def do_fr(imgs_paths): modelmame = basename(splitext(FR_netcfg)[0]) weight = basename(splitext(FR_weights)[0]) model_dir = join('output_txt/', modelmame + '_' + valid_dataset) final_dir = join(model_dir, weight) if not isdir(model_dir): mkdir(model_dir) if not isdir(final_dir): mkdir(final_dir) for img_path in imgs_paths: print 'FRD processing on', img_path img = cv2.imread(img_path) frds, wh = dn.detect(FR_net, FR_meta, img, threshold) txt_file = open( join(final_dir, basename(splitext(img_path)[0]) + '.txt'), 'w') if len(frds) == 0: txt_file.write('') continue for frd in frds: cx, cy, w, h = (np.array(frd[2])).tolist() tl = np.array([cx - w / 2., cy - h / 2.]) br = np.array([cx + w / 2., cy + h / 2.]) label_FR = Label(tl=tl, br=br) tl = br = txt_file.write(frd[0] + ' ' + str('%.2f' % frd[1]) + ' ' + str(tl[0]) + ' ' + str(tl[1]) + ' ' + str(br[0]) + ' ' + str(br[1]) + '\n') print '\twrote result to', join( final_dir, basename(splitext(img_path)[0]) + '.txt') txt_file.close()
def augment_sample(I,pts,dim): maxsum,maxangle = 120,np.array([80.,80.,45.]) angles = np.random.rand(3)*maxangle if angles.sum() > maxsum: angles = (angles/angles.sum())*(maxangle/maxangle.sum()) I = im2single(I) iwh = getWH(I.shape) whratio = random.uniform(2.,4.) wsiz = random.uniform(dim*.2,dim*1.) hsiz = wsiz/whratio dx = random.uniform(0.,dim - wsiz) dy = random.uniform(0.,dim - hsiz) pph = getRectPts(dx,dy,dx+wsiz,dy+hsiz) pts = pts*iwh.reshape((2,1)) T = find_T_matrix(pts2ptsh(pts),pph) H = perspective_transform((dim,dim),angles=angles) H = np.matmul(H,T) Iroi,pts = project(I,H,pts,dim) hsv_mod = np.random.rand(3).astype('float32') hsv_mod = (hsv_mod - .5)*.3 hsv_mod[0] *= 360 Iroi = hsv_transform(Iroi,hsv_mod) Iroi = np.clip(Iroi,0.,1.) pts = np.array(pts) if random.random() > .5: Iroi,pts = flip_image_and_pts(Iroi,pts) tl,br = pts.min(1),pts.max(1) llp = Label(0,tl,br) return Iroi,llp,pts
def fr_detect(img): print '\t\t\tdetecting front and rear using FRD..., Model:', FR_netcfg results, wh = dn.detect(FR_net, FR_meta, img, threshold) # the results will be list according to its probability , high prob -> low prob if len(results): print '\t\t\tFR detection completed' FRs = [] category = [] for i, result in enumerate(results): WH = np.array(img.shape[1::-1], dtype=float) cx, cy, w, h = (np.array(result[2]) / np.concatenate((WH, WH))).tolist() tl = np.array([cx - w / 2., cy - h / 2.]) br = np.array([cx + w / 2., cy + h / 2.]) print '\t\t\tFR number', i, 'position:', tl, br, 'prob:', result[1] FRs.append(Label(tl=tl, br=br)) category.append(result[0]) return np.array(FRs), category else: print '\t\t\tFR detection failed'
