Ejemplo n.º 1
    def anagram_2d_array(self):
            This method is used to store prime anagram and prime number which are not anagram in matrix or 2d array.
            and print them accordingly
        prime_list = Utility.get_prime()  # get prime numbers

        anagram_list = Utility.get_anagram_prime(
        )  # get anagram numbers which is prime also

        not_anagram = []
        row = 10
        column = 25

        two_d_array = [[0 for j in range(column)] for i in range(row)]

        k = 0

        index = 0

        for i in prime_list:

            if anagram_list.__contains__(
                    i) is not True:  # if file not contains same element

                not_anagram.append(i)  # append into not_anagram list

        for i in range(row):

            for j in range(column):

                if k < len(anagram_list):

                    two_d_array[i][j] = anagram_list[
                        k]  # add element of anagram list into array

                    k += 1

                if k >= len(anagram_list) and index < len(not_anagram):

                    two_d_array[i][j] = not_anagram[
                        index]  # add element of not_anagram list

                    k += 1  # into same array after anagram_list

                    index += 1

        for i in range(row):

            for j in range(column):

                if two_d_array[i][j] != 0:

                    print(two_d_array[i][j], end=" ")  # print 2d array

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def anagram_stack(self):
            This method is used to print prime anagram in reverse order.
        for i in Utility.get_anagram_prime(
        ):  # get anagram numbers which are prime

            stack.push(i)  # push numbers into stack

        for i in range(0, stack.size()):

            print(stack.pop())  # print in reverse order
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def anagram_queue(self):
            This method is used to print prime anagram using queue.

        for i in Utility.get_anagram_prime(
        ):  # get anagram numbers which are prime

            queue1.enqueue(i)  # add numbers into queue

        for i in range(0, queue1.size()):

            print(queue1.dequeue())  # print in reverse order
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def prime_number_2d_array(self):
            This method is used to store prime number in matrix or 2d array
            and print in proper order.

        prime_list = Utility.get_prime()  # get prime number

        row = 10

        column = 25

        limit = 100

        # create empty 2d array
        two_d_array = [[0 for loop in range(column)] for loop in range(row)]

        loop3 = 0
        for loop1 in range(row):

            for loop2 in range(column):

                if loop3 < len(prime_list):

                    if prime_list[
                            loop3] <= limit:  # prime number check with the limit

                        two_d_array[loop1][loop2] = prime_list[
                            loop3]  # add number into array

                        loop3 += 1

            limit += 100  # increment limit by 100 for each iteration

        for loop4 in range(row):

            for loop5 in range(column):

                if two_d_array[loop4][loop5] != 0:

                          end=" ")  # display elements in 2d array format

Ejemplo n.º 5
"""Take a range of 0 - 1000 Numbers and find the Prime numbers in that range."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility

Ejemplo n.º 6
"""  To the Util Class add temperature Conversion static function, given the
     temperature in fahrenheit as input outputs the temperature in Celsius or viceversa using the formula
     Celsius to Fahrenheit:   (°C × 9/5) + 32 = °F
     Fahrenheit to Celsius:   (°F − 32) x 5/9 = °C"""

from UtilityMethods import Utility

cel = float(input("enter the Celsius value \n"))
Ejemplo n.º 7
""" I/P -> The number of times to Flip Coin. Ensure it is positive integer.
    Logic -> Use Random Function to get value between 0 and 1. If < 0.5 then tails or heads
    O/P -> Percentage of Head vs Tails"""

from UtilityMethods import Utility

    number = int(input("enter the number of time the coin to be flipped \n"))
    Utility.flip_coin(number)  # calling the flip coin method
except ValueError:
    print("enter the integer value")

Ejemplo n.º 8
""" Desc -> There is 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 Rs Notes which can be returned by Vending Machine.
    Write a Program to calculate the minimum number of Notes as well as the Notes to be returned by the Vending Machine
    as a Change
    I/P -> read the Change in Rs to be returned by the Vending Machine
    Logic -> Use Recursion and check for largest value of the Note to return change to get to minimum number of Notes.
    O/P -> Two Outputs - one the number of minimum Note needed to give the change and second list of Rs Notes that
    would given in the Change """

from UtilityMethods import Utility
    rupee = int(input("enter the rupees\n"))
except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 9
""" Desc -> Computes the prime factorization of N using brute force.
    I/P -> Number to find the prime factors
    Logic -> Traverse till i*i <= N instead of i <= N for efficiency.
    O/P -> Print the prime factors of number N."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility
    number = int(input("enter the number \n"))
except NameError as e:
Ejemplo n.º 10
""" Extend the above program to find the prime numbers that are Anagram and Palindrome """

from UtilityMethods import Utility

number = int(input("enter the number \n"))

Ejemplo n.º 11
""" Desc -> Write a Stopwatch Program for measuring the time that elapses between the start and end clicks
    I/P -> Start the Stopwatch and End the Stopwatch
    Logic -> Measure the elapsed time between start and end
    O/P -> Print the elapsed time."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility

    a = int(input("Press 0 to start the time "))
    b = int(input("Press 1 to Stop the time "))

except ValueError:
    print("Invalid Input")
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def calender(self, month, year):
            This method is used to print Calender of given month and year.
            month  :  month given by user
            year   :  year given by user

        day = ['S', ' M', ' T', ' W', ' Th', 'F', ' S']

        days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]

        values = 1

        d = 1

        m = month

        y = year

        y0 = y - (14 - m) // 12

        x = y0 + y0 // 4 - y0 // 100 + y0 // 400

        m0 = m + 12 * ((14 - m) // 12) - 2

        d0 = (d + x + 31 * m0 // 12) % 7


        if Utility.leap_year(year):  # check leap year

            days[1] = 29

        row = 6

        column = 7

        two_d_array = [[0 for j in range(column)]
                       for i in range(row)]  # create empty 2d array

        print('Your Calender is\n')

        for i in range(0, 6 + 1):

            print(day[i], end=' ')  # print day's for calender


        for i in range(row):

            for j in range(column):

                if values <= days[m - 1]:

                    if i == 0 and j < d0:  # while d0 is less than j

                        two_d_array[i][j] = ' '  # it will print blank space


                    two_d_array[i][j] = values  # add days into calender

                    values += 1  # increment counter

        for i in range(row):

            for j in range(column):

                if two_d_array[i][j] != 0:

                    x = two_d_array[i][j]  # l just() method returns the string

                    x1 = str(x).ljust(
                        2)  # left justified in a string of length width.

                    print(x1, end=" ")

Ejemplo n.º 13
""" Desc -> Reads in integers prints them in sorted order using Bubble Sort
    I/P -> read in the list ints
    O/P -> Print the Sorted List """

from UtilityMethods import Utility
    # calling bubble sort method
except Exception as e:

Ejemplo n.º 14
""" Desc -> Given N distinct Coupon Numbers, how many random numbers do you need to generate distinct coupon number?
    This program simulates this random process.
    I/P -> N Distinct Coupon Number
    Logic -> repeatedly choose a random number and check whether it's a new one.
    O/P -> total random number needed to have all distinct numbers.
    Functions => Write Class Static Functions to generate random number and to process distinct coupons. """

from UtilityMethods import Utility
    coupon_number = int(input("Enter the Coupon number\n"))
except ValueError as v:
    print("enter integer data ")
Ejemplo n.º 15
"""  Desc -> A library for reading in 2D arrays of integers, doubles, or booleans from standard input and
     printing them out to standard output.
     I/P -> M rows, N Cols, and M * N inputs for 2D Array. Use Java Scanner Class
     Logic -> create 2 dimensional array in memory to read in M rows and N cols
     O/P -> Print function to print 2 Dimensional Array. In Java use PrintWriter with
     OutputStreamWriter to print the output to the screen."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility

row = int(input("enter the row size "))
col = int(input("enter the col size "))
list1 = [[0 for i in range(col)] for j in range(row)]
Utility.tow_d_array(row, col, list1)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def calender_queue(self, month, year):
            This method is used to print calender of given month and year.
            In this method calender is created using queue
            month   : month given ser
            year    : year given by year

        day = ['S', ' M', ' T', ' W', ' Th', 'F', ' S']

        days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]

        values = 1

        d = 1

        m = month

        y = year

        y0 = y - (14 - m) // 12

        x = y0 + y0 // 4 - y0 // 100 + y0 // 400

        m0 = m + 12 * ((14 - m) // 12) - 2

        d0 = (d + x + 31 * m0 // 12) % 7

        if Utility.leap_year(year):  # check leap year

            days[1] = 29

        row = 6

        column = 7

        print('Your Calender is\n')

        for i in range(0, 6 + 1):

            print(day[i], end=' ')  # print day's for calender


        for i in range(row):

            for j in range(column):

                if values <= days[m - 1]:  # while d0 is less than j

                    if i == 0 and j < d0:  # it will print blank space

                            ' ')  # used enqueue() method of queue class

                        continue  # to add space

                    queue1.enqueue(values)  # add element in queue

                    values += 1

        for i in range(row):

            for j in range(column):

                if queue1.size() > 0:

                    x = queue1.dequeue(
                    )  # remove element from queue and store it in x variable

                    x1 = str(x).ljust(
                        2)  # using l just() method print formatted calender

                    print(x1, end=" ")

