Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, channel_list, nickname, server, port=6667):
        print "initializing... ",
        SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port)], nickname, nickname)
        self.channels_to_join = channel_list

        self.last_msg_time = 0  # timestamp of the last message sent, so the next
        # one can be delayed, if necessary

        self.last_queries = {
        }  # this stores the last query for everyone who asks
        # about results (i.e. channels and queries)

        self.stats = YaCyStats(
        )  # Object for statistics about the YaCy network

        self.ping_timer = None  # handle of the client->server ping timer
        self.ping_channel = channel_list[0]  # name of the ping target

        print "done"
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self, channel_list, nickname, server, port=6667):
    print "initializing... ",
    SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port)], nickname, nickname)
    self.channels_to_join = channel_list

    self.last_msg_time = 0 # timestamp of the last message sent, so the next
                           # one can be delayed, if necessary

    self.last_queries = {} # this stores the last query for everyone who asks
                           # about results (i.e. channels and queries)

    self.stats = YaCyStats() # Object for statistics about the YaCy network

    self.ping_timer = None # handle of the client->server ping timer
    self.ping_channel = channel_list[0] # name of the ping target

    print "done"
Ejemplo n.º 3
class YaCyBot(SingleServerIRCBot):
  def __init__(self, channel_list, nickname, server, port=6667):
    print "initializing... ",
    SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port)], nickname, nickname)
    self.channels_to_join = channel_list

    self.last_msg_time = 0 # timestamp of the last message sent, so the next
                           # one can be delayed, if necessary

    self.last_queries = {} # this stores the last query for everyone who asks
                           # about results (i.e. channels and queries)

    self.stats = YaCyStats() # Object for statistics about the YaCy network

    self.ping_timer = None # handle of the client->server ping timer
    self.ping_channel = channel_list[0] # name of the ping target

    print "done"

  def on_nicknameinuse(self, c, e) :
    c.nick(c.get_nickname() + "_")
    s = string.join(["nickname", c.get_nickname(), "in use, add '_'"])
    print s

  def on_welcome(self, c, e) :
    # clear the last-query list
    self.last_queries = {}

    # join all the channels
    for channel in self.channels_to_join:
      print u"joining ", channel

    # stop the old ping timer, if one is running
    if self.ping_timer:

    # start the new one
    if IRC_PING_INTERVAL != 0:
      # ping the first joined channel for keep-alive
      self.ping_timer = Timer(IRC_PING_INTERVAL, self.send_ping, [c])

  def on_pubmsg(self, c, e) :
    # process messages from the joined channels
    nick = nm_to_n(e.source())
    channel = e.target()
    message = e.arguments()[0]

    self.process_message(c, nick, channel, message, True)

  def on_privmsg(self, c, e) :
    # process messages from queries
    nick = nm_to_n(e.source())
    message = e.arguments()[0]

    self.process_message(c, nick, nick, message, False)

  def process_message(self, c, nick, reply_to, message, is_public = True):
    # messages starting with a '!' are considered bot requests
    if message[0] == '!':
      # split message in command (first word) and parameters
      command_parts = message[1:].split(" ")
      command = command_parts[0]
      if len(command_parts) > 1:
        params = command_parts[1:]
        params = []

      print "Executing command:", message[1:]

      if is_public:
        highlight_str = nick + ": "
        highlight_str = ""

        # interpret the commands
        if command == 'y' or command == 'yacy':
          # build and send the query
          querystr = " ".join(params);
          query = YaCyQuery(querystr)
          numresults = query.request()

          if numresults == 0:
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, highlight_str + "No results for your query \"" + querystr + "\".")
            numtotalresults = query.getNumTotalResults()
            self.last_queries[reply_to] = query

            # print the results
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, highlight_str + "The first " + str(numresults) + " results (" + str(numtotalresults) + " total) for your query \"" + querystr + "\":")

            for i in range(numresults):
              result = query.getResult(i)
              self.send_msg(c, reply_to, str(i) + ": " + result['link'])

        elif command == 'd' or command == 'details':
          # check for some errors
          if reply_to not in self.last_queries.keys():
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "No search was requested yet or no results where returned.")
          elif len(params) < 1:
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "!details requires the result index as parameter.")
          elif int(params[0]) >= self.last_queries[reply_to].getNumResults():
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Index is out of range (only " + str(self.last_queries[reply_to].getNumResults()) + " results found).")
            # everything ok -> show the requested result's details
            resultIndex = int(params[0])
            result = self.last_queries[reply_to].getResult(resultIndex)

            # clean up the description
            description = html2text.html2text(result['description'])

            # show the results
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Title: " + result['title'])
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "URL:   " + result['link'])
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Date:  " + result['pubDate'])
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Size:  " + result['sizename'])
            self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Description: " + description)

        elif command == 's' or command == 'stats':

