def main():
    speedmap = pd.read_csv(SPEEDMAP, skiprows=6, header=None, sep=r"\s+")
    header = extractheader(HEADER)
    attinxcol = speedmap.shape
    indexlen = attinxcol[0]
    columnlen = attinxcol[1]
    attrmap = pd.DataFrame(index=range(indexlen), columns=range(columnlen)) #initialize costmap with nan
    attrmap = attrmap.fillna(0)    #initialize costmap with 0

    with open(CENTERLIST, 'r') as p:
        centerlist = p.readlines()

    for i in range(99):
        (disW, disN, weight) = centerlist[i].strip('\n').split(',')
        costmapfile = outfilename(disW, disN, TRAVELCOSTPATH, TRAVELCOSTMAP, "NW", 100)
           newattrmap = costmap2attrmap(costmapfile)
        except IOError:
            print "file not found: ", outfilename
        print "\nstart adding...\n"
        start = time.time()
        attrmap = attrmap + (int)(weight)*newattrmap
        end = time.time()
        print "done map using time: "
        print (end-start)

    #normalizer = np.matrix(attrmap).max()
    #attrmap /= normalizer
    attrmap.round() # round to integer
    outputmap(attrmap, header, ATTRACTIVEMAP)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    speedmap = pd.read_csv(SPEEDMAP, skiprows=6, header=None, sep=r"\s+")
    header = extractheader(HEADER)
    attinxcol = speedmap.shape
    indexlen = attinxcol[0]
    columnlen = attinxcol[1]
    attrmap = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=range(columnlen))  #initialize costmap with nan
    attrmap = attrmap.fillna(0)  #initialize costmap with 0

    with open(CENTERLIST, 'r') as p:
        centerlist = p.readlines()

    for i in range(99):
        (disW, disN, weight) = centerlist[i].strip('\n').split(',')
        costmapfile = outfilename(disW, disN, TRAVELCOSTPATH, TRAVELCOSTMAP,
                                  "NW", 100)
            newattrmap = costmap2attrmap(costmapfile)
        except IOError:
            print "file not found: ", outfilename
        print "\nstart adding...\n"
        start = time.time()
        attrmap = attrmap + (int)(weight) * newattrmap
        end = time.time()
        print "done map using time: "
        print(end - start)

    #normalizer = np.matrix(attrmap).max()
    #attrmap /= normalizer
    attrmap.round()  # round to integer
    outputmap(attrmap, header, ATTRACTIVEMAP)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def walk8directions(self, travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP,
                        dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP):
        """Walk in each of the 8 directions. 
        self.walkeachdirection("N", travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes,
                               dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
        self.walkeachdirection("NE", travelcostpath, travelcostmap,
                               repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
        self.walkeachdirection("E", travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes,
                               dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
        self.walkeachdirection("SE", travelcostpath, travelcostmap,
                               repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
        self.walkeachdirection("S", travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes,
                               dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
        self.walkeachdirection("SW", travelcostpath, travelcostmap,
                               repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
        self.walkeachdirection("W", travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes,
                               dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
        self.walkeachdirection("NW", travelcostpath, travelcostmap,
                               repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
        #self.costmap[self.costmap < 20] = 20

        outcostfilename = outfilename(self.cellx, self.celly, travelcostpath,
                                      travelcostmap, "NW", 100)
        outputmap(self.costmap, self.outfileheader, outcostfilename)
        for (x, y), val in self.visited_dict.iteritems():
            print "(", x, ",", y, ")", val
Ejemplo n.º 4
def gettravelcostmap(nrows, ncols, header, CENTERLIST=CENTERLIST, COSTMAX=COSTMAX, 
    """Generate travelcost map by overlapping the 100 pop/emp center travelcost maps
       and obtain the minimal value of each cell in these 100 maps.
       This process takes several minutes.
       @param: nrows is # rows and ncols is # columns of travelcostmaps.
       @output: the overlapped minimal value travelcostma
       Time consumption: 3.5min
    with open(CENTERLIST, 'r') as p:
        centerlist = p.readlines()
    trcostdf = pd.DataFrame(index=xrange(nrows), columns=xrange(ncols)) #initialize costmap with nan
    trcostdf = trcostdf.fillna(COSTMAX)    #initialize costmap with 999

    for i in xrange(99):
        (disW, disN, weight) = centerlist[i].strip('\n').split(',')
        costmapfile = outfilename(disW, disN, TRAVELCOSTPATH, TRAVELCOSTMAP, "NW", 100)
            newtrcostdf = pd.read_csv(costmapfile, skiprows=6, header=None, sep=r"\s+" ) #skip the 6 header lines
            print disW, disN, weight
        except IOError:
            print "file not found: ", costmapfile
        trcostdf = np.minimum(trcostdf, newtrcostdf)
    # header = extractheader(HEADER)
    with open(TRCOSTMAP, 'w') as w:
    trcostdf.round() # round to integer
    trcostdf.to_csv(path_or_buf=TRCOSTMAP, sep=' ', index=False, header=False, mode = 'a') # append
    return trcostdf
 def walk8directions(self, travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP):
     """Walk in each of the 8 directions. 
     self.walkeachdirection("N",travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
     self.walkeachdirection("NE",travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
     self.walkeachdirection("E",travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
     self.walkeachdirection("SE",travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
     self.walkeachdirection("S",travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
     self.walkeachdirection("SW",travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
     self.walkeachdirection("W",travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
     self.walkeachdirection("NW",travelcostpath, travelcostmap, repeattimes, dirP, dirnearP, dirsideP, diropP)
     #self.costmap[self.costmap < 20] = 20
     outcostfilename = outfilename(self.cellx, self.celly, travelcostpath, travelcostmap, "NW", 100)
     outputmap(self.costmap, self.outfileheader, outcostfilename)
     for (x,y) , val in self.visited_dict.iteritems():
         print "(" ,x, ",",y,")",val