Ejemplo n.º 1
 def put(self, team_name):
     Adds team of team_name into the database.
     Creates teams document if it doesn't exist.
         teams = self.reqmgr_aux_db.document("teams")
     except CouchNotFoundError as ex:
         msg = ("ERROR: Retrieving teams document failed, reason: %s"
                " Creating the document ..." % ex)
             doc = Document(id="teams", inputDict={team_name: None})
         except CouchError as ex:
             msg = "ERROR: Creating document teams failed, reason: %s" % ex
             raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg)
     if team_name in teams:
         return rows(["Already exists."])
         teams[team_name] = None
         # TODO
         # this should ideally also wrap try-except            
         return rows(["OK"])
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get(self, transition):
     Return list of allowed request status.
     If transition, return exhaustive list with all request status
     and their defined transitions.
     if transition == "true":
         return rows([REQUEST_STATE_TRANSITION])
         return rows(REQUEST_STATE_LIST)
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def delete(self, type, site_name, alias):
    """Delete site name associations. Only Global admins and SiteDB operators,
    can delete names for the sites. When more than one
    argument is given, there must be an equal number of arguments for all
    the parameters. For input validation requirements, see the field
    descriptions above. It is an error to attempt to delete a non-existent
    site name association.

    :arg list type: values to delete;
    :arg list site_name: values to delete;
    :arg list alias: values to delete;
    :returns: a list with a dict in which *modified* gives the number of objects
              deleted from the database, which is always *len(type).*"""

    binds = self.api.bindmap(type = type, site_name = site_name, alias = alias)
    lcg = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'lcg', binds)
    cms = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'cms', binds)
    phedex = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'phedex', binds)
    for b in binds: del b['type']
    updated = 0

    if cms:
      c, _ = self.api.executemany("""
        delete from cms_name
        where id in (select cmap.cms_name_id
                     from site s
                     join site_cms_name_map cmap on cmap.site_id = s.id
                     where s.name = :site_name)
          and name = :alias
        """, cms)
      self.api.rowstatus(c, len(cms))
      updated += c.rowcount

    if lcg:
      c, _ = self.api.executemany("""
        delete from sam_name
        where id in (select smap.sam_id
                     from site s
                     join site_cms_name_map cmap on cmap.site_id = s.id
                     join sam_cms_name_map smap on smap.cms_name_id = cmap.cms_name_id
                     where s.name = :site_name)
           and name = :alias
        """, lcg)
      self.api.rowstatus(c, len(lcg))
      updated += c.rowcount

    if phedex:
      c, _ = self.api.executemany("""
        delete from phedex_node
        where site = (select s.id from site s where s.name = :site_name)
          and name = :alias
        """, phedex)
      self.api.rowstatus(c, len(phedex))
      updated += c.rowcount

    result = rows([{ "modified": updated }])
    trace = request.db["handle"]["trace"]
    trace and cherrypy.log("%s commit" % trace)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get(self):
        # authorization / access control:
        # cherrypy (modified CMS web version here) can read this information
        # from HTTP headers. CMS web frontend puts this information into
        # headers as read from SiteDB (or on private VM from a fake
        # SiteDB file)
        #        print "cherrypy.request", cherrypy.request
        #        print "DN: %s" % cherrypy.request.user['dn']
        #        print "Requestor/login: %s" % cherrypy.request.user['login']
        #        print "cherrypy.request: %s" % cherrypy.request
        #        print "cherrypy.request.user: %s" % cherrypy.request.user
        # from WMCore.REST.Auth import authz_match
        # authz_match(role=["Global Admin"], group=["global"])
        # check SiteDB/DataWhoAmI.py

        # implement as authentication decorator over modification calls
        # check config.py main.authz_defaults and SiteDB
        # (only Admin: ReqMgr to be able to modify stuff)

        wmcore_reqmgr_version = WMCore.__version__

        reqmgr_db_info = self.reqmgr_db.info()
        reqmgr_db_info["reqmgr_couch_url"] = self.config.couch_host

        # retrieve the last injected request in the system
        # curl ... /reqmgr_workload_cache/_design/ReqMgr/_view/bydate?descending=true&limit=1
        options = {"descending": True, "limit": 1}
        reqmgr_last_injected_request = self.reqmgr_db.loadView("ReqMgr", "bydate", options=options)
        result = {"wmcore_reqmgr_version": wmcore_reqmgr_version,
                  "reqmgr_db_info": reqmgr_db_info,
                  "reqmgr_last_injected_request": reqmgr_last_injected_request}
        # NOTE:
        # "return result" only would return dict with keys without (!!) values set
        return rows([result])
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def put(self, type, site_name, alias):
    """Insert new site names. Site executive can update their own site, global
    admin can update names for all the sites. When more than one argument is
    given, there must be an equal number of arguments for all the parameters.
    For input validation requirements, see the field descriptions above.
    It is an error to attempt to insert an existing name alias triplet.

