp, area, aspectRatio)
  	  cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 255)
  if len(possiblePoles) > 1:
  	prevPole = possiblePoles[0]
  	poles = [prevPole]
  	for pole in possiblePoles:
  	  cv2.drawContours(frame, [pole[0]], -1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
  	  diff = abs( pole[1][0] - prevPole[1][0])
  	  if (diff > 20):
  	  prevPole = pole 
  	if (len(poles) == 2):
  	  left = poles[0]
  	  right = poles[1]
  	  out = obj([True, int(right[1][0]), int(left[1][0])])
  	  frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
  	  cv2.drawContours(frameOut, [left[0], right[0]], -1, (0,0, 0), 3) 
  debugFrame("out", frameOut)
  return out
Ejemplo n.º 18
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  out = obj([False, 0, 0])
  frameOut = frame.copy()
  frame = norm(frame)
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)
  print "r mean: %d" % (mean[2])
  r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], max(mean[2], 80)))
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
  print "m: %d, std %d" % (mean, std)
  #r = frame[:, :, 2]
  r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (9, 9), 0)
  debugFrame("red", r)
  if std > 6:
    edges = cv2.Canny(r, std * 2.0, std * 1.1)
    edges = cv2.Canny(r, 30 , 20)
  debugFrame("edges", edges)
  contours, _ = cv2.findContours(r, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
  possiblePoles = []
  for cont in contours:
    cv2.drawContours(frame, [cont], -1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
    (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(cont)
    area = w * h
    if w > 0:
      aspectRatio = h / w
      if aspectRatio < 1 and aspectRatio != 0:
    	  aspectRatio = 1/aspectRatio
      aspectRation = 20
    angp = abs(ang)
    angp = abs(angp - round((angp/180.0)) * 180)
    stringOut = "%d %d %d" % (angp, area, aspectRatio)
    cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, 255)
    if (angp < 10 or angp > 170) and area > minArea and area < maxArea and abs(aspectRatio) <= 2:
      possiblePoles.append((cont, center))
  possiblePoles = sorted(possiblePoles, key = sortPoles)
  for pole in possiblePoles:
  	  cv2.drawContours(frameOut, [pole[0]], -1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
  	  (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(pole[0])
  	  aspectRatio = h / w
  	  if aspectRatio < 1:
  	  angp = abs(ang)
  	  angp = abs(angp - round((angp/180)) * 180)
  	  area = h * w
  	  stringOut = "%d %d %d" % (angp, area, aspectRatio)
  	  cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 255)
  if len(possiblePoles) > 1:
  	prevPole = possiblePoles[0]
  	poles = [prevPole]
  	for pole in possiblePoles:
  	  cv2.drawContours(frame, [pole[0]], -1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
  	  diff = abs( pole[1][0] - prevPole[1][0])
  	  if (diff > 20):
  	  prevPole = pole 
  	if (len(poles) == 2):
  	  left = poles[0]
  	  right = poles[1]
  	  out = obj([True, int(right[1][0]), int(left[1][0])])
  	  frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
  	  cv2.drawContours(frameOut, [left[0], right[0]], -1, (0,0, 0), 3) 
  debugFrame("out", frameOut)
  return out
Ejemplo n.º 19
def panel_control(data_array, mQ):
    n_program_state = 1
    t_quickload_timer = 0
    t_frame_start_time = time.time()
    BA_input_buffer = bytearray()
    f_first_pass = 1
    x_trim = [0, 0, 0]
    throttle_inhib = False
    spd_err = 0
    spd_err_p = 0

    while 1:
        if time.time() - t_frame_start_time >= Settings.c_loop_frame_rate:
            # record the start of the processing so we can get timing data
            t_frame_start_time = time.time()

            # STATE = PANEL CONN - Connect to the panel
            if n_program_state == 1:
                mQ.put((0, 'Connecting to the panel....'))
                    ser = serial.Serial('COM3', 115200, timeout=0.1)
                    mQ.put((0, 'Connected to the panel'))
                    )  # serial needs a little bit of time to initialise, otherwise later code - esp CNIA fails
                    n_program_state = 2
                except serial.serialutil.SerialException:
                    mQ.put((1, 'Could not connect to the panel'))
                    time.sleep(5)  # to avoid spamming the message queue

            # STATE = GAME CONN - Connect to the KRPC Server
            if n_program_state == 2:
                mQ.put((0, 'Connecting to the game server....'))
                    conn = krpc.connect(name='Game Controller')
                    mQ.put((0, 'Connected to the game server'))
                    n_program_state = 3
                except ConnectionRefusedError:
                    mQ.put((1, 'Could not connect to the game server'))

            # STATE = LINKING - Link to the active Vessel
            if n_program_state == 3 and conn.krpc.current_game_scene == conn.krpc.current_game_scene.flight:
                mQ.put((0, 'Connecting to the vessel....'))
                    vessel = conn.space_center.active_vessel
                    mQ.put((0, 'Linked to ' + vessel.name))
                    n_program_state = 4
                except krpc.client.RPCError:
                    mQ.put((1, 'Could not connect to a vessel'))

            # STATE = Perform CNIA
            if n_program_state == 4:
                mQ.put((0, 'Starting CNIA...'))
                cnia(ser, conn, vessel)
                mQ.put((0, 'CNIA Complete'))
                n_program_state = 5

            # STATE = Streams and objects- setup data input streams and reused objects
            if n_program_state == 5:
                # Camera object
                cam = conn.space_center.camera

