Ejemplo n.º 1
 async def scrape_videos(check=True):
         links = await ex.conn.fetch(
             "SELECT link, channelid FROM youtube.links")
         check = True
     except Exception as e:
     if check:
             for link in links:
                 link_id = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
                     "SELECT id FROM youtube.links WHERE link = $1",
                 async with ex.session.get(link[0]) as r:
                     if r.status == 200:
                         page_html = await r.text()
                         start_pos = page_html.find("viewCount") + 14
                         end_loc = start_pos
                         while page_html[end_loc] != '\\':
                             end_loc += 1
                         view_count = f"{int(page_html[start_pos:end_loc]):,} views"
                         current_date = datetime.now()
                         await ex.conn.execute(
                             "INSERT INTO youtube.views(linkid, views, date) VALUES ($1,$2,$3)",
                             link_id, view_count, str(current_date))
                         await YoutubeLoop.send_channel(
                             f"> **UPDATE FOR <{link[0]}>: {view_count} -- {current_date}**"
             log.console("Updated Video Views Tracker")
         except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 2
 async def new_task4(self):
         if ex.client.loop.is_running():
             if self.first_run == 1:
                 await asyncio.sleep(
                     10)  # sleeping to stabilize connection to DB
             self.count_loop += 1
             if self.first_run == 1:
                 number = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
                     "SELECT PostID FROM dreamcatcher.DCPost"))
                 self.first_run = 0
                 self.number = number
             if self.error_status == 1:
                 if 5 > self.tries >= 2:
                     self.number += 1
                 if self.tries >= 5:
                     count_list = (len(self.post_list))
                     self.number = self.post_list[count_list - 1]
                     self.tries = 0
             if self.error_status == 0:
                 self.tries = 0
                 self.number += 1
             await self.check_dc_post(self.number)
     except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 3
 async def addnoti(self, ctx, *, phrase):
     """Receive a DM whenever a phrase or word is said in the current server. [Format: %addnoti (phrase/word)]"""
         check_exists = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
             "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM general.notifications WHERE guildid = $1 AND userid = $2 AND phrase = $3",
             ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id, phrase.lower()))
         if check_exists:
             raise Exception
         await ex.conn.execute(
             "INSERT INTO general.notifications(guildid,userid,phrase) VALUES($1, $2, $3)",
             ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id, phrase.lower())
             [ctx.guild.id, ctx.author.id,
         await ctx.send(
             f"> **{ctx.author.display_name}, I added `{phrase}` to your notifications.**"
     except AttributeError:
         return await ctx.send(
             f"> **{ctx.author.display_name}, You are not allowed to use this command in DMs.**"
         await ctx.send(
             f"> **{ctx.author.display_name}, You are already receiving notifications for `{phrase}`**"
Ejemplo n.º 4
    async def logadd(self, ctx, text_channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
        """Start logging a text channel. [Format:  %logadd #text-channel]"""
        if not text_channel:
            text_channel = ctx.channel

        if not await ex.u_logging.check_if_logged(server_id=ctx.guild.id):
            return await ctx.send(
                f"> **The server must be logged in order to log a channel. ({await ex.get_server_prefix_by_context(ctx)}startlogging)**"
        if await ex.u_logging.check_if_logged(channel_id=text_channel.id):
            return await ctx.send(
                f"> **{text_channel.name} is already being logged.**")

