Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__( self ):
   self.__routes = Routes( Conf.rootURL() )
   self.__servers = {}
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "Web" )
Ejemplo n.º 2
class App( object ):

  def __init__( self ):
    self.__routes = Routes( Conf.rootURL() )
    self.__servers = {}
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "Web" )

  def _logRequest( self, handler ):
    status = handler.get_status()
    if status < 400:
      logm = self.log.notice
    elif status < 500:
      logm = self.log.warn
      logm = self.log.error
    request_time = 1000.0 * handler.request.request_time()
    logm( "%d %s %.2fms" % ( status, handler._request_summary(), request_time ) )

  def __reloadAppCB( self ):
    gLogger.notice( "\n !!!!!! Reloading web app...\n" )

  def bootstrap( self ):
    Configure and create web app
    self.log.always( "\n ====== Starting DIRAC web app ====== \n" )
    debug = Conf.debug()
    if debug:
      self.log.info( "Configuring in debug mode..." )
    #Calculating routes
    result = self.__routes.getRoutes()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    routes = result[ 'Value' ]
    #Create the app
    tLoader = TemplateLoader( self.__routes.getPaths( "template" ) )
    kw = dict( debug = debug, template_loader = tLoader, cookie_secret = Conf.cookieSecret(),
               log_function = self._logRequest )
    #Check processes if we're under a load balancert
    if Conf.balancer() and Conf.numProcesses() not in ( 0, 1 ):
      tornado.process.fork_processes( Conf.numProcesses(), max_restarts=0 )
      kw[ 'debug' ] = False
    #Configure tornado app
    self.__app = tornado.web.Application( routes, **kw )
    self.log.notice( "Configuring HTTP on port %s" % ( Conf.HTTPPort() ) )
    #Create the web servers
    srv = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer( self.__app )
    port = Conf.HTTPPort()
    srv.listen( port )
    self.__servers[ ( 'http', port ) ] = srv
    if Conf.HTTPS():
      self.log.notice( "Configuring HTTPS on port %s" % Conf.HTTPSPort() )
      sslops = dict( certfile = Conf.HTTPSCert(),
                     keyfile = Conf.HTTPSKey(),
                     cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL,
                     ca_certs = Conf.generateCAFile() )
      self.log.debug( " - %s" % "\n - ".join( [ "%s = %s" % ( k, sslops[k] ) for k in sslops ] ) )
      srv = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer( self.__app, ssl_options = sslops )
      port = Conf.HTTPSPort()
      srv.listen( port )
      self.__servers[ ( 'https', port ) ] = srv
    return result

  def run( self ):
    Start web servers
    bu = Conf.rootURL().strip( "/" )
    urls = []
    for proto, port in self.__servers:
      urls.append("%s://" % ( proto, port, bu ) )
    self.log.always( "Listening on %s" % " and ".join( urls ) )
    tornado.autoreload.add_reload_hook( self.__reloadAppCB )