Ejemplo n.º 1
def inventory_pc_delete(item_id):

    sql = """ DELETE FROM Inventory WHERE id = '{}' """.format(item_id)
    sqlite_api(db, sql, "write")

    # Send log #
    now_log = datetime.now()
    send_log(f'{current_user.username}, deleted item: {item_id} at {now_log}', 'InventoryActivity')
    flash("Item has been deleted", "success")
    return redirect (url_for("process_control.inventory_pc"))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def inventory_details(item_id):
    user_id = current_user.id

    cart = []
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM Cart WHERE userId = {} """.format(user_id)
    cart = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")

    sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE id = {} """.format(item_id)
    items = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
    item = items[0]

    return render_template("process_control/inventory_details.html", item = item, cart = cart)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mill_log_delete(log_id):
    if not current_user.is_admin:
        user = User.query.filter_by(id=current_user.id).first()
        rights = [right.group for right in user.rights]
        if not 'Production' in rights:

    db = "./app/WebApp/databases/logs.db"
    sql = """ DELETE FROM MillLogs WHERE id = {} """.format(log_id)
    sqlite_api(db, sql, 'write')

    flash('This log has been deleted', 'success')
    return redirect(url_for('production.mill_log'))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def inventory_cart_remove(item_id):
    user_id = current_user.id
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM cart WHERE userId = '{}' """.format(user_id)
    user_cart = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
    item_ids = [item["inventoryId"] for item in user_cart]
    if item_id not in item_ids:
        flash("This item was not in your cart.","danger")
        return redirect(url_for("process_control.inventory_pc"))

    sql = """ DELETE FROM Cart WHERE userId = '{}' and inventoryId = '{}' """.format(user_id, item_id)
    sqlite_api(db, sql, 'write')

    flash("This item has been removed from your cart.", "success")
    return redirect(url_for('process_control.inventory_pc'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def inventory_cart(item_id):
    user_id = current_user.id
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM cart WHERE userId = '{}' """.format(user_id)
    user_cart = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
    for item in user_cart:
        if item["inventoryId"] == item_id:
            flash("This item is already in your cart","danger")
            return redirect(url_for("process_control.inventory_pc"))
    sql = """ INSERT INTO cart (userId, InventoryId)
    VALUES ('{}', '{}'); """.format(user_id, item_id)
    sqlite_api(db, sql, "write")

    flash("Item has been added to cart.", "success")
    return redirect(url_for("process_control.inventory_pc"))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def inventory_cart_checkout():
    user_id = current_user.id
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM Cart WHERE userId = '{}' """.format(user_id)
    cart = sqlite_api(db, sql, 'read')
    item_ids = [item["inventoryId"] for item in cart]

    sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE""".format(user_id)
    for item in item_ids:
        if sql == """ SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE""".format(user_id):
            sql = sql + " id = '{}'".format(item)
            sql = sql + " or id = '{}'".format(item)
    items = sqlite_api(db, sql, 'read')

    return render_template("process_control/checkout.html", cart=cart, items=items)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def inventory_display_image(item_id):

    sql = """ SELECT image, itemName FROM Inventory WHERE id = {} """.format(item_id)
    items = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
    item = items[0]

    return "<img src='{}' />".format(url_for('static', filename= 'InventoryPics/'+ item['image']))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def validate_sap_id(self, sap_id):
     sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE SapId = '{}' """.format(
     sapId = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
     if sapId:
         raise ValidationError(
             "An item with this SAP Id already exists, please search inventory for this item."
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def validate_serial_number(self, serial_number):
     sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE serialNumber = '{}' """.format(
     serialNumber = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
     if serialNumber:
         raise ValidationError(
             "An item with this serial number already exists, please search inventory for this item."
Ejemplo n.º 10
def inventory_json(value):
    results = []

