Ejemplo n.º 1
    def findFlavors(self, productName, versions=None):
        return a list of flavors supported for the given product.  An 
        empty list is returned if the product is not declared or the 
        given version is not declared.

        @param productName : the name of the product to fine
        @param versions :    the versions to search for.  If None, all 
                                  versions will be considered.
        @return string[] :
        if versions is None:
            versions = self.findVersions(productName)

        if not isinstance(versions, list):
            versions = [versions]

        out = []
        for version in versions:
            vfile = self._versionFile(productName, version)
            vfile = VersionFile(vfile, productName, version)
            flavors = vfile.getFlavors()
            for f in flavors:
                if f not in out: out.append(f)

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def findFlavors(self, productName, versions=None):
        return a list of flavors supported for the given product.  An 
        empty list is returned if the product is not declared or the 
        given version is not declared.

        @param productName : the name of the product to fine
        @param versions :    the versions to search for.  If None, all 
                                  versions will be considered.
        @return string[] :
        if versions is None:
            versions = self.findVersions(productName)

        if not isinstance(versions, list):
            versions = [versions]

        out = []
        for version in versions:
            vfile = self._versionFile(productName, version)
            vfile = VersionFile(vfile, productName, version)
            flavors = vfile.getFlavors()
            for f in flavors:
                if f not in out:  out.append(f)

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def assignTag(self, tag, productName, version, flavors=None):
        assign a tag to a given product.

        @param tag :         the name of the tag to assign.  If the name is 
                               prepended with the "user:"******"""

        if isinstance(tag, str):
            tag = eups.tags.Tag(tag)

        vf = VersionFile(self._versionFile(productName, version))
        declaredFlavors = vf.getFlavors()
        if len(declaredFlavors) == 0:
            raise ProductNotFound(productName, version)

        if flavors is None:
            flavors = list(declaredFlavors)
        elif not isinstance(flavors, list):
            flavors = [flavors]
            flavors = list(flavors)  # make a copy; we're gonna mess with it
        if len(flavors) == 0:
            flavors = list(declaredFlavors)

        # reduce the list of flavors to ones actually declared
        for i in xrange(len(flavors)):
            flavor = flavors.pop(0)
            if flavor in declaredFlavors and flavor not in flavors:
        if len(flavors) == 0:
            raise ProductNotFound(
                msg="Requested flavors not declared for %s %s" %
                (productName, version))

        if tag.isUser():
            if not self._getUserTagDb():
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Unable to assign user tags (user db not available)")

            pdir = self._productDir(productName, self._getUserTagDb())
            if not os.path.exists(pdir):
            pdir = self._productDir(productName)

        tfile = self._tagFileInDir(pdir, tag.name)
        tagFile = ChainFile(tfile, productName, tag.name)

        tagFile.setVersion(version, flavors)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def assignTag(self, tag, productName, version, flavors=None):
        assign a tag to a given product.

        @param tag :         the name of the tag to assign.  If the name is 
                               prepended with the "user:"******"""

        if isinstance(tag, str):
            tag = eups.tags.Tag(tag)

        vf = VersionFile(self._versionFile(productName, version))
        declaredFlavors = vf.getFlavors()
        if len(declaredFlavors) == 0:
            raise ProductNotFound(productName, version)

        if flavors is None:
            flavors = list(declaredFlavors)
        elif not isinstance(flavors, list):
            flavors = [flavors]
            flavors = list(flavors)  # make a copy; we're gonna mess with it
        if len(flavors) == 0:
            flavors = list(declaredFlavors)

        # reduce the list of flavors to ones actually declared
        for i in xrange(len(flavors)):
            flavor = flavors.pop(0)
            if flavor in declaredFlavors and flavor not in flavors:
        if len(flavors) == 0:
            raise ProductNotFound(productName, version, 
                               msg="Requested flavors not declared for %s %s"
                                   % (productName, version))

        if tag.isUser():
            if not self._getUserTagDb():
                raise RuntimeError("Unable to assign user tags (user db not available)")

            pdir = self._productDir(productName, self._getUserTagDb())
            if not os.path.exists(pdir):
            pdir = self._productDir(productName)
        tfile = self._tagFileInDir(pdir, tag.name)
        tagFile = ChainFile(tfile, productName, tag.name)

        tagFile.setVersion(version, flavors)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def declare(self, product):
        declare the given product.  If a table file is not specified, a 
        default one will be searched for (in the ups subdirectory of the 
        install directory).

        @param product : the Product instance to register
        @throws UnderSpecifiedProduct if the name, version, and flavor are
                   not all set
        if not isinstance(product, Product):
            raise RuntimeError("Database.declare(): argument not a Product:" +
        if not product.name or not product.version or not product.flavor:
            raise UnderSpecifiedProduct(
              msg="Product not fully specified: %s %s %s" 
                   % (str(product.name), str(product.version),

        prod = product.clone().canonicalizePaths()

        tablefile = prod.tablefile
        if not tablefile:
            tablefile = prod.tableFileName()
            if not tablefile or not os.path.exists(tablefile):
                raise TableFileNotFound(prod.name, prod.version, prod.flavor, 
                                        msg="Unable to located a table file in default location: " + tablefile)

        # set the basic product information
        pdir = self._productDir(prod.name)
        vfile = self._versionFileInDir(pdir, prod.version)
        versionFile = VersionFile(vfile, prod.name, prod.version)
        versionFile.addFlavor(prod.flavor, prod.dir, tablefile, prod.ups_dir)

        # seal the deal
        if not os.path.exists(pdir):

        if prod.dir:
            trimDir = prod.stackRoot()
            if trimDir and not os.path.exists(trimDir):
                trimDir = None

        # now assign any tags
        for tag in prod.tags:
            self.assignTag(tag, prod.name, prod.version, prod.flavor)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def undeclare(self, product):
        undeclare the given Product.  Only the name, version, and flavor 
        will be paid attention to.  False is returned if the product was 
        not found in the database.

        @param product : the Product instance to undeclare.
        @return bool : False if nothing was undeclared
        @throws UnderSpecifiedProduct if the name, version, and flavor are
                   not all set
        if not isinstance(product, Product):
            raise RuntimeError("Database.declare(): argument not a Product: " +
        if not product.name or not product.version or not product.flavor:
            raise UnderSpecifiedProduct(
                msg="Product not fully specified: %s %s %s" 
                    % (str(product.name), str(product.version),

        pdir = self._productDir(product.name)
        vfile = self._versionFileInDir(pdir, product.version)
        if not os.path.exists(vfile):
            return False

        versionFile = VersionFile(vfile)
        if versionFile.hasFlavor(product.flavor):
            # unassign tags associated with this product
            tags = self.findTags(product.name, product.version, product.flavor)
            for tag in tags:
                self.unassignTag(tag, product.name, product.flavor)

        changed = versionFile.removeFlavor(product.flavor)
        if changed:  versionFile.write()

        # do a little clean up: if we got rid of the version file, try 
        # deleting the directory
        if not os.path.exists(vfile):

        return changed
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def isDeclared(self, productName, version=None, flavor=None):
        return true if a product is declared.

        @param productName : the name of the product to search for
        @param version :     a specific version to look for.  If None, 
                               return true if any version of this product 
                               is available.  
        @param flavor :      a specific platform flavor to look for.  If 
                               None, return true if any flavor is supported 
                               by the product.  
        pdir = self._productDir(productName)
        if not os.path.exists(pdir):
            return False

        if version is None:
            if flavor is None:  
                return True

            vfiles = os.listdir(pdir)
            for file in vfiles:
                if (versionFileRe.match(file)):
                    file = VersionFile(os.path.join(pdir,file))
                    vers = file.version
                    if file.hasFlavor(flavor):
                        return True

            return False
            file = self._versionFileInDir(pdir, version)
            if not os.path.exists(file):
                return False
            if flavor is None:
                return True
            file = VersionFile(file)
            return file.hasFlavor(flavor)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def findProduct(self, name, version, flavor):
        find the fully specified declared product given its name, version, 
        and platform flavor, or None if product is not declared.

