Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _gen(self) -> LightMultiGraph:
        self.fancy_rewirings = 0  # reset the counts
        self.total_rewirings = 0
        starting_nt = self.grammar.rule_dict[0][0].lhs_nt

        self._gen_graph = LightMultiGraph()
        self._gen_graph.add_node(0, nt=starting_nt)
        if self.save_snapshots: self.gen_snapshots.append(self._gen_graph.copy())

        self.current_non_terminal_nodes = {0}  # first non-terminal is node 0

        while len(self.current_non_terminal_nodes) != 0:  # continue until there are non-terminals remaining
            chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, _, _ = self.select_rule()  # throw out the set of covered nodes and node correspondence
            self.current_non_terminal_nodes.remove(chosen_nt_node)  # remove the non-terminal from the set
            self.update_graph(chosen_rule=chosen_rule, chosen_nt_node=chosen_nt_node)
            if self.save_snapshots: self.gen_snapshots.append(self._gen_graph.copy())
        if self.fancy_rewirings == 0:
            fancy_frac = 0
            fancy_frac = 100 * self.fancy_rewirings/self.total_rewirings
        logging.error(f'Generated graph: n={self._gen_graph.order():,d} m={self._gen_graph.size():,d} fancy rewirings'
                      f'({self.fancy_rewirings:,d}/{self.total_rewirings:,d}) {round(fancy_frac, 3)}%')

        self._gen_graph.graph['total_rewirings'] = self.total_rewirings
        self._gen_graph.graph['fancy_rewirings'] = self.fancy_rewirings
        return self._gen_graph
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _gen(self) -> LightMultiGraph:
        starting_nt = self.grammar.rule_dict[0][0].lhs_nt
        self.missing_nodes = set(self.keep_these_nodes)  # reset the missing nodes for each gen
        self._gen_graph = LightMultiGraph()
        self._gen_graph.add_node(0, nt=starting_nt)

        self.current_non_terminal_nodes = {0}  # first non-terminal is node 0

        while len(self.current_non_terminal_nodes) != 0:  # continue until there are non-terminals remaining
            chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, nodes_covered = self.select_rule()
            self.current_non_terminal_nodes.remove(chosen_nt_node)  # remove the non-terminal from the set

            logging.debug(f'Selected nt_node: {chosen_nt_node}, rule: {chosen_rule}, nodes: {nodes_covered}, missing: {self.missing_nodes}')

            # update the node correspondences here
            self.update_graph(chosen_rule=chosen_rule, chosen_nt_node=chosen_nt_node)

        colors = {}
        for n in self._gen_graph.nodes():
            if n in self.keep_these_nodes:
                colors[n] = 'red'
                colors[n] = 'blue'
        nx.set_node_attributes(self._gen_graph, name='colors', values=colors)

        return self._gen_graph
Ejemplo n.º 3
def spectral_kmeans(g: LightMultiGraph, K: int):
    k-way ncut spectral clustering Ng et al. 2002 KNSC1
    :param g: graph g
    :param K: number of clusters
    tree = []

    if g.order() <= K:   # not more than k nodes, return the list of nodes
        if g.order() == 1:
            clusters = list(g.nodes())
            clusters = [[n] for n in g.nodes()]
        return clusters

    if K == 2:  # if K is two, use approx min partitioning
        return approx_min_conductance_partitioning(g)

    if not nx.is_connected(g):
        for nodes_cc in nx.connected_components(g):
            p = g.subgraph(nodes_cc).copy()
            if p.order() > K + 1:   # if p has more than K + 1 nodes, use spectral K-means
                tree.append(spectral_kmeans(p, K))
            else:   # try spectral K-means with a lesser K
                tree.append(spectral_kmeans(p, K - 1))
        assert len(tree) > 0
        return tree

    if K >= g.order() - 2:
        return spectral_kmeans(g, K - 1)

    assert nx.is_connected(g), "g is not connected in spectral kmeans"

    L = nx.laplacian_matrix(g)

    assert K < g.order() - 2, "k is too high"

    _, eigenvecs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(L.asfptype(), k=K + 1, which='SM')  # compute the first K+1 eigenvectors
    eigenvecs = eigenvecs[:, 1:]  # discard the first trivial eigenvector

