Ejemplo n.º 1
    def write(self):
        #First I write the license, comments etc..
        #then the includes and finally the members,
        #in the same order in which they are contained
        #inside self.members

        if FileDumper.developer_name or FileDumper.developer_email:
            copyright = '(c) ' + FileDumper.developer_name + ', ' + FileDumper.developer_email
            copyright = ''

        fileHnd = open(self.name, 'wt')
        printOnFile('/***************************************************************************\\', fileHnd)
        printOnFile(' *', fileHnd)
        for line in FileDumper.banner.split('\n'):
            printOnFile(' *   ' + line, fileHnd)
        printOnFile(' *', fileHnd)
        printOnFile(' *', fileHnd)
        for line in FileDumper.license_text.split('\n'):
            printOnFile(' *   ' + line, fileHnd)
        printOnFile(' *', fileHnd)
        printOnFile(' *', fileHnd)
        for line in copyright.split('\n'):
            printOnFile(' *   ' + line, fileHnd)
        printOnFile(' *', fileHnd)
        printOnFile('\\***************************************************************************/\n\n', fileHnd)

        # Now I can start priting the actual code: lets create the writer
        writer = Writer.CodeWriter(fileHnd)
        if self.isHeader:
            writer.write('#ifndef ' + self.name.replace('.','_').upper() + '\n')
            writer.write('#define ' + self.name.replace('.','_').upper() + '\n')
        # as a first thing I compute the includes and print them
        for member in self.members:
                for include in member.getIncludes():
                    if include and not include in self.includes:
            except AttributeError:
        if self.includes:
        # Not that I have to add a dirty hack to put always SystemC in the
        # last position among the includes, otherwise it might create problems
        # compiling
        foundSysC = False
        for include in self.includes:
            include = include.lstrip()
            if 'systemc.h' in include:
                foundSysC = True
                if include.startswith('#'):
                    writer.write(include + '\n')
                elif include != self.name:
                    writer.write('#include <' + include + '>\n')
        if foundSysC:
            writer.write('#include <systemc.h>\n')
        # Now I simply have to print in order all the members
        for member in self.members:
            if self.isHeader:
                except AttributeError:
                except AttributeError:
        if self.isHeader:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def createWscript(self, configure, tests, projectName, version, customOptions):
        wscriptFile = open('wscript', 'wt')
        printOnFile('#!/usr/bin/env python', wscriptFile)
        printOnFile('# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-\n', wscriptFile)
        if configure:
            printOnFile('import sys, os\n', wscriptFile)
            printOnFile('# these variables are mandatory', wscriptFile)
            printOnFile('top = \'.\'', wscriptFile)
            printOnFile('out = \'_build_\'', wscriptFile)
            printOnFile('VERSION = \'' + version + '\'', wscriptFile)
            printOnFile('APPNAME = \'' + projectName + '\'', wscriptFile)
            printOnFile('import os\n', wscriptFile)
        if self.codeFiles or self.subfolders:
            printOnFile('\ndef build(bld):', wscriptFile)
            if self.subfolders:
                subFolds = []
                for fold in self.subfolders:
                    subFold = str(fold)[len(str(os.path.commonprefix([os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(fold)),os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(self.path))]))):]
                    if subFold.startswith(os.sep):
                        subFold = subFold[1:]
                printOnFile('    bld.recurse(\'' + ' '.join(subFolds) + '\')\n', wscriptFile)
            # The various build parameters
            if self.codeFiles:
                printOnFile('    sources = \"\"\"', wscriptFile)
                for codeFile in self.codeFiles:
                    if self.mainFile != codeFile.name:
                        printOnFile('        ' + codeFile.name, wscriptFile)
                printOnFile('    \"\"\"', wscriptFile)
                if tests:
                    printOnFile('    uselib = \'TRAP BOOST BOOST_TEST ELF_LIB SYSTEMC TLM\'', wscriptFile)
                    printOnFile('    uselib = \'BOOST SYSTEMC TLM TRAP\'', wscriptFile)
                if self.uselib_local:
                    printOnFile('    objects = \'' + ' '.join(self.uselib_local) + '\'', wscriptFile)
                    printOnFile('    includes = \'. ..\'', wscriptFile)
                    printOnFile('    objects = \'\'', wscriptFile)
                    printOnFile('    includes = \'.\'', wscriptFile)
                if self.mainFile:
                    printOnFile('    target = \'' + os.path.split(self.path)[-1] + '_objs\'\n', wscriptFile)
                    printOnFile('    target = \'' + os.path.split(self.path)[-1] + '\'\n', wscriptFile)
                # and here finally we build the code into program and/or objects
                buildArgumentString = 'source = sources, target = target, use = uselib + \' \' + objects, includes = includes)'
                if not self.mainFile:
                    printOnFile('    bld.program(' + buildArgumentString, wscriptFile)
                    printOnFile('    bld.objects(' + buildArgumentString, wscriptFile)