        is_logging_channel = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
            "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM logging.servers WHERE channelid = $1",
        if is_logging_channel:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"> **{text_channel.name} can not be logged since log messages are sent here.**"
        logging_id = await ex.u_logging.get_logging_id(ctx.guild.id)
        await ex.conn.execute(
            "INSERT INTO logging.channels (channelid, server) VALUES($1, $2)",
            text_channel.id, logging_id)
        await ctx.send(f"> **{text_channel.name} is now being logged.**")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 async def update_user_wins(self):
     if self.bracket_winner:
         wins = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow("SELECT wins FROM biasgame.winners WHERE userid = $1 AND idolid = $2", self.host, self.bracket_winner.id))
         if wins:
             await ex.conn.execute("UPDATE biasgame.winners SET wins = $1 WHERE userid = $2 AND idolid = $3", wins + 1, self.host, self.bracket_winner.id)
             await ex.conn.execute("INSERT INTO biasgame.winners(idolid, userid, wins) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)", self.bracket_winner.id, self.host, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 async def leaderboard(self, ctx, mode="server"):
     """Shows Top 10 Users server/global wide [Format: %leaderboard (global/server)][Aliases: leaderboards, lb]"""
     counter = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow("SELECT count(UserID) FROM currency.Currency"))
     embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Currency Leaderboard ({mode.lower()})", color=0xffb6c1)
     embed.set_author(name="Irene", url=bot_website, icon_url='https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/693392862611767336.gif?v=1')
     embed.set_footer(text="Type %bal (user) to view their balance.", icon_url='https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/683932986818822174.gif?v=1')
     if counter == 0:
         await ctx.send("> **There are no users to display.**", delete_after=60)
     if counter > 0:
         amount = await ex.conn.fetch("Select UserID,Money FROM currency.Currency")
         sort_money = []
         for sort in amount:
             if sort[0] in [member.id for member in ctx.guild.members] or mode == "global":
                 new_user = [sort[0], int(sort[1])]
         sort_money.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
         count = 0
         for a in sort_money:
             count += 1
             user_id = a[0]
             money = a[1]
             user_name = ex.client.get_user(user_id)
             if count <= 10:
                 embed.add_field(name=f"{count}) {user_name} ({user_id})", value=await ex.u_currency.shorten_balance(str(money)), inline=True)
         await ctx.send(embed=embed)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 async def get_aces_used(user_id):
     """Get the aces that were changed from 11 to 1."""
     aces_used = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT acesused FROM blackjack.currentstatus WHERE userid = $1",
     if aces_used is None:
         return []
     return aces_used.split(',')
Ejemplo n.º 8
 async def get_current_cards(user_id):
     """Get the current cards of a user."""
     in_hand = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT inhand FROM blackjack.currentstatus WHERE userid = $1",
     if in_hand is None:
         return []
     return in_hand.split(',')
Ejemplo n.º 9
 async def get_balance(self, user_id):
     """Get current balance of a user."""
     if not (await self.register_user(user_id)):
         money = await ex.conn.fetchrow(
             "SELECT money FROM currency.currency WHERE userid = $1",
         return int(ex.first_result(money))
         return 100
Ejemplo n.º 10
 async def register_user(user_id):
     """Register a user to the database if they are not already registered."""
     count = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM currency.Currency WHERE UserID = $1",
     if not count:
         await ex.conn.execute(
             "INSERT INTO currency.Currency (UserID, Money) VALUES ($1, $2)",
             user_id, "100")
         return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
 async def get_db_members_in_group(group_name=None, group_id=None):
     """Get the members in a specific group from database."""
     if group_id is None:
         group_id = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
             f"SELECT groupid FROM groupmembers.groups WHERE groupname = $1",
     members = await ex.conn.fetch(
         "SELECT idolid FROM groupmembers.idoltogroup WHERE groupid = $1",
     return [member[0] for member in members]
Ejemplo n.º 12
 async def get_if_user_voted(user_id):
     time_stamp = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT votetimestamp FROM general.lastvoted WHERE userid = $1",
     if time_stamp:
         tz_info = time_stamp.tzinfo
         current_time = datetime.datetime.now(tz_info)
         check = current_time - time_stamp
         if check.seconds <= 43200:
             return True
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 13
 async def get_if_user_voted(user_id):
     time_stamp = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT votetimestamp FROM general.lastvoted WHERE userid = $1",
     if time_stamp:
         tz_info = time_stamp.tzinfo
         current_time = datetime.datetime.now(tz_info)
         check = current_time - time_stamp
             f"It has been {check.seconds} seconds since {user_id} voted.")
         return check.seconds <= 86400
     log.console(f"{user_id} has not voted in the past 24 hours.")
Ejemplo n.º 14
 async def update_command_counter(self):
     """Updates Cache for command counter and sessions"""
     ex.cache.command_counter = {}
     session_id = await self.get_session_id()
     all_commands = await ex.conn.fetch(
         "SELECT commandname, count FROM stats.commands WHERE sessionid = $1",
     for command_name, count in all_commands:
         ex.cache.command_counter[command_name] = count
     ex.cache.current_session = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT session FROM stats.sessions WHERE date = $1",
Ejemplo n.º 15
 async def check_in_game(
     user_id, ctx
 ):  # this is meant for when it is accessed by commands outside of BlackJack.
     """Check if a user is in a game."""
     check = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT COUNT(*) From blackjack.games WHERE player1 = $1 OR player2 = $1",
     if check:
         await ctx.send(
             f"> **{ctx.author}, you are already in a pending/active game. Please type {await ex.get_server_prefix_by_context(ctx)}endgame.**"
         return True
Ejemplo n.º 16
 async def set_reminder(remind_reason, remind_time, user_id):
     """Add reminder date to cache and db."""
     await ex.conn.execute("INSERT INTO reminders.reminders(userid, reason, timestamp) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)",
                           user_id, remind_reason, remind_time)
     remind_id = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT id FROM reminders.reminders WHERE userid=$1 AND reason=$2 AND timestamp=$3 ORDER BY id DESC",
         user_id, remind_reason, remind_time))
     user_reminders = ex.cache.reminders.get(user_id)
     remind_info = [remind_id, remind_reason, remind_time]
     if user_reminders:
         ex.cache.reminders[user_id] = [remind_info]
Ejemplo n.º 17
 async def get_google_drive_link(api_url):
     """Get the google drive link based on the api's image url."""
     # commenting this out because now the file ids are in the api urls.
     # return ex.first_result(
     #   await ex.conn.fetchrow("SELECT driveurl FROM groupmembers.apiurl WHERE apiurl = $1", str(api_url)))
     beginning_position = api_url.find("/idol/") + 6
     ending_position = api_url.find("image.")
     if ending_position == -1:
         ending_position = api_url.find("video.")
     api_url_id = int(api_url[beginning_position:ending_position]
                      )  # the file id hidden in the url
     return ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT link FROM groupmembers.imagelinks WHERE id = $1",
Ejemplo n.º 18
 async def moveto(self, ctx, idol_id, link):
     """Moves a link to another idol. (Cannot be used for adding new links)[Format: %moveto (idol id) (link)]"""
         drive_link = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
             "SELECT driveurl FROM groupmembers.apiurl WHERE apiurl = $1",
         if not drive_link:
             return await ctx.send(
                 f"> **{link} does not have a connection to a google drive link.**"
         await ex.conn.execute(
             "UPDATE groupmembers.imagelinks SET memberid = $1 WHERE link = $2",
             int(idol_id), drive_link)
         await ctx.send(f"> **Moved {link} to {idol_id} if it existed.**")
     except Exception as e:
         await ctx.send(f"> **{e}**")
Ejemplo n.º 19
    async def set_level(user_id, level, command):
        """Set the level of a user for a specific command."""
        async def update_level():
            """Updates a user's level."""
            await ex.conn.execute(
                f"UPDATE currency.Levels SET {command} = $1 WHERE UserID = $2",
                level, user_id)

        count = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
            f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM currency.Levels WHERE UserID = $1",
        if not count:
            await ex.conn.execute(
                "INSERT INTO currency.Levels VALUES($1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)",
            await update_level()
            await update_level()
Ejemplo n.º 20
 async def deletechannel(self, ctx):
     """Stop the current channel from being archived [Format: %deletechannel]"""
         count = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
             "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM archive.ChannelList WHERE ChannelID = $1",
         if count == 0:
             await ctx.send(
                 "> **This channel is not currently being archived.**")
             await ex.conn.execute(
                 "DELETE FROM archive.ChannelList WHERE ChannelID = $1",
             await ctx.send("> **This channel is no longer being archived**"
     except Exception as e:
         await ctx.send("> **There was an error.**")
Ejemplo n.º 21
 async def scandrive(self, ctx, name="NULL", member_id=0):
     """Scan DriveIDs Table and update other tables."""
         all_links = await ex.conn.fetch(
             "SELECT id, linkid, name FROM archive.DriveIDs")
         for pic in all_links:
                 ID = pic[0]
                 Link_ID = pic[1]
                 Link_Name = pic[2]
                 new_link = f"https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id={Link_ID}"
                 all_names = await ex.conn.fetch(
                     "SELECT Name FROM archive.ChannelList")
                 if name == "NULL" and member_id == 0:
                     for idol_name in all_names:
                         idol_name = idol_name[0]
                         if idol_name == Link_Name and (
                                 idol_name != "Group"
                                 or idol_name != "MDG Group"):
                             member_id1 = ex.first_result(
                                 await ex.conn.fetchrow(
                                     "SELECT ID FROM groupmembers.Member WHERE StageName = $1",
                             await ex.conn.execute(
                                 "INSERT INTO groupmembers.uploadimagelinks VALUES($1,$2)",
                                 new_link, member_id1)
                             await ex.conn.execute(
                                 "DELETE FROM archive.DriveIDs WHERE ID = $1",
                 elif Link_Name.lower() == name.lower():
                     await ex.conn.execute(
                         "DELETE FROM archive.DriveIDs WHERE ID = $1", ID)
                     await ex.conn.execute(
                         "INSERT INTO groupmembers.uploadimagelinks VALUES($1,$2)",
                         new_link, member_id)
             except Exception as e:
         await ctx.send(f"> **Completed Scan**")
     except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 22
    async def modify_channel_role(channel_id, server_id):
        """Add or Change a server's self-assignable role channel."""
        def update_cache():
            cache_info = ex.cache.assignable_roles.get(server_id)
            if not cache_info:
                ex.cache.assignable_roles[server_id] = {
                    'channel_id': channel_id
                cache_info['channel_id'] = channel_id