    :arg list type: new values;
    :arg list site_name: new values;
    :arg list alias: new values;
    :returns: a list with a dict in which *modified* gives the number of objects
              inserted into the database, which is always *len(type).*"""


    binds = self.api.bindmap(type = type, site_name = site_name, alias = alias)
    lcg = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'lcg', binds)
    cms = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'cms', binds)
    phedex = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'phedex', binds)
    for b in binds: del b['type']
    updated = 0

    if cms:
      c, _ = self.api.executemany("""
        insert all
        into cms_name (id, name) values (cms_name_sq.nextval, alias)
        into site_cms_name_map (site_id, cms_name_id) values (site_id, cms_name_sq.nextval)
        select s.id site_id, :alias alias
        from site s where s.name = :site_name
        """, cms)
      self.api.rowstatus(c, 2*len(cms))
      updated += c.rowcount / 2

    if lcg:
      c, _ = self.api.executemany("""
        insert all
        into sam_name (id, name) values (sam_name_sq.nextval, alias)
        into sam_cms_name_map (cms_name_id, sam_id) values (cms_id, sam_name_sq.nextval)
        select cmap.cms_name_id cms_id, :alias alias
        from site s join site_cms_name_map cmap on cmap.site_id = s.id
        where s.name = :site_name
        """, lcg)
      self.api.rowstatus(c, 2*len(lcg))
      updated += c.rowcount / 2

    if phedex:
      c, _ = self.api.executemany("""
        insert into phedex_node (id, site, name)
        select phedex_node_sq.nextval, s.id, :alias
        from site s where s.name = :site_name
        """, phedex)
      self.api.rowstatus(c, len(phedex))
      updated += c.rowcount

    result = rows([{ "modified": updated }])
    trace = request.db["handle"]["trace"]
    trace and cherrypy.log("%s commit" % trace)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get(self, request_name):

            result = self.wmstats.isWorkflowCompletedWithLogCollectAndCleanUp(request_name)
        except KeyError:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, "Cannot find request: %s" % request_name)

        return rows([result])
Ejemplo n.º 7
  def get(self):
    """Hello world api call.

      This is a paramater.

    :returns: world"""

    return rows(["world"])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get(self):
     Return entire "software" document - all versions and scramarchs.
     sw = self.reqmgr_aux_db.document("software")
     del sw["_id"]
     del sw["_rev"]
     return rows([sw])
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get(self):
     Return list of all groups.
     groups = self.db_handler.document(self.db_name, "groups")
     del groups["_id"]
     del groups["_rev"]
     return rows(groups.keys())
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get(self):
     Return list of all teams.
     teams = self.db_handler.document(self.db_name, "teams")
     del teams["_id"]
     del teams["_rev"]
     return rows(teams.keys())
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get(self):
     Return list of all groups.
     groups = self.reqmgr_aux_db.document("groups")
     del groups["_id"]
     del groups["_rev"]
     return rows(groups.keys())
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get(self):
     Return entire "software" document - all versions and scramarchs.
     sw = self.db_handler.document(self.db_name, "software")
     del sw["_id"]
     del sw["_rev"]
     return rows([sw])
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get(self):
     Return list of all teams.
     teams = self.reqmgr_aux_db.document("teams")
     del teams["_id"]
     del teams["_rev"]
     return rows(teams.keys())
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        Returns request info depending on the conditions set by kwargs
        Currently defined kwargs are following.
        statusList, requestNames, requestType, prepID, inputDataset, outputDataset, dateRange
        If jobInfo is True, returns jobInfomation about the request as well.
        stuff like this has to filtered out from result of this call:
            _attachments: {u'spec': {u'stub': True, u'length': 51712, u'revpos': 2, u'content_type': u'application/json'}}
            _id: maxa_RequestString-OVERRIDE-ME_130621_174227_9225
            _rev: 4-c6ceb2737793aaeac3f1cdf591593da4        