            if self.mainFile:
                printOnFile('    sources = \'' + self.mainFile + '\'', wscriptFile)
                printOnFile('    includes = \'.\'', wscriptFile)
                if tests:
                    printOnFile('    uselib = \'TRAP BOOST BOOST_TEST ELF_LIB SYSTEMC TLM\'', wscriptFile)
                    printOnFile('    uselib = \'TRAP BOOST ELF_LIB SYSTEMC TLM\'', wscriptFile)
                printOnFile('    import sys', wscriptFile)
                printOnFile('    cppflags_custom = \'\'', wscriptFile)
                printOnFile('    if sys.platform == \'cygwin\':', wscriptFile)
                printOnFile('        cppflags_custom = \' -D__USE_W32_SOCKETS\'', wscriptFile)
                printOnFile('        uselib += \' WINSOCK\'', wscriptFile)
                printOnFile('    objects = \'' + ' '.join(self.uselib_local + [os.path.split(self.path)[-1]]) + '_objs\'', wscriptFile)
                printOnFile('    target = \'' + os.path.split(self.path)[-1] + '\'\n', wscriptFile)

                printOnFile('    bld.program(source = sources, target = target, use = uselib + \' \' + objects, includes = includes, defines = cppflags_custom)', wscriptFile)
        # Ok, here I need to insert the configure script if needed
        if configure:
            printOnFile('def check_trap_linking(ctx, libName, libPaths, symbol):', wscriptFile)
    for libpath in libPaths:
        libFile = os.path.join(libpath, ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[0] + libName + ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[1])
        if os.path.exists(libFile):
            libDump = os.popen(ctx.env.NM + ' -r ' + libFile).readlines()
            for line in libDump:
                if symbol in line:
                    return True
        libFile = os.path.join(libpath, ctx.env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[0] + libName + ctx.env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[1])
        if os.path.exists(libFile):
            libDump = os.popen(ctx.env.NM + ' -r ' + libFile).readlines()
            for line in libDump:
                if symbol in line:
                    return True
    return False
""", wscriptFile)

            printOnFile('def configure(ctx):', wscriptFile)
    import glob

    ctx.find_program('nm', mandatory=1, var='NM')

    # Small hack to adjust common usage of CPPFLAGS
    for flag in ctx.env['CPPFLAGS']:
        if flag.startswith('-D'):
            ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', flag[2:])

    # Check for standard tools

    # Check for standard tools
    if ctx.env.CC_VERSION:
        if int(ctx.env.CC_VERSION[0]) > 3:
            ctx.msg('Checking for compiler version', 'ok - ' + '.'.join(ctx.env.CC_VERSION))
            ctx.fatal('Compiler Version' + '.'.join(ctx.env.CC_VERSION) + ' too old: at least version 4.x required')

    # Check for python

    if ctx.options.static_build:
        ctx.env['SHLIB_MARKER'] = ''
        ctx.env['STLIB_MARKER'] = '-static'

    # Check support for profilers
    if ctx.options.enable_gprof and ctx.options.enable_vprof:
        ctx.fatal('Only one profiler among gprof and vprof can be enabled at the same time')
    if ctx.options.enable_gprof:
        if not '-g' in ctx.env['CCFLAGS']:
            ctx.env.append_unique('CCFLAGS', '-g')
        if not '-g' in ctx.env['CXXFLAGS']:
            ctx.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-g')
        if '-fomit-frame-pointer' in ctx.env['CCFLAGS']:
        if '-fomit-frame-pointer' in ctx.env['CXXFLAGS']:
        ctx.env.append_unique('CCFLAGS', '-pg')
        ctx.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-pg')
        ctx.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', '-pg')
        ctx.env.append_unique('STLINKFLAGS', '-pg')
    if ctx.options.enable_vprof:
        if not '-g' in ctx.env['CCFLAGS']:
            ctx.env.append_unique('CCFLAGS', '-g')
        if not '-g' in ctx.env['CXXFLAGS']:
            ctx.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-g')
        # I have to check for the vprof and papi libraries and for the
        # vmonauto_gcc.o object file
        vmonautoPath = ''
        if not ctx.options.vprofdir:
            ctx.check_cxx(lib='vmon', uselib_store='VPROF', mandatory=1)
            for directory in searchDirs:
                if 'vmonauto_gcc.o' in os.listdir(directory):
                    vmonautoPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(directory)))
            ctx.check_cxx(lib='vmon', uselib_store='VPROF', mandatory=1, libpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(ctx.options.vprofdir))))
            ctx.env.append_unique('RPATH', ctx.env['LIBPATH_VPROF'])
            ctx.env.append_unique('LIBPATH', ctx.env['LIBPATH_VPROF'])
            vmonautoPath = ctx.env['LIBPATH_VPROF'][0]
        ctx.env.append_unique('LIB', 'vmon')

