* Purpose: Program To Implement Stack to print cal of month.
* @author:  Manjunath Mugali
* @version: 3.7
* @since:   21-01-2019
from Utility.UtilityTest import TestFunctional
from Utility_DataStructure.DataStructureOperations import LinkedList

l1 = LinkedList()
l2 = LinkedList()

class StackCal:
        months = [
            "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
            "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
        ]  # storing months
        days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30,
                31]  # storing days of the each month
        weeks = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wen", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat"]
        print("Enter the Value of the Month:")
        m = input()  # read month value
        while not m.isdigit() or int(m) > 12:  # validating month
            print("Please Provide Valida input for month")
            m = input()
Ejemplo n.º 2
* Purpose: Write a program ​ Calendar that takes the read month and year from user and prints the Calendar of the month.
* @author:  Manjunath Mugali
* @version: 3.7
* @since:   21-01-2019
from Utility_DataStructure.DataStructureOperations import LinkedList

l1 = LinkedList()

class Calendar:
        print("Enter the Value of the Month:")
        month = input()  # read month value
        while not month.isdigit() or int(month) > 12:  # validating month
            print("Please Provide Valida input for month")
            month = input()
        print("Enter the Value of Year")
        year = input()  # read year value
        while not year.isdigit() or int(year) < 999:  # validating year
            print("Please Provide Valid Input")
            year = input()
        l1.printCalOfMonth(int(month), int(year))
    except ValueError:
        print("Please Enter Only Integer Value")
* @author:  Manjunath Mugali
* @version: 3.7
* @since:   27-01-2019
import datetime
import json
import random
import re
from Utility.UtilityTest import TestFunctional
from Utility_DataStructure.DataStructureOperations import LinkedList
import numpy as np

t = TestFunctional()
l1 = LinkedList()
l2 = LinkedList()
l3 = LinkedList()
l4 = LinkedList()


class InventoryDetails:
    def inventoryDetails(data):
        print("------------------WELCOME TO INVENTORY DATA MANAGEMENT--------------\n")
        result = 0
        r_kg = 0