        # list of status
        status = kwargs.get("status", False)
        # list of request names
        name = kwargs.get("name", False)
        type = kwargs.get("type", False)
        prep_id = kwargs.get("prep_id", False)
        inputdataset = kwargs.get("inputdataset", False)
        outputdataset = kwargs.get("outputdataset", False)
        date_range = kwargs.get("date_range", False)
        campaign = kwargs.get("campaign", False)
        workqueue = kwargs.get("workqueue", False)
        team = kwargs.get("team", False)
        # eventhing should be stale view. this only needs for test
        _nostale = kwargs.get("_nostale", False)
        option = {}
        if not _nostale:
            option['stale'] = "update_after"
        request_info =[]
        if status and not team:
            request_info.append(self.get_reqmgr_view("bystatus" , option, status, "list"))
        if status and team:
            request_info.append(self.get_reqmgr_view("byteamandstatus", option, team, "list"))
        if name:
            request_doc = self.reqmgr_db.document(name)
        if prep_id:
            request_info.append(self.get_reqmgr_view("byprepid", option, prep_id, "list"))
        if inputdataset:
            request_info.append(self.get_reqmgr_view("byinputdataset", option, inputdataset, "list"))
        if outputdataset:
            request_info.append(self.get_reqmgr_view("byoutputdataset", option, outputdataset, "list"))
        if date_range:
            request_info.append(self.get_reqmgr_view("bydate", option, date_range, "list"))
        if campaign:
            request_info.append( self.get_reqmgr_view("bycampaign", option, campaign, "list"))
        if workqueue:
            request_info.append(self.get_reqmgr_view("byworkqueue", option, workqueue, "list"))
        #get interaction of the request
        return self._intersection_of_request_info(request_info);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def get(self, request_name, all):
     Returns most recent list of requests in the system.
     Query particular request if request_name is specified.
     Return complete list of all requests in the system if all is set.
         If all is not set, check "default_view_requests_since_num_days"
         config value and show only requests not older than this
         number of days.
     if request_name:
         request_doc = self.db_handler.document(self.db_name, request_name)
         return rows([request_doc])
         options = {"descending": True}
         if not all:
             past_days = self.config.default_view_requests_since_num_days
             current_date = list(time.gmtime()[:6])
             from_date = datetime(*current_date) - timedelta(days=past_days)
             options["endkey"] = list(from_date.timetuple()[:6])
         request_docs = self.db_handler.view(self.db_name,
                                             "ReqMgr", "bydate",
         return rows([request_docs])
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def delete(self, group_name):
     Removes an existing group from the database, raises an error
     if group_name doesn't exist.
     groups = self.reqmgr_aux_db.document("groups")
     if group_name in groups:
         del groups[group_name]
         # TODO
         # this should ideally also wrap try-except
         return rows(["OK"])
         msg = "ERROR: Group '%s' not found in the database." % group_name
         raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, msg)            
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def delete(self, team_name):
     Removes an existing team from the database, raises an error
     if team_name doesn't exist.
     teams = self.reqmgr_aux_db.document("teams")
     if team_name in teams:
         del teams[team_name]
         # TODO
         # this should ideally also wrap try-except
         return rows(["OK"])
         msg = "ERROR: Team '%s' not found in the database." % team_name
         raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404, msg)            
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def get(self, subName=None):
        Return entire self.name document
        subName is subcategory of document which is added as postfix string
            if subName:
                docName = "%s_%s" % (self.name, subName)
                docName = self.name
            sw = self.reqmgr_aux_db.document(docName)
            del sw["_id"]
            del sw["_rev"]
        except CouchNotFoundError:
            raise NoSuchInstance

        return rows([sw])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def modifynocheck(self, sql, *binds, **kwbinds):
        """This is the same as `WMCore.REST.Server`:modify method but
           not implementing any kind of checks on the number of modified

        :arg str sql: SQL modify statement.
        :arg list binds: Bind variables by position: list of dictionaries.
        :arg dict kwbinds: Bind variables by keyword: dictionary of lists.
        :result: See :meth:`rowstatus` and description in `WMCore.REST.Server`."""
        if binds:
            c, _ = self.executemany(sql, *binds, **kwbinds)
            kwbinds = self.bindmap(**kwbinds)
            c, _ = self.executemany(sql, kwbinds, *binds)
        trace = cherrypy.request.db["handle"]["trace"]
        trace and cherrypy.log("%s commit" % trace)
        return rows([{ "modified": c.rowcount }])
Ejemplo n.º 20
  def get(self):
    """Return information on the calling user.

    The user description contains the following fields. All the information
    is always present, regardless of authentication method. Data not known
    will be null, for example if access is made using CMS VO X509 certificate
    which is not registered in SiteDB, much of the information will be empty.

      The full name.

      CERN account.

      X509 certificate distinguished name.

      Authentication method, one of ``X509Cert``, ``X509Proxy``, ``HNLogin``,
      ``HostIP``, ``AUCookie`` or ``None``. In practice for SiteDB it will
      only be one of the first two since the latter three are not allowed
      authentication methods for SiteDB and this REST entity.