        if not ctx.options.papidir:
            ctx.check_cxx(lib='papi', uselib_store='PAPI', mandatory=1)
            ctx.check_cxx(lib='papi', uselib_store='PAPI', mandatory=1, libpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(ctx.options.papidir))))
            ctx.env.append_unique('RPATH', ctx.env['LIBPATH_PAPI'])
            ctx.env.append_unique('LIBPATH', ctx.env['LIBPATH_PAPI'])
        ctx.env.append_unique('LIB', 'papi')

        # now I check for the vmonauto_gcc.o object file
        taskEnv = ctx.env.copy()
        taskEnv.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', os.path.join(vmonautoPath, 'vmonauto_gcc.o'))
        ctx.check_cxx(fragment='int main(){return 0;}', uselib='VPROF', mandatory=1, env=taskEnv)
        ctx.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', os.path.join(vmonautoPath, 'vmonauto_gcc.o'))

    # Since I want to build fast simulators, if the user didn't
    # specify any flags I set optimized flags
    if not ctx.env['CXXFLAGS'] and not ctx.env['CCFLAGS']:
        testFlags = ['-O2', '-pipe', '-finline-functions', '-ftracer', '-fomit-frame-pointer']
        if int(ctx.env['CC_VERSION'][0]) >= 4 and int(ctx.env['CC_VERSION'][1]) >= 2:
        if ctx.check_cxx(cxxflags=testFlags, msg='Checking for g++ optimization flags', mandatory=False) and ctx.check_cc(cflags=testFlags, msg='Checking for gcc optimization flags', mandatory=False):
            ctx.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', testFlags)
            ctx.env.append_unique('CCFLAGS', testFlags)
            ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'NDEBUG')
            testFlags = ['-O2', '-pipe', '-finline-functions', '-fomit-frame-pointer']
            if ctx.check_cxx(cxxflags=testFlags, msg='Checking for g++ optimization flags') and ctx.check_cc(cflags=testFlags, msg='Checking for gcc optimization flags'):
                ctx.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', testFlags)
                ctx.env.append_unique('CCFLAGS', testFlags)
                ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'NDEBUG')

        permissiveFlags = ['-fpermissive']
        if ctx.check_cxx(cxxflags=permissiveFlags, msg='Checking for g++ -fpermissive flag') and ctx.check_cc(cflags=permissiveFlags, msg='Checking for gcc -fpermissive flag'):
            ctx.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', permissiveFlags)
            ctx.env.append_unique('CCFLAGS', permissiveFlags)

    if ctx.env['CFLAGS']:
        ctx.check_cc(cflags=ctx.env['CFLAGS'], mandatory=1, msg='Checking for C compilation flags')
    if ctx.env['CCFLAGS'] and ctx.env['CCFLAGS'] != ctx.env['CFLAGS']:
        ctx.check_cc(cflags=ctx.env['CCFLAGS'], mandatory=1, msg='Checking for C compilation flags')
    if ctx.env['CXXFLAGS']:
        ctx.check_cxx(cxxflags=ctx.env['CXXFLAGS'], mandatory=1, msg='Checking for C++ compilation flags')
    if ctx.env['LINKFLAGS']:
        ctx.check_cxx(linkflags=ctx.env['LINKFLAGS'], mandatory=1, msg='Checking for link flags')

    # Setting the host endianess
    if sys.byteorder == "little":
        ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'LITTLE_ENDIAN_BO')
        ctx.msg('Checking for host endianness', 'little')
        ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'BIG_ENDIAN_BO')
        ctx.msg('Checking for host endianness', 'big')

    # Check for pthread library/flag
    if not ctx.check_cxx(linkflags='-pthread') or not ctx.check_cc(cxxflags='-pthread') or sys.platform == 'cygwin':
        ctx.env.append_unique('LIB', 'pthread')
        ctx.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', '-pthread')
        ctx.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', '-pthread')
        ctx.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', '-pthread')
        ctx.env.append_unique('CCFLAGS', '-pthread')