        amount_of_results = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
            "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM selfassignroles.channels WHERE serverid = $1",
        if amount_of_results:
            return await ex.conn.execute(
                "UPDATE selfassignroles.channels SET channelid = $1 WHERE serverid = $2",
                channel_id, server_id)
        await ex.conn.execute(
            "INSERT INTO selfassignroles.channels(channelid, serverid) VALUES($1, $2)",
            channel_id, server_id)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 async def get_db_idol_called(member_id):
     """Get the amount of times an idol has been called from the database."""
     return ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT Count FROM groupmembers.Count WHERE MemberID = $1",
Ejemplo n.º 24
 async def get_all_images_count():
     """Get the amount of images the bot has."""
     return ex.first_result(
         ex.conn.fetchrow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groupmembers.imagelinks"))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    async def addgroup(self, ctx, *, group_json):
        """Adds a group using the syntax from https://irenebot.com/addgroup.html
        [Format: %addgroup (json)]"""
            # load string to json
            group_json = json.loads(group_json)

            # set empty strings to NoneType
            for key in group_json:
                if not group_json.get(key):
                    group_json[key] = None

            # create variables for values used more than once or that need to be adjusted.
            debut_date = group_json.get("Debut Date")
            disband_date = group_json.get("Disband Date")
            if debut_date:
                debut_date = (datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    debut_date, "%Y-%m-%d")).date()
            if disband_date:
                disband_date = (datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    disband_date, "%Y-%m-%d")).date()

            group_name = group_json.get("Group Name")

            # for security purposes, do not simplify the structure.
            await ex.conn.execute(
                "INSERT INTO groupmembers.unregisteredgroups(groupname, debutdate, disbanddate, "
                "description, twitter, youtube, melon, instagram, vlive, spotify, fancafe, "
                "facebook, tiktok, fandom, company, website, thumbnail, banner, gender, tags, "
                "notes) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, "
                "$16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21)", group_name, debut_date,
                disband_date, group_json.get("Description"),
                group_json.get("Twitter"), group_json.get("Youtube"),
                group_json.get("Melon"), group_json.get("Instagram"),
                group_json.get("VLive"), group_json.get("Spotify"),
                group_json.get("Fancafe"), group_json.get("Facebook"),
                group_json.get("TikTok"), group_json.get("Fandom"),
                group_json.get("Company"), group_json.get("Website"),
                group_json.get("Avatar"), group_json.get("Banner"),
                group_json.get("Gender"), group_json.get("Tags"),
                group_json.get("Approver Notes"))

            # get the id of the data that was just added to db.
            query_id = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
                "SELECT id FROM groupmembers.unregisteredgroups WHERE groupname = $1 ORDER BY id DESC",

            # get the channel to send idol information to.
            channel = client.get_channel(keys.add_group_channel_id)
            # fetch if discord.py cache is not loaded.
            if not channel:
                channel = await ex.client.fetch_channel(
            title_description = f"""
Query ID: {query_id} 
Requester: {ctx.author.display_name} ({ctx.author.id})
            # Add all the key values to the title description
            for key in group_json:
                title_description += f"\n{key}: {group_json.get(key)}"

