Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, sentinels, min_other_sentinels=0, sentinel_kwargs=None,
        # if sentinel_kwargs isn't defined, use the socket_* options from
        # connection_kwargs
        if sentinel_kwargs is None:
            sentinel_kwargs = dict([(k, v)
                                    for k, v in iteritems(connection_kwargs)
                                    if k.startswith('socket_')
        self.sentinel_kwargs = sentinel_kwargs

        self.sentinels = [StrictRedis(hostname, port, **self.sentinel_kwargs)
                          for hostname, port in sentinels]
        self.min_other_sentinels = min_other_sentinels
        self.connection_kwargs = connection_kwargs
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _connect(self):
        "Create a TCP socket connection"
        # we want to mimic what socket.create_connection does to support
        # ipv4/ipv6, but we want to set options prior to calling
        # socket.connect()
        err = None
        for res in socket.getaddrinfo(self.host, self.port, 0,
            family, socktype, proto, canonname, socket_address = res
            sock = None
                sock = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto)
                # TCP_NODELAY
                sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)

                # TCP_KEEPALIVE
                if self.socket_keepalive:
                    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
                    for k, v in iteritems(self.socket_keepalive_options):
                        sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, k, v)

                # set the socket_connect_timeout before we connect

                # connect

                # set the socket_timeout now that we're connected
                return sock

            except socket.error as _:
                err = _
                if sock is not None:

        if err is not None:
            raise err
        raise socket.error("socket.getaddrinfo returned an empty list")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def from_url(cls, url, db=None, **kwargs):
        Return a connection pool configured from the given URL.

        For example::


        Three URL schemes are supported:
            redis:// creates a normal TCP socket connection
            rediss:// creates a SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
            unix:// creates a Unix Domain Socket connection

        There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
        will return the first specified option:
            1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
            2. If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g.
            3. The ``db`` argument to this function.

        If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.

        Any additional querystring arguments and keyword arguments will be
        passed along to the ConnectionPool class's initializer. In the case
        of conflicting arguments, querystring arguments always win.
        url_string = url
        url = urlparse(url)
        qs = ''

        # in python2.6, custom URL schemes don't recognize querystring values
        # they're left as part of the url.path.
        if '?' in url.path and not url.query:
            # chop the querystring including the ? off the end of the url
            # and reparse it.
            qs = url.path.split('?', 1)[1]
            url = urlparse(url_string[:-(len(qs) + 1)])
            qs = url.query

        url_options = {}

        for name, value in iteritems(parse_qs(qs)):
            if value and len(value) > 0:
                url_options[name] = value[0]

        # We only support redis:// and unix:// schemes.
        if url.scheme == 'unix':
                'password': url.password,
                'path': url.path,
                'connection_class': UnixDomainSocketConnection,

                'host': url.hostname,
                'port': int(url.port or 6379),
                'password': url.password,

            # If there's a path argument, use it as the db argument if a
            # querystring value wasn't specified
            if 'db' not in url_options and url.path:
                    url_options['db'] = int(url.path.replace('/', ''))
                except (AttributeError, ValueError):

            if url.scheme == 'rediss':
                url_options['connection_class'] = SSLConnection

        # last shot at the db value
        url_options['db'] = int(url_options.get('db', db or 0))

        # update the arguments from the URL values

        # backwards compatability
        if 'charset' in kwargs:
                '"charset" is deprecated. Use "encoding" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding'] = kwargs.pop('charset')
        if 'errors' in kwargs:
                '"errors" is deprecated. Use "encoding_errors" instead'))
            kwargs['encoding_errors'] = kwargs.pop('errors')

        return cls(**kwargs)