      A dictionary of authorisation roles possessed by the user. For each
      role the person has, there will be a key-value pair where the key is
      the *canonical* role name, and the value is another dictionary with
      keys ``group`` and ``site``, each of whose value is a list. The lists
      will contain the *canonical* group and site names for which the role
      applies, respectively. Canonical names are all lower-case, with all
      word delimiters replaced with a single dash. For example the canonical
      role title for "Global Admin" is "global-admin", and for the site
      "T1\_CH\_CERN" it is "t1-ch-cern".

    :returns: sequence of one dictionary which describes the user."""

    user = cherrypy.request.user
    for authz in user['roles'].values():
      for k in ('site', 'group'):
        authz[k] = [x for x in authz[k]]
    return rows([cherrypy.request.user])
Ejemplo n.º 21
  def put(self, site_name, type, fqdn, is_primary):
    """Insert new site resources. Site executive / admin can update their own
    site, global admin can update resources for all the sites. When more than
    one argument is given, there must be an equal number of arguments for all
    the parameters. For input validation requirements, see the field
    descriptions above. It is an error to attemp to insert an existing site

    :arg list site_name: new values;
    :arg list type: new values;
    :arg list fqdn: new values;
    :arg list is_primary: new values;
    :returns: a list with a dict in which *modified* gives the number of objects
              inserted into the database, which is always *len(site_name).*"""


    # Update both the new and the old table to be compatible with v1.
    # The old one could be withdraw once v1 gets fully deprecated.
    binds = self.api.bindmap(site_name = site_name, type = type,
                             fqdn = fqdn, is_primary = is_primary)
    c, _ = self.api.executemany("""
      insert all
      into resource_element (id, site, fqdn, type, is_primary)
        values (resource_element_sq.nextval, site_id, :fqdn, :type, :is_primary)
      into resource_cms_name_map (resource_id, cms_name_id)
        values (resource_element_sq.nextval, cms_name_id)
      select s.id site_id, ss.cms_name_id cms_name_id
        from site s join site_cms_name_map ss on s.id = ss.site_id
        where s.name = :site_name
      """, binds)
    self.api.rowstatus(c, 2*len(binds))

    result = rows([{ "modified": c.rowcount / 2 }])
    trace = request.db["handle"]["trace"]
    trace and cherrypy.log("%s commit" % trace)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        Returns request info depending on the conditions set by kwargs
        Currently defined kwargs are following.
        statusList, requestNames, requestType, prepID, inputDataset, outputDataset, dateRange
        If jobInfo is True, returns jobInfomation about the request as well.
        stuff like this has to filtered out from result of this call:
            _attachments: {u'spec': {u'stub': True, u'length': 51712, u'revpos': 2, u'content_type': u'application/json'}}
            _id: maxa_RequestString-OVERRIDE-ME_130621_174227_9225
            _rev: 4-c6ceb2737793aaeac3f1cdf591593da4        

        if len(kwargs) == 0:
            kwargs['status'] = "running"
            options = {"descending": True, 'include_docs': True, 'limit': 200}
            request_docs = self.reqmgr_db.loadView("ReqMgr", "bystatus",
            return rows([request_docs])

        # list of status
        status = kwargs.get("status", False)
        # list of request names
        name = kwargs.get("name", False)
        request_type = kwargs.get("request_type", False)
        prep_id = kwargs.get("prep_id", False)
        inputdataset = kwargs.get("inputdataset", False)
        outputdataset = kwargs.get("outputdataset", False)
        date_range = kwargs.get("date_range", False)
        campaign = kwargs.get("campaign", False)
        workqueue = kwargs.get("workqueue", False)
        team = kwargs.get("team", False)

        # eventhing should be stale view. this only needs for test
        _nostale = kwargs.get("_nostale", False)
        option = {}
        if _nostale:

        request_info = []

        if status and not team and not request_type:
                    "bystatus", option, status))
        if status and team:
                    "byteamandstatus", option, [[team, status]]))
        if status and request_type:
                    "byteamandstatus", option, [[team, status]]))
        if name:
        if prep_id:
                    "byprepid", option, prep_id))
        if inputdataset:
                    "byinputdataset", option, inputdataset))
        if outputdataset:
                    "byoutputdataset", option, outputdataset))
        if date_range:
                    "bydate", option, date_range))
        if campaign:
                    "bycampaign", option, campaign))
        if workqueue:
                    "byworkqueue", option, workqueue))

