Ejemplo n.º 1
    def uncheckoutResource(self, object):
        info = self.getVersionInfo(object)
        if info.status != info.CHECKED_OUT:
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is not checked out.'

        history = self.getVersionHistory(info.history_id)
        ob_path = _findPath(object)

        version = history.getVersionById(info.version_id)
        new_obj = version.copyState()

        # Save an audit record of the action being performed.

        # Replace the state of the object with a reverted state.
        new_obj = self.replaceState(object, new_obj)

        # Update bookkeeping information.
        newinfo = info.clone()
        newinfo.version_id = version.getId()
        newinfo.status = newinfo.CHECKED_IN
        new_obj.__vc_info__ = newinfo
        return new_obj
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def uncheckoutResource(self, object):
        info = self.getVersionInfo(object)
        if info.status != info.CHECKED_OUT:
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is not checked out.'

        history = self.getVersionHistory(info.history_id)
        ob_path = _findPath(object)

        version = history.getVersionById(info.version_id)
        new_obj = version.copyState()

        # Save an audit record of the action being performed.

        # Replace the state of the object with a reverted state.
        new_obj = self.replaceState(object, new_obj)

        # Update bookkeeping information.
        newinfo = info.clone()
        newinfo.version_id = version.getId()
        newinfo.status = newinfo.CHECKED_IN
        new_obj.__vc_info__ = newinfo
        return new_obj
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def checkoutResource(self, object):
        info = self.getVersionInfo(object)
        if info.status != info.CHECKED_IN:
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is already checked out.'

        if info.sticky and info.sticky[0] != 'B':
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource has been updated to a particular '
                'version, label or date. The resource must be updated to '
                'the mainline or a branch before it may be checked out.'

        if not self.isResourceUpToDate(object):
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is not up to date!'

        history = self.getVersionHistory(info.history_id)
        ob_path = _findPath(object)

        # Save an audit record of the action being performed.

        # Update bookkeeping information.
        newinfo = info.clone()
        newinfo.status = newinfo.CHECKED_OUT
        object.__vc_info__ = newinfo
        return object
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def checkoutResource(self, object):
        info = self.getVersionInfo(object)
        if info.status != info.CHECKED_IN:
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is already checked out.'

        if info.sticky and info.sticky[0] != 'B':
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource has been updated to a particular '
                'version, label or date. The resource must be updated to '
                'the mainline or a branch before it may be checked out.'

        if not self.isResourceUpToDate(object):
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is not up to date!'

        history = self.getVersionHistory(info.history_id)
        ob_path = _findPath(object)

        # Save an audit record of the action being performed.

        # Update bookkeeping information.
        newinfo = info.clone()
        newinfo.status = newinfo.CHECKED_OUT
        object.__vc_info__ = newinfo
        return object
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def checkinResource(self, object, message=''):
        info = self.getVersionInfo(object)
        if info.status != info.CHECKED_OUT:
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is not checked out.')

        if info.sticky and info.sticky[0] != 'B':
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource has been updated to a particular '
                'version, label or date. The resource must be updated to '
                'the mainline or a branch before it may be checked in.')

        if not self.isResourceUpToDate(object):
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is not up to date!')

        history = self.getVersionHistory(info.history_id)
        ob_path = _findPath(object)

        branch = 'mainline'
        if info.sticky is not None and info.sticky[0] == 'B':
            branch = info.sticky[1]

        version = history.createVersion(object, branch)

        # Save an audit record of the action being performed.
        history.addLogEntry(version.getId(), LogEntry.ACTION_CHECKIN, ob_path,

        # Update bookkeeping information.
        newinfo = info.clone()
        newinfo.version_id = version.getId()
        newinfo.status = newinfo.CHECKED_IN
        object.__vc_info__ = newinfo
        return object
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def checkinResource(self, object, message=''):
        info = self.getVersionInfo(object)
        if info.status != info.CHECKED_OUT:
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is not checked out.'