    # Check for boost libraries
    boostLibs = 'thread regex date_time program_options filesystem system'
    boostErrorMessage = 'Unable to find ' + boostLibs + ' boost libraries of at least version 1.35, please install them and/or specify their location with the --boost-includes and --boost-libs configuration options. It can also happen that you have more than one boost version installed in a system-wide location: in this case remove the unnecessary versions.'
    ctx.check_boost(lib=boostLibs, mandatory=True, errmsg = boostErrorMessage)
    if int(ctx.env.BOOST_VERSION.split('_')[1]) < 35:
    if not ctx.options.static_build:
        ctx.env.append_unique('RPATH', ctx.env['LIBPATH_BOOST'])

    """, wscriptFile)
            if tests:
                printOnFile("""    ctx.check_boost(lib='unit_test_framework', mandatory=True, errmsg = boostErrorMessage, uselib_store='BOOST_TEST')""", wscriptFile)
    # Determining gcc search dirs
    compilerExecutable = ''
    if len(ctx.env['CXX']):
        compilerExecutable = ctx.env['CXX'][0]
    elif len(ctx.env['CC']):
        compilerExecutable = ctx.env['CC'][0]
        ctx.fatal('CC or CXX environment variables not defined: Error, is the compiler correctly detected?')

    result = os.popen(compilerExecutable + ' -print-search-dirs')
    searchDirs = []
    localLibPath = os.path.join('/', 'usr', 'lib64')
    if os.path.exists(localLibPath):
    localLibPath = os.path.join('/', 'usr', 'local', 'lib')
    if os.path.exists(localLibPath):
    localLibPath = os.path.join('/', 'sw', 'lib')
    if os.path.exists(localLibPath):
    gccLines = result.readlines()
    for curLine in gccLines:
        startFound = curLine.find('libraries: =')
        if startFound != -1:
            curLine = curLine[startFound + 12:-1]
            searchDirs_ = curLine.split(':')
            for i in searchDirs_:
                if os.path.exists(i) and not os.path.abspath(i) in searchDirs:
    ctx.msg('Determining gcc search path', 'ok')

    # Parsing command options
    if not ctx.options.enable_tools:
        ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'DISABLE_TOOLS')
    if ctx.options.static_build:
        ctx.env['FULLSTATIC'] = True
    if ctx.options.enable_history:
        ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'ENABLE_HISTORY')

    # Adding the custom preprocessor macros
    """, wscriptFile)

    # Now I have to add the necessary definitions for each custon option
            for option in customOptions:
                printOnFile("    if ctx.options.define_" + option[1].lower() + ":", wscriptFile)
                printOnFile("        ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', '" + option[1] + "')", wscriptFile)
            if not FileDumper.license == 'gpl':
    # Check for ELF library and headers
    ctx.check(header_name='cxxabi.h', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=1)
    ctx.check_cxx(function_name='abi::__cxa_demangle', header_name="cxxabi.h", mandatory=1)
    if ctx.options.elfdir:
        elfIncPath=[os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.elfdir, 'include')))),
                    os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.elfdir, 'include', 'libelf'))))]
        elfLibPath=os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.elfdir, 'lib'))))
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(elfLibPath, ctx.env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'] % 'elf')) and  not os.path.exists(os.path.join(elfLibPath, ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] % 'elf')):
            ctx.fatal('Unable to find libelf in specified path ' + elfLibPath)
        elfHeaderFound = False
        for path in elfIncPath:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'libelf.h')) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'gelf.h')):
                elfHeaderFound = True
        if not elfHeaderFound:
            ctx.fatal('Unable to find libelf.h and/or gelf.h headers in specified path ' + str(elfIncPath))
        if ctx.check_cxx(lib='elf', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory=0, libpath = elfLibPath):
            ctx.check(header_name='libelf.h', uselib='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=1, includes = elfIncPath)
            ctx.check(header_name='gelf.h', uselib='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=1, includes = elfIncPath)
        foundShared = glob.glob(os.path.join(elfLibPath, ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] % 'elf'))
        if foundShared:
            ctx.env.append_unique('RPATH', elfLibPath)
        if ctx.check_cxx(lib='elf', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory = 1):
            ctx.check(header_name='libelf.h', uselib='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=1)
            ctx.check(header_name='gelf.h', uselib='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=1)
    if 'elf' in ctx.env['LIB_ELF_LIB']:
            #include <libelf.h>

            int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
                void * funPtr = (void *)elf_getphdrnum;
                return 0;
        ''', msg='Checking for function elf_getphdrnum', use='ELF_LIB', mandatory=1, errmsg='Error, elf_getphdrnum not present in libelf; try to update to a newer version (e.g. at least version 0.144 of the libelf package distributed with Ubuntu)')
""", wscriptFile)

    # Check for ELF library and headers
    ctx.check(header_name='cxxabi.h', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=0)
    ctx.check_cxx(function_name='abi::__cxa_demangle', header_name="cxxabi.h", mandatory=0)
    if ctx.options.elfdir:
        elfIncPath=[os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.elfdir, 'include')))),
                    os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.elfdir, 'include', 'libelf'))))]
        elfLibPath=os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.elfdir, 'lib'))))
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(elfLibPath, ctx.env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'] % 'elf')) and  not os.path.exists(os.path.join(elfLibPath, ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] % 'elf')):
            ctx.fatal('Unable to find libelf in specified path ' + elfLibPath)
        elfHeaderFound = False
        for path in elfIncPath:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'libelf.h')) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'gelf.h')):
                elfHeaderFound = True
        if not elfHeaderFound:
            ctx.fatal('Unable to find libelf.h and/or gelf.h headers in specified path ' + str(elfIncPath))
        if ctx.check_cxx(lib='elf', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory=0, libpath = elfLibPath):
            ctx.check(header_name='libelf.h', uselib='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=1, includes = elfIncPath)
            ctx.check(header_name='gelf.h', uselib='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=1, includes = elfIncPath)
        foundShared = glob.glob(os.path.join(elfLibPath, ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] % 'elf'))
        if foundShared:
            ctx.env.append_unique('RPATH', elfLibPath)
        if ctx.check_cxx(lib='elf', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory = 0):
            ctx.check(header_name='libelf.h', uselib='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=1)
            ctx.check(header_name='gelf.h', uselib='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', features='cxx cprogram', mandatory=1)
    foundElfLib = False
    if 'elf' in ctx.env['LIB_ELF_LIB']:
            #include <libelf.h>

            int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
                void * funPtr = (void *)elf_getphdrnum;
                return 0;
        ''', msg='Checking for function elf_getphdrnum', use='ELF_LIB', mandatory=1, errmsg='Error, elf_getphdrnum not present in libelf; try to update to a newest version')
        foundElfLib = True

    # Check for zlib needed by binutils
    ctx.check_cxx(lib='z', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory=foundElfLib)

    # Check for IBERTY library
    if ctx.options.bfddir:
        searchDirs = [os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.bfddir, 'lib'))))]

    foundStatic = []
    foundShared = []
    for directory in searchDirs:
        foundShared += glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[0] + 'iberty*' + ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[1]))
        foundStatic += glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, ctx.env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[0] + 'iberty*' + ctx.env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[1]))
    if not foundStatic and not foundShared:
        ctx.fatal('IBERTY library not found, install binutils development package for your distribution and/or specify its localtion with the --with-bfd option')
    tempLibs = []
    staticPaths = []
    for ibertylib in foundStatic:
    foundStatic = tempLibs
    tempLibs = []
    sharedPaths = []
    for ibertylib in foundShared:
    foundShared = tempLibs
    iberty_lib_name = ''
    for ibertylib in foundStatic:
        if ibertylib in foundShared:
            iberty_lib_name = ibertylib
            searchPaths = sharedPaths + staticPaths
    if not iberty_lib_name:
        if foundShared:
            iberty_lib_name = foundShared[0]
            searchPaths = sharedPaths
            for ibertylib in foundStatic:
                iberty_lib_name = ibertylib
                if 'pic' in ibertylib:
            searchPaths = staticPaths

    ctx.check_cxx(lib=iberty_lib_name, uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory=foundElfLib, libpath=searchPaths, errmsg='not found, use --with-bfd option', okmsg='ok ' + iberty_lib_name)

    # Check for BFD library and header
    if ctx.options.bfddir:
        searchDirs = [os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.bfddir, 'lib'))))]

    import glob
    foundStatic = []
    foundShared = []
    for directory in searchDirs:
        foundShared += glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[0] + 'bfd*' + ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[1]))
        foundStatic += glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, ctx.env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[0] + 'bfd*' + ctx.env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'].split('%s')[1]))
    if not foundStatic and not foundShared:
        ctx.fatal('BFD library not found, install binutils development package for your distribution and/or specify its localtion with the --with-bfd option')
    staticPaths = []
    tempLibs = []
    for bfdlib in foundStatic:
    foundStatic = tempLibs
    tempLibs = []
    sharedPaths = []
    for bfdlib in foundShared:
    foundShared = tempLibs
    bfd_lib_name = ''
    for bfdlib in foundStatic:
        if bfdlib in foundShared:
            bfd_lib_name = bfdlib
            searchPaths = sharedPaths + staticPaths
    if not bfd_lib_name:
        if foundShared:
            bfd_lib_name = foundShared[0]
            searchPaths = sharedPaths
            for bfdlib in foundStatic:
                bfd_lib_name = bfdlib
                if 'pic' in bfdlib:
            searchPaths = staticPaths