        #get interaction of the request
        result = self._intersection_of_request_info(request_info)
        if len(result) == 0:
            return []
        return rows([result])
 def get(self):
     # This assumes DataCahe is periodically updated.
     # If data is not updated, need to check, dataCacheUpdate log
     return rows(DataCache.filterData(ACTIVE_NO_CLOSEOUT_FILTER,
                                      ["InputDataset", "OutputDatasets", "MCPileup", "DataPileup"]))
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def get(self, request_name):
     result = self.wmstats.getRequestSummaryWithJobInfo(request_name)
     return rows([result])
Ejemplo n.º 25
            groups = self.reqmgr_aux_db.document("groups")
        except CouchNotFoundError, ex:
            msg = ("ERROR: Retrieving groups document failed, reason: %s"
                   " Creating the document ..." % ex)
                doc = Document(id="groups", inputDict={group_name: None})
            except CouchError, ex:
                msg = "ERROR: Creating document groups failed, reason: %s" % ex
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg)

        if group_name in groups:
            return rows(["Already exists."])
            groups[group_name] = None
            # TODO
            # this should ideally also wrap try-except
            return rows(["OK"])

class Team(RESTEntity):
    Teams are stored in the ReqMgr reqmgr_auxiliary database.
    "teams" is used as id of the document, but the document
        itself has to be JSON: we use {"teams": [list, of, group, names]
    When request goes through assignment status, it gets assigned
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def get(self, doc_name):
     config = ReqMgrConfigDataCache.getConfig(doc_name)
     return rows([config])
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        Returns request info depending on the conditions set by kwargs
        Currently defined kwargs are following.
        statusList, requestNames, requestType, prepID, inputDataset, outputDataset, dateRange
        If jobInfo is True, returns jobInfomation about the request as well.

        stuff like this has to masked out from result of this call:
            _attachments: {u'spec': {u'stub': True, u'length': 51712, u'revpos': 2, u'content_type': u'application/json'}}
            _id: maxa_RequestString-OVERRIDE-ME_130621_174227_9225
            _rev: 4-c6ceb2737793aaeac3f1cdf591593da4

        # list of status
        status = kwargs.get("status", [])
        # list of request names
        name = kwargs.get("name", [])
        request_type = kwargs.get("request_type", [])
        prep_id = kwargs.get("prep_id", [])
        inputdataset = kwargs.get("inputdataset", [])
        outputdataset = kwargs.get("outputdataset",[])
        date_range = kwargs.get("date_range", False)
        campaign = kwargs.get("campaign", [])
        workqueue = kwargs.get("workqueue", [])
        team = kwargs.get("team", [])
        mc_pileup = kwargs.get("mc_pileup", [])
        data_pileup = kwargs.get("data_pileup", [])
        requestor = kwargs.get("requestor", [])
        mask = kwargs.get("mask", [])
        detail = kwargs.get("detail", True)
        # set the return format. default format has requset name as a key
        # if is set to one it returns list of dictionary with RequestName field.
        common_dict = int(kwargs.get("common_dict", 0))
        if detail in (False, "false", "False", "FALSE"):
            option = {"include_docs": False}
            option = {"include_docs": True}
        # eventhing should be stale view. this only needs for test
        _nostale = kwargs.get("_nostale", False)
        if _nostale:

        request_info = []
        if len(status) == 1 and status[0] == "ACTIVE":
            status = ACTIVE_STATUS
        if status and not team and not request_type and not requestor:
            request_info.append(self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("bystatus", option, status))
        if status and team:
            query_keys = [[t, s] for t in team for s in status] 
                self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("byteamandstatus", option, query_keys))
        if status and request_type:
            query_keys = [[s, rt] for rt in request_type for s in status]
                                                                             option, query_keys))
        if status and requestor:
            query_keys = [[s, r] for r in requestor for s in status] 
                self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("bystatusandrequestor", option, query_keys))        
        if name:
        if prep_id:
            request_info.append(self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("byprepid", option, prep_id))
        if inputdataset:
            request_info.append(self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("byinputdataset", option, inputdataset))
        if outputdataset:
            request_info.append(self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("byoutputdataset", option, outputdataset))
        if date_range:
            request_info.append(self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("bydate", option, date_range))
        if campaign:
            request_info.append(self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("bycampaign", option, campaign))
        if workqueue:
            request_info.append(self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("byworkqueue", option, workqueue))
        if mc_pileup:
            request_info.append(self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("bymcpileup", option, mc_pileup))
        if data_pileup:
            request_info.append(self.reqmgr_db_service.getRequestByCouchView("bydatapileup", option, data_pileup))
        # get interaction of the request
        result = self._intersection_of_request_info(request_info)
        if len(result) == 0:
            return []
        result = self._mask_result(mask, result)
        # If detail is set to False return just list of request name
        if not option["include_docs"]:
            return result.keys()
        if common_dict == 1:
            response_list = result.values()
            response_list = [result] 
        return rows(response_list)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        Returns request info depending on the conditions set by kwargs
        Currently defined kwargs are following.
        statusList, requestNames, requestType, prepID, inputDataset, outputDataset, dateRange
        If jobInfo is True, returns jobInfomation about the request as well.