                # Part temperatures
                part_temp_list = []
                for x in vessel.parts.all:
                    temp = [
                        conn.add_stream(getattr, x,
                                        'temperature'), x.max_temperature,
                        conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'skin_temperature'),

                # Engine propellant status
                engine_propellant_status = []

                for x in [
                        item for sublist in
                    [p.propellants for p in vessel.parts.engines]
                        for item in sublist
                    temp = [
                        conn.add_stream(getattr, x,
                        conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'total_resource_capacity')

                # Monoprop and electricity status
                resources = vessel.resources_in_decouple_stage(

                mono_status = [
                    conn.add_stream(resources.amount, 'MonoPropellant'),
                    conn.add_stream(resources.max, 'MonoPropellant')

                elec_status = [
                    conn.add_stream(resources.amount, 'ElectricCharge'),
                    conn.add_stream(resources.max, 'ElectricCharge')

                # Gear Status
                gear_status = []

                temp = []
                for x in vessel.parts.landing_gear:
                    temp.append(conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'state'))

                temp = []
                for x in vessel.parts.landing_legs:
                    temp.append(conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'state'))


                # Vessel and body list for map mode focus switching
                sorted_bodies = sorted(conn.space_center.bodies.items(),
                map_view_list = [(vessel.name, vessel)]

                mQ.put((0, 'Stream setup complete'))
                n_program_state = 6

            # STATE = RUNNING
            if n_program_state == 6:
                try:  # catch RPC errors as they generally result from a scene change. Make more specific KRPC issue 256

                    # Send data to the arduino request it to process inputs  - command byte = 0x00
                    BA_output_buffer = bytearray([0x00, 0x00, 0x00])

                    # Now while the Arduino is busy with inputs we processes the outputs - comamand byte = 0x01
                    BA_output_buffer = bytearray([0x01, 0x00, 0x00])
                    output_mapping(BA_output_buffer, conn, part_temp_list,
                                   engine_propellant_status, mono_status,
                                   elec_status, gear_status)

                    # Make sure the Arduino has responded
                    while ser.in_waiting != 40:

                    # read back the data from the arduino
                    BA_input_buffer_prev = BA_input_buffer
                    BA_input_buffer = ser.read(40)

                    # Now send the output date we calculated earlier

                    if f_first_pass:  # On the first pass copy the data in to avoid an error.
                        BA_input_buffer_prev = BA_input_buffer
                        f_first_pass = 0

                    # Check the status of the Arduino
                    if BA_input_buffer[
                            0] == 3:  # status of 00000011 is fully powered

                        # Action Groups
                        for i in range(0, 10):
                            if is_set(BA_input_buffer[int(i / 8) + 6],
                                      i % 8) and not is_set(
                                          BA_input_buffer_prev[int(i / 8) + 6],
                                          i % 8):
                                    (i + 1) % 10)

                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 7) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 7
                        ):  # todo - Remove this when mux 0 pin A3 is resolved

                        # Staging
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[7], 7) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[7], 7) and is_set(
                                    BA_input_buffer[9], 7):
                            n_program_state = 5  # trigger a stream refresh!
                            # todo do we need this for decouple?

                        # Systems
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 1) != is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 1):
                            vessel.control.lights = is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer[11], 1)
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 2) != is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 2):
                            vessel.control.rcs = is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 2)
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 4) != is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 4):
                            vessel.control.gear = not is_set(
                                4)  # gear is opposite sense
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 5) != is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 5) or (is_set(
                                    BA_input_buffer[11], 6) != is_set(
                                        BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 6)):
                            vessel.control.brakes = is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer[11], 5) or is_set(
                                    BA_input_buffer[11], 6)

                        # Navball Mode
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 1):
                            vessel.control.speed_mode = vessel.control.speed_mode.target
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 2):
                            vessel.control.speed_mode = vessel.control.speed_mode.orbit
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 3):
                            vessel.control.speed_mode = vessel.control.speed_mode.surface

                        # Landing Guidance
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 4) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[12], 4):
                            ldg_guidance_draw(conn, vessel)
                        elif not is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 4) and is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[12], 4):

                        # Autopiliot
                        spd_err_p = spd_err
                        throttle_inhib, spd_err = Autopilot(
                            BA_input_buffer, BA_input_buffer_prev, vessel,
                            spd_err_p, 100)

                        # Flight Control and Trims
                        sas_overide = flight_control_inputs(
                            BA_input_buffer, vessel, x_trim, throttle_inhib)

                        # SAS
                        SAS_inputs(BA_input_buffer, BA_input_buffer_prev,
                                   vessel, mQ, sas_overide)

                        # Save/Load
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[1], 0) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[1], 0):
                            conn.ui.message('Quicksaving...', duration=5)
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[1], 1) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[1], 1):
                            t_quickload_timer = time.time() + 5
                                'Hold for 5 seconds to Quickload...',

                        if not is_set(BA_input_buffer[1], 1):
                            t_quickload_timer = 0

                        if time.time() >= t_quickload_timer > 0:

                        # Warp
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[4], 7):
                            conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor = 0
                            conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor = 0
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[5], 1) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[5], 1
                        ) and conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor == 0:
                            conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor = min(
                                conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor + 1,
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[5], 3) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[5], 3):
                            conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor = max(
                                conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor - 1, 0)
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[5], 5) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[5], 5
                        ) and conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor == 0:
                            conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor = min(
                                conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor + 1, 3)
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[5], 7) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[5], 7):
                            conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor = max(
                                conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor - 1, 0)

                        # Clear Target
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[3], 1) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[3], 1):