    U = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(eigenvecs)  # normalize the eigenvecs by its L2 norm

    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=K).fit(U)

    cluster_labels = kmeans.labels_
    clusters = [[] for _ in range(max(cluster_labels) + 1)]

    for u, clu_u in zip(g.nodes(), cluster_labels):

    for cluster in clusters:
        sg = g.subgraph(cluster).copy()
        # assert nx.is_connected(sg), "subgraph not connected"
        if len(cluster) > K + 1:
            tree.append(spectral_kmeans(sg, K))
            tree.append(spectral_kmeans(sg, K - 1))

    return tree
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _gen(self) -> LightMultiGraph:
        starting_nt = self.grammar.rule_dict[0][0].lhs_nt

        self._gen_graph = LightMultiGraph()
        self._gen_graph.add_node(0, nt=starting_nt)
        if self.save_snapshots: self.gen_snapshots.append(self._gen_graph.copy())

        self.current_non_terminal_nodes = {0}  # first non-terminal is node 0

        while len(self.current_non_terminal_nodes) != 0:  # continue until there are non-terminals remaining
            chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, _, _ = self.select_rule()  # throw out the set of covered nodes and node correspondence
            self.current_non_terminal_nodes.remove(chosen_nt_node)  # remove the non-terminal from the set
            self.update_graph(chosen_rule=chosen_rule, chosen_nt_node=chosen_nt_node)
            if self.save_snapshots: self.gen_snapshots.append(self._gen_graph.copy())  # add the current graph after update

        logging.debug(f'Generated graph: n={self._gen_graph.order():_d} m={self._gen_graph.size():_d}')
        return self._gen_graph
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _gen(self) -> LightMultiGraph:
        starting_nt = self.grammar.rule_dict[0][0].lhs_nt

        self._gen_graph = LightMultiGraph()
        self._gen_graph.add_node(0, nt=starting_nt)
        self.current_non_terminal_nodes = {0}  # first non-terminal is node 0
        self.exhausted_rules = set()  # reset

        while len(self.current_non_terminal_nodes) != 0:  # continue until there are non-terminals remaining
            chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, nodes_covered = self.select_rule()
            self.current_non_terminal_nodes.remove(chosen_nt_node)  # remove the non-terminal from the set

                f'Selected nt_node: {chosen_nt_node}, rule: {chosen_rule}, nodes: {nodes_covered}')

            self.update_graph(chosen_rule=chosen_rule, chosen_nt_node=chosen_nt_node)

        logging.debug(f'Generated graph: n={self._gen_graph.order()} m={self._gen_graph.size()}')
        return self._gen_graph
Ejemplo n.º 6
class RandomGenerator(BaseGenerator):
    def __init__(self, grammar: VRG, save_snapshots: bool = False) -> None:
        super().__init__(grammar=grammar, strategy='random', save_snapshots=save_snapshots)

    def select_rule(self) -> Tuple[int, VRGRule, Set[int], Dict]:
        For random selection, pick based on the frequency of the rules
        returns the non-terminal node, PartRule, nodes covered
        chosen_nt_node = random.sample(self.current_non_terminal_nodes, 1)[0]  # choose a non terminal node at random

        chosen_nt = self._gen_graph.nodes[chosen_nt_node]['nt']
        rule_candidates = self.grammar.rule_dict[chosen_nt.size]

        if len(rule_candidates) == 1:
            rule_idx = 0  # pick the only rule in the list
            weights = np.array([rule.frequency for rule in rule_candidates])
            weights = weights / np.sum(weights)  # normalize into probabilities
            rule_idx = int(
                np.random.choice(range(len(rule_candidates)), size=1, p=weights))  # pick based on probability

        return chosen_nt_node, rule_candidates[rule_idx], set(), {}

    def _gen(self) -> LightMultiGraph:
        starting_nt = self.grammar.rule_dict[0][0].lhs_nt

        self._gen_graph = LightMultiGraph()
        self._gen_graph.add_node(0, nt=starting_nt)
        if self.save_snapshots: self.gen_snapshots.append(self._gen_graph.copy())