    #get data from database#
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory """
    results = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
    return jsonify(results)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def validate_location_id(self, location_id):
     sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE locationId = '{}' """.format(
     locationIds = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
     if locationIds:
         raise ValidationError(
             "That Location is taken, Please contact administrator to fix this problem"
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def validate_part_number(self, part_number):
     sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE partNumber = '{}' """.format(
     partNumber = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
     if partNumber:
         raise ValidationError(
             "An item with this part number already exists, please search inventory for this item."
Ejemplo n.º 13
def mill_log():
    db = "./app/WebApp/databases/logs.db"

    sql = """ SELECT * FROM MillLogs """
    logs = sqlite_api(db, sql, 'read')

    return render_template('production/mill_log.html',
                           title="Mill Logs")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def inventory_cart_completeCheckout(jsonObj):
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory """
    objs = json.loads(jsonObj)
    for obj in objs:
        if sql == """ SELECT * FROM Inventory """:
            sql = sql + "WHERE id = '{}'".format(obj["itemId"])
            sql = sql + " or id = '{}'".format(obj["itemId"])

    items = sqlite_api(db, sql, 'read')

    data = []
    for obj in objs:
        for item in items:
            if int(obj["itemId"]) == item["id"]:
                #Compile data for retrieval#
                d = {
                    'itemName' : item['itemName'],
                    'rQuantity' : obj['quantity'],
                    'itemLocation' : item['locationId']
                #UPDATE DATABASE#
                new_quantity = item['quantity'] - int(obj["quantity"])
                sql = """ UPDATE Inventory SET quantity = '{}' WHERE id = '{}'""".format(new_quantity, item['id'])
                sqlite_api(db, sql, 'write')

                #REMOVE items from cart#
                sql = """ DELETE FROM cart WHERE userId = '{}' """.format(current_user.id)
                sqlite_api(db, sql, 'write')

    flash("Your items have been removed from inventory.","success")
    return render_template("process_control/inventory_retrieve_items.html", data = data)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def inventory_pc():
    user_id = current_user.id
    inventory = []
    cart = []

    #get data from database#
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM Cart WHERE userId = {} """.format(user_id)
    cart = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory """
    inventory = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
    manufacturers = filter_attributes(inventory, "manufacturer")
    models = filter_attributes(inventory, "model")
    categories = filter_attributes(inventory, "category")
    ref_items = filter_attributes(inventory, "refItem")
    return render_template('process_control/inventory.html',
                           manufacturers = manufacturers,
                           models = models,
                           inventory = inventory,
                           ref_items = ref_items,
                           categories = categories,
                           cart = cart)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def inventory_pc_questionare():
    form = InventoryQuestionareForm()
    system_choices = [(0,""), (1,"Optical Drives"), (2, "Internal Computer Components"),
                      (3, "Computer Accessories"), (4, "Optical Data Storage"),
                      (5, "Hard Drives"), (6, "Computer Expansion Cards"), (7, "Computer Power Supplies"),
                       (8, "Network Devices"), (9, "ABB/Bailey"),
                       (10, "HTRC"), (11, "Mouse"), (12, "Keyboard"), (13, "Software")]
    form.system.choices = system_choices
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        system = form.system.data
        manufacturer = form.manufacturer.data
        selected = system_choices[system][0]

        switcher = {
                1: "PC1-1",
                2: "PC1-2",
                3: "PC1-3",
                4: "PC1-4",
                5: "PC1-5",
                6: "PC1-6",
                7: "PC1-7",
                8: "PC1-8",
                9: "ABB",
                10: "HTRC",
                11: "PC2-1",
                12: "PC2-2",
                13: "SFT1"

        if selected == 13:
            location_id = switcher[selected] + "-" + manufacturer[0].upper()
            location_id = switcher[selected]

        sql = """ SELECT locationId FROM Inventory WHERE locationId LIKE "{}%" """.format(location_id)
        location_ids = []
        locations = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
        if locations:
            locations = [location["locationId"] for location in locations]
            location_numbers = []
            for location in locations:
                location_number = location.split('-')[-1]


            for i in range(len(location_numbers) -1):
                first = location_numbers[i]
                second = location_numbers[i + 1]
                if (first + 1) == second:
                    new_number = str(first + 1)
            new_number = "1"
        location_id = location_id + "-" + new_number

        return redirect(url_for("process_control.inventory_pc_new", location_id = location_id, manufacturer=manufacturer))
    return render_template("process_control/inventory_questionare.html", form=form)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def inventory_pc_update(item_id):

    sql = """ SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE id = '{}' """.format(item_id)
    items = sqlite_api(db, sql, "read")
    item = items[0]
    if item['image']:
        picture_file = item['image']
        oldPic = item['image']
    form = InventoryUpdateForm()
    # fill select field in with values #
    if request.method == "GET":
        form.item_name.data = item["itemName"]
        form.location_id.data = item["locationId"]
        form.quantity.data = item["quantity"]
        form.manufacturer.data = item["manufacturer"]
        form.model.data = item["model"]
        form.picture.data = item["image"]
        form.part_number.data = item["partNumber"]
        form.serial_number.data = item["serialNumber"]
        form.details.data = item["details"]
        form.category.data = item["category"]
        form.refItem.data = item["refItem"]
        form.vendor.data = item["vendor"]
        form.sap_id.data = item["SapId"]
        form.last_cost.data = item["LastCost"]
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        #get data from form #
        user = current_user.id
        item_name = form.item_name.data
        location_id = form.location_id.data
        quantity = form.quantity.data
        manufacturer = form.manufacturer.data
        model = form.model.data
        picture = form.picture.data
        part_number = form.part_number.data
        serial_number = form.serial_number.data
        details = form.details.data
        category = form.category.data
        refItem = form.refItem.data
        vendor = form.vendor.data
        sap_id = form.sap_id.data
        last_cost = form.last_cost.data
        #clean details data#
        details = details.replace('”', '"')
        details = details.replace('“', '"')
        details = details.replace("’", "'")
        details = details.replace("'", "''")

        #Resize and Save Picture#
        if picture:
            if oldPic != None:
            picture_file = save_picture(picture)

        #Update Item in database#
        sql = """ UPDATE Inventory SET itemName = '{}',
locationId = '{}',
quantity = '{}',
manufacturer = '{}',
model = '{}',
image = '{}',
partNumber = '{}',
serialNumber = '{}',
details = '{}',
category = '{}',
refItem = '{}',
vendor = '{}',
SapId = '{}',
LastCost = '{}'WHERE id = '{}'""".format(item_name,location_id,
                                       quantity, manufacturer,
                                       model, picture_file,
                                       part_number, serial_number,
                                       details, category,
                                       refItem, vendor,
                                       sap_id, last_cost,
        sqlite_api(db, sql, "write")

        #send log#
        now_log = datetime.now()
        send_log(f'{current_user.username}, updated item: {item_name} at {now_log}', 'InventoryActivity')
        #Redirect to inventory page.#
        flash("Item has been updated", "success")
        return redirect (url_for("process_control.inventory_pc"))
    return render_template("process_control/inventory_new.html", form = form, title = "Update Item", legend = "Update Item")
Ejemplo n.º 18
def mill_log_new():
    if not current_user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect(url_for('users.login'))

    db = "./app/WebApp/databases/logs.db"
    form = MillLogForm()
    supervisors = [
        "", "Ricky Baker", "Jeff Hand", "Ricky Darbonne", "Darrell Reddit",
        "Bill Lee", "Herman Cummins", "Mike Tipton", "Tom Conte", "Dan Hogan",
        "Rob Wise"
    locations = [
        "", "Woodyard", "Utilities", "TMP", "PM", "Winder", "F & S",
        "Maintenance", "Admin", "GENERAL", "MISC"
    types = [

    if request.method == 'GET':
        #form.supervisor.choices = [(supervisors.index(supervisor),supervisor) for supervisor in supervisors]
        #form.e_location.choices = [(locations.index(location),location) for location in locations]
        #form.e_type.choices = [(types.index(e_type), e_type) for e_type in types]

    form.supervisor.choices = [(supervisors.index(supervisor), supervisor)
                               for supervisor in supervisors]
    form.e_location.choices = [(locations.index(location), location)
                               for location in locations]
    form.e_type.choices = [(types.index(e_type), e_type) for e_type in types]

    if form.validate_on_submit():