                        # Camera Control
                        if Settings.G_cam_change_timer > 0:
                            Settings.G_cam_change_timer = max(
                                0, Settings.G_cam_change_timer -
                        camera_inputs(cam, BA_input_buffer, mQ)

                        # Map focus
                        if cam.mode == cam.mode.map:
                            if cam.focussed_vessel is not None:
                                map_idx = [x[0] for x in map_view_list
                            elif cam.focussed_body is not None:
                                map_idx = [x[0] for x in map_view_list

                            map_idx_new = map_idx

                            if is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 2) and not is_set(
                                    BA_input_buffer_prev[2], 2):
                                map_idx_new = (map_idx +
                                               1) % len(map_view_list)
                            if is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 0) and not is_set(
                                    BA_input_buffer_prev[2], 0):
                                map_idx_new = (map_idx -
                                               1) % len(map_view_list)

                            if map_idx_new != map_idx:
                                if map_idx_new == 0:  # vessel
                                    cam.focussed_vessel = vessel
                                    cam.distance = cam.default_distance
                                    cam.focussed_body = map_view_list[
                                    cam.distance = cam.default_distance

                            if is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 1) and not is_set(
                                    1):  # always reset to te current vessel
                                cam.focussed_vessel = vessel
                                cam.distance = cam.default_distance

                        # Vessel Switch
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 5) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[2], 5):
                            vessel_list = [
                                v for v in conn.space_center.vessels if
                                norm(v.position(vessel.reference_frame)) < 2000
                            conn.space_center.active_vessel = vessel_list[
                                (vessel_list.index(vessel) + 1) %
                            n_program_state = 4
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 7) and not is_set(
                                BA_input_buffer_prev[2], 7):
                            vessel_list = [
                                v for v in conn.space_center.vessels if
                                norm(v.position(vessel.reference_frame)) < 2000
                            conn.space_center.active_vessel = vessel_list[
                                (vessel_list.index(vessel) - 1) %
                            n_program_state = 4

                        # put all the data onto the shared array for use by the GUI
                        for i in range(len(BA_input_buffer)):
                            data_array[i] = BA_input_buffer[i]

                except krpc.client.RPCError:
                    n_program_state = 3
                    mQ.put((1, 'Main Loop Error'))

            # Check for Overuns and send a warning.
            if (time.time() -
                    t_frame_start_time) > Settings.c_loop_frame_rate * 1.1:
                    (1, 'OVERUN - ' +
                         (time.time() - t_frame_start_time) * 1000)) + 'ms'))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def ProcessFrame(frame):
    import time
    out = obj([False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    frameOut = np.copy(frame)
    frame = norm(frame)
    m = cv2.mean(frame)
    red = dist(frame, [m[0], m[1], 255])
    debugFrame("red", red)
    (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
    maxArea = (row * col) / 3
    minArea = 200
    red = cv2.medianBlur(red, ksize=3)
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red,
                                np.mean(red) - max(np.std(red), 10) * 2.65,
                                255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
    debugFrame("threshOg", thresh)
    kernel = np.ones((7, 7), np.uint8)
    thresh = cv2.erode(thresh, kernel, iterations=2)
    debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE,

    mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)
    r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], mean[2]))
    mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
    r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (9, 9), 0)

    for i in range(len(contours)):
        epsilon = 0.045 * cv2.arcLength(contours[i], True)
        approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contours[i], epsilon, True)
        #check if shape triangle
        cv2.fillConvexPoly(frameOut, approx, (255, 0, 0))
        foundThreeOrFour = False
        """"if the approximated contour is a triangle"""
        if len(approx) == 3:
            #foundThreeOrFour = True
            """Finding the point opposite of the hypotenuse"""
            pts = []
            for ptWrapper in approx:
            #find hypotenuse
            maxLen = 0
            maxIdx = 0
            for j in range(3):
                #print j
                p1 = pts[j]
                #print (j+1) %3
                p2 = pts[(j + 1) % 3]
                sideLen = math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2)
                if sideLen > maxLen:
                    maxLen = sideLen
                    maxIdx = j
            p1 = pts[maxIdx]
            p2 = pts[(maxIdx + 1) % 3]
            center = pts[(maxIdx + 2) % 3]
            #cv2.circle(frameOut,(center[0], center[1]) , 5, color = (0,0,0), thickness = -1)

        elif len(approx) == 4:
            foundThreeOrFour = True
            """Figure out closest and furthest points"""
            pts = []
            for ptWrapper in approx:
            maxDist = 0
            end1 = 0
            end2 = 0
            for i in range(0, len(pts)):
                for j in range(i, len(pts)):
                    ptdist = math.sqrt((pts[i][0] - pts[j][0])**2 +
                                       (pts[i][1] - pts[j][1])**2)
                    if (ptdist >= maxDist):
                        maxDist = ptdist
                        end1 = i
                        end2 = j
            p1, p2 = pts[end1], pts[end2]
            centerPts = []
            for i in range(len(pts)):
                if i != end1 and i != end2:
            center = ((centerPts[0][0] + centerPts[1][0]) / 2,
                      (centerPts[0][1] + centerPts[1][1]) / 2)
            #out = obj([True, int(center[0]), int(center[1]), int(endPts[0][0]), int(endPts[0][1]), int(endPts[1][0]), int(endPts[1][1])])
            #frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
        if foundThreeOrFour:
            v1 = [p1[0] - center[0], p1[1] - center[1]]
            v2 = [p2[0] - center[0], p2[1] - center[1]]
            dot = v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1]
            """Finding magnitude of 2 shorter sides and the angle opposite of the hypotenuse"""
            mag1 = math.sqrt((v1[0])**2 + (v1[1])**2)
            mag2 = math.sqrt((v2[0])**2 + (v2[1])**2)
            #may increment mags and arg inside acos to be not 0 or in acos domain
            if mag1 == 0:
                mag1 += .001
            if mag2 == 0:
                mag2 += .001
            angle = math.acos(.999 * dot / (mag1 * mag2)) * 180.0 / math.pi
        checks that the biggest angle of the triangle is roughly 130 degrees and that the sides are similar sizes
        130 degrees corresponds to the 45 degree bend
            MAX_ANG_DIF = 12
            MAX_LEN_DIF = 60
            MIN_LEN = 60
            TARGET_ANGLE = 130
            if mag1 > 100 or mag2 > 100:
                print "Angle, Mag1, Mag2: ", int(angle), int(mag1), int(mag2)
            #print angle
            if (abs(TARGET_ANGLE - abs(angle)) < MAX_ANG_DIF
                ) and abs(mag1 - mag2) < MAX_LEN_DIF and mag1 > MIN_LEN:
                out = obj([
                frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)