        self.current_non_terminal_nodes = {0}  # first non-terminal is node 0

        while len(self.current_non_terminal_nodes) != 0:  # continue until there are non-terminals remaining
            chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, _, _ = self.select_rule()  # throw out the set of covered nodes and node correspondence
            self.current_non_terminal_nodes.remove(chosen_nt_node)  # remove the non-terminal from the set
            self.update_graph(chosen_rule=chosen_rule, chosen_nt_node=chosen_nt_node)
            if self.save_snapshots: self.gen_snapshots.append(self._gen_graph.copy())  # add the current graph after update

        logging.debug(f'Generated graph: n={self._gen_graph.order():_d} m={self._gen_graph.size():_d}')
        return self._gen_graph
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _generate(self, i: int):
        self._gen_graph = LightMultiGraph()  # reset the _gen_graph
        self.gen_snapshots = []  # reset the snapshot list
        g = self._gen()

        nx_g = nx.Graph()
        for k, v in g.graph.items():  # copy over the graph level attributes
            nx_g.graph[k] = v

        for n, d in g.nodes(data=True): nx_g.add_node(n, **d)
        # logging.error(f'({i+1:02d}) Generated graph: n={nx_g.order():_d} m={nx_g.size():_d}')
        return nx_g, self.gen_snapshots
Ejemplo n.º 8
class NCEGenerator(BaseGenerator):
    NCE generator for guaranteeing isomorphism
    def __init__(self, grammar: Union[VRG, NCE], strategy: str='random', save_snapshots: bool = False):
        super().__init__(grammar, strategy=strategy, save_snapshots=save_snapshots)

    def _gen(self) -> LightMultiGraph:
        starting_nt = self.grammar.rule_dict[0][0].lhs_nt

        self._gen_graph = LightMultiGraph()
        self._gen_graph.add_node(0, nt=starting_nt)
        self.current_non_terminal_nodes = {0}  # first non-terminal is node 0
        self.exhausted_rules = set()  # reset

        while len(self.current_non_terminal_nodes) != 0:  # continue until there are non-terminals remaining
            chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, nodes_covered = self.select_rule()
            self.current_non_terminal_nodes.remove(chosen_nt_node)  # remove the non-terminal from the set

                f'Selected nt_node: {chosen_nt_node}, rule: {chosen_rule}, nodes: {nodes_covered}')

            self.update_graph(chosen_rule=chosen_rule, chosen_nt_node=chosen_nt_node)

        logging.debug(f'Generated graph: n={self._gen_graph.order()} m={self._gen_graph.size()}')
        return self._gen_graph

    def select_rule(self) -> Tuple[int, NCERule, Set]:
        Select a rule from grammar by matching the boundary nodes
        chosen_nt_node = max(self.current_non_terminal_nodes,
                             key=lambda nt_node: self._gen_graph.nodes[nt_node]['nt'].id)  # choose the non-terminal with max id
        logging.debug(f'Picking nt: {chosen_nt_node}')
        chosen_nt: NonTerminal = self._gen_graph.nodes[chosen_nt_node]['nt']
        rule_idx = chosen_nt.id - 1

        chosen_rule = self.grammar.rule_list[rule_idx]
        assert chosen_rule.lhs_nt.size == chosen_nt.size, 'Non-terminal size mismatch'

        return chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, chosen_rule.nodes_covered

    def update_graph(self, chosen_nt_node: int, chosen_rule: NCERule, node_correspondence: Union[None, Dict] = None) -> None:
        Update the current graph by
            - removing the node corresponding to the NonTerminal
            - replacing that with the RHS graph of the rule
            - rewiring the broken edges
            - node labels are carried
        existing_node = chosen_nt_node
        logging.debug(f'Replacing node: {existing_node} with rule {chosen_rule}')

        chosen_nt: NonTerminal = self._gen_graph.nodes[chosen_nt_node]['nt']
        assert self._gen_graph.degree_(existing_node) == chosen_nt.size, 'Degree of non-terminal must match its size'

        broken_edges = find_boundary_edges(self._gen_graph, {existing_node})  # find the broken edges
        assert len(broken_edges) == chosen_nt.size, f'Incorrect #broken edges: {len(broken_edges)} != {chosen_nt.size}'

        self._gen_graph.remove_node(existing_node)  # remove the existing node from the graph

