Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.mGrammar = Grammar()
     self.mAlphabet = Alphabet()
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Model:
    def __init__(self):
        self.mGrammar = Grammar()
        self.mAlphabet = Alphabet()
    def __str__(self):
        return 'grammar:\n%s\nalphabet:\n%s' % (self.mGrammar, self.mAlphabet)
    def setAlphabet(self, alphabet):
        self.mAlphabet = alphabet
    def setGrammar(self, grammar):
        self.mGrammar = grammar
    def getGrammar(self):
        s = "\n".join( self.getGrammarLines())
        return IndentString( s )
    def getGrammarLines(self):
        """write the grammar for this chain."""
        lines = []
        lines += self.mGrammar.getGrammarLines()
        lines += self.mAlphabet.getGrammarLines()
        return lines
    def renameParameter(self, old, new):
        """rename a parameter in the model."""
        self.mGrammar.renameParameter( old, new )
    def evaluateRateMatrix(self, terminals = None):
        """returns the evaluated rate Matrix for the given terminals.
        This method uses the parameter section of the grammar to evaluate
        the expressions in the rate matrix.
        if terminals == None:
            tt = self.mGrammar.getTerminals()
            tt = [terminals,]
        results = {}
        for terminals in tt:
            chain = self.mGrammar.getChain( terminals )
            lines = self.mGrammar.getParameterCode()
            transitions = chain.getTransitions()
            for start, ends in transitions.items():
                for end, rate in ends.items():
                    if type(rate[1]) == StringType:
                        expr = rate[1]
                        n = []
                        for x in rate[1]:
                            if x[:2] == "# ":
                                n.append( x[2:])
                                n.append( x )
                        expr = " ".join( tuple(n) )
                    lines.append( "matrix[%s][%s] = %s" % ( (str(start), str(end), expr) ))
            # build the full rate matrix
            matrix = {}
            states = chain.getInitialStates().keys()
            for x in states:
                s = {}
                for y in states:
                    s[y] = 0
                matrix[x] = s
            ## fill the matrix with values
            except SyntaxError, msg:
                raise Exceptions.ProgrammingError( 'error "%s" while computing rate matrix:\n%s\n' % \
            ## set the diagonal elements
            for x in states:
                matrix[x][x] = 0
                s = sum( matrix[x].values() )
                matrix[x][x] = -s
            results[terminals] = matrix
        return results