Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _neighbours_rdf(self, mimetype):
        query = '''
                 SELECT * WHERE {
                    <%(uri)s>  ?p ?o .
         ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        g = Graph()
        g.bind('prov', Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#'))
        for r in _database.query(query)['results']['bindings']:
            if r['o']['type'] == 'literal':
                g.add((URIRef(self.uri), URIRef(r['p']['value']),
                g.add((URIRef(self.uri), URIRef(r['p']['value']),

        query2 = '''
                 SELECT * WHERE {
                    ?s ?p <%(uri)s> .
         ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        for r in _database.query(query2)['results']['bindings']:
            g.add((URIRef(r['s']['value']), URIRef(r['p']['value']),

        return Response(
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _prov_rdf(self):
        query = '''
                 SELECT * WHERE {
                    <%(uri)s>  ?p ?o .
         ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        g = Graph()
        g.bind('prov', Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#'))
        for r in _database.query(query)['results']['bindings']:
            if r['o']['type'] == 'literal':
                g.add((URIRef(self.uri), URIRef(r['p']['value']),
                g.add((URIRef(self.uri), URIRef(r['p']['value']),

        query2 = '''
                 SELECT * WHERE {
                    ?s ?p <%(uri)s> .
         ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        for r in _database.query(query2)['results']['bindings']:
            g.add((URIRef(r['s']['value']), URIRef(r['p']['value']),

        return g
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _get_details(self):
        """ Get the details for an ReportingSystem from an RDF triplestore"""

        query = '''
            PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
            PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
            PREFIX proms: <http://promsns.org/def/proms#>
            PREFIX vcard: <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#>
            SELECT *
            WHERE {
                <%(uri)s> a proms:ReportingSystem ;
                    rdfs:label ?label .
                OPTIONAL {
                    <%(uri)s> prov:actedOnBehalfOf ?aobo .
                    ?aobo rdfs:label ?aobo_label
                OPTIONAL { <%(uri)s> proms:validation ?v . }
        ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        reportingsystem = _database.query(query)

        if reportingsystem and 'results' in reportingsystem:
            if len(reportingsystem['results']['bindings']) > 0:
                ret = reportingsystem['results']['bