Ejemplo n.º 1
def _make_zeek_params(node, live):
    args = []

    if live and node.interface:
            # Interface name needs quotes so that shell doesn't interpret any
            # potential metacharacters in the name.
            args += ["-i", "'%s'" % node.interface]
        except AttributeError:

        if config.Config.savetraces:
            args += ["-w", "trace.pcap"]

    args += ["-U", ".status"]
    args += ["-p", "zeekctl"]

    if live:
        args += ["-p", "zeekctl-live"]

    if node_mod.is_standalone(node):
        args += ["-p", "standalone"]

    for prefix in config.Config.prefixes.split(":"):
        args += ["-p", "%s" % prefix]

    args += ["-p", "%s" % node.name]

    # The order of loaded scripts is as follows:
    # 1) SitePolicyScripts (local.zeek by default) gives a common set of loaded
    #    scripts for all nodes.
    # 2) The common configuration of zeekctl is loaded via the zeekctl package.
    # 3) The distribution's default settings for node configuration are loaded
    #    from either the cluster framework or standalone scripts. At this point
    #    anything in the distribution's default per-node is overridable and any
    #    identifiers in local.zeek are able to be used (e.g. in defining
    #    a notice policy).
    # 4) Autogenerated zeekctl scripts are loaded, which may contain
    #    settings that override the previously loaded scripts.
    #    (e.g. see Log::default_rotation_interval)
    args += config.Config.sitepolicyscripts.split()
    args += ["zeekctl"]
    if node_mod.is_standalone(node):
        args += ["zeekctl/standalone"]
        args += ["base/frameworks/cluster"]

    args += ["zeekctl/auto"]

    if getattr(node, "aux_scripts", None):
        args += [node.aux_scripts]

    if config.Config.zeekargs:
        # Some args in zeekargs might contain spaces, so we cannot split it.
        args += [config.Config.zeekargs]

    return args
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _check_nodestore(self, nodestore):
        if not nodestore:
            raise ConfigurationError("no nodes found in node config")

        standalone = False
        manager = False
        proxy = False

        manageronlocalhost = False
        # Note: this is a subset of localaddrs
        localhostaddrs = "", "::1"

        for n in nodestore.values():
            if node_mod.is_manager(n):
                if manager:
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        "only one manager can be defined in node config")
                manager = True
                if n.addr in localhostaddrs:
                    manageronlocalhost = True

                if n.addr not in self.localaddrs:
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        "must run zeekctl on same machine as the manager node. The manager node has IP address %s and this machine has IP addresses: %s"
                        % (n.addr, ", ".join(self.localaddrs)))

            elif node_mod.is_proxy(n):
                proxy = True

            elif node_mod.is_standalone(n):
                standalone = True
                if n.addr not in self.localaddrs:
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        "must run zeekctl on same machine as the standalone node. The standalone node has IP address %s and this machine has IP addresses: %s"
                        % (n.addr, ", ".join(self.localaddrs)))

        if standalone:
            if len(nodestore) > 1:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "more than one node defined in standalone node config")
            if not manager:
                raise ConfigurationError("no manager defined in node config")
            elif not proxy:
                raise ConfigurationError("no proxy defined in node config")

        # If manager is on localhost, then all other nodes must be on localhost
        if manageronlocalhost:
            for n in nodestore.values():
                if not node_mod.is_manager(n) and n.addr not in localhostaddrs:
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        "all nodes must use localhost/ when manager uses it"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _make_env_params(node, returnlist=False):
    envs = []
    if not node_mod.is_standalone(node):
        envs.append("CLUSTER_NODE=%s" % node.name)

    envs += ["%s=%s" % (key, val) for (key, val) in sorted(node.env_vars.items())]

    if returnlist:
        envlist = [("-v", i) for i in envs]
        return [j for i in envlist for j in i]

    return " ".join(envs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def df(self, nodes):
        results = cmdresult.CmdResult()

        DiskInfo = namedtuple("DiskInfo", ("fs", "total", "used", "available", "percent"))
        dirs = ("logdir", "bindir", "helperdir", "cfgdir", "spooldir",
                "policydir", "libdir", "libdir64", "tmpdir", "staticdir", "scriptsdir")

        df = {}
        for node in nodes:
            df[node.name] = {}

        cmds = []
        for node in nodes:
            for key in dirs:
                if key == "logdir" and not (node_mod.is_logger(node) or node_mod.is_manager(node) or node_mod.is_standalone(node)):
                    # Don't need to check this on nodes that don't write logs.

                path = self.config.config[key]

                if key == "libdir" or key == "libdir64":
                    if not os.path.exists(path):

                cmds += [(node, "df", [path])]

        for (node, success, output) in self.executor.run_helper(cmds):
            if success:
                fields = output.split()
                if len(fields) != 4:
                    df[node.name]["FAIL"] = "wrong number of fields from df helper"

                fs = fields[0]
                # Ignore NFS mounted volumes.
                if not fs.startswith("/") and ":" in fs:

                    total = float(fields[1])
                    used = float(fields[2])
                    avail = float(fields[3])
                except ValueError as err:
                    df[node.name]["FAIL"] = "bad output from df helper: %s" % err

                perc = used * 100.0 / (used + avail)
                df[node.name][fs] = DiskInfo(fs, total, used, avail, perc)
                df[node.name]["FAIL"] = output if output else "no output"

        for node in nodes:
            success = "FAIL" not in df[node.name]
            results.set_node_data(node, success, df[node.name])

        return results