          # show the results
          self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Queried peer's name: " + self.stats.myName)
          self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "URLs on this peer:            {0:>7}".format(self.formatNumber(self.stats.myURLs)))
          self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "RWIs on this peer:            {0:>7}".format(self.formatNumber(self.stats.myRWIs)))
          self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Number of known active peers: {0:>7}".format(self.formatNumber(self.stats.peers)))
          self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "URLs on active peers:         {0:>7}".format(self.formatNumber(self.stats.allURLs)))
          self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "RWIs on active peers:         {0:>7}".format(self.formatNumber(self.stats.allRWIs)))
          self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Cluster PPM:                  {0:>7}".format(self.formatNumber(self.stats.allPPM)))
          self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Cluster QPH:                  {0:>7}".format(self.formatNumber(self.stats.allQPH)))

        elif command == 'l' or command == 'license':
          self.send_multiline(c, reply_to, LICENSE)
        elif command == 'h' or command == 'help':
          self.send_multiline(c, reply_to, u"""Here are the commands I understand:
  !help            - Show this help
  !yacy <keywords> - Search for <keywords>
  !details <N>     - Print more details for the Nth result from the last query
  !stats           - Get some statistics about the peer and the YaCy network
  !license         - Show the license for this program
  Every command can be abbreviated with a single letter (i.e. !h for !help)""")
          self.send_msg(c, reply_to, highlight_str + "I don't know what you mean. Please ask for !help ;-)")
      except Exception as ex:
        self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Oops, an error occurred while processing the request:")
        self.send_msg(c, reply_to, str(ex))

  def send_ping(self, c):
    # send a /ping command to the server and restart the timer
    self.ping_timer = Timer(IRC_PING_INTERVAL, self.send_ping, [c]);

  def shutdown(self):
    print "shutting down."
    if self.ping_timer:
    self.disconnect("Quitting on user request.")

  # send a message and wait for some time to bypass flood protection
  def send_msg(self, c, target, msg):
    sleep_time = IRC_MIN_DELAY - (time.time() - self.last_msg_time)

      c.privmsg(target, msg.encode('utf-8'))
      c.privmsg(target, msg)

    if sleep_time > 0:

    self.last_msg_time = time.time()

  # send a "multiline" message by splitting it into single line messages
  def send_multiline(self, c, target, msg):
    lines = msg.split("\n")
    for line in lines:
      self.send_msg(c, target, line);

  # show a simple progress bar
  def progressbar(self, progress):
    split_point = 50 * progress
    str = ""
    for i in range(50):
      if i < split_point:
        str = str + "#"
        str = str + "-"

    return str

  # generate a short output of big numbers using SI prefixes
  def formatNumber(self, number):
    suffixes = [' ', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']

    fnum = float(number)
    index = 0
    while fnum > 1000:
      fnum /= 1000.0
      index += 1

    return "{0:.2f}{1}".format(fnum, suffixes[index])
Ejemplo n.º 4
class YaCyBot(SingleServerIRCBot):
    def __init__(self, channel_list, nickname, server, port=6667):
        print "initializing... ",
        SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port)], nickname, nickname)
        self.channels_to_join = channel_list

        self.last_msg_time = 0  # timestamp of the last message sent, so the next
        # one can be delayed, if necessary

        self.last_queries = {
        }  # this stores the last query for everyone who asks
        # about results (i.e. channels and queries)

        self.stats = YaCyStats(
        )  # Object for statistics about the YaCy network

        self.ping_timer = None  # handle of the client->server ping timer
        self.ping_channel = channel_list[0]  # name of the ping target

        print "done"

    def on_nicknameinuse(self, c, e):
        c.nick(c.get_nickname() + "_")
        s = string.join(["nickname", c.get_nickname(), "in use, add '_'"])
        print s

    def on_welcome(self, c, e):
        # clear the last-query list
        self.last_queries = {}

        # join all the channels
        for channel in self.channels_to_join:
            print u"joining ", channel

        # stop the old ping timer, if one is running
        if self.ping_timer:

        # start the new one
        if IRC_PING_INTERVAL != 0:
            # ping the first joined channel for keep-alive
            self.ping_timer = Timer(IRC_PING_INTERVAL, self.send_ping, [c])

    def on_pubmsg(self, c, e):
        # process messages from the joined channels
        nick = nm_to_n(e.source())
        channel = e.target()
        message = e.arguments()[0]

        self.process_message(c, nick, channel, message, True)

    def on_privmsg(self, c, e):
        # process messages from queries
        nick = nm_to_n(e.source())
        message = e.arguments()[0]

        self.process_message(c, nick, nick, message, False)

    def process_message(self, c, nick, reply_to, message, is_public=True):
        # messages starting with a '!' are considered bot requests
        if message[0] == '!':
            # split message in command (first word) and parameters
            command_parts = message[1:].split(" ")
            command = command_parts[0]
            if len(command_parts) > 1:
                params = command_parts[1:]
                params = []

            print "Executing command:", message[1:]

            if is_public:
                highlight_str = nick + ": "
                highlight_str = ""