    ctx.check_cxx(lib=bfd_lib_name, use='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory=foundElfLib, libpath=searchPaths, errmsg='not found, use --with-bfd option', okmsg='ok ' + bfd_lib_name)

    if ctx.options.bfddir:
        ctx.check_cxx(header_name='bfd.h', use='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory=foundElfLib, includes=[os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.bfddir, 'include'))))])
        ctx.check_cxx(header_name='bfd.h', use='ELF_LIB', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory=foundElfLib)

    # Little hack now: I have to revert the ELF_LIB library order, so that libbfd comes
    # before libiberty

    # Due to peculiarities during static linking, the order
    # of libraries has to be reversed when statically linking
    if ctx.options.static_build:
        ctx.check_cxx(lib='dl', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory=foundElfLib)

    # Check for Binutils version
    # mandatory version checks
    binutilsVerCheck = '''
        #include <cstdlib>
        extern "C" {
            #include <bfd.h>

        int main(int argc, char** argv) {
            bfd_section *p = NULL;
            #ifndef bfd_is_target_special_symbol
            #error "too old BFD library"
            return 0;
    ctx.check_cxx(fragment=binutilsVerCheck, msg='Checking for Binutils Version', uselib='ELF_LIB', mandatory=foundElfLib, errmsg='Not supported version, use at least 2.16')

    # bfd_demangle only appears in 2.18
    binutilsDemangleCheck = '''
        #include <cstdlib>
        extern "C" {
            #include <bfd.h>

        int main(int argc, char** argv) {
            char * tempRet = bfd_demangle(NULL, NULL, 0);
            return 0;
    if not ctx.check_cxx(fragment=binutilsDemangleCheck, msg='Checking for bfd_demangle', use='ELF_LIB', mandatory=0, okmsg='ok >= 2.18', errmsg='fail, reverting to cplus_demangle'):
        ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'OLD_BFD')

    # Check for zlib and libintl, needed by binutils under
    # MAC-OSX
    if sys.platform == 'darwin' or sys.platform == 'cygwin':
        ctx.check_cxx(lib='intl', uselib_store='ELF_LIB', mandatory=foundElfLib, libpath=searchDirs)
    """, wscriptFile)
    # Check for the winsock library
    if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
        ctx.check_cxx(lib='ws2_32', uselib_store='WINSOCK', mandatory=1)

    # Is SystemC compiled? Check for SystemC library
    # Notice that we can't rely on lib-linux, therefore I have to find the actual platform...
    # First I set the cflags needed by TLM 2.0 for including systemc dynamic process
    # creation
    syscpath = None
    if ctx.options.systemcdir:
        syscpath = ([os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(ctx.options.systemcdir, 'include'))))])
    elif 'SYSTEMC' in os.environ:
        syscpath = ([os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMC'], 'include'))))])

    import glob
    sysclib = ''
    if syscpath:
        sysclib = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(syscpath[0], '..')), 'lib-*'))
    ctx.check_cxx(lib='systemc', uselib_store='SYSTEMC', mandatory=1, libpath=sysclib, errmsg='not found, use --with-systemc option')
    if not ctx.options.static_build:
        ctx.env.append_unique('RPATH', ctx.env['LIBPATH_SYSTEMC'])

    # Check if systemc is compiled with quick threads or not
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(syscpath[0] , 'sysc' , 'qt')):
        ctx.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'SC_USE_PTHREADS')
    elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
        ctx.fatal('SystemC under cygwin must be compiled with PThread support: recompile it using the "make pthreads" command')

    # Check for SystemC header and test the library
    if not sys.platform == 'cygwin':
        systemCerrmsg='Error, at least version 2.2.0 required'
        systemCerrmsg='Error, at least version 2.2.0 required.\\nSystemC also needs patching under cygwin:\\nplease controll that lines 175 and 177 of header systemc.h are commented;\\nfor more details refer to http://www.ht-lab.com/howto/sccygwin/sccygwin.html\\nhttp://www.dti.dk/_root/media/27325_SystemC_Getting_Started_artikel.pdf'
        #include <systemc.h>
        int sc_main(int argc, char** argv){
            return 0;
''', header_name='systemc.h', use='SYSTEMC', uselib_store='SYSTEMC', mandatory=1, includes=syscpath)
        #include <systemc.h>