        for node, d in chosen_rule.graph.nodes(data=True):  # add the nodes from rule
            if 'nt' in d:
                self.current_non_terminal_nodes.add(node)  # add the nonterminal node to the set
            self._gen_graph.add_node(node, **d)

        for u, v, d in chosen_rule.graph.edges(data=True):  # add edges from rule
            assert self._gen_graph.has_node(u) and self._gen_graph.has_node(v), 'Graph does not have the reqd nodes'
            self._gen_graph.add_edge(u, v, **d)

        for u, v in chosen_rule.boundary_edges:
            assert self._gen_graph.has_node(u) and self._gen_graph.has_node(v), 'Graph does not have the reqd nodes'
            # logging.debug(f'adding broken edge ({u}, {v})')
            self._gen_graph.add_edge(u, v)

Ejemplo n.º 9
class GreedyGenerator(BaseGenerator):
    Makes sure a certain set of nodes are generated
    def __init__(self, grammar: NCE, input_graph: Union[LightMultiGraph, nx.Graph], fraction: Union[None, float] = None,
                 keep_nodes: Union[Set, None] = None, save_snapshots: bool = False):
        # assert isinstance(grammar, NCE), 'Incorrect variant of grammar. Needs NCE'
        super().__init__(grammar, strategy='greedy', save_snapshots=save_snapshots)
        self.input_graph: Union[nx.Graph, LightMultiGraph] = input_graph

        if fraction is None and keep_nodes is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(f'Need either the fraction or keep_nodes')
        elif keep_nodes is not None:
            self.missing_nodes = set(keep_nodes)  # we need these nodes
        elif fraction is not None:
            if fraction == 1:
                self.missing_nodes = input_graph.nodes
                self.missing_nodes: Set[int] = set(random.sample(input_graph.nodes,
        self.keep_these_nodes = set(self.missing_nodes)  # keep a copy of the missing nodes for labeling later

    def select_rule(self) -> Tuple[int, NCERule, Set]:
        Pick rules that prioritizes the missing nodes - pick the ones with the most overlap
        found = False
        if len(self.missing_nodes) != 0:  # there are still nodes that are missing
            for nt_node in self.current_non_terminal_nodes:
                nt: NonTerminal = self._gen_graph.nodes[nt_node]['nt']
                nodes_covered = nt.nodes_covered
                if len(nodes_covered) > 0 and nodes_covered.issubset(self.missing_nodes):
                    chosen_nt_node = nt_node
                    chosen_nt = nt
                    logging.debug(f'nonterminal "{nt}" chosen greedily')
                    found = True
                    self.missing_nodes -= nodes_covered  # update the missing nodes
                    rule_idx = chosen_nt.id - 1
        if not found:  # nt not found, pick one at random - not truly random since it's only looking at the current non-termials
            chosen_nt_node = random.sample(self.current_non_terminal_nodes, 1)[0]
            chosen_nt = self._gen_graph.nodes[chosen_nt_node]['nt']

            logging.debug(f'nonterminal "{chosen_nt}" chosen at random')
            rule_candidates = self.grammar.rule_dict[chosen_nt.size]

            if len(rule_candidates) == 1:
                rule_idx = rule_candidates[0].id - 1  # pick the only rule in the list
                rule_idx = random.choice(rule_candidates).id - 1  # pick based on probability

        chosen_rule = self.grammar.rule_list[rule_idx]
        assert chosen_rule.lhs_nt.size == chosen_nt.size, 'Improper node selection'
        return chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, chosen_rule.nodes_covered

    def update_graph(self, chosen_nt_node: int, chosen_rule: NCERule,
                     node_correspondence: Union[None, Dict] = None) -> None:
        Update the current graph by
            - removing the node corresponding to the NonTerminal
            - replacing that with the RHS graph of the rule
            - rewiring the broken edges
            - node labels are carried
        existing_node = chosen_nt_node
        logging.debug(f'Replacing node: {existing_node} with rule {chosen_rule}')

        chosen_nt: NonTerminal = self._gen_graph.nodes[chosen_nt_node]['nt']
        assert self._gen_graph.degree_(existing_node) == chosen_nt.size, 'Degree of non-terminal must match its size'