    debugFrame("out", frameOut)
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def update(self, data_array, msgQ):
        # Manage notebook tab switching
        if self.panel_connected:
            if is_set(data_array[4], 6):
            elif is_set(data_array[5], 0):
            elif is_set(data_array[5], 2):
            elif is_set(data_array[5], 4):
            elif is_set(data_array[5], 6):
            elif is_set(data_array[2], 4):
            elif is_set(data_array[2], 6):
            elif is_set(data_array[3], 0):

        self.notebook_page = self.notebook.index(self.notebook.select())

        # Update reused elements
        OI_data = [si_val(self.orbital_speed()) + 'm/s',
                      si_val(self.apoapsis(), 2) + 'm',
                      si_val(self.periapsis(), 2) + 'm',
                      '{0:.2f} deg'.format(degrees(self.inclination())),
                      '{0:.2f} deg'.format(degrees(self.long_asc_node()))]

        SI_data = [si_val(self.agl_altitude(), 3) + 'm',
                      '{0:.1f} deg'.format(self.pitch()),
                      '{0:.0f} deg'.format(self.heading()),
                      '{0:.1f} deg'.format(self.roll()),
                      si_val(self.speed(), 2) + 'm/s',
                      si_val(self.v_speed(), 2) + 'm/s',
                      si_val(self.h_speed(), 2) + 'm/s']

            twr = self.max_thrust() / (self.mass() * self.surface_gravity())
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            twr = 0

        VI_data = [si_val(self.mass() * 1000) + 'g',
                      si_val(self.max_thrust(), 3) + 'N',
                      si_val(self.thrust(), 3) + 'N',

        # Tab 1 - Launch
        if self.notebook_page == 0:

            self.T1_LP.animate(self.vessel, (self.latitude(), self.longitude()), self.mean_altitude())

        # Tab 2 - Orbital
        if self.notebook_page == 1:

            self.T2_OP.animate(self.vessel, self.periapsis(), self.eccentricity(), self.ecc_anomaly(), self.inclination(), self.arg_periapsis())

        # Tab 3 - Landing
        if self.notebook_page == 2:

        # Tab 4 - Rondezvous
        if self.notebook_page == 3:

            target_vessel = self.conn.space_center.target_vessel

            if target_vessel is None:
                T4_TI_data = ["No Target",
                target_pos = target_vessel.position(self.vessel.reference_frame)
                target_vel = target_vessel.velocity(self.vessel.reference_frame)
                T4_TI_data = [target_vessel.name,
                              si_val(norm(target_pos), 1) + 'm',
                              si_val(norm(target_vel), 1) + 'm/s',


        # Tab 8 = Systems
        if self.notebook_page == 7:
            res_vals = []
            for res in self.res_streams:
            self.T8_TRD.update(self.res_names, res_vals)

            resIDS_vals = []
            for res in self.resIDS_streams:
            self.T8_SRD.update(self.resIDS_names, resIDS_vals)

        # Tab 9 - Maintanance
        if self.notebook_page == 8:
            temp = ['{0:08b}'.format(data_array[0]),
                    '{0:.0f}deg'.format(data_array[18] * 0.69310345 - 68.0241379),
                    '{0:.0f}%'.format(data_array[28] / 255 * 100),
                    '{0:.0f}%'.format(data_array[19] / 255 * 100)]


            # Tab 9 --> Left Frame --> Digital Data SubframeLabel
            temp = ['{0:08b}'.format(data_array[1]),

            # Tab 9 --> Left Frame --> Analogure Data SubframeLabel
            temp = [data_array[20],
            # Tab 9 --> Left Frame --> Analogure Data SubframeLabel
            temp = ["ON" if is_set(data_array[29], 0) else "OFF",
                    "RUNNING" if is_set(data_array[29], 1) else "INITIATING",
                    "CONNECTED" if is_set(data_array[29], 2) else "DISCON",
                    bytes2int([data_array[33], data_array[34]]),
                    "CONNECTED" if is_set(data_array[29], 3) else "DISCON",
                    bytes2int([data_array[35], data_array[36]]),
                    "CONNECTED" if is_set(data_array[29], 4) else "DISCON",
                    bytes2int([data_array[37], data_array[38]])]

