Ejemplo n.º 1
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data,
                              parse_only=SoupStrainer('div', id='azshows'))
    root_menu = root_tree.find_all('a')
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = root_item.text.replace('Season', '').strip()
        season_url = root_item['href'].replace('series.jhtml',
        mode = 'show_subcats'
        if BASE not in season_url:
            season_url = BASE + season_url
        if root_name in blacklist:
        elif '/shows/events' in season_url:
        docontinue = False
        for series_name, choosen in multiseason:
            if series_name in root_name:
                if choosen is not root_name:
                    docontinue = True
                elif choosen == root_name:
                    root_name = series_name
                    mode = 'seasons'
        if docontinue is True:
        if '(' in root_name:
            root_name = root_name.split('(')[0].strip()
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, mode, season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html.parser', parse_only = SoupStrainer('div', id = 'inner'))
	root_menu = root_tree.find_all('div', class_ = 'alpha-group')
	for root_tree2 in root_menu:
		for root_item in root_tree2.find_all('a'):
			root_name = root_item.text.replace('Season','').strip()
			season_url = root_item['href'].replace('series.jhtml','video.jhtml?sort=descend')
			mode = 'show_subcats'
			if BASE not in season_url:
				season_url = BASE + season_url
			if root_name in blacklist:
			elif '/shows/events' in season_url:
			docontinue = False
			for series_name, choosen in multiseason:
				if series_name in root_name:
					if choosen is not root_name:
						docontinue = True
					elif choosen == root_name:
						root_name = series_name
						mode = 'seasons'
			if docontinue is True:
			if '(' in root_name:
				root_name = root_name.split('(')[0].strip()
			_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, mode, season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def add_root_shows(url, doubles = []):
	root_dict = {}
	root_data = _connection.getURL(url)
	root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib')
	root_menu = root_tree.find('ol', class_ = 'lst').find_all('a')
	for root_item in root_menu:
			root_name = root_item.find('div', class_ = 'text-block').span.string
			root_name = root_item.text
		season = re.compile(r' \(Season \d+\)')
		root_name = season.sub('', root_name).strip()
		if 'series.jhtml' in root_item['href']:
			season_url = root_item['href'].replace('series.jhtml', 'video.jhtml?sort=descend')
			season_url = root_item['href'] + 'video.jhtml?sort=descend'
		if BASE not in season_url:
			season_url = BASE + season_url
		if season_url.split('season')[0].replace('video.jhtml?sort=descend','') not in doubles:
			tvdb_name = _common.get_show_data(root_name,SITE, 'seasons')[-1]
			if tvdb_name not in root_dict.keys():
				root_dict[tvdb_name] = season_url
				root_dict[tvdb_name] = root_dict[tvdb_name] + ',' + season_url
	for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
	next = root_tree.find('a', class_ = 'page-next')
	if next:
		doubles = add_root_shows(BASE + next['href'], doubles)
	return doubles
Ejemplo n.º 4
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['shows']['show']
	for root_item in root_menu:
		fullepisodes = 0
		clips = 0
		if (int(root_item['clips']['count']['@total']) + int(root_item['fullepisodes']['count']['@total'])) > 0:
			if int(root_item['clips']['count']['@total']) > 0:
					if int(root_item['clips']['count']['video']['@accesslevel']) == 0:
						clips = int(root_item['clips']['count']['video']['$'])	
					if int(root_item['clips']['count']['video'][0]['@accesslevel']) == 0:
						clips = int(root_item['clips']['count']['video'][0]['$'])
			if int(root_item['fullepisodes']['count']['@total']) > 0:
					if int(root_item['fullepisodes']['count']['video']['@accesslevel']) == 0:
						fullepisodes = int(root_item['fullepisodes']['count']['video']['$'])
					if int(root_item['fullepisodes']['count']['video'][0]['@accesslevel']) == 0:
						fullepisodes = int(root_item['fullepisodes']['count']['video'][0]['$'])
			if (fullepisodes + clips) > 0:
				root_name = root_item['title']
				season_url = root_item['@id']
				_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def rootlist():
	root_start = 0
	root_count = 200
	root_check = []
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(_connection.getURL(SHOWS, header = {'X-Requested-With' : 'XMLHttpRequest'}))
	for root_item in root_menu.itervalues():
		for root_item in root_item:
	while root_start < root_count:
		root_data = cove.programs.filter(fields = 'mediafiles', order_by = 'title', limit_start = root_start)
		root_menu = root_data['results']
		root_count = root_data['count']
		root_stop = root_data['stop']
		del root_data
		for root_item2 in root_menu:
			if root_item2['website'] is None:
				root_website = ''
				root_website = root_item2['website']
			if (root_item2['title'] in root_check) and ('pbskids.org' not in root_website):
				root_name = _common.smart_utf8(root_item2['title'])
				season_url = re.compile('/cove/v1/programs/(.*?)/').findall(root_item2['resource_uri'])[0]
				_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
		root_start = root_stop
Ejemplo n.º 6
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_menu = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib').find_all('li')
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item.a.string.rsplit(' ',1)[0].strip()
		season_url = BASE + root_item.a['href'] + '?limit=100'
		_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_menu = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib').find_all(href = re.compile('/shows/'))
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item['title']
		season_url = BASE + root_item['href']
		_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def rootlist():
	show_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	show_tree = BeautifulSoup(show_data, 'html5lib')
	show_menu = show_tree.find('div', id='shows-list').find_all('a')
	for show_item in show_menu:
		show_name = _common.smart_utf8(show_item.text)
		_common.add_show(show_name,  SITE, 'seasons', show_item['href'])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_menu = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib').find_all('li')
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = root_item.a.string.rsplit(' ', 1)[0].strip()
        season_url = BASE + root_item.a['href'] + '?limit=100'
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['entries']
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = root_item['title']
        season_url = root_item['plcategory$fullTitle']
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['shows']
    for root_item in root_menu:
        if root_item['external_link'] == '':
            root_name = root_item['title']
            _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', root_name)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['entries']
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item['title']
		season_url = root_item['plcategory$fullTitle']
		_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_menu = BeautifulSoup(root_data).find('select', id = 'rb-video-browser-show').find_all('option', title = True)
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item.text
		season_url = root_item['value']
		_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['shows']
	for root_item in root_menu:
		if root_item['external_link'] == '':
			root_name = root_item['title']
			_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', root_name)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['shows']
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item['show']['title']
		season_url = BASE + root_item['show']['path']
		_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data)
    root_menu = root_tree.footer.find_all('li', class_='views-row')
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = _common.smart_utf8(root_item.text.strip())
        season_url = root_item.a['href']
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_menu = BeautifulSoup(root_data).find(
        'select', id='rb-video-browser-show').find_all('option', title=True)
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = root_item.text
        season_url = root_item['value']
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib').find('ul', id = 'channelCarousel_ul')
	root_menu = root_tree.find_all('a')
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item.img['alt'].strip()
		season_url = root_item['title']
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data)
	root_menu = root_tree.footer.find_all('li', class_ = 'views-row')
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = _common.smart_utf8(root_item.text.strip())
		season_url = root_item.a['href']
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS, header = {'X-Forwarded-For' : ''})
	root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib')
	root_menu = root_tree.find_all('div', class_ = 'filter-category right')[0].find_all('li')
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item.find('span', class_ = 'filter-name').text.replace('&','and')
		season_url = root_item['data-value'] 
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_menu = BeautifulSoup(root_data,
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = root_item['title']
        season_url = BASE + root_item['href']
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def movielist(url = _common.args.url):	
	root_dict = {}
	root_url = url
	root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['Entries']
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item['Title']
		season_url = FULLEPISODES % root_item['ID']
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def rootlist():
	root_doubles = []
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_menu = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html.parser').find_all('div', class_ = 'title')
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item.text.strip()
		if root_name not in root_doubles:
			_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', root_name)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html.parser')
    root_menu = root_tree.find_all('option')
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = root_item.string
        season_url = root_item['value']
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def movielist(url = _common.args.url):	
	root_dict = {}
	root_url = url
	root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['Entries']
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item['Title']
		season_url = FULLEPISODES % root_item['ID']
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def rootlist():
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html.parser')
	root_menu = root_tree.find_all('option')
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item.string
		season_url = root_item['value']
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data,
                              'html5lib').find('ul', id='channelCarousel_ul')
    root_menu = root_tree.find_all('a')
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = root_item.img['alt'].strip()
        season_url = root_item['title']
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def rootlist():
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS, forwardheader='')
    root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib')
    root_menu = root_tree.find_all(
        'div', class_='filter-category right')[0].find_all('li')
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = root_item.find('span', class_='filter-name').text.replace(
            '&', 'and')
        season_url = root_item['data-value']
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def rootlist():	
	root_dict = {}
	root_url = SHOWS
	root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['Entries']
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item['Title']
		season_url = FULLEPISODES % root_item['ID']
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
	_common.add_show('Crackle Movies', SITE, 'movielist', MOVIES)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def rootlist():
    root_doubles = []
    root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
    root_menu = BeautifulSoup(root_data,
                              'html.parser').find_all('div', class_='title')
    for root_item in root_menu:
        root_name = root_item.text.strip()
        if root_name not in root_doubles:
            _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', root_name)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def rootlist():
    root_dict = {}
    for root_url in (SHOWS, ORIGINALS, MOVIES):
        root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
        root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['result']['data']
        for root_item in root_menu:
            root_name = root_item['title']
            season_url = root_item['link']
            root_dict[root_name] = season_url
    for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def rootlist():	
	root_dict = {}
	for root_url in (SHOWS, ORIGINALS, MOVIES):
		root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
		root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['result']['data']
		for root_item in root_menu:
			root_name = root_item['title']
			season_url = root_item['link']
			root_dict[root_name] = season_url
	for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def rootlist():
	root_dict = {}
	for root_url in (CLIPS, SHOWS):
		root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
		root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html.parser', parse_only = SoupStrainer('div', class_ = 'showsList'))
		root_menu = root_tree.find_all('a')
		for root_item in root_menu:
			root_name = root_item.contents[0].strip()
			season_url = root_item['href'].rsplit('/', 1)[0]
			root_dict[root_name] = season_url
	for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():	
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def rootlist():
	root_dict = {}
	for root_url in (CLIPS, SHOWS):
		root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
		root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib').find('div', id = 'show-directory')
		root_menu = root_tree.find_all('li')
		for root_item in root_menu:
			root_name = clean_title(root_item.a.text)
			season_url = BASE + root_item.a['href']
			root_dict[root_name] = season_url
	for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():	
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def rootlist():
	root_dict = {}
	for root_url in (SHOWS, SPECIALS):
		root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
		root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html.parser', parse_only = SoupStrainer('div', id = 'content'))
		root_menu = root_tree.find_all('div', class_ = 'natgeov-cat-group')
		for root_item in root_menu:
			root_name = root_item.h3.text.split('(')[0].strip()
			season_url = BASE + root_item.a['href']
			root_dict[root_name] = season_url
	for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def rootlist():
    root_dict = {}
    for root_url in (CLIPS, SHOWS):
        root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
        root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data,
                                  'html5lib').find('div', id='show-directory')
        root_menu = root_tree.find_all('li')
        for root_item in root_menu:
            root_name = clean_title(root_item.a.text)
            season_url = BASE + root_item.a['href']
            root_dict[root_name] = season_url
    for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def rootlist():
	root_dict = {}
	root_doubles = []
	root_url = SHOWS
	root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
	root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html.parser', parse_only = SoupStrainer('ul'))
	root_menu = root_tree.find('li', class_ = 'nav_item_3').find_all('a', href = re.compile('[^#]+'))
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item.string
		if root_name not in root_doubles and root_name.split(' with ')[0] not in root_doubles:
			season_url = root_item['href']
			if season_url.endswith('full-episodes'):
				season_url = season_url[:-13]
			_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
def rootlist(SITE, SHOWS, SPECIALS):
    root_dict = {}
    for root_url in (SHOWS, SPECIALS):
        root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