        broken_edges = find_boundary_edges(self._gen_graph, {existing_node})  # find the broken edges
        assert len(broken_edges) == chosen_nt.size, f'Incorrect #broken edges: {len(broken_edges)} != {chosen_nt.size}'

        self._gen_graph.remove_node(existing_node)  # remove the existing node from the graph

        node_label = {}  # empty dictionary

        for node, d in chosen_rule.graph.nodes(data=True):  # add the nodes from rule
            if node in self.keep_these_nodes:
                label = node
                label = f'{node}_'  # add underscores to the nodes which are not in the keep list
            while self._gen_graph.has_node(label):  # necessary since now the same rule can be invoked multiple times - causing two nodes to be labeled same
                label = f'{label}_'
            node_label[node] = label
            if 'nt' in d:
                self.current_non_terminal_nodes.add(node_label[node])  # add the nonterminal node to the set
            self._gen_graph.add_node(node_label[node], **d)

        for u, v, d in chosen_rule.graph.edges(data=True):  # add edges from rule
            self._gen_graph.add_edge(node_label[u], node_label[v], **d)

        if len(broken_edges) != 0:
            random.shuffle(broken_edges)  # shuffle the broken edges
            # randomly joining the new boundary edges from the RHS to the rest of the graph - uniformly at random
            for node, d in chosen_rule.graph.nodes(data=True):
                num_boundary_edges = d['b_deg']
                if num_boundary_edges == 0:  # there are no boundary edges incident to that node

                assert len(broken_edges) >= num_boundary_edges

                edge_candidates = broken_edges[: num_boundary_edges]  # picking the first num_broken edges
                broken_edges = broken_edges[num_boundary_edges:]  # removing them from future consideration

                for u, v in edge_candidates:  # each edge is either (node_sample, v) or (u, node_sample)
                    if u == existing_node:  # u is the existing node, rewire it to node
                        u = node_label[node]
                        v = node_label[node]
                    # logging.debug(f'adding broken edge ({u}, {v})')
                    self._gen_graph.add_edge(u, v)

    def _gen(self) -> LightMultiGraph:
        starting_nt = self.grammar.rule_dict[0][0].lhs_nt
        self.missing_nodes = set(self.keep_these_nodes)  # reset the missing nodes for each gen
        self._gen_graph = LightMultiGraph()
        self._gen_graph.add_node(0, nt=starting_nt)

        self.current_non_terminal_nodes = {0}  # first non-terminal is node 0

        while len(self.current_non_terminal_nodes) != 0:  # continue until there are non-terminals remaining
            chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, nodes_covered = self.select_rule()
            self.current_non_terminal_nodes.remove(chosen_nt_node)  # remove the non-terminal from the set

            logging.debug(f'Selected nt_node: {chosen_nt_node}, rule: {chosen_rule}, nodes: {nodes_covered}, missing: {self.missing_nodes}')

            # update the node correspondences here
            self.update_graph(chosen_rule=chosen_rule, chosen_nt_node=chosen_nt_node)

        colors = {}
        for n in self._gen_graph.nodes():
            if n in self.keep_these_nodes:
                colors[n] = 'red'
                colors[n] = 'blue'
        nx.set_node_attributes(self._gen_graph, name='colors', values=colors)

        return self._gen_graph
Ejemplo n.º 10
class AttributedRandomGenerator(RandomGenerator):
    Attributed graphs generated Random style
    def __init__(self, grammar: VRG, mixing_dict: Dict, attr_name: str, use_fancy_rewiring: bool,
                 save_snapshots: bool = False):
        super().__init__(grammar, save_snapshots=save_snapshots)
        self.mixing_dict = mixing_dict
        self.attr_name = attr_name
        self.fancy_rewirings = 0
        self.total_rewirings = 0
        self.use_fancy_rewiring = use_fancy_rewiring

    def _gen(self) -> LightMultiGraph:
        self.fancy_rewirings = 0  # reset the counts
        self.total_rewirings = 0
        starting_nt = self.grammar.rule_dict[0][0].lhs_nt

        self._gen_graph = LightMultiGraph()
        self._gen_graph.add_node(0, nt=starting_nt)
        if self.save_snapshots: self.gen_snapshots.append(self._gen_graph.copy())

