Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, window, xAngle, yAngle, zAngle, parent=None, axis=None, theta=None):
        super(question3Visualization, self).__init__(parent)

        self.window = window # Add the input 'window' as an attribute of the question3Visualization class
        self.xAngle = xAngle # Store the given angles as attributes of this class
        self.yAngle = yAngle
        self.zAngle = zAngle

        self.rotationAxis = axis
        self.theta = theta

        self.rect1 = makeHexahedra(xSideLength=12.0, ySideLength=5.0, zSideLength=5.0) # Get the rectangle and the points. Note, this is a list (vtkUnstructuredGrid, vtkPoints)
        self.actor1 = getRectangleActor(self.rect1[0], [0,1,0], opacity=0.8)
        self.axes1 = GeneratePolydata.generateAxes(np.identity(4), label='Gr', size=10)
        label1 = self._getTextActor([0, 1, 0], [20, 370], opacity=1, text='RxRyRz\n_______')  # Add the text to the frame. This will be upated for the visualization
        self.txt1x = self._getTextActor([0,1,0], [20, 350], opacity=0.5, text='Rx = 0') # Add the text to the frame. This will be upated for the visualization
        self.txt1y = self._getTextActor([0,1,0], [20, 325], opacity=0.5, text='Ry = 0')
        self.txt1z = self._getTextActor([0,1,0], [20, 300], opacity=0.5, text='Rz = 0')

        self.rect2 = makeHexahedra(xSideLength=15.0, ySideLength=3.0, zSideLength=3.0)  # Get the rectangle and the points. Note, this is a list (vtkUnstructuredGrid, vtkPoints)
        self.actor2 = getRectangleActor(self.rect2[0], [1, 0, 0], opacity=0.8)
        self.axes2 = GeneratePolydata.generateAxes(np.identity(4), label='Red', size=7)
        label2 = self._getTextActor([1, 0, 0], [100, 370], opacity=1, text='Rotate about [1,1,1]\n_______')  # Add the text to the frame. This will be upated for the visualization
        self.txt2x = self._getTextActor([1, 0, 0], [100, 350], opacity=0.5, text='theta = 0')  # Add the text to the frame. This will be upated for the visualization
        # self.txt2y = self._getTextActor([1, 0, 0], [100, 325], opacity=0.5, text='Ry = 0')
        # self.txt2z = self._getTextActor([1, 0, 0], [100, 300], opacity=0.5, text='Rz = 0')
        label3 = self._getTextActor([0,0,0], [20, 0], opacity=1, text='Zaylor')  # Add the text to the frame. This will be upated for the visualization



        self.window.iren.AddObserver('KeyPressEvent', self.makeVideo)
        print 'Press "ctrl" to make animation.'