            # send embed to approval/deny channel
            embed = await ex.create_embed(title="New Unregistered Group",
            msg = await channel.send(embed=embed)
            await msg.add_reaction(keys.check_emoji)
            await msg.add_reaction(keys.trash_emoji)
            await ctx.send(
                f"{ctx.author.display_name}, your request for adding this Group has been successfully sent."
                f" The Group's query ID is {query_id}.")
        except Exception as e:
            await ctx.send(
                f"Something Went Wrong. You may not understand the following error. Please report it.-> {e}"
Ejemplo n.º 26
    async def addidol(self, ctx, *, idol_json):
        """Adds an idol using the syntax from https://irenebot.com/addidol.html
        [Format: %addidol (json)]"""
            # load string to json
            idol_json = json.loads(idol_json)

            # set empty strings to NoneType
            for key in idol_json:
                if not idol_json.get(key):
                    idol_json[key] = None

            # create variables for values used more than once or that need to be adjusted.
            birth_date = idol_json.get("Birth Date")
            if birth_date:
                birth_date = (datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    birth_date, "%Y-%m-%d")).date()
            height = idol_json.get("Height")
            full_name = idol_json.get("Full Name")
            stage_name = idol_json.get("Stage Name")
            if height:
                height = int(height)

            # for security purposes, do not simplify the structure.
            await ex.conn.execute(
                "INSERT INTO groupmembers.unregisteredmembers(fullname, stagename, formerfullname, "
                "formerstagename, birthdate, birthcountry, birthcity, gender, description, height, "
                "twitter, youtube, melon, instagram, vlive, spotify, fancafe, facebook, tiktok, zodiac,"
                " thumbnail, banner, bloodtype, tags, groupids, notes) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, "
                "$7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, "
                "$25, $26)", full_name, stage_name,
                idol_json.get("Former Full Name"),
                idol_json.get("Former Stage Name"), birth_date,
                idol_json.get("Birth Country"), idol_json.get("Birth City"),
                idol_json.get("Gender"), idol_json.get("Description"), height,
                idol_json.get("Twitter"), idol_json.get("Youtube"),
                idol_json.get("Melon"), idol_json.get("Instagram"),
                idol_json.get("VLive"), idol_json.get("Spotify"),
                idol_json.get("Fancafe"), idol_json.get("Facebook"),
                idol_json.get("TikTok"), idol_json.get("Zodiac"),
                idol_json.get("Avatar"), idol_json.get("Banner"),
                idol_json.get("BloodType"), idol_json.get("Tags"),
                idol_json.get("Group IDs"), idol_json.get("Approver Notes"))

            # get the id of the data that was just added to db.
            query_id = ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
                "SELECT id FROM groupmembers.unregisteredmembers WHERE fullname = $1 AND stagename = $2 ORDER BY id DESC",
                full_name, stage_name))

            # get the channel to send idol information to.
            channel = client.get_channel(keys.add_idol_channel_id)
            # fetch if discord.py cache is not loaded.
            if not channel:
                channel = await ex.client.fetch_channel(
            title_description = f"""
Query ID: {query_id} 
Requester: {ctx.author.display_name} ({ctx.author.id})
            # Add all the key values to the title description
            for key in idol_json:
                title_description += f"\n{key}: {idol_json.get(key)}"

            # send embed to approval/deny channel
            embed = await ex.create_embed(title="New Unregistered Idol",
            msg = await channel.send(embed=embed)
            await msg.add_reaction(keys.check_emoji)
            await msg.add_reaction(keys.trash_emoji)
            await ctx.send(
                f"{ctx.author.display_name}, your request for adding this Idol has been successfully sent."
                f"The Idol's query ID is {query_id}.")
        except Exception as e:
            await ctx.send(
                f"Something Went Wrong. You may not understand the following error. Please report it.-> {e}"
Ejemplo n.º 27
 async def check_player_standing(user_id):
     """Check if a player is standing."""
     return ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT stand FROM blackjack.currentstatus WHERE userid = $1",
         user_id)) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 28
 async def get_game_by_player(player_id):
     """Get the current game of a player."""
     return ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT gameid FROM blackjack.games WHERE player1 = $1 OR player2 = $1",
Ejemplo n.º 29
 async def get_card_name(card_id):
     """Get the name of a card."""
     return ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT name FROM blackjack.cards WHERE id = $1", card_id))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 async def get_player_total(user_id):
     """Get a player's total score."""
     return ex.first_result(await ex.conn.fetchrow(
         "SELECT total FROM blackjack.currentstatus WHERE userid = $1",