        self.current_non_terminal_nodes = {0}  # first non-terminal is node 0

        while len(self.current_non_terminal_nodes) != 0:  # continue until there are non-terminals remaining
            chosen_nt_node, chosen_rule, _, _ = self.select_rule()  # throw out the set of covered nodes and node correspondence
            self.current_non_terminal_nodes.remove(chosen_nt_node)  # remove the non-terminal from the set
            self.update_graph(chosen_rule=chosen_rule, chosen_nt_node=chosen_nt_node)
            if self.save_snapshots: self.gen_snapshots.append(self._gen_graph.copy())
        if self.fancy_rewirings == 0:
            fancy_frac = 0
            fancy_frac = 100 * self.fancy_rewirings/self.total_rewirings
        logging.error(f'Generated graph: n={self._gen_graph.order():,d} m={self._gen_graph.size():,d} fancy rewirings'
                      f'({self.fancy_rewirings:,d}/{self.total_rewirings:,d}) {round(fancy_frac, 3)}%')

        self._gen_graph.graph['total_rewirings'] = self.total_rewirings
        self._gen_graph.graph['fancy_rewirings'] = self.fancy_rewirings
        return self._gen_graph

    def select_rule(self) -> Tuple[int, VRGRule, Set[int], Dict]:
        For random selection, pick based on the frequency of the rules
        returns the non-terminal node, PartRule, nodes covered
        chosen_nt_node = random.sample(self.current_non_terminal_nodes, 1)[0]  # choose a non terminal node at random

        chosen_nt = self._gen_graph.nodes[chosen_nt_node]['nt']
        rule_candidates = self.grammar.rule_dict[chosen_nt.size]

        if len(rule_candidates) == 1:
            rule_idx = 0  # pick the only rule in the list
            weights = np.array([rule.frequency for rule in rule_candidates])
            weights = weights / np.sum(weights)  # normalize into probabilities
            rule_idx = int(
                np.random.choice(range(len(rule_candidates)), size=1, p=weights))  # pick based on probability

        return chosen_nt_node, rule_candidates[rule_idx], set(), {}

    # @profile
    def update_graph(self, chosen_nt_node: int, chosen_rule: VRGRule,
                     node_correspondence: Union[None, Dict] = None) -> None:
        Update the current graph by
            - removing the node corresponding to the NonTerminal
            - replacing that with the RHS graph of the rule
            - rewiring the broken edges
            - node labels are carried
        existing_node = chosen_nt_node
        logging.debug(f'Replacing node: {existing_node} with rule {chosen_rule}')

        chosen_nt: NonTerminal = self._gen_graph.nodes[chosen_nt_node]['nt']
        assert self._gen_graph.degree_(existing_node) == chosen_nt.size, 'Degree of non-terminal must match its size'

        broken_edges = find_boundary_edges(self._gen_graph, {existing_node})  # find the broken edges
        broken_edges: Counter[tuple, int] = CustomCounter(broken_edges)  # TODO change to a Counter object to speed things up

        assert sum(broken_edges.values()) == chosen_nt.size, f'Incorrect #broken edges: {len(broken_edges)} != {chosen_nt.size}'

        self.total_rewirings += broken_edges.positive_values_len()  # all the broken edges need to be rewired

        node_count = max(self._gen_graph.nodes) + 1  # number of nodes in the present graph
        self._gen_graph.remove_node(existing_node)  # remove the existing node from the graph

        node_label = {}  # empty dictionary
        b_degs = {}  # this is needed to not modify the boundary degrees of rules in place
        for node, d in chosen_rule.graph.nodes(data=True):  # add the nodes from rule
            node_label[node] = node_count
            b_degs[node] = d['b_deg']
            if 'nt' in d:
                self.current_non_terminal_nodes.add(node_label[node])  # add the nonterminal node to the set
            if 'attr_dict' in d:
                d = d['attr_dict']
            d['actual_label'] = node
            self._gen_graph.add_node(node_label[node], **d)
            node_count += 1

        for u, v, d in chosen_rule.graph.edges(data=True):  # add edges from rule
            self._gen_graph.add_edge(node_label[u], node_label[v], **d)