        if info.sticky and info.sticky[0] != 'B':
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource has been updated to a particular '
                'version, label or date. The resource must be updated to '
                'the mainline or a branch before it may be checked in.'

        if not self.isResourceUpToDate(object):
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource is not up to date!'

        history = self.getVersionHistory(info.history_id)
        ob_path = _findPath(object)

        branch = 'mainline'
        if info.sticky is not None and info.sticky[0] == 'B':
            branch = info.sticky[1]

        version = history.createVersion(object, branch)

        # Save an audit record of the action being performed.

        # Update bookkeeping information.
        newinfo = info.clone()
        newinfo.version_id = version.getId()
        newinfo.status = newinfo.CHECKED_IN
        object.__vc_info__ = newinfo
        return object
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def applyVersionControl(self, object, message=None):
        if self.isUnderVersionControl(object):
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The resource is already under version control.'
        if not self.isAVersionableResource(object):
            raise VersionControlError(
                'This resource cannot be put under version control.'

        # Need to check the parent to see if the container of the object
        # being put under version control is itself a version-controlled
        # object. If so, we need to use the branch id of the container.
        branch = 'mainline'
        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(object))
        p_info = getattr(parent, '__vc_info__', None)
        if p_info is not None:
            sticky = p_info.sticky
            if sticky and sticky[0] == 'B':
                branch = sticky[1]

        # Create a new version history and initial version object.
        history = self.createVersionHistory(object)
        version = history.createVersion(object, branch)

        history_id = history.getId()
        version_id = version.getId()

        # Add bookkeeping information to the version controlled object.
        info = VersionInfo(history_id, version_id, VersionInfo.CHECKED_IN)
        if branch != 'mainline':
            info.sticky = ('B', branch)
        object.__vc_info__ = info

        # Save an audit record of the action being performed.
                            message is None and 'Initial checkin.' or message
        return object
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def applyVersionControl(self, object, message=None):
        if self.isUnderVersionControl(object):
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The resource is already under version control.'
        if not self.isAVersionableResource(object):
            raise VersionControlError(
                'This resource cannot be put under version control.'

        # Need to check the parent to see if the container of the object
        # being put under version control is itself a version-controlled
        # object. If so, we need to use the branch id of the container.
        branch = 'mainline'
        parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(object))
        p_info = getattr(parent, '__vc_info__', None)
        if p_info is not None:
            sticky = p_info.sticky
            if sticky and sticky[0] == 'B':
                branch = sticky[1]

        # Create a new version history and initial version object.
        history = self.createVersionHistory(object)
        version = history.createVersion(object, branch)

        history_id = history.getId()
        version_id = version.getId()

        # Add bookkeeping information to the version controlled object.
        info = VersionInfo(history_id, version_id, VersionInfo.CHECKED_IN)
        if branch != 'mainline':
            info.sticky = ('B', branch)
        object.__vc_info__ = info

        # Save an audit record of the action being performed.
                            message is None and 'Initial checkin.' or message
        return object
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def updateResource(self, object, selector=None):
        info = self.getVersionInfo(object)
        if info.status != info.CHECKED_IN:
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource must be checked in to be updated.'

        history = self.getVersionHistory(info.history_id)
        version = None
        sticky = info.sticky

        if not selector:
            # If selector is null, update to the latest version taking any
            # sticky attrs into account (branch, date). Note that the sticky
            # tag could also be a date or version id. We don't bother checking
            # for those, since in both cases we do nothing (because we'll
            # always be up to date until the sticky tag changes).
            if sticky and sticky[0] == 'L':
                # A label sticky tag, so update to that label (since it is
                # possible, but unlikely, that the label has been moved).
                version = history.getVersionByLabel(sticky[1])
            elif sticky and sticky[0] == 'B':
                # A branch sticky tag. Update to latest version on branch.
                version = history.getLatestVersion(selector)
                # Update to mainline, forgetting any date or version id
                # sticky tag that was previously associated with the object.
                version = history.getLatestVersion('mainline')
                sticky = None
            # If the selector is non-null, we find the version specified
            # and update the sticky tag. Later we'll check the version we
            # found and decide whether we really need to update the object.
            if history.hasVersionId(selector):
                version = history.getVersionById(selector)
                sticky = ('V', selector)