        @param name :     the name of the desired product
        @param version :  the desired version of the product
        @param flavor :   the desired platform flavor
        @return Product : the matched product or None if not found
        vfile = self._findVersionFile(name, version)
        if vfile is None:
            return None

        verdata = VersionFile(vfile, name, version)
        product = None
            product = verdata.makeProduct(flavor, self.defStackRoot, 
            product.tags = self.findTags(name, version, flavor)
        except ProductNotFound:
            return None

        return product
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def findProduct(self, name, version, flavor):
        find the fully specified declared product given its name, version, 
        and platform flavor, or None if product is not declared.

        @param name :     the name of the desired product
        @param version :  the desired version of the product
        @param flavor :   the desired platform flavor
        @return Product : the matched product or None if not found
        vfile = self._findVersionFile(name, version)
        if vfile is None:
            return None

        verdata = VersionFile(vfile, name, version)
        product = None
            product = verdata.makeProduct(flavor, self.defStackRoot,
            product.tags = self.findTags(name, version, flavor)
        except ProductNotFound:
            return None

        return product
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def declare(self, product):
        declare the given product.  If a table file is not specified, a 
        default one will be searched for (in the ups subdirectory of the 
        install directory).

        @param product : the Product instance to register
        @throws UnderSpecifiedProduct if the name, version, and flavor are
                   not all set
        if not isinstance(product, Product):
            raise RuntimeError("Database.declare(): argument not a Product:" +
        if not product.name or not product.version or not product.flavor:
            raise UnderSpecifiedProduct(
                msg="Product not fully specified: %s %s %s" %
                (str(product.name), str(product.version), str(product.flavor)))

        prod = product.clone().canonicalizePaths()

        tablefile = prod.tablefile
        if not tablefile:
            tablefile = prod.tableFileName()
            if not tablefile or not os.path.exists(tablefile):
                raise TableFileNotFound(
                    msg="Unable to located a table file in default location: "
                    + tablefile)

        # set the basic product information
        pdir = self._productDir(prod.name)
        vfile = self._versionFileInDir(pdir, prod.version)
        versionFile = VersionFile(vfile, prod.name, prod.version)
        versionFile.addFlavor(prod.flavor, prod.dir, tablefile, prod.ups_dir)

        # seal the deal
        if not os.path.exists(pdir):

        if prod.dir:
            trimDir = prod.stackRoot()
            if trimDir and not os.path.exists(trimDir):
                trimDir = None


        # now assign any tags
        for tag in prod.tags:
            self.assignTag(tag, prod.name, prod.version, prod.flavor)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def undeclare(self, product):
        undeclare the given Product.  Only the name, version, and flavor 
        will be paid attention to.  False is returned if the product was 
        not found in the database.

        @param product : the Product instance to undeclare.
        @return bool : False if nothing was undeclared
        @throws UnderSpecifiedProduct if the name, version, and flavor are
                   not all set
        if not isinstance(product, Product):
            raise RuntimeError("Database.declare(): argument not a Product: " +
        if not product.name or not product.version or not product.flavor:
            raise UnderSpecifiedProduct(
                msg="Product not fully specified: %s %s %s" %
                (str(product.name), str(product.version), str(product.flavor)))

        pdir = self._productDir(product.name)
        vfile = self._versionFileInDir(pdir, product.version)
        if not os.path.exists(vfile):
            return False

        versionFile = VersionFile(vfile)
        if versionFile.hasFlavor(product.flavor):
            # unassign tags associated with this product
            tags = self.findTags(product.name, product.version, product.flavor)
            for tag in tags:
                self.unassignTag(tag, product.name, product.flavor)

        changed = versionFile.removeFlavor(product.flavor)
        if changed: versionFile.write()

        # do a little clean up: if we got rid of the version file, try
        # deleting the directory
        if not os.path.exists(vfile):

        return changed
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def isDeclared(self, productName, version=None, flavor=None):
        return true if a product is declared.

