Ejemplo n.º 1
def readMat(path, key="A"):
	""" Reads a Graph from a matlab object file containing an adjacency matrix and returns a NetworKit::Graph
		- key: The key of the adjacency matrix in the matlab object file (default: A)"""
	matlabObject = scipy.io.loadmat(path)
	# result is a dictionary of variable names and objects, representing the matlab object
	if key in matlabObject:
		A = matlabObject[key]
		raise Exception("Key {0} not found in the matlab object file".format(key))
	(n, n2) = A.shape
	if n != n2:
		raise Exception("this ({0}x{1}) matrix is not square".format(n, n2))
#	if not numpy.array_equal(A, A.transpose): # FIXME this is slow and doesn't work as expected, seems to be False for valid inputs
#		logging.warning("the adjacency matrix is not symmetric")
	G = __Graph(n)
	nz = A.nonzero()
	for (u,v) in zip(nz[0], nz[1]):
		if not G.hasEdge(u, v):
			G.addEdge(u, v)
	return G
Ejemplo n.º 2
def graphFromStreamFile(path, mapped=True, baseIndex=0):
	stream = readStream(path, mapped, baseIndex)
	G = __Graph()
	gu = GraphUpdater(G)
	return G