Ejemplo n.º 1
def array(epochs, xlabel=True, ylabel=True,
          w=4, h=3, dpi=50):
    plots uts data to a rectangular grid. I data has only 1 dimension, the
    x-axis defines epochs.


    h : scalar
        plot height in inches
    w : scalar
        plot width in inches

    epochs = _base.unpack_epochs_arg(epochs, 2)

    n_plots = len(epochs)
#    n = round(np.sqrt(n_plots))
    figsize = (n_plots * w, h)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
    plt.subplots_adjust(.1, .1, .95, .95, .1, .4)

    for i, layers in enumerate(epochs):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, n_plots, i + 1)

        _ylabel = ylabel if i == 1 else None
        _xlabel = xlabel if i == n_plots - 1 else None

        _ax_im_array(ax, layers, xlabel=_xlabel, ylabel=ylabel)

    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, epochs, sensors=None, ylim=None, w=4, h=2, dpi=90,
                 ncol=3, title=None, axtitle='{name}',
                 xlabel=True, ylabel=True, color=None):

        sensors: None or list of sensor IDs
            sensors to plot (``None`` = all)
        w, h : scalar
            width and height of the individual aces in inches
        color: (mpl color)
            default (``None``): use segment color if available, otherwise
            black; ``True``: alternate colors (mpl default)
        title: bool or string
            Title for the axes. If ``True``, the segment's name is used.
            scalar or (min, max) tuple specifying the y-axis limits (the
            default ``None`` leaves mpl's default limits unaffected)

        epochs = _base.unpack_epochs_arg(epochs, 2)

        n_plots = len(epochs)
        nrow = math.ceil(n_plots / ncol)
        ncol = min(n_plots, ncol)

        figsize = (w * ncol, h * nrow)
        win_title = title if isinstance(title, str) else 'plot.butterfly'
        super(butterfly, self).__init__(title=win_title, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
        fig = self.figure

        for i, layers in enumerate(epochs):
            ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, i + 1)

            if i == n_plots - 1:
                _xlabel = xlabel
                _xlabel = None

            _ax_butterfly(ax, layers, sensors=sensors, ylim=ylim, title=axtitle,
                          xlabel=_xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, color=color)

        if title:

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, epochs, sensors=True, proj='default',
                 size=5, dpi=100, title="plot.topomap",
                 res=100, interpolation='nearest'):
        Plots individual topogeraphies.


        sensors : bool | 'id' | 'name'

        epochs = self.epochs = _base.unpack_epochs_arg(epochs, 1)

        # create figure
        n_plots = len(epochs)
        x_size = size * n_plots
        y_size = size
        figsize = (x_size, y_size)

        super(topomap, self).__init__(title=title, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)

        # plot epochs (x/y are in figure coordinates)
        frame = .05

        topo_kwargs = dict(res=res,

        self.axes = []
        for i, layers in enumerate(epochs):
            # axes coordinates
            left = (i + frame) / n_plots
            bottom = frame
            width = (1 - 2 * frame) / n_plots
            height = 1 - 3 * frame

            ax_rect = [left, bottom, width, height]
            ax = self.figure.add_axes(ax_rect)
            ax.ID = i

            _ax_topomap(ax, layers, title=True, **topo_kwargs)

Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, epochs, size=2.5, bflywidth=2, dpi=90, 
                 res=50, interpolation='nearest', 
                 title=True, xlabel=True, ylabel=True,
                 color=None, sensors=None, ylim=None):
        size : float
            in inches: height of the butterfly axes and side length of the 
            topomap axes
        bflywidth : float
            multiplier for the width of butterfly plots based on their height
        epochs = self.epochs = _base.unpack_epochs_arg(epochs)
        # create figure
        n_plots = len(epochs)
        x_size = size * (1 + bflywidth)
        y_size = size * n_plots
        # old
#        figsize = (x_size, y_size)
#        fig = self.create_figure(figsize=figsize, facecolor='w', dpi=dpi)
        # new
        parent = wx.GetApp().shell
        title = "plot.topo.butterfly"
        mpl_canvas.CanvasFrame.__init__(self, parent, title, dpi=dpi)
        fig = self.figure
        # plot epochs (x/y are in figure coordinates)
        x_axsep = 1 - (size / x_size)
        y_axsep = 1 / n_plots
        frame = .05
        frame_lbl = frame * 2
        self.topo_kwargs = {'res': res,
                            'interpolation': interpolation}
        t = 0
        self.topo_axes = []
        self.t_markers = []
        self.topos = []
        for i, layers in enumerate(epochs):
            y_bottom = 1 - y_axsep * (1 + i) 
            ax1_rect = [frame, 
                        y_bottom + frame_lbl, 
                        x_axsep - 2 * frame, 
                        y_axsep - frame_lbl - frame]
            ax2_rect = [x_axsep + frame, 
                        y_bottom + frame, 
                        1 - x_axsep - 2 * frame, 
                        y_axsep - 2 * frame]
            ax1 = fig.add_axes(ax1_rect)
            ax1.ID = i
            t_marker = ax1.axvline(t, color='k')
            ax2 = fig.add_axes(ax2_rect, frameon=False)
            if len(self.topo_axes) == 0:
                ax2.set_title('t = %.3f' % t)
                self._t_title = ax2.title
            self.topos.append((t_marker, ax2, layers))
            uts._ax_butterfly(ax1, layers, sensors=sensors, ylim=ylim, title=title, 
                              xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, color=color)
        # setup callback
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._on_click)
        self._realtime_topo = True
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self._on_mouse_motion)
        self.set_topo_t(0, draw=False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, epochs, title=None, height=3, width=2.5, ntopo=3, dpi=90,
                 ylim=None, t=[], **kwargs):
        Interface for exploring channel by sample plots by extracting topo-plots
        ntopo=None  number of topoplots per segment (None -> 6 / nplots)
        # convenience for single segment
        epochs = _base.unpack_epochs_arg(epochs)
        # figure properties
        n_epochs = len(epochs)
        n_topo_total = ntopo * n_epochs
        fig_width, fig_height = n_epochs * width, height
        # fig coordinates
        x_frame_l = .1 / n_epochs
        x_frame_r = .025 / n_epochs
        x_per_ax = (1 - x_frame_l - x_frame_r) / n_epochs
        # create figure
        parent = wx.GetApp().shell
        if isinstance(title, basestring):
            frame_title = title
            frame_title = "plot.topo.array"
#        figsize=(fig_width, fig_height)
        mpl_canvas.CanvasFrame.__init__(self, parent, frame_title, dpi=dpi)
        fig = self.figure
        fig.subplots_adjust(left = x_frame_l, 
                            bottom = .05, 
                            right = 1 - x_frame_r, 
                            top = .9, 
                            wspace = .1, hspace = .3)
        if title:
        self.title = title
        # im_array plots
        ax_height = .4 + .075 * (not title)
        ax_bottom = .45# + .05*(not title)
        ax_width = .9 * x_per_ax
        for i,layers in enumerate(epochs):
            ax_left = x_frame_l + i * x_per_ax
            ax = fig.add_axes((ax_left, ax_bottom, ax_width, ax_height),
                              picker=True)  # rect = [left, bottom, width, height]
            ax.ID = i
            ax.type = 'main'
            _base._ax_im_array(ax, layers)
            if i > 0:
        # topo plots
        for i, layers in enumerate(epochs):
            for j in range(ntopo):
                ID = i * ntopo + j
                ax = fig.add_subplot(3, n_topo_total, 2 * n_topo_total + 1 + ID, 
                                     picker=True, xticks=[], yticks=[])
                ax.ID = ID
                ax.type = 'window'
                pointer_xy = (.1 + (.85 / n_topo_total) * (.5 + ID), .3)
                self.windows.append(_Window_Topo(ax, pointer_xy, layers))
        # save important properties
        self.epochs = epochs
        # if t argument is provided, set topo-pol time points
        if t:
            if np.isscalar(t):
                t = [t]
        # setup callback
        self._selected_window = None
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self._pick_handler)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self._motion_handler)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, epochs, size=2, bflywidth=3, dpi=90,
                 proj='default', res=100, interpolation='nearest',
                 title=True, xlabel=True, ylabel=True,
                 color=True, sensors=True, ROI=None, ylim=None):
        **Plot atributes:**

        ROI : list of indices
            plot a subset of sensors
        sensors : bool
            determines whether all sensors are marked in the topo-maps

        **Figure Layout:**

        size : scalar
            in inches: height of the butterfly axes as well as side length of
            the topomap axes
        bflywidth : scalar
            multiplier for the width of butterfly plots based on their height
        res : int
            resolution of the topomap plots (res x res pixels)
        interpolation : 'nearest' | ...
            matplotlib imshow kwargs

        frame_title = "plot.topo.butterfly: %r"
        if isinstance(title, basestring):
            frame_title = frame_title % title
            frame_title = frame_title % getattr(epochs, 'name', '')

        epochs = self.epochs = _base.unpack_epochs_arg(epochs, 2)
        n_plots = len(epochs)

        # create figure
        x_size = size * (1 + bflywidth)
        y_size = size * n_plots
        figsize = (x_size, y_size)

        super(butterfly, self).__init__(title=frame_title, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)