Ejemplo n.º 17
"""  User Input and Replace String Template “Hello <<UserName>>, How are you?”
     I/P -> Take User Name as Input. Ensure UserName has min 3 char
     Logic -> Replace <<UserName>> with the proper name
     O/P -> Print the String with User Name"""

from UtilityMethods import Utility

statement = "hello username, how are you?"
# username should have minimum 3 characters
replaced_name = input("enter the name to be replaced \n")
Utility.replace(statement, replaced_name)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def calender_stack(self, month, year):
            This method is used to print calender of given month and year.
            In this method calender is created using stack
            month :  month given by user
            year  :  year given by user
        day = ['S', ' M', ' T', ' W', ' Th', 'F', ' S']

        days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]

        values = 1

        d = 1

        m = month

        y = year

        y0 = y - (14 - m) // 12

        x = y0 + y0 // 4 - y0 // 100 + y0 // 400

        m0 = m + 12 * ((14 - m) // 12) - 2

        d0 = (d + x + 31 * m0 // 12) % 7

        if Utility.leap_year(year):  # check leap year

            days[1] = 29

        row = 6

        column = 7

        print('Your Calender is Ready\n')

        for i in range(0, 6 + 1):

            print(day[i], end=' ')  # print day's for calender


        for i in range(row):

            for j in range(column):

                if values <= days[m - 1]:  # while d0 is less than j

                    if i == 0 and j < d0:  # it will print blank space

                        stack.push(' ')  # use push() to add blanks


                    stack.push(values)  # add days using push() method

                    values += 1

        for i in range(stack.size()):

            stack_element = stack.pop(
            )  # pop element from stack and store in local variable

                stack_element)  # again push element into stack for reverse

        for i in range(row):

            for j in range(column):

                if stack1.size() > 0:

                    x = stack1.pop(
                    )  # access element one by one using pop() method

                    x1 = str(x).ljust(
                        2)  # l just() method to print in calender structure

                    print(x1, end=" ")

Ejemplo n.º 19
"""  I/P -> Year, ensure it is a 4 digit number.
     Logic -> Determine if it is a Leap Year.
     O/P -> Print the year is a Leap Year or not."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility
    year = int(input("enter the year \n"))
except Exception as e:
    print("enter the integer")
Ejemplo n.º 20
""" Write a program WindChill.java that takes two double command-line arguments t and v and prints the wind chill.
    Use Math.pow(a, b) to compute ab.
    Given the temperature t (in Fahrenheit) and the wind speed v (in miles per hour),
    the National Weather Service defines the effective temperature (the wind chill) to be:
    w=35.74 + 0.0215t + (0.4275t - 35.75)* v^0.16
    Note: the formula is not valid if t is larger than 50 in absolute value or if v is larger than 120 or less than 3
   (you may assume that the values you get are in that range)."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility

    temperature = float(input("enter the temperature \n"))
    wind_speed = float(input("enter the speed of the wind \n"))
    Utility.windchill(temperature, wind_speed)

except Exception as e:
    print("do not enter character value")
Ejemplo n.º 21
""" Desc -> takes a command-line argument N, asks you to think of a number between 0 and N-1, where N = 2^n, and always guesses the answer with n questions.
    I/P -> the Number N and then recursively ask true/false if the number is between a high and low value
    Logic -> Use Binary Search to find the number
    O/P -> Print the intermediary number and the final answer """

from UtilityMethods import Utility
import math
    number = int(input("How much time you want me to ask the question:"))
    low = 0
    high = int(math.pow(2, number))
    print("Think a number between(", low, ")to(", high,")in range")
    result = Utility.search_number(low, high)
    print("The number is = ", result)
except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 22
""" Desc -> Read in a list of words from File. Then prompt the user to enter a word to search the list.
    The program reports if the search word is found in the list.
    I/P -> read in the list words comma separated from a File and then enter the word to be searched
    Logic -> Use Arrays to sort the word list and then do the binary search
    O/P -> Print the result if the word is found or not"""

from UtilityMethods import Utility


except Exception as e:

Ejemplo n.º 23
"""  Desc -> Simulates a gambler who start with $stake and place fair $1 bets until he/she goes
     broke (i.e. has no money) or reach $goal. Keeps track of the number of times he/she wins and the number of bets
     he/she makes. Run the experiment N times, averages the results, and prints them out.
     I/P -> $Stake, $Goal and Number of times
     Logic -> Play till the gambler is broke or has won
     O/P -> Print Number of Wins and Percentage of Win and Loss."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility
    stake = int(input("enter the stake value \n"))
    goals = int(input("enter the goals \n"))
    trails = int(input("enter the number of trails \n"))
    Utility.gambler_method(stake, goals, trails)
except Exception as e:
    print("enter integer value ")
Ejemplo n.º 24
""" Desc -> Reads in strings from standard input and prints them in sorted order.
    Uses insertion sort.
    I/P -> read in the list words
    Logic -> Use Insertion Sort to sort the words in the String array
    O/P -> Print the Sorted List """

from UtilityMethods import Utility
except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 25
"""" Desc -> Prints the Nth harmonic number: 1/1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/N
     I/P -> The Harmonic Value N. Ensure N != 0
     Logic -> compute 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/N
     O/P -> Print the Nth Harmonic Value."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility

number = int(input("enter the number \n"))

Ejemplo n.º 26
""" Write a program Quadratic.java to find the roots of the equation a*x*x + b*x + c.
    Since the equation is x*x, hence there are 2 roots. The 2 roots of the equation can be found using a formula
    delta = b*b - 4*a*c
    Root 1 of x = (-b + sqrt(delta))/(2*a)
    Root 2 of x = (-b - sqrt(delta))/(2*a)
    Take a, b and c as input values to find the roots of x."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility
    a = float(input("enter a value \n"))
    b = float(input("enter b value \n"))
    c = float(input("enter c value \n"))
    Utility.quadratic(a, b, c)

except Exception as e:
    print("enter the valid number ")

Ejemplo n.º 27
""" Desc -> A program with cubic running time. Read in N integers and counts the
    number of triples that sum to exactly 0.
    I/P -> N number of integer, and N integer input array
    Logic -> Find distinct triples (i, j, k) such that a[i] + a[j] + a[k] = 0
    O/P -> One Output is number of distinct triplets as well as the second output is to print the distinct triplets."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility
    size = int(input("enter the size of list\n"))
    list1 = []
    print("enter the values ")
    for i in range(0, size):
        val = int(input())

    Utility.triplets(size, list1)
except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 28
""" Write a static function toBinary that outputs the binary (base 2) representation of the decimal number typed
    as the input. It is based on decomposing the number into a sum of powers of 2. For example,
    the binary representation of 106 is 11010102, which is the same as saying that 106 = 64 + 32 + 8 + 2.
    Ensure necessary padding to represent 4 Byte String.
    To compute the binary representation of n, we consider the powers of 2 less than or equal to n in
    decreasing order to determine which belong in the binary decomposition (and therefore correspond to a 1 bit in
    the binary representation). """

from UtilityMethods import Utility
    number = int(input("enter the number\n"))
except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 29
    binarySearch method for integer
    binarySearch method for String
    insertionSort method for integer
    insertionSort method for String
    bubbleSort method for integer
    bubbleSort method for String
    I/P -> Write main function to call the utility function
    Logic -> Check using Stopwatch the Elapsed Time for every method call
    O/P -> Output the Search and Sorted List. More importantly print elapsed time performance in descending order """

from UtilityMethods import Utility

number = int(input("enter the number to perform operations\n"))
if number == 1:
elif number == 2:
elif number == 3:
elif number == 4:
elif number == 5:
elif number == 6:
    print("invalid data ")

Ejemplo n.º 30
""" Desc -> This program takes a command-line argument N and prints a table of the powers of 2
    that are less than or equal to 2^N.
    I/P -> The Power Value N. Only works if 0 <= N < 31 since 2^31 overflows an int
    Logic -> repeat until i equals N."""

from UtilityMethods import Utility

    number = int(input("enter the number\n"))
except Exception as e:
    print("enter integer value")