        root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, "html.parser", parse_only=SoupStrainer("div", id="content"))
        root_menu = root_tree.find_all("div", class_="natgeov-cat-group")
        for root_item in root_menu:
            secured_episodes = len(root_item.find_all("img", src=re.compile("AUTH")))
            total_episodes = len(root_item.find_all("img"))
            if secured_episodes != total_episodes:
                root_name = root_item.h3.text.split("(")[0].strip()
                season_url = BASE + root_item.a["href"]
                root_dict[root_name] = season_url
    for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, "episodes", season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def rootlist():
	root_dict = {}
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib')
	root_menu = root_tree.allcollections.find_all('collection')
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = _common.smart_utf8(root_item['name'])
		tvdb_name = _common.get_show_data(root_name, SITE, 'seasons')[-1]
		if tvdb_name not in root_dict.keys():
			root_dict[tvdb_name] = root_item['id']
			root_dict[tvdb_name] = root_dict[tvdb_name] + ',' + root_item['id']
	for root_name in root_dict:
		season_url = root_dict[root_name]
		_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def rootlist():
    root_dict = {}
    for root_url in (CLIPS, SHOWS):
        root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
        root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data,
        root_menu = root_tree.find_all('a')
        for root_item in root_menu:
            root_name = root_item.contents[0].strip()
            season_url = root_item['href'].rsplit('/', 1)[0]
            root_dict[root_name] = season_url
    for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():
        _common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def rootlist():
	root_doubles = []
	root_dict = {}
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_menu = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html.parser').find_all('div', class_ = 'title')
	for root_item in root_menu:
		root_name = root_item.text.strip()
		if root_name not in root_doubles:
			tvdb_name = _common.get_show_data(root_name,SITE, 'seasons')[-1]
			if tvdb_name not in root_dict.keys():
				root_dict[tvdb_name] = root_name
				root_dict[tvdb_name] = root_dict[tvdb_name] + ',' + root_name
	for root_name in root_dict:
		season_url = root_dict[root_name]
		_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def rootlist():
	root_dict = {}
	root_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	root_tree = BeautifulSoup(root_data, 'html5lib')
	root_section = root_tree.find_all('div', class_ = 'primetime_and_originals')
	for section in root_section:
		root_menu = section.find_all('a', text = True)
		for root_item in root_menu:
			root_name = root_item.text
			tvdb_name = _common.get_show_data(root_name,SITE, 'seasons')[-1]
			season_url = BASE + root_item['href']
			if tvdb_name not in root_dict.keys():
				root_dict[tvdb_name] = season_url
				root_dict[tvdb_name] = root_dict[tvdb_name] + ',' + season_url
	for root_name, season_url in root_dict.iteritems():
		_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def masterlist():
	master_dict = {}
	master_db = []
	master_doubles = []
	master_data = _connection.getURL(SHOWS)
	master_tree = BeautifulSoup(master_data, 'html.parser', parse_only = SoupStrainer('ul'))
	master_menu = master_tree.find_all('ul', class_ = 'shows_list')[1].find_all('a')
	master_menu2 = master_tree.find('li', 'nav_item_3').find_all('a', href = re.compile('[^#]+'))
	for master_item in master_menu:
		master_name = master_item.find('span').string
		season_url = master_item['href']
		master_db.append((master_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url))
	for master_item in master_menu2:
		master_name = master_item.string
		if master_name not in master_doubles and master_name.split(' with ')[0] not in master_doubles:
			season_url = master_item['href']
			_common.add_show(master_name, SITE, 'seasons', season_url)
	return master_db
Ejemplo n.º 44
def movielist(url = _common.args.url):
	root_dict = {}
	root_url = url
	root_data = _connection.getURL(root_url)
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(root_data)['Entries']
	for root_item in root_menu:
		if _addoncompat.get_setting('hide_clip_only') == 'false' or not root_item.get('ClipsOnly', False):
			root_name = root_item['Title']
			season_url = FULLEPISODES % root_item['ID']
			showdata = _common.get_skelton_series(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url)
			showdata[6] = root_item.get('ChannelArtTileWide', showdata[6])
			showdata[7] = root_item.get('ChannelArtTileLarge', showdata[7])
			showdata[8] = root_item.get('ChannelArtLandscape', showdata[8])
			showdata[9] = root_item.get('ReleaseYear', showdata[9])
			showdata[11] = root_item.get('ReleaseYear', showdata[11])
			showdata[13] = root_item.get('Genre', showdata[13])
			showdata[15] = root_item.get('Description', showdata[15])
			if root_item.get('ReleaseYear', None):
				showdata[15] = u"%s \n(%s, %s)" % (showdata[15], showdata[13], root_item.get('ReleaseYear'))
			_common.add_show(root_name, SITE, 'episodes', season_url, showdata = showdata)
Ejemplo n.º 45
def rootlist():
	root_menu = simplejson.loads(_connection.getURL(SHOWS))
	for root_item in root_menu['items']:
		root_name = _common.smart_utf8(root_item['title'])
		_common.add_show(root_name,  SITE, 'seasons', urllib.quote_plus(root_name))