        stuff like this has to masked out from result of this call:
            _attachments: {u'spec': {u'stub': True, u'length': 51712, u'revpos': 2, u'content_type': u'application/json'}}
            _id: maxa_RequestString-OVERRIDE-ME_130621_174227_9225
            _rev: 4-c6ceb2737793aaeac3f1cdf591593da4

        ### pop arguments unrelated to the user query
        mask = kwargs.pop("mask", [])
        detail = kwargs.pop("detail", True)
        common_dict = int(kwargs.pop("common_dict", 0))  # modifies the response format
        nostale = kwargs.pop("_nostale", False)

        ### these are the query strings supported by this API
        status = kwargs.get("status", [])
        name = kwargs.get("name", [])
        request_type = kwargs.get("request_type", [])
        prep_id = kwargs.get("prep_id", [])
        inputdataset = kwargs.get("inputdataset", [])
        outputdataset = kwargs.get("outputdataset", [])
        date_range = kwargs.get("date_range", False)
        campaign = kwargs.get("campaign", [])
        team = kwargs.get("team", [])
        mc_pileup = kwargs.get("mc_pileup", [])
        data_pileup = kwargs.get("data_pileup", [])
        requestor = kwargs.get("requestor", [])

        # further tweaks to the couch queries
        if len(status) == 1 and status[0] == "ACTIVE":
            status = ACTIVE_STATUS
        if detail in (False, "false", "False", "FALSE"):
            option = {"include_docs": False}
            option = {"include_docs": True}
        # everything should be stale view. this only needs for test
        if nostale:

        request_info = []
        queryMatched = False  # flag to avoid calling the same view twice
        if len(kwargs) == 2:
            if status and team:
                query_keys = [[t, s] for t in team for s in status]
                                                                                 option, query_keys))
                queryMatched = True
            elif status and request_type:
                query_keys = [[s, rt] for rt in request_type for s in status]
                                                                                 option, query_keys))
                queryMatched = True
            elif status and requestor:
                query_keys = [[s, r] for r in requestor for s in status]
                                                                                 option, query_keys))
                queryMatched = True
        elif len(kwargs) == 3:
            if status and request_type and requestor:
                query_keys = [[s, rt, req] for s in status for rt in request_type for req in requestor]
                                                                                 option, query_keys))
                queryMatched = True

        # anything else that hasn't matched the query combination above
        if not queryMatched:
            if status:
                                                                                 option, status))
            if name:
            if request_type:
                                                                                 option, request_type))
            if prep_id:
                                                                                 option, prep_id))
            if inputdataset:
                                                                                 option, inputdataset))
            if outputdataset:
                                                                                 option, outputdataset))
            if date_range:
                                                                                 option, date_range))
            if campaign:
                                                                                 option, campaign))
            if mc_pileup:
                                                                                 option, mc_pileup))
            if data_pileup:
                                                                                 option, data_pileup))

        # get the intersection of the request data
        result = self._intersection_of_request_info(request_info)

        if not result:
            return []

        result = self._maskResult(mask, result)

        if not option["include_docs"]:
            return list(result)

        # set the return format. default format has request name as a key
        # if is set to one it returns list of dictionary with RequestName field.
        if common_dict == 1:
            response_list = listvalues(result)
            response_list = [result]
        return rows(response_list)
 def get(self):
     # This assumes DataCahe is periodically updated.
     # If data is not updated, need to check, dataCacheUpdate log
     return rows(DataCache.getProtectedLFNs())
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def get(self):
     # This assumes DataCahe is periodically updated.
     # If data is not updated, need to check, dataCacheUpdate log
     return rows([DataCache.getlatestJobData()])
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def get(self):
     # This assumes DataCahe is periodically updated.
     # If data is not updated, need to check, dataCacheUpdate log
     return rows(DataCache.getProtectedLFNs())
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def get(self, mask=None, **input_condition):
     # This assumes DataCahe is periodically updated.
     # If data is not updated, need to check, dataCacheUpdate log
     return rows(DataCache.filterDataByRequest(input_condition, mask))
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def get(self):
     return rows(['foo'])
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def get(self):
     result = self.wmstats.agentsByTeam(filterDrain=False)
     return rows(result.keys())
 def get(self, mask=None, **input_condition):
     # This assumes DataCahe is periodically updated.
     # If data is not updated, need to check, dataCacheUpdate log
     return rows(DataCache.filterDataByRequest(input_condition, mask))
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def delete(self, type, site_name, alias):
        """Delete site name associations. Only Global admins and SiteDB operators,
    can delete names for the sites. When more than one
    argument is given, there must be an equal number of arguments for all
    the parameters. For input validation requirements, see the field
    descriptions above. It is an error to attempt to delete a non-existent
    site name association.