        #ifndef SYSTEMC_VERSION
        #error SYSTEMC_VERSION not defined in file sc_ver.h

        #if SYSTEMC_VERSION < 20070314
        #error Wrong SystemC version

        extern "C" {
            int sc_main(int argc, char** argv) {
                wif_trace_file trace("");
                trace.set_time_unit(1, SC_NS);
                return 0;
''', msg='Checking for SystemC version', use='SYSTEMC', mandatory=1, errmsg=systemCerrmsg)

    # Check for TLM header
    tlm_existance_frag = '''
        #include <systemc.h>
        #include <tlm.h>

        extern "C" int sc_main(int argc, char **argv){
            return 0;

    if not ctx.check_cxx(fragment=tlm_existance_frag, header_name='tlm.h', use='SYSTEMC', mandatory=0):
        tlmPath = ''
        if ctx.options.tlmdir:
            tlmPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(ctx.options.tlmdir))))
        elif 'TLM' in os.environ:
            tlmPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(os.environ['TLM']))))
        if not tlmPath.endswith('include'):
            tlmPath = os.path.join(tlmPath, 'include')
        tlmPath = [os.path.join(tlmPath, 'tlm')]

        ctx.check_cxx(fragment=tlm_existance_frag, header_name='tlm.h', use='SYSTEMC', uselib_store='TLM', mandatory=1, includes=tlmPath, errmsg='not found, use --with-tlm option or use SystemC version 2.3 or greater')
        #include <systemc.h>
        #include <tlm.h>

        #ifndef TLM_VERSION_MAJOR
        #error TLM_VERSION_MAJOR undefined in the TLM library
        #ifndef TLM_VERSION_MINOR
        #error TLM_VERSION_MINOR undefined in the TLM library
        #ifndef TLM_VERSION_PATCH
        #error TLM_VERSION_PATCH undefined in the TLM library

        #if TLM_VERSION_MAJOR < 2
        #error Wrong TLM version; required 2.0

        extern "C" int sc_main(int argc, char **argv){
            return 0;
''', msg='Check for TLM version', use='SYSTEMC TLM', mandatory=1, errmsg='Error, at least version 2.0 required or SystemC version 2.3 or greater')

    # Check for TRAP runtime libraries and headers
    trapRevisionNum = 824
    trapDirLib = ''
    trapDirInc = ''
    trapLibErrmsg = 'not found, use --with-trap option. It might also be that the trap library is compiled '
    trapLibErrmsg += 'against libraries (bfd/libelf, boost, etc.) different from the ones being used now; in case '
    trapLibErrmsg += 'try recompiling trap library.'
    if ctx.options.trapdir:
        trapDirLib = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(ctx.options.trapdir, 'lib'))))
        trapDirInc = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(ctx.options.trapdir, 'include'))))
        ctx.check_cxx(lib='trap', use='ELF_LIB BOOST SYSTEMC', uselib_store='TRAP', mandatory=1, libpath=trapDirLib, errmsg=trapLibErrmsg)
        foundShared = glob.glob(os.path.join(trapDirLib, ctx.env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] % 'trap'))
        if foundShared:
            ctx.env.append_unique('RPATH', ctx.env['LIBPATH_TRAP'])
""", wscriptFile)
            if FileDumper.license == 'gpl':
        if not check_trap_linking(ctx, 'trap', ctx.env['LIBPATH_TRAP'], 'bfd_init') and 'elf' not in ctx.env['LIB_ELF_LIB']:
            ctx.fatal('TRAP library not linked with BFD library: libElf library needed or recompile TRAP using its GPL flavour (--license=gpl) if present in your distribution')
""", wscriptFile)
        if not check_trap_linking(ctx, 'trap', ctx.env['LIBPATH_TRAP'], 'elf_begin') and 'bfd' not in ctx.env['LIB_ELF_LIB']:
            ctx.fatal('TRAP library not linked with libelf library: BFD library needed (you might need to re-create the processor specifying a GPL license, if present in your distribution) or compile TRAP using its LGPL flavour')

        #include <systemc.h>
        #include "trap.hpp"

        extern "C" int sc_main(int argc, char **argv){
            return 0;
''', header_name='trap.hpp', use='TRAP ELF_LIB BOOST SYSTEMC', uselib_store='TRAP', mandatory=1, includes=trapDirInc)
            #include <systemc.h>
            #include "trap.hpp"

            #ifndef TRAP_REVISION
            #error TRAP_REVISION not defined in file trap.hpp