        if broken_edges.positive_values_len() != 0:
            if self.use_fancy_rewiring:
                # Figure out if there are terminal nodes on both RULE and the current graph
                rule_terminals = [node for node, d in chosen_rule.graph.nodes(data=True) if 'nt' not in d]
                graph_terminal_ctr = CustomCounter()
                # for u, v in broken_edges:
                for u, v in broken_edges.elements():
                    node = v if u == existing_node else u
                    if 'nt' not in self._gen_graph.nodes[node]:
                        graph_terminal_ctr[node] += 1  # .append(node)

                if len(rule_terminals) > 0 and len(graph_terminal_ctr) > 0:
                    # this is where the probabilistic matching needs to happen
                    # rule_terminal_list = []  # we need b_deg copies of each terminal in the rules
                    rule_terminal_ctr = CustomCounter()  # we need b_deg copies of each terminal in the rules # TODO changed
                    for rule_t in rule_terminals:
                        b_deg = b_degs[rule_t]
                        if b_deg > 0:
                            rule_terminal_ctr[rule_t] = b_deg

                    # assert graph_terminal_ctr.positive_values_len() <= rule_terminal_ctr.positive_values_len()

                    # do the matching up
                    while True:
                        if graph_terminal_ctr.positive_values_len() == 0 or rule_terminal_ctr.positive_values_len() == 0:
                        # 1. pick a graph terminal at random and remove it
                        graph_t = random.choice(list(graph_terminal_ctr.keys()))

                        graph_terminal_ctr[graph_t] -= 1
                        attr_1 = self._gen_graph.nodes[graph_t][self.attr_name]

                        # 2. pick a rule terminal with probability proportional to the mixing matrix
                        wts = []
                        for rule_t in rule_terminal_ctr:
                            try:  # this weird reason why sometimes the node attributes are nested
                                attr_2 = chosen_rule.graph.nodes[rule_t][self.attr_name]
                            except KeyError:
                                attr_2 = chosen_rule.graph.nodes[rule_t]['attr_dict'][self.attr_name]
                            p = self.mixing_dict[attr_1].get(attr_2, 0)  # probability of edge  # TODO: check for bipartite graphs
                            wts.append((rule_t, p))

                        rule_t = random.choices(population=tuple(map(lambda x: x[0], wts)),
                                                weights=tuple(map(lambda x: x[1], wts)), k=1)[0]
                        rule_terminal_ctr[rule_t] -= 1  # .remove(rule_t)

                        # 3. Add the edge to gen_graph
                        logging.debug(f'Adding broken edge {(node_label[rule_t], graph_t)} the fancy way')
                        self._gen_graph.add_edge(graph_t, node_label[rule_t])  # node_label stores the actual label in gen_graph
                        self.fancy_rewirings += 1  # fancy rewiring

                        # 3. update b_deg for the rule terminal
                        b_degs[rule_t] -= 1

                        # 4. Remove the boundary edge from list of boundary edges
                        if (graph_t, existing_node) in broken_edges:
                            # broken_edges.remove((graph_t, existing_node))
                            broken_edges[(graph_t, existing_node)] -= 1
                            # broken_edges.remove((existing_node, graph_t))
                            broken_edges[(existing_node, graph_t)] -= 1

            # continue the regular random rewiring with the remaining broken edges
            broken_edges: list = list(broken_edges.elements())  # turn broken edges back into a list
            random.shuffle(broken_edges)  # shuffle the broken edges
            # randomly joining the new boundary edges from the RHS to the rest of the graph - uniformly at random

            for node, d in chosen_rule.graph.nodes(data=True):
                num_boundary_edges = b_degs[node]
                if num_boundary_edges == 0:  # there are no boundary edges incident to that node

                assert len(broken_edges) >= num_boundary_edges

                edge_candidates = broken_edges[: num_boundary_edges]  # picking the first num_broken edges
                broken_edges = broken_edges[num_boundary_edges:]  # removing them from future consideration

                for u, v in edge_candidates:  # each edge is either (node_sample, v) or (u, node_sample)
                    if u == existing_node:  # u is the existing node, rewire it to node
                        u = node_label[node]
                        v = node_label[node]
                    logging.debug(f'adding broken edge ({u}, {v})')
                    self._gen_graph.add_edge(u, v)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_random_partition(g: LightMultiGraph, seed=None):
    nodes = list(g.nodes())
    if seed is not None:
    return random_partition(nodes)