def do_fr_after_YOLO(imgs_paths): output_dir = 'output_txt/fr_after_YOLO_kr' # using yolo v2 - voc YOLO_weights = 'data/vehicle-detector/yolov3.weights' YOLO_netcfg = 'data/vehicle-detector/yolov3.cfg' YOLO_data = 'data/vehicle-detector/' print 'YOLOv3 weights pre-loading...' YOLO_net = dn.load_net(YOLO_netcfg, YOLO_weights, 0) YOLO_meta = dn.load_meta(YOLO_data) threshold = 0.5 for img_path in imgs_paths: print 'detecting cars in', img_path img = cv2.imread(img_path) results, wh = dn.detect(YOLO_net, YOLO_meta, img, threshold) txt_file = open( join(output_dir, basename(splitext(img_path)[0]) + '.txt'), 'w') if len(results) == 0: txt_file.write('') continue for result in results: if result[0] in ['car', 'bus']: WH = np.array(img.shape[1::-1], dtype=float) cx, cy, w, h = (np.array(result[2]) / np.concatenate( (WH, WH))).tolist() tl = np.array([cx - w / 2., cy - h / 2.]) br = np.array([cx + w / 2., cy + h / 2.]) label_sub = Label(tl=tl, br=br) sub_img = crop_region(img, label_sub) # sub_image FRD, only process the highest prob one print '\tFRD processing...' frd, _ = dn.detect(FR_net, FR_meta, sub_img, threshold) if len(frd) == 0: continue WH_sub = np.array(sub_img.shape[1::-1], dtype=float) cx, cy, w, h = (np.array(frd[0][2]) / np.concatenate( (WH_sub, WH_sub))).tolist() tl = np.array([cx - w / 2., cy - h / 2.]) br = np.array([cx + w / 2., cy + h / 2.]) label_FR = Label(tl=tl, br=br) label_scale_up = Label( * WH + * WH_sub, * WH + * WH_sub) tl = br = txt_file.write(frd[0][0] + ' ' + str('%.2f' % frd[0][1]) + ' ' + str(tl[0]) + ' ' + str(tl[1]) + ' ' + str(br[0]) + ' ' + str(br[1]) + '\n') print '\twrote result to', join( output_dir, basename(splitext(img_path)[0]) + '.txt') txt_file.close()
def __init__(self, cl, pts, prob): self.pts = pts tl = np.amin(pts, 1) br = np.amax(pts, 1) Label.__init__(self, cl, tl, br, prob)
def getSquare(self): tl,br = self.pts.min(1),self.pts.max(1) return Label(-1,tl,br)
# R = [r for r in R if r[0] in ['front', 'rear']] print '\t\t%d cars found' % len(R) if len(R): Iorig = cv2.imread(img_path) WH = np.array(Iorig.shape[1::-1],dtype=float) Lcars = [] # each detected vehicle for i,r in enumerate(R): # make the bounding box coordinate be related to the original image size cx,cy,w,h = (np.array(r[2])/np.concatenate( (WH,WH) )).tolist() # tl-> top left, br-> bottom right tl = np.array([cx - w/2., cy - h/2.]) br = np.array([cx + w/2., cy + h/2.]) label = Label(0,tl,br) Icar = crop_region(Iorig,label) Lcars.append(label) cv2.imwrite('%s/%s_%dcar.png' % (output_dir,bname,i),Icar) lwrite('%s/%s_cars.txt' % (output_dir,bname),Lcars) except: traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)
def union_area(bb_1, bb_2): final_tl = np.minimum.reduce([bb_1[0], bb_1[1], bb_2[0], bb_2[1]]) final_br = np.maximum.reduce([bb_1[0], bb_1[1], bb_2[0], bb_2[1]]) return Label(tl=final_tl, br=final_br)
R = [r for r in R if r[0] in ['car', 'bus']] print '\t\t%d cars found' % len(R) if len(R): WH = np.array(img.shape[1::-1], dtype=float) Lcars = [] for i, r in enumerate(R): cx, cy, w, h = (np.array(r[2]) / np.concatenate( (WH, WH))).tolist() tl = np.array([cx - w / 2., cy - h / 2.]) br = np.array([cx + w / 2., cy + h / 2.]) label = Label(0, tl, br) Lcars.append(label) lwrite('%s/%s_cars.txt' % (output_dir, bname), Lcars) # license plate detection try: # colors are BGR in opencv YELLOW = (0, 255, 255) RED = (0, 0, 255) PINK = (232, 28, 232) input_dir = output_dir lp_threshold = 0.5