Ejemplo n.º 1
def read_training_data(fname, D=None):
    """Given a file in appropriate format, and given a set D of features,
    returns the pair (A, b) consisting of
    a P-by-D matrix A and a P-vector b,
    where P is a set of patient identification integers (IDs).

    For each patient ID p,
      - row p of A is the D-vector describing patient p's tissue sample,
      - entry p of b is +1 if patient p's tissue is malignant, and -1 if it is benign.

    The set D of features must be a subset of the features in the data (see text).
    file = open(fname)
    params = [
        "radius", "texture", "perimeter", "area", "smoothness", "compactness",
        "concavity", "concave points", "symmetry", "fractal dimension"
    stats = ["(mean)", "(stderr)", "(worst)"]
    feature_labels = set([y + x for x in stats for y in params])
    feature_map = {
        params[i] + stats[j]: j * len(params) + i
        for i in range(len(params)) for j in range(len(stats))
    if D is None: D = feature_labels
    feature_vectors = {}
    patient_diagnoses = {}
    for line in file:
        row = line.split(",")
        patient_ID = int(row[0])
        patient_diagnoses[patient_ID] = -1 if row[1] == 'B' else +1
        feature_vectors[patient_ID] = Vec(
            D, {f: float(row[feature_map[f] + 2])
                for f in D})
    return rowdict2mat(feature_vectors), Vec(set(patient_diagnoses.keys()),
Ejemplo n.º 2
def list2vec(L): return Vec(set(range(len(L))), {index:item for index, item in enumerate(L)})

# write a procedure triangular_solve_n(rowlist, b) with the following spec:
# • input: for some integer n, a triangular system consisting of a list rowlist of n-vectors, and a length-n list b of numbers
# • output: a vector xˆ such that, for i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, the dot-product of rowlist[i] with xˆ equals b[i]

def triangular_solve_n(rowlist, b): 
Ejemplo n.º 3
def zero_vec(D): return Vec(D, {d:0 for d in D})

# Quiz 2.7.3: Write a procedure scalar_mul(v, alpha) with the following spec:
# • input: an instance of Vec and a scalar alpha
# • output: a new instance of Vec that represents the scalar-vector product alpha times v.

def scalar_mul(v, alpha): return Vec(v.D, {d: alpha * v.f[d] for d in v.f})
Ejemplo n.º 4
def matrix_vector_mul(M, v):
    Returns the product of matrix M and vector v.

    Consider using brackets notation v[...] in your procedure
    to access entries of the input vector.  This avoids some sparsity bugs.

    >>> N1 = Mat(({1, 3, 5, 7}, {'a', 'b'}), {(1, 'a'): -1, (1, 'b'): 2, (3, 'a'): 1, (3, 'b'):4, (7, 'a'): 3, (5, 'b'):-1})
    >>> u1 = Vec({'a', 'b'}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
    >>> N1*u1 == Vec({1, 3, 5, 7},{1: 3, 3: 9, 5: -2, 7: 3})
    >>> N1 == Mat(({1, 3, 5, 7}, {'a', 'b'}), {(1, 'a'): -1, (1, 'b'): 2, (3, 'a'): 1, (3, 'b'):4, (7, 'a'): 3, (5, 'b'):-1})
    >>> u1 == Vec({'a', 'b'}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
    >>> N2 = Mat(({('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')}, {1, 2, 3, 5, 8}), {})
    >>> u2 = Vec({1, 2, 3, 5, 8}, {})
    >>> N2*u2 == Vec({('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')},{})
    >>> M3 = Mat(({0,1},{'a','b'}),{(0,'a'):1, (0,'b'):1, (1,'a'):1, (1,'b'):1})
    >>> v3 = Vec({'a','b'},{'a':1,'b':1})
    >>> M3*v3 == Vec({0, 1},{0: 2, 1: 2})
    assert M.D[1] == v.D
    return Vec(M.D[0], {rowKey: sum([M[(rowKey, vectorKey)] * v[vectorKey] for vectorKey in v.D])  for rowKey in M.D[0]})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def neg(v): return Vec(v.D, {d: -v.f[d] for d in v.f})

# Quiz 2.9.4: 
# Write a procedure list_dot(u, v) with the following spec:
# • input: equal-length lists u and v of field elements
# • output: the dot-product of u and v interpreted as vectors

def list_dot(u, v): return sum( [u[iter] * v[iter] for iter in range(len(u))])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def scalar_mul(v, alpha): return Vec(v.D, {d: alpha * v.f[d] for d in v.f})

# Quiz 2.7.5:
# Write a Python procedure neg(v) with the following spec: 
# • input: an instance v of Vec
# • output: a dictionary representing the negative of v

def neg(v): return Vec(v.D, {d: -v.f[d] for d in v.f})
Ejemplo n.º 7
def move2board(q): return Vec(q.D, {key: q[key]/q['y3'] for key in q.D})

# Task 5.12.2: Define the domain D = R × C.
# Write a procedure make equations(x1, x2, w1, w2) that outputs a list [u, v] consisting
# of two D-vectors u and v such that Equations 5.11 and 5.12 are expressed as
# u·h=0 v·h=0
# where h is the D-vector of unknown entries of H.
R = {'y1', 'y2', 'y3'}
Ejemplo n.º 8
def aug_orthogonalize(vlist):
    vstarlist = []
    sigma_vecs = []
    D = set(range(len(vlist)))
    for v in vlist:
        (vstar, sigmadict) = aug_project_orthogonal(v, vstarlist)
        sigma_vecs.append(Vec(D, sigmadict))
    return vstarlist, sigma_vecs
Ejemplo n.º 9
def mat2coldict(A):
    """Given a matrix, return a dictionary mapping column labels of A to columns of A
           >>> M = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1}), {(0, 1): 1, (2, 0): 8, (1, 0): 4, (0, 0): 3, (2, 1): -2})
           >>> mat2coldict(M)
           {0: Vec({0, 1, 2},{0: 3, 1: 4, 2: 8}), 1: Vec({0, 1, 2},{0: 1, 1: 0, 2: -2})}
           >>> mat2coldict(Mat(({0,1},{0,1}),{}))
           {0: Vec({0, 1},{0: 0, 1: 0}), 1: Vec({0, 1},{0: 0, 1: 0})}
    return {
        col: Vec(A.D[0], {row: A[row, col]
                          for row in A.D[0]})
        for col in A.D[1]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def mat2rowdict(A):
    """Given a matrix, return a dictionary mapping row labels of A to rows of A

       >>> M = Mat(({0, 1, 2}, {0, 1}), {(0, 1): 1, (2, 0): 8, (1, 0): 4, (0, 0): 3, (2, 1): -2})
           >>> mat2rowdict(M)
           {0: Vec({0, 1},{0: 3, 1: 1}), 1: Vec({0, 1},{0: 4, 1: 0}), 2: Vec({0, 1},{0: 8, 1: -2})}
           >>> mat2rowdict(Mat(({0,1},{0,1}),{}))
           {0: Vec({0, 1},{0: 0, 1: 0}), 1: Vec({0, 1},{0: 0, 1: 0})}
    return {
        row: Vec(A.D[1], {col: A[row, col]
                          for col in A.D[1]})
        for row in A.D[0]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def signum(u):
    return Vec(u.D, {key: 1 if u[key] >= 0 else -1 for key in u.f})
Ejemplo n.º 12
from VectorClass import Vec
from cancer_data import read_training_data
from matutil import mat2rowdict, listlist2mat
from vectorTasks import zero_vec, list2vec
from orthogonality import QR_solve

(A, b) = read_training_data('train.data')
(C, d) = read_training_data('validate.data')
w = Vec(A.D[1], {key: 0 for key in A.D[1]})

def signum(u):
    return Vec(u.D, {key: 1 if u[key] >= 0 else -1 for key in u.f})

# the procedure fraction wrong(A, b, w) with the following spec:
# • input: An R×C matrix A whose rows are feature vectors, an R-vector b whose entries are +1 and −1, and a C-vector w
# • output: The fraction of of row labels r of A such that the sign of (row r of A)·w differs from that of b[r].
def fraction_wrong(A, b, w):
    outputVec = signum(A * w)
    return len([key for key in outputVec.D if outputVec[key] != b[key]]) / len(

# a procedure loss(A, b, w) that takes as input the training data A, b and a hypothesis vector w,
# and returns the value L(w) of the loss function for input w.
def loss(A, b, w):
    print(((A * w) - b) * ((A * w) - b))

def find_grad(A, b, w):
Ejemplo n.º 13
from VectorClass import Vec
from vectorTasks import zero_vec

D = {'e1', 'e2', 'e3', 'e4'}
vecList = [
    Vec(D, {'e1': 1, 'e2': 4, 'e3': 5}),
    Vec(D, {'e1': 2, 'e2': 0, 'e3': 5, 'e4': 6}),
    Vec(D, {'e1': 1, 'e2': 0, 'e3': 8, 'e4': 0})
vecDict = {1: vecList[0], 2: vecList[1], 4: vecList[2]}

# Quiz 3.1.7: 
# A procedure lin_comb(vlist, clist) with the following spec:
# • input: a list vlist of vectors, a list clist of the same length consisting of scalars
# • output: the vector that is the linear combination of the vectors in vlist with corresponding coefficients clist

def list_comb(vlist, clist): return sum(clist[iter] * vlist[iter] for iter in range(len(vlist)))

# Problem 3.8.1:

# A procedure vec_select using a comprehension for the following computational problem:
# • input: a list veclist of vectors over the same domain, and an element k of the domain
# • output: the sublist of veclist consisting of the vectors v in veclist where v[k] is zero

def vec_select(veclist, k): return [v for v in veclist if v[k] == 0]

# A procedure vec_sum using the built-in procedure sum(·) for the following:
# • input: a list veclist of vectors, and a set D that is the common domain of these vectors
# • output: the vector sum of the vectors in veclist.

def vec_sum(veclist, D) : return sum(veclist, zero_vec(D))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def make_equations(x1, x2, w1, w2): 
       Vec(D, {('y3', 'x1'): w1 * x1, ('y3', 'x2'): w1 * x2, ('y3', 'x3'): w1, ('y1', 'x1'): -x1, ('y1', 'x2'): -x2, ('y1', 'x3'): -1}),
       Vec(D, {('y3', 'x1'): w2 * x1, ('y3', 'x2'): w2 * x2, ('y3', 'x3'): w2, ('y2', 'x1'): -x1, ('y2', 'x2'): -x2, ('y1', 'x3'): -1})
Ejemplo n.º 15
C = {'x1', 'x2', 'x3'}
D = {(y, x) for y in R for x in C }

def make_equations(x1, x2, w1, w2): 
       Vec(D, {('y3', 'x1'): w1 * x1, ('y3', 'x2'): w1 * x2, ('y3', 'x3'): w1, ('y1', 'x1'): -x1, ('y1', 'x2'): -x2, ('y1', 'x3'): -1}),
       Vec(D, {('y3', 'x1'): w2 * x1, ('y3', 'x2'): w2 * x2, ('y3', 'x3'): w2, ('y2', 'x1'): -x1, ('y2', 'x2'): -x2, ('y1', 'x3'): -1})

# Task 5.12.3: Write the D-vector w with a 1 in the (’y1’, ’x1’) entry.

topLeft = make_equations(358, 36, 0, 0)
topRight = make_equations(329, 597, 1, 0)
bottomLeft = make_equations(592, 157, 0, 1)
bottomRight = make_equations(580, 483, 1, 1)
w = Vec(D, {('y1', 'x1'): 1})
e = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
rowDict = {
    0: topLeft[0],
    1: topLeft[1],
    2: topRight[0],
    3: topRight[1],
    4: bottomLeft[0],
    6: bottomRight[0], 
    7: bottomRight[1],
    8: w

# print(rowDict)
# L1Matrix = rowdict2mat(rowDict)