                # interpret the commands
                if command == 'y' or command == 'yacy':
                    # build and send the query
                    querystr = " ".join(params)
                    query = YaCyQuery(querystr)
                    numresults = query.request()

                    if numresults == 0:
                            c, reply_to, highlight_str +
                            "No results for your query \"" + querystr + "\".")
                        numtotalresults = query.getNumTotalResults()
                        self.last_queries[reply_to] = query

                        # print the results
                            c, reply_to,
                            highlight_str + "The first " + str(numresults) +
                            " results (" + str(numtotalresults) +
                            " total) for your query \"" + querystr + "\":")

                        for i in range(numresults):
                            result = query.getResult(i)
                            self.send_msg(c, reply_to,
                                          str(i) + ": " + result['link'])

                elif command == 'd' or command == 'details':
                    # check for some errors
                    if reply_to not in self.last_queries.keys():
                            c, reply_to,
                            "No search was requested yet or no results where returned."
                    elif len(params) < 1:
                            c, reply_to,
                            "!details requires the result index as parameter.")
                    elif int(params[0]
                             ) >= self.last_queries[reply_to].getNumResults():
                            c, reply_to, "Index is out of range (only " +
                            str(self.last_queries[reply_to].getNumResults()) +
                            " results found).")
                        # everything ok -> show the requested result's details
                        resultIndex = int(params[0])
                        result = self.last_queries[reply_to].getResult(

                        # clean up the description
                        description = html2text.html2text(

                        # show the results
                        self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "Title: " + result['title'])
                        self.send_msg(c, reply_to, "URL:   " + result['link'])
                        self.send_msg(c, reply_to,
                                      "Date:  " + result['pubDate'])
                        self.send_msg(c, reply_to,
                                      "Size:  " + result['sizename'])
                        self.send_msg(c, reply_to,
                                      "Description: " + description)

                elif command == 's' or command == 'stats':

                    # show the results
                    self.send_msg(c, reply_to,
                                  "Queried peer's name: " + self.stats.myName)
                        c, reply_to,
                        "URLs on this peer:            {0:>7}".format(
                        c, reply_to,
                        "RWIs on this peer:            {0:>7}".format(
                        c, reply_to,
                        "Number of known active peers: {0:>7}".format(
                        c, reply_to,
                        "URLs on active peers:         {0:>7}".format(
                        c, reply_to,
                        "RWIs on active peers:         {0:>7}".format(
                        c, reply_to,
                        "Cluster PPM:                  {0:>7}".format(
                        c, reply_to,
                        "Cluster QPH:                  {0:>7}".format(

                elif command == 'l' or command == 'license':
                    self.send_multiline(c, reply_to, LICENSE)
                elif command == 'h' or command == 'help':
                        c, reply_to, u"""Here are the commands I understand:
  !help            - Show this help
  !yacy <keywords> - Search for <keywords>
  !details <N>     - Print more details for the Nth result from the last query
  !stats           - Get some statistics about the peer and the YaCy network
  !license         - Show the license for this program
  Every command can be abbreviated with a single letter (i.e. !h for !help)""")
                        c, reply_to, highlight_str +
                        "I don't know what you mean. Please ask for !help ;-)")
            except Exception as ex:
                    c, reply_to,
                    "Oops, an error occurred while processing the request:")
                self.send_msg(c, reply_to, str(ex))

    def send_ping(self, c):
        # send a /ping command to the server and restart the timer
        self.ping_timer = Timer(IRC_PING_INTERVAL, self.send_ping, [c])

    def shutdown(self):
        print "shutting down."
        if self.ping_timer:
        self.disconnect("Quitting on user request.")

    # send a message and wait for some time to bypass flood protection
    def send_msg(self, c, target, msg):
        sleep_time = IRC_MIN_DELAY - (time.time() - self.last_msg_time)

            c.privmsg(target, msg.encode('utf-8'))
            c.privmsg(target, msg)

        if sleep_time > 0:

        self.last_msg_time = time.time()

    # send a "multiline" message by splitting it into single line messages
    def send_multiline(self, c, target, msg):
        lines = msg.split("\n")
        for line in lines:
            self.send_msg(c, target, line)

    # show a simple progress bar
    def progressbar(self, progress):
        split_point = 50 * progress
        str = ""
        for i in range(50):
            if i < split_point:
                str = str + "#"
                str = str + "-"

        return str

    # generate a short output of big numbers using SI prefixes
    def formatNumber(self, number):
        suffixes = [' ', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']

        fnum = float(number)
        index = 0
        while fnum > 1000:
            fnum /= 1000.0
            index += 1

        return "{0:.2f}{1}".format(fnum, suffixes[index])