        # Update message area
        if not msgQ.empty():
            m = msgQ.get()
            self.msgL4.set(msg_prefix[m[0]] + ': ' + m[1])
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def update(self, data_array, msgQ):
        # Manage notebook tab switching
        if self.panel_connected:
            if is_set(data_array[4], 6):
            elif is_set(data_array[5], 0):
            elif is_set(data_array[5], 2):
            elif is_set(data_array[5], 4):
            elif is_set(data_array[5], 6):
            elif is_set(data_array[2], 4):
            elif is_set(data_array[2], 6):
            elif is_set(data_array[3], 0):

        self.notebook_page = self.notebook.index(self.notebook.select())

        # Update reused elements
        OI_data = [
            si_val(self.orbital_speed()) + 'm/s',
            si_val(self.apoapsis(), 2) + 'm',
            si_val(self.periapsis(), 2) + 'm',
            '{0:.2f} deg'.format(degrees(self.inclination())),
            '{0:.2f} deg'.format(degrees(self.long_asc_node()))

        SI_data = [
            si_val(self.agl_altitude(), 3) + 'm',
            '{0:.1f} deg'.format(self.pitch()),
            '{0:.0f} deg'.format(self.heading()),
            '{0:.1f} deg'.format(self.roll()),
            si_val(self.speed(), 2) + 'm/s',
            si_val(self.v_speed(), 2) + 'm/s',
            si_val(self.h_speed(), 2) + 'm/s'

            twr = self.max_thrust() / (self.mass() * self.surface_gravity())
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            twr = 0

        VI_data = [
            si_val(self.mass() * 1000) + 'g',
            si_val(self.max_thrust(), 3) + 'N',
            si_val(self.thrust(), 3) + 'N', '{0:.2f}'.format(twr)

        # Tab 1 - Launch
        if self.notebook_page == 0:

                               (self.latitude(), self.longitude()),

        # Tab 2 - Orbital
        if self.notebook_page == 1:

            self.T2_OP.animate(self.vessel, self.periapsis(),
                               self.eccentricity(), self.ecc_anomaly(),
                               self.inclination(), self.arg_periapsis())

        # Tab 3 - Landing
        if self.notebook_page == 2:

        # Tab 4 - Rondezvous
        if self.notebook_page == 3:

            target_vessel = self.conn.space_center.target_vessel

            if target_vessel is None:
                T4_TI_data = [
                    "No Target", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
                target_pos = target_vessel.position(
                target_vel = target_vessel.velocity(
                T4_TI_data = [
                    target_vessel.name, '', '', '',
                    si_val(norm(target_pos), 1) + 'm',
                    si_val(norm(target_vel), 1) + 'm/s', '{0:.2f}m'.format(
                        target_pos[0]), '{0:.2f}m'.format(target_pos[1]),


        # Tab 8 = Systems
        if self.notebook_page == 7:
            res_vals = []
            for res in self.res_streams:
            self.T8_TRD.update(self.res_names, res_vals)

            resIDS_vals = []
            for res in self.resIDS_streams:
            self.T8_SRD.update(self.resIDS_names, resIDS_vals)

        # Tab 9 - Maintanance
        if self.notebook_page == 8:
            temp = [
                '{0:.0f}deg'.format(data_array[18] * 0.69310345 - 68.0241379),
                '{0:.0f}%'.format(data_array[28] / 255 * 100),
                '{0:.0f}%'.format(data_array[19] / 255 * 100)


            # Tab 9 --> Left Frame --> Digital Data SubframeLabel
            temp = [
                '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[1]), '{0:08b}'.format(
                    data_array[2]), '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[3]),
                '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[4]), '{0:08b}'.format(
                    data_array[5]), '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[6]),
                '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[7]), '{0:08b}'.format(
                    data_array[8]), '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[9]),
                '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[10]), '{0:08b}'.format(
                    data_array[33]), '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[34]),
                '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[35]), '{0:08b}'.format(
                    data_array[36]), '{0:08b}'.format(data_array[37]),

            # Tab 9 --> Left Frame --> Analogure Data SubframeLabel
            temp = [
                data_array[20], data_array[21], data_array[22], data_array[23],
                data_array[24], data_array[25], data_array[26]
            # Tab 9 --> Left Frame --> Analogure Data SubframeLabel
            temp = [
                "ON" if is_set(data_array[29], 0) else "OFF",
                "RUNNING" if is_set(data_array[29], 1) else "INITIATING",
                "CONNECTED" if is_set(data_array[29], 2) else "DISCON",
                bytes2int([data_array[33], data_array[34]]),
                "CONNECTED" if is_set(data_array[29], 3) else "DISCON",
                bytes2int([data_array[35], data_array[36]]),
                "CONNECTED" if is_set(data_array[29], 4) else "DISCON",
                bytes2int([data_array[37], data_array[38]])

        # Update message area
        if not msgQ.empty():
            m = msgQ.get()
            self.msgL4.set(msg_prefix[m[0]] + ': ' + m[1])
Ejemplo n.º 23
def ProcessFrame(frame):
    out = obj([False, 0, 0])
    frameOut = np.copy(frame)
    frame = norm(frame)
    m = cv2.mean(frame)
    red = dist(frame, [m[0], m[1], max(m[2] + 50, 255)])
    debugFrame("red", red)
    (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
    maxArea = 30000
    minArea = 1000
    ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red,
                                np.mean(red) - np.std(red) * 1.5, 255,
    kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
    kernel[:, 0:1] = 0
    kernel[:, 3:5] = 0
    debugFrame("threshOg", thresh)
    thresh = cv2.erode(thresh, kernel, iterations=1)
    thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, kernel, iterations=2)
    debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE,
    possiblePoles = []
    for cont in contours:
        #cv2.drawContours(frame, [cont], -1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
        (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(cont)
        area = w * h
        if w > 0:
            aspectRatio = h / w
            if aspectRatio < 1 and aspectRatio != 0:
                aspectRatio = 1 / aspectRatio
                ang += 90
            aspectRation = 20
        angp = abs(ang)
        angp = abs(angp - round((angp / 180.0)) * 180)
        stringOut = "%d %d %d" % (angp, area, aspectRatio)
        cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, 255)
        if (
                angp < 10 or angp > 170
        ) and area > minArea and area < maxArea and abs(aspectRatio - 9) <= 4:
            possiblePoles.append((cont, center))