        # Gather data and enter into database.
        username = current_user.username
        date = str(form.date.data)
        time = str(form.time.data)
        supervisor = supervisors[form.supervisor.data]
        e_location = locations[form.e_location.data]
        e_type = types[form.e_type.data]
        comment = form.comment.data
        comment = comment.replace('”', '"')
        comment = comment.replace('“', '"')
        comment = comment.replace("’", "'")
        comment = comment.replace("'", "''")

        # Custom Validations compatible with Internet Explorer
        '''if form.date.data == None:
            flash('Please enter correct date format','danger')
            return redirect(url_for('production.mill_log_new'))
        if form.time.data == None:
            flash('Please enter correct time format','danger')
            return redirect(url_for('production.mill_log_new'))
        if form.supervisor.data == 0:
            flash('Please select a supervisor','danger')
            return redirect(url_for('production.mill_log_new'))
        if form.e_location.data == 0:
            flash('Please select a location where the event happened', 'danger')
            return redirect(url_for('production.mill_log_new'))
        if form.e_type.data == 0:
            flash('Please select a type that describes the event', 'danger')
            return redirect(url_for('production.mill_log_new'))'''

        sql = """ INSERT INTO MillLogs (user, date, time, supervisor, location, type, comment)
VALUES('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}');""".format(username, date, time,
                                                      supervisor, e_location,
                                                      e_type, comment)

        sqlite_api(db, sql, 'write')

        # Send log.
        now_log = datetime.now()
        send_log(f'{current_user.username}, created log, {now_log}',

        flash("Your log has been saved", "success")
        return redirect(url_for('production.mill_log'))
    return render_template('production/mill_log_new.html',
                           title="New Mill Log",
                           legend="Create Log")
Ejemplo n.º 19
def inventory_pc_new(location_id, manufacturer):
    form = InventoryForm()

    form.location_id.data = location_id
    form.manufacturer.data = manufacturer
    # fill select field in with values #
    if request.method == "GET":
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        #get data from form #
        user = current_user.id
        item_name = form.item_name.data
        location_id = form.location_id.data
        quantity = form.quantity.data
        manufacturer = form.manufacturer.data
        model = form.model.data
        picture = form.picture.data
        part_number = form.part_number.data
        serial_number = form.serial_number.data
        details = form.details.data
        category = form.category.data
        refItem = form.refItem.data
        vendor = form.vendor.data
        sap_id = form.sap_id.data
        last_cost = form.last_cost.data
        #clean details data#
        details = details.replace('”', '"')
        details = details.replace('“', '"')
        details = details.replace("’", "'")
        details = details.replace("'", "''")

        #Resize and Save Picture#
        if picture:
            picture_file = save_picture(picture)
            picture_file = "default.jpg"

        #Submit to database#
        sql = """ INSERT INTO Inventory (itemName, locationId, quantity, manufacturer,
            model, image, partNumber, serialNumber,details, category, refItem, vendor, SapId, LastCost)
            VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}'); """.format(item_name,
        sqlite_api(db, sql, 'write')