    :arg list type: values to delete;
    :arg list site_name: values to delete;
    :arg list alias: values to delete;
    :returns: a list with a dict in which *modified* gives the number of objects
              deleted from the database, which is always *len(type).*"""

        binds = self.api.bindmap(type=type, site_name=site_name, alias=alias)
        lcg = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'lcg', binds)
        cms = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'cms', binds)
        phedex = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'phedex', binds)
        psn = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'psn', binds)
        for b in binds:
            del b['type']
        updated = 0

        if cms:
            c, _ = self.api.executemany(
        delete from cms_name
        where id in (select cmap.cms_name_id
                     from site s
                     join site_cms_name_map cmap on cmap.site_id = s.id
                     where s.name = :site_name)
          and name = :alias
        """, cms)
            self.api.rowstatus(c, len(cms))
            updated += c.rowcount

        if lcg:
            c, _ = self.api.executemany(
        delete from sam_name
        where id in (select smap.sam_id
                     from site s
                     join site_cms_name_map cmap on cmap.site_id = s.id
                     join sam_cms_name_map smap on smap.cms_name_id = cmap.cms_name_id
                     where s.name = :site_name)
           and name = :alias
        """, lcg)
            self.api.rowstatus(c, len(lcg))
            updated += c.rowcount

        if phedex:
            c, _ = self.api.executemany(
        delete from phedex_node
        where site = (select s.id from site s where s.name = :site_name)
          and name = :alias
        """, phedex)
            self.api.rowstatus(c, len(phedex))
            updated += c.rowcount

        if psn:
            c, _ = self.api.executemany(
        delete from psn_node
        where site = (select s.id from site s where s.name = :site_name)
          and name = :alias
        """, psn)
            self.api.rowstatus(c, len(psn))
            updated += c.rowcount

        result = rows([{"modified": updated}])
        trace = request.db["handle"]["trace"]
        trace and cherrypy.log("%s commit" % trace)
        return result
 def get(self):
     # This assumes DataCahe is periodically updated.
     # If data is not updated, need to check, dataCacheUpdate log
     return rows(DataCache.filterData(ACTIVE_STATUS_FILTER, ["OutputModulesLFNBases"]))
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def put(self, type, site_name, alias):
        """Insert new site names. Only global admins and SiteDB operators can
    update names for the sites. When more than one argument is
    given, there must be an equal number of arguments for all the parameters.
    For input validation requirements, see the field descriptions above.
    It is an error to attempt to insert an existing name alias triplet.

    :arg list type: new values;
    :arg list site_name: new values;
    :arg list alias: new values;
    :returns: a list with a dict in which *modified* gives the number of objects
              inserted into the database, which is always *len(type).*"""

        binds = self.api.bindmap(type=type, site_name=site_name, alias=alias)
        lcg = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'lcg', binds)
        cms = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'cms', binds)
        phedex = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'phedex', binds)
        psn = filter(lambda b: b['type'] == 'psn', binds)
        for b in binds:
            del b['type']
        updated = 0

        if cms:
            c, _ = self.api.executemany(
        insert all
        into cms_name (id, name) values (cms_name_sq.nextval, alias)
        into site_cms_name_map (site_id, cms_name_id) values (site_id, cms_name_sq.nextval)
        select s.id site_id, :alias alias
        from site s where s.name = :site_name
        """, cms)
            self.api.rowstatus(c, 2 * len(cms))
            updated += c.rowcount / 2

        if lcg:
            c, _ = self.api.executemany(
        insert all
        into sam_name (id, name) values (sam_name_sq.nextval, alias)
        into sam_cms_name_map (cms_name_id, sam_id) values (cms_id, sam_name_sq.nextval)
        select cmap.cms_name_id cms_id, :alias alias
        from site s join site_cms_name_map cmap on cmap.site_id = s.id
        where s.name = :site_name
        """, lcg)
            self.api.rowstatus(c, 2 * len(lcg))
            updated += c.rowcount / 2

        if phedex:
            c, _ = self.api.executemany(
        insert into phedex_node (id, site, name)
        select phedex_node_sq.nextval, s.id, :alias
        from site s where s.name = :site_name
        """, phedex)
            self.api.rowstatus(c, len(phedex))
            updated += c.rowcount