    possiblePoles = sorted(possiblePoles, key=sortPoles)
    for pole in possiblePoles:
        cv2.drawContours(frameOut, [pole[0]], -1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
        (center, (w, h), ang) = cv2.minAreaRect(pole[0])
        aspectRatio = h / w
        if aspectRatio < 1:
            ang += 90
        angp = abs(ang)
        angp = abs(angp - round((angp / 180)) * 180)
        area = h * w
        stringOut = "%d %d %d" % (angp, area, aspectRatio)
        cv2.putText(frameOut, stringOut, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 255)

    if len(possiblePoles) > 1:
        prevPole = possiblePoles[0]
        poles = [prevPole]
        for pole in possiblePoles:
            cv2.drawContours(frame, [pole[0]], -1, (0, 0, 255), 3)
            diff = abs(pole[1][0] - prevPole[1][0])
            if (diff > 20):
            prevPole = pole
        if (len(poles) == 2):
            left = poles[0]
            right = poles[1]
            out = obj([True, int(right[1][0]), int(left[1][0])])
            frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
            cv2.drawContours(frameOut, [left[0], right[0]], -1, (0, 0, 0), 3)

    debugFrame("out", frameOut)
    return out
def panel_control(data_array, mQ):
    n_program_state = 1
    t_quickload_timer = 0
    t_frame_start_time = time.time()
    BA_input_buffer = bytearray()
    f_first_pass = 1
    x_trim = [0, 0, 0]
    throttle_inhib = False
    spd_err = 0
    spd_err_p = 0

    while 1:
        if time.time() - t_frame_start_time >= Settings.c_loop_frame_rate:
            # record the start of the processing so we can get timing data
            t_frame_start_time = time.time()

            # STATE = PANEL CONN - Connect to the panel
            if n_program_state == 1:
                mQ.put((0, 'Connecting to the panel....'))
                    ser = serial.Serial('COM3', 115200, timeout=0.1)
                    mQ.put((0, 'Connected to the panel'))
                    time.sleep(1)  # serial needs a little bit of time to initialise, otherwise later code - esp CNIA fails
                    n_program_state = 2
                except serial.serialutil.SerialException:
                    mQ.put((1, 'Could not connect to the panel'))
                    time.sleep(5)  # to avoid spamming the message queue

            # STATE = GAME CONN - Connect to the KRPC Server
            if n_program_state == 2:
                mQ.put((0, 'Connecting to the game server....'))
                    conn = krpc.connect(name='Game Controller')
                    mQ.put((0, 'Connected to the game server'))
                    n_program_state = 3
                except ConnectionRefusedError:
                    mQ.put((1, 'Could not connect to the game server'))

            # STATE = LINKING - Link to the active Vessel
            if n_program_state == 3 and conn.krpc.current_game_scene == conn.krpc.current_game_scene.flight:
                mQ.put((0, 'Connecting to the vessel....'))
                    vessel = conn.space_center.active_vessel
                    mQ.put((0, 'Linked to ' + vessel.name))
                    n_program_state = 4
                except krpc.client.RPCError:
                    mQ.put((1, 'Could not connect to a vessel'))

            # STATE = Perform CNIA
            if n_program_state == 4:
                mQ.put((0, 'Starting CNIA...'))
                cnia(ser, conn, vessel)
                mQ.put((0, 'CNIA Complete'))
                n_program_state = 5

            # STATE = Streams and objects- setup data input streams and reused objects
            if n_program_state == 5:
                # Camera object
                cam = conn.space_center.camera

                # Part temperatures
                part_temp_list = []
                for x in vessel.parts.all:
                    temp = [conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'temperature'), x.max_temperature, conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'skin_temperature'), x.max_skin_temperature]

                # Engine propellant status
                engine_propellant_status = []

                for x in [item for sublist in [p.propellants for p in vessel.parts.engines] for item in sublist]:
                    temp = [conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'total_resource_available'), conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'total_resource_capacity')]

                # Monoprop and electricity status
                resources = vessel.resources_in_decouple_stage(vessel.control.current_stage)

                mono_status = [conn.add_stream(resources.amount, 'MonoPropellant'), conn.add_stream(resources.max, 'MonoPropellant')]

                elec_status = [conn.add_stream(resources.amount, 'ElectricCharge'), conn.add_stream(resources.max, 'ElectricCharge')]

                # Gear Status
                gear_status = []

                temp = []
                for x in vessel.parts.landing_gear:
                    temp.append(conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'state'))

                temp = []
                for x in vessel.parts.landing_legs:
                    temp.append(conn.add_stream(getattr, x, 'state'))


                # Vessel and body list for map mode focus switching
                sorted_bodies = sorted(conn.space_center.bodies.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
                map_view_list = [(vessel.name, vessel)]

                mQ.put((0, 'Stream setup complete'))
                n_program_state = 6

            # STATE = RUNNING
            if n_program_state == 6:
                try:  # catch RPC errors as they generally result from a scene change. Make more specific KRPC issue 256