            #if TRAP_REVISION < ''' + str(trapRevisionNum) + '''
            #error Wrong version of the TRAP runtime: too old

            int sc_main(int argc, char ** argv){return 0;}
''', msg='Check for TRAP version', use='TRAP ELF_LIB BOOST SYSTEMC', mandatory=1, includes=trapDirInc, errmsg='Error, at least revision ' + str(trapRevisionNum) + ' required')
        ctx.check_cxx(lib='trap', use='ELF_LIB BOOST SYSTEMC', uselib_store='TRAP', mandatory=1, errmsg=trapLibErrmsg)
""", wscriptFile)
            if FileDumper.license == 'gpl':
        if not check_trap_linking(ctx, 'trap', ctx.env['LIBPATH_TRAP'], 'bfd_init') and 'elf' not in ctx.env['LIB_ELF_LIB']:
            ctx.fatal('TRAP library not linked with BFD library: libElf library needed or recompile TRAP using its GPL flavour (--license=gpl)  if present in your distribution')
""", wscriptFile)
        if not check_trap_linking(ctx, 'trap', ctx.env['LIBPATH_TRAP'], 'elf_begin') and 'bfd' not in ctx.env['LIB_ELF_LIB']:
            ctx.fatal('TRAP library not linked with libelf library: BFD library needed (you might need to re-create the processor specifying a GPL license, if present in your distribution) or compile TRAP using its LGPL flavour ')

        #include <systemc.h>
        #include "trap.hpp"

        extern "C" int sc_main(int argc, char **argv){
            return 0;
''', header_name='trap.hpp', use='TRAP ELF_LIB BOOST SYSTEMC', uselib_store='TRAP', mandatory=1)
            #include <systemc.h>
            #include "trap.hpp"

            #ifndef TRAP_REVISION
            #error TRAP_REVISION not defined in file trap.hpp

            #if TRAP_REVISION < ''' + str(trapRevisionNum) + '''
            #error Wrong version of the TRAP runtime: too old

            int sc_main(int argc, char ** argv){return 0;}
''', msg='Check for TRAP version', use='TRAP ELF_LIB BOOST SYSTEMC', mandatory=1, errmsg='Error, at least revision ' + str(trapRevisionNum) + ' required')

""", wscriptFile)
            # Finally now I can add the options
            printOnFile('def options(ctx):', wscriptFile)
    build_options = ctx.add_option_group('General Build Options')
    ctx.load('python', option_group=build_options)
    ctx.load('compiler_c', option_group=build_options)
    ctx.load('compiler_cxx', option_group=build_options)
    ctx.load('boost', option_group=build_options)

    # Specify SystemC and TLM options
    ctx.add_option('--with-systemc', type='string', help='SystemC installation directory', dest='systemcdir' )
    ctx.add_option('--with-tlm', type='string', help='TLM installation directory', dest='tlmdir')
    ctx.add_option('--with-trap', type='string', help='TRAP libraries and headers installation directory', dest='trapdir')
""", wscriptFile)
            if FileDumper.license == 'gpl':
    # Specify BFD and IBERTY libraries path
    ctx.add_option('--with-bfd', type='string', help='BFD installation directory', dest='bfddir' )
""", wscriptFile)
    # Specify libELF library path
    ctx.add_option('--with-elf', type='string', help='libELF installation directory', dest='elfdir' )
    ctx.add_option('--static', default=False, action="store_true", help='Triggers a static build, with no dependences from any dynamic library', dest='static_build')
    # Specify if OS emulation support should be compiled inside processor models
    ctx.add_option('-T', '--disable-tools', default=True, action="store_false", help='Disables support for support tools (debuger, os-emulator, etc.) (switch)', dest='enable_tools')
    # Specify if instruction history has to be kept
    ctx.add_option('-s', '--enable-history', default=False, action='store_true', help='Enables the history of executed instructions', dest='enable_history')
    # Specify support for the profilers: gprof, vprof
    ctx.add_option('-P', '--gprof', default=False, action='store_true', help='Enables profiling with gprof profiler', dest='enable_gprof')
    ctx.add_option('-V', '--vprof', default=False, action='store_true', help='Enables profiling with vprof profiler', dest='enable_vprof')
    ctx.add_option('--with-vprof', type='string', help='vprof installation folder', dest='vprofdir')
    ctx.add_option('--with-papi', type='string', help='papi installation folder', dest='papidir')""", wscriptFile)

            # Now I add the custom options, in case there are any
            if customOptions:
                printOnFile("    # Custom Options", wscriptFile)
            for option in customOptions:
                printOnFile("    ctx.add_option('--" + option[0] + "', default=False, action='store_true', help='Defines the " + option[1] + " directive', dest='define_" + option[1].lower() + "')", wscriptFile)