        # axes sizes
        frame = .05  # in inches; .4

        xframe = frame / x_size
        x_left_ylabel = 0.5 / x_size if ylabel else 0
        x_left_title = 0.5 / x_size
        x_text = x_left_title / 3
        ax1_left = xframe + x_left_title + x_left_ylabel
        ax1_width = bflywidth / (bflywidth + 1) - ax1_left - xframe / 2
        ax2_left = bflywidth / (bflywidth + 1) + xframe / 2
        ax2_width = 1 / (bflywidth + 1) - 1.5 * xframe

        yframe = frame / y_size
        y_bottomframe = 0.5 / y_size
#        y_bottom = yframe
        y_sep = (1 - y_bottomframe) / n_plots
        height = y_sep - yframe

        self.topo_kwargs = {'proj': proj,
                            'res': res,
                            'interpolation': interpolation,
                            'sensors': sensors,
                            'ROI': ROI,
                            'ROIcolor': color,
                            'title': False}

        t = 0
        self.topo_axes = []
        self.bfly_axes = []
        self.topos = []
        self.t_markers = []

        # plot epochs (x/y are in figure coordinates)
        for i, layers in enumerate(epochs):
            bottom = 1 - y_sep * (1 + i)

            ax1_rect = [ax1_left, bottom, ax1_width, height]
            ax2_rect = [ax2_left, bottom, ax2_width, height]
            ax1 = self.figure.add_axes(ax1_rect)
            ax1.ID = i

            ax2 = self.figure.add_axes(ax2_rect, frameon=False)

            # t - label
            if len(self.topo_axes) == n_plots - 1:
#                ax2.set_title('t = %.3f' % t)
#                self._t_title = ax2.title
                self._t_title = ax2.text(.0, 0, 't = %.3f' % t, ha='center')

            self.topos.append((ax2, layers))

            show_x_axis = (i == n_plots - 1)

            utsnd._ax_butterfly(ax1, layers, sensors=ROI, ylim=ylim,
                                title=False, xlabel=show_x_axis, ylabel=ylabel,

            if not show_x_axis:
#                ax1.xaxis.set_visible(False)

            # find and print epoch title
            title = True
            for l in layers:
                if title is True:
                    title = getattr(l, 'name', True)
            if isinstance(title, str):
                y_text = bottom + y_sep / 2
                ax1.text(x_text, y_text, title, transform=self.figure.transFigure,
                         ha='center', va='center', rotation='vertical')

        # setup callback
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._on_click)
        self._realtime_topo = True
        self._draw_topo(0, draw=False)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, epochs, title=None, height=3, width=2.5, ntopo=3, dpi=100,
                 ylim=None, t=[]):
        Channel by sample array-plots with topomaps corresponding to
        individual time points.

        title : str | None
        ntopo | int
            number of topomaps per array-plot

        frame_title = "plot.topo.array: %r"
        if isinstance(title, basestring):
            frame_title = frame_title % title
            frame_title = frame_title % getattr(epochs, 'name', '')

        # convenience for single segment
        epochs = _base.unpack_epochs_arg(epochs, 2)

        # figure properties
        n_epochs = len(epochs)
        n_topo_total = ntopo * n_epochs
        left_rim = width / 4
        fig_width, fig_height = n_epochs * width + left_rim, height
        figsize = (fig_width, fig_height)

        # fig coordinates
        x_frame_l = .6 / width / n_epochs
        x_frame_r = .025 / n_epochs
        x_sep = .01 / n_epochs

        x_per_ax = (1 - x_frame_l - x_frame_r) / n_epochs

        # create figure
        super(array, self).__init__(title=frame_title, dpi=dpi, figsize=figsize)
        fig = self.figure

                            right=1 - x_frame_r,
                            wspace=.1, hspace=.3)
        if title:
        self.title = title

        # im_array plots
        self.main_axes = []
        ax_height = .4 + .07 * (not title)
        ax_bottom = .45  # + .05*(not title)
        for i, layers in enumerate(epochs):
            ax_left = x_frame_l + i * (x_per_ax + x_sep)
            ax_right = 1 - x_frame_r - (n_epochs - i - 1) * (x_per_ax + x_sep)
            ax_width = ax_right - ax_left
            ax = fig.add_axes((ax_left, ax_bottom, ax_width, ax_height),
            ax.ID = i
            ax.type = 'main'
            utsnd._ax_im_array(ax, layers)
            if i > 0:

        # topo plots
        self.windows = []
        for i, layers in enumerate(epochs):
            for j in range(ntopo):
                ID = i * ntopo + j
                ax = fig.add_subplot(3, n_topo_total, 2 * n_topo_total + 1 + ID,
                                     picker=True, xticks=[], yticks=[])
                ax.ID = ID
                ax.type = 'window'
                self.windows.append(_Window_Topo(ax, layers))

        # save important properties
        self.epochs = epochs
        self._ntopo = ntopo

        # if t argument is provided, set topo-pol time points
        if t:
            if np.isscalar(t):
                t = [t]

        # setup callback
        self._selected_window = None
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self._pick_handler)
        self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self._motion_handler)