                    # Send data to the arduino request it to process inputs  - command byte = 0x00
                    BA_output_buffer = bytearray([0x00, 0x00, 0x00])

                    # Now while the Arduino is busy with inputs we processes the outputs - comamand byte = 0x01
                    BA_output_buffer = bytearray([0x01, 0x00, 0x00])
                    output_mapping(BA_output_buffer, conn, part_temp_list, engine_propellant_status, mono_status, elec_status, gear_status)

                    # Make sure the Arduino has responded
                    while ser.in_waiting != 40:

                    # read back the data from the arduino
                    BA_input_buffer_prev = BA_input_buffer
                    BA_input_buffer = ser.read(40)

                    # Now send the output date we calculated earlier

                    if f_first_pass:  # On the first pass copy the data in to avoid an error.
                        BA_input_buffer_prev = BA_input_buffer
                        f_first_pass = 0

                    # Check the status of the Arduino
                    if BA_input_buffer[0] == 3:  # status of 00000011 is fully powered

                        # Action Groups
                        for i in range(0, 10):
                            if is_set(BA_input_buffer[int(i / 8) + 6], i % 8) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[int(i / 8) + 6], i % 8):
                                vessel.control.toggle_action_group((i + 1) % 10)

                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 7) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 7):  # todo - Remove this when mux 0 pin A3 is resolved

                        # Staging
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[7], 7) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[7], 7) and is_set(BA_input_buffer[9], 7):
                            n_program_state = 5  # trigger a stream refresh!
                            # todo do we need this for decouple?

                        # Systems
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 1) != is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 1):
                            vessel.control.lights = is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 1)
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 2) != is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 2):
                            vessel.control.rcs = is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 2)
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 4) != is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 4):
                            vessel.control.gear = not is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 4)  # gear is opposite sense
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 5) != is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 5) or (is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 6) != is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[11], 6)):
                            vessel.control.brakes = is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 5) or is_set(BA_input_buffer[11], 6)

                        # Navball Mode
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 1):
                            vessel.control.speed_mode = vessel.control.speed_mode.target
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 2):
                            vessel.control.speed_mode = vessel.control.speed_mode.orbit
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 3):
                            vessel.control.speed_mode = vessel.control.speed_mode.surface

                        # Landing Guidance
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 4) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[12], 4):
                            ldg_guidance_draw(conn, vessel)
                        elif not is_set(BA_input_buffer[12], 4) and is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[12], 4):

                        # Autopiliot
                        spd_err_p = spd_err
                        throttle_inhib, spd_err = Autopilot(BA_input_buffer, BA_input_buffer_prev, vessel, spd_err_p, 100)

                        # Flight Control and Trims
                        sas_overide = flight_control_inputs(BA_input_buffer, vessel, x_trim, throttle_inhib)

                        # SAS
                        SAS_inputs(BA_input_buffer, BA_input_buffer_prev, vessel, mQ, sas_overide)

                        # Save/Load
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[1], 0) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[1], 0):
                            conn.ui.message('Quicksaving...', duration=5)
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[1], 1) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[1], 1):
                            t_quickload_timer = time.time() + 5
                            conn.ui.message('Hold for 5 seconds to Quickload...', duration=5)

                        if not is_set(BA_input_buffer[1], 1):
                            t_quickload_timer = 0

                        if time.time() >= t_quickload_timer > 0:

                        # Warp
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[4], 7):
                            conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor = 0
                            conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor = 0
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[5], 1) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[5], 1) and conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor == 0:
                            conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor = min(conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor + 1, conn.space_center.maximum_rails_warp_factor)
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[5], 3) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[5], 3):
                            conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor = max(conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor - 1, 0)
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[5], 5) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[5], 5) and conn.space_center.rails_warp_factor == 0:
                            conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor = min(conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor + 1, 3)
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[5], 7) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[5], 7):
                            conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor = max(conn.space_center.physics_warp_factor - 1, 0)

                        # Clear Target
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[3], 1) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[3], 1):

                        # Camera Control
                        if Settings.G_cam_change_timer > 0:
                            Settings.G_cam_change_timer = max(0, Settings.G_cam_change_timer - Settings.c_loop_frame_rate)
                        camera_inputs(cam, BA_input_buffer, mQ)

                        # Map focus
                        if cam.mode == cam.mode.map:
                            if cam.focussed_vessel is not None:
                                map_idx = [x[0] for x in map_view_list].index(cam.focussed_vessel.name)
                            elif cam.focussed_body is not None:
                                map_idx = [x[0] for x in map_view_list].index(cam.focussed_body.name)

                            map_idx_new = map_idx

                            if is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 2) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[2], 2):
                                map_idx_new = (map_idx + 1) % len(map_view_list)
                            if is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 0) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[2], 0):
                                map_idx_new = (map_idx - 1) % len(map_view_list)

                            if map_idx_new != map_idx:
                                if map_idx_new == 0:  # vessel
                                    cam.focussed_vessel = vessel
                                    cam.distance = cam.default_distance
                                    cam.focussed_body = map_view_list[map_idx_new][1]
                                    cam.distance = cam.default_distance

                            if is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 1) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[2], 1):  # always reset to te current vessel
                                cam.focussed_vessel = vessel
                                cam.distance = cam.default_distance