        if psn:
            c, _ = self.api.executemany(
        insert into psn_node (id, site, name)
        select psn_node_sq.nextval, s.id, :alias
        from site s where s.name = :site_name
        """, psn)
            self.api.rowstatus(c, len(psn))
            updated += c.rowcount

        result = rows([{"modified": updated}])
        trace = request.db["handle"]["trace"]
        trace and cherrypy.log("%s commit" % trace)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def get(self):
     # This assumes DataCahe is periodically updated. 
     # If data is not updated, need to check, dataCacheUpdate log
     return rows([DataCache.getlatestJobData()])
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def get(self):
     return rows(REQUEST_TYPES)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def get(self, request_name):
     result = self.wmstats.getRequestSummaryWithJobInfo(request_name)
     return rows([result])
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def get(self):
     return rows(REQUEST_TYPES)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def get(self, request_name, sample_size):
     result = self.wmstats.getTaskJobSummaryByRequest(request_name, sample_size)
     return rows([result])
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        Returns request info depending on the conditions set by kwargs
        Currently defined kwargs are following.
        statusList, requestNames, requestType, prepID, inputDataset, outputDataset, dateRange
        If jobInfo is True, returns jobInfomation about the request as well.

        stuff like this has to masked out from result of this call:
            _attachments: {u'spec': {u'stub': True, u'length': 51712, u'revpos': 2, u'content_type': u'application/json'}}
            _id: maxa_RequestString-OVERRIDE-ME_130621_174227_9225
            _rev: 4-c6ceb2737793aaeac3f1cdf591593da4

        # list of status
        status = kwargs.get("status", [])
        # list of request names
        name = kwargs.get("name", [])
        request_type = kwargs.get("request_type", [])
        prep_id = kwargs.get("prep_id", [])
        inputdataset = kwargs.get("inputdataset", [])
        outputdataset = kwargs.get("outputdataset", [])
        date_range = kwargs.get("date_range", False)
        campaign = kwargs.get("campaign", [])
        workqueue = kwargs.get("workqueue", [])
        team = kwargs.get("team", [])
        mc_pileup = kwargs.get("mc_pileup", [])
        data_pileup = kwargs.get("data_pileup", [])
        requestor = kwargs.get("requestor", [])
        mask = kwargs.get("mask", [])
        detail = kwargs.get("detail", True)
        # set the return format. default format has requset name as a key
        # if is set to one it returns list of dictionary with RequestName field.
        common_dict = int(kwargs.get("common_dict", 0))
        if detail in (False, "false", "False", "FALSE"):
            option = {"include_docs": False}
            option = {"include_docs": True}
        # eventhing should be stale view. this only needs for test
        _nostale = kwargs.get("_nostale", False)
        if _nostale:

        request_info = []

        if len(status) == 1 and status[0] == "ACTIVE":
            status = ACTIVE_STATUS
        if status and not team and not request_type and not requestor:
                    "bystatus", option, status))
        if status and team:
            query_keys = [[t, s] for t in team for s in status]
                    "byteamandstatus", option, query_keys))
        if status and request_type:
            query_keys = [[s, rt] for rt in request_type for s in status]
                    "requestsbystatusandtype", option, query_keys))
        if status and requestor:
            query_keys = [[s, r] for r in requestor for s in status]
                    "bystatusandrequestor", option, query_keys))

        if name:
        if prep_id:
                    "byprepid", option, prep_id))
        if inputdataset:
                    "byinputdataset", option, inputdataset))
        if outputdataset:
                    "byoutputdataset", option, outputdataset))
        if date_range:
                    "bydate", option, date_range))
        if campaign:
                    "bycampaign", option, campaign))
        if workqueue:
                    "byworkqueue", option, workqueue))
        if mc_pileup:
                    "bymcpileup", option, mc_pileup))
        if data_pileup:
                    "bydatapileup", option, data_pileup))
        # get interaction of the request
        result = self._intersection_of_request_info(request_info)

        if len(result) == 0:
            return []

        result = self._mask_result(mask, result)
        # If detail is set to False return just list of request name
        if not option["include_docs"]:
            return result.keys()

        if common_dict == 1:
            response_list = result.values()
            response_list = [result]
        return rows(response_list)
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def get(self):
     results = DataCache.getlatestJobData()
     if results == None or DataCache.islatestJobDataExpired():
         results = self.wmstats.getActiveData(jobInfoFlag=True)
     return rows([results])
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def get(self, doc_name):
     config = ReqMgrConfigDataCache.getConfig(doc_name)
     return rows([config])