            elif self._labels.has_key(selector):
                version = history.getVersionByLabel(selector)
                sticky = ('L', selector)

            elif self._branches.has_key(selector):
                version = history.getLatestVersion(selector)
                if selector == 'mainline':
                    sticky = None
                    sticky = ('B', selector)
                try:    date = DateTime(selector)
                    raise VersionControlError(
                        'Invalid version selector: %s' % selector
                    timestamp = date.timeTime()
                    sticky = ('D', timestamp)
                    # Fix!
                    branch = history.findBranchId(info.version_id)
                    version = history.getVersionByDate(branch, timestamp)

        # If the state of the resource really needs to be changed, do the
        # update and make a log entry for the update.
        version_id = version and version.getId() or info.version_id
        new_object = object
        if version and (version_id != info.version_id):
            new_object = version.copyState()
            new_object = self.replaceState(object, new_object)


        # Update bookkeeping information.
        newinfo = info.clone(1)
        newinfo.version_id = version_id
        newinfo.status = newinfo.CHECKED_IN
        if sticky is not None:
            newinfo.sticky = sticky
        new_object.__vc_info__ = newinfo
        return new_object
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def updateResource(self, object, selector=None):
        info = self.getVersionInfo(object)
        if info.status != info.CHECKED_IN:
            raise VersionControlError(
                'The selected resource must be checked in to be updated.'

        history = self.getVersionHistory(info.history_id)
        version = None
        sticky = info.sticky

        if not selector:
            # If selector is null, update to the latest version taking any
            # sticky attrs into account (branch, date). Note that the sticky
            # tag could also be a date or version id. We don't bother checking
            # for those, since in both cases we do nothing (because we'll
            # always be up to date until the sticky tag changes).
            if sticky and sticky[0] == 'L':
                # A label sticky tag, so update to that label (since it is
                # possible, but unlikely, that the label has been moved).
                version = history.getVersionByLabel(sticky[1])
            elif sticky and sticky[0] == 'B':
                # A branch sticky tag. Update to latest version on branch.
                version = history.getLatestVersion(selector)
                # Update to mainline, forgetting any date or version id
                # sticky tag that was previously associated with the object.
                version = history.getLatestVersion('mainline')
                sticky = None
            # If the selector is non-null, we find the version specified
            # and update the sticky tag. Later we'll check the version we
            # found and decide whether we really need to update the object.
            if history.hasVersionId(selector):
                version = history.getVersionById(selector)
                sticky = ('V', selector)

            elif self._labels.has_key(selector):
                version = history.getVersionByLabel(selector)
                sticky = ('L', selector)

            elif self._branches.has_key(selector):
                version = history.getLatestVersion(selector)
                if selector == 'mainline':
                    sticky = None
                    sticky = ('B', selector)
                try:    date = DateTime(selector)
                    raise VersionControlError(
                        'Invalid version selector: %s' % selector
                    timestamp = date.timeTime()
                    sticky = ('D', timestamp)
                    # Fix!
                    branch = history.findBranchId(info.version_id)
                    version = history.getVersionByDate(branch, timestamp)

        # If the state of the resource really needs to be changed, do the
        # update and make a log entry for the update.
        version_id = version and version.getId() or info.version_id
        new_object = object
        if version and (version_id != info.version_id):
            new_object = version.copyState()
            new_object = self.replaceState(object, new_object)


        # Update bookkeeping information.
        newinfo = info.clone(1)
        newinfo.version_id = version_id
        newinfo.status = newinfo.CHECKED_IN
        if sticky is not None:
            newinfo.sticky = sticky
        new_object.__vc_info__ = newinfo
        return new_object