                        # Vessel Switch
                        if is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 5) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[2], 5):
                            vessel_list = [v for v in conn.space_center.vessels if norm(v.position(vessel.reference_frame)) < 2000]
                            conn.space_center.active_vessel = vessel_list[(vessel_list.index(vessel) + 1) % len(vessel_list)]
                            n_program_state = 4
                        elif is_set(BA_input_buffer[2], 7) and not is_set(BA_input_buffer_prev[2], 7):
                            vessel_list = [v for v in conn.space_center.vessels if norm(v.position(vessel.reference_frame)) < 2000]
                            conn.space_center.active_vessel = vessel_list[(vessel_list.index(vessel) - 1) % len(vessel_list)]
                            n_program_state = 4

                        # put all the data onto the shared array for use by the GUI
                        for i in range(len(BA_input_buffer)):
                            data_array[i] = BA_input_buffer[i]

                except krpc.client.RPCError:
                    n_program_state = 3
                    mQ.put((1, 'Main Loop Error'))

            # Check for Overuns and send a warning.
            if (time.time() - t_frame_start_time) > Settings.c_loop_frame_rate * 1.1:
                mQ.put((1, 'OVERUN - ' + str(int((time.time() - t_frame_start_time) * 1000)) + 'ms'))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def ProcessFrame(frame):
  import time
  out = obj([False, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
  frameOut = np.copy(frame)
  frame = norm(frame)
  m = cv2.mean(frame)
  red = dist(frame, [m[0],  m[1], 255])
  debugFrame("red", red)
  (row, col, pages) = frame.shape
  maxArea = (row * col)/3
  minArea = 200
  red = cv2.medianBlur(red, ksize = 3)
  ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(red, np.mean(red) - max(np.std(red), 10) * 2.65, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
  debugFrame("threshOg", thresh)
  kernel = np.ones((7,7),np.uint8)
  thresh = cv2.erode(thresh,kernel, iterations = 2)
  debugFrame("thresh", thresh)
  contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(frame)
  r = dist(frame, (mean[0], mean[1], mean[2]))
  mean, std = cv2.meanStdDev(r)
  r = cv2.GaussianBlur(r, (9, 9), 0)
  for i in range(len(contours)):
      epsilon = 0.045*cv2.arcLength(contours[i],True)
      approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contours[i],epsilon,True)
      #check if shape triangle
      cv2.fillConvexPoly(frameOut, approx, (255,0,0))
      foundThreeOrFour = False
      """"if the approximated contour is a triangle"""
      if len(approx) == 3:
        #foundThreeOrFour = True
        """Finding the point opposite of the hypotenuse"""
        pts = []
        for ptWrapper in approx:
        #find hypotenuse
        maxLen = 0
        maxIdx = 0
        for j in range(3):
            #print j
            p1 = pts[j]
            #print (j+1) %3
            p2 = pts[(j + 1)%3]
            sideLen = math.sqrt( (p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 )
            if sideLen > maxLen:
                maxLen = sideLen
                maxIdx = j
        p1 = pts[maxIdx]
        p2 = pts[(maxIdx + 1) % 3]
        center = pts[(maxIdx + 2) % 3]
        #cv2.circle(frameOut,(center[0], center[1]) , 5, color = (0,0,0), thickness = -1)
      elif len(approx) == 4:
        foundThreeOrFour = True
        """Figure out closest and furthest points"""
        pts = []
        for ptWrapper in approx:
        maxDist = 0
        end1 = 0
        end2 = 0
        for i in range(0,len(pts)):
            for j in range(i,len(pts)):
                ptdist = math.sqrt( (pts[i][0] - pts[j][0]) ** 2 + (pts[i][1] - pts[j][1]) ** 2 )
                if(ptdist >= maxDist):
                    maxDist = ptdist
                    end1 = i
                    end2 = j
        p1, p2 = pts[end1], pts[end2]
        centerPts = []
        for i in range(len(pts)):
            if i != end1 and i != end2:
        center = ( (centerPts[0][0] + centerPts[1][0]) / 2, (centerPts[0][1] + centerPts[1][1]) / 2 )
        #out = obj([True, int(center[0]), int(center[1]), int(endPts[0][0]), int(endPts[0][1]), int(endPts[1][0]), int(endPts[1][1])])
        #frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)
      if foundThreeOrFour:
        v1 = [p1[0] - center[0], p1[1] - center[1]]
        v2 = [p2[0] - center[0], p2[1] - center[1]]
        dot = v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1]
        """Finding magnitude of 2 shorter sides and the angle opposite of the hypotenuse"""
        mag1 = math.sqrt( (v1[0]) ** 2 + (v1[1]) ** 2 )
        mag2 = math.sqrt( (v2[0]) ** 2 + (v2[1]) ** 2 )
        #may increment mags and arg inside acos to be not 0 or in acos domain
        if mag1 == 0:
            mag1 += .001
        if mag2 == 0:
            mag2 += .001
        angle = math.acos(.999 * dot/(mag1 * mag2)) * 180.0 / math.pi
        checks that the biggest angle of the triangle is roughly 130 degrees and that the sides are similar sizes
        130 degrees corresponds to the 45 degree bend
        MAX_ANG_DIF = 12
        MAX_LEN_DIF = 60
        MIN_LEN = 60
        TARGET_ANGLE = 130
        if mag1 > 100 or mag2 > 100:
            print "Angle, Mag1, Mag2: ", int(angle), int(mag1), int(mag2)
        #print angle
        if( abs(TARGET_ANGLE - abs(angle)) < MAX_ANG_DIF ) and abs(mag1 - mag2) < MAX_LEN_DIF and mag1 > MIN_LEN:
            out = obj([True, int(center[0]), int(center[1]), int(p1[0]), int(p1[1]), int(p2[0]), int(p2[1])])
            frameOut = out.draw(frameOut)

  debugFrame("out", frameOut)
  return out