            #Send Log#
        now_log = datetime.now()
        send_log(f'{current_user.username}, created item: {item_name} at {now_log}', 'InventoryActivity')

        flash("Item has been created", "success")
        return redirect (url_for("process_control.inventory_pc"))

    return render_template('process_control/inventory_new.html', form=form, title="New Item", legend="Create Item")
Ejemplo n.º 20
def mill_log_update(log_id):
    supervisors = [
        "", "Ricky Baker", "Jeff Hand", "Ricky Darbonne", "Darrell Reddit",
        "Bill Lee", "Herman Cummins", "Mike Tipton", "Tom Conte", "Dan Hogan",
        "Rob Wise"
    locations = [
        "", "Woodyard", "Utilities", "TMP", "PM", "Winder", "F & S",
        "Maintenance", "Admin", "GENERAL", "MISC"
    types = [

    db = "./app/WebApp/databases/logs.db"
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM MillLogs WHERE id = {} """.format(log_id)
    log = sqlite_api(db, sql, 'read')
    log = log[0]
    form = MillLogForm()

    if request.method == "GET":
        form.date.data = datetime.strptime(log['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
        form.time.data = datetime.strptime(log['time'], '%H:%M:%S')
        form.supervisor.choices = [(supervisors.index(supervisor), supervisor)
                                   for supervisor in supervisors]
        form.supervisor.data = supervisors.index(log['supervisor'])
        form.e_location.choices = [(locations.index(location), location)
                                   for location in locations]
        form.e_location.data = locations.index(log['location'])
        form.e_type.choices = [(types.index(e_type), e_type)
                               for e_type in types]
        form.e_type.data = types.index(log['type'])
        form.comment.data = log['comment']
    elif request.method == "POST":
        if form.date.data == None:
            flash('Please enter correct date format', 'danger')
            return redirect(
                url_for('production.mill_log_update', log_id=log_id))
        if form.time.data == None:
            flash('Please eneter correct time format', 'danger')
            return redirect(
                url_for('production.mill_log_update', log_id=log_id))

        username = current_user.username
        date = str(form.date.data)
        time = str(form.time.data)
        supervisor = supervisors[form.supervisor.data]
        e_location = locations[form.e_location.data]
        e_type = types[form.e_type.data]
        comment = (form.comment.data).replace('”', '"')
        comment = comment.replace('“', '"')
        comment = comment.replace("’", "'")
        comment = comment.replace("'", "''")

        sql = """ UPDATE MillLogs
SET date = '{}', time = '{}', supervisor = '{}', location = '{}', type = '{}', comment = '{}'
WHERE id={}""".format(date, time, supervisor, e_location, e_type, comment,
        sqlite_api(db, sql, 'write')
        now_log = datetime.now()
            f'{current_user.username}, updated log with ID: {log_id}, {now_log}',

        flash('This log has been updated', 'success')
        return redirect(url_for('production.mill_log'))
    return render_template('production/mill_log_update.html',
                           title="Update Mill Log",
                           legend="Update Log")
Ejemplo n.º 21
from WebApp.production.utils import email_mill_log_reports
from WebApp.api.sqlite_tool import sqlite_api
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

if __name__ == "__main__":

    today = datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    yesterday = datetime.strftime(datetime.now() - timedelta(1), '%Y-%m-%d')
    db = "./app/WebApp/databases/logs.db"
    sql = """ SELECT * FROM MillLogs WHERE date BETWEEN '{}' and '{}' """.format(
        yesterday, today)
    logs = sqlite_api(db, sql, 'read')

    for log in logs:
        log['log'] = log['comment'].replace('&', '&amp')
        log['comment'] = log['comment'].replace('<', '&lt')
        log['comment'] = log['comment'].replace('>', '&gt')
        log['comment'] = log['comment'].replace('”', '&quot')
        log['comment'] = log['comment'].replace('“', '&quot')
        log['comment'] = log['comment'].replace("'", '&apos')
        log['comment'] = log['comment'].replace("’", '&apos')
        log['comment'] = log['comment'].replace('—', '-')
        log['comment'] = log['comment'].replace('–', '-')
        log['comment'] = log['comment'].replace('…', '...')

    data = {'date': yesterday, 'logs': logs}