        @param productName : the name of the product to search for
        @param version :     a specific version to look for.  If None, 
                               return true if any version of this product 
                               is available.  
        @param flavor :      a specific platform flavor to look for.  If 
                               None, return true if any flavor is supported 
                               by the product.  
        pdir = self._productDir(productName)
        if not os.path.exists(pdir):
            return False

        if version is None:
            if flavor is None:
                return True

            vfiles = os.listdir(pdir)
            for file in vfiles:
                if (versionFileRe.match(file)):
                    file = VersionFile(os.path.join(pdir, file))
                    vers = file.version
                    if file.hasFlavor(flavor):
                        return True

            return False
            file = self._versionFileInDir(pdir, version)
            if not os.path.exists(file):
                return False
            if flavor is None:
                return True
            file = VersionFile(file)
            return file.hasFlavor(flavor)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def findProducts(self, name, versions=None, flavors=None):
        return a list of Products matching the given inputs

        @param name :     the name of the desired product
        @param versions : the desired versions.  If versions is None, 
                            return all declared versions of the product.
        @param flavors :  the desired flavors.  If None, return matching 
                            products of all declared flavors.
        @return Product[] : a list of the matching products
        if versions is None:
            versions = self.findVersions(name)

        if not isinstance(versions, list):
            versions = [versions]

        if flavors is not None and not isinstance(flavors, list):
            flavors = [flavors]

        out = {}
        for vers in versions:
            vfile = self._versionFile(name, vers)
            if not os.path.exists(vfile):
            vfile = VersionFile(vfile, name, vers)
            flavs = flavors
            declared = vfile.getFlavors()
            if flavs is None:  flavs = declared
            out[vers] = {}
            for f in flavs:
                if f in declared:
                    out[vers][f] = vfile.makeProduct(f, self.defStackRoot, 

        if len(out.keys()) == 0:
            return []

        pdir = self._productDir(name)
        if not os.path.exists(pdir):
          raise RuntimeError("programmer error: product directory disappeared")

        # add in the tags 
        for tag, vers, flavor in self.getTagAssignments(name):
            except KeyError:

#  not sure why this doesn't work:
#        out = reduce(lambda x,y: x.extend(y), 
#                     map(lambda z:  z.values(), out.values()))
#        out.sort(_cmp_by_verflav)
#  replaced with moral equivalent:
        v = map(lambda z:  z.values(), out.values())
        x = v[0]
        for y in v[1:]:  x.extend(y)
        return x
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def findProducts(self, name, versions=None, flavors=None):
        return a list of Products matching the given inputs

        @param name :     the name of the desired product
        @param versions : the desired versions.  If versions is None, 
                            return all declared versions of the product.
        @param flavors :  the desired flavors.  If None, return matching 
                            products of all declared flavors.
        @return Product[] : a list of the matching products
        if versions is None:
            versions = self.findVersions(name)

        if not isinstance(versions, list):
            versions = [versions]

        if flavors is not None and not isinstance(flavors, list):
            flavors = [flavors]

        out = {}
        for vers in versions:
            vfile = self._versionFile(name, vers)
            if not os.path.exists(vfile):
            vfile = VersionFile(vfile, name, vers)

            flavs = flavors
            declared = vfile.getFlavors()
            if flavs is None: flavs = declared
            out[vers] = {}
            for f in flavs:
                if f in declared:
                    out[vers][f] = vfile.makeProduct(f, self.defStackRoot,

        if len(out.keys()) == 0:
            return []

        pdir = self._productDir(name)
        if not os.path.exists(pdir):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "programmer error: product directory disappeared")

        # add in the tags
        for tag, vers, flavor in self.getTagAssignments(name):
            except KeyError:

#  not sure why this doesn't work:
#        out = reduce(lambda x,y: x.extend(y),
#                     map(lambda z:  z.values(), out.values()))
#        out.sort(_cmp_by_verflav)
#  replaced with moral equivalent:
        v = map(lambda z: z.values(), out.values())
        x = v[0]
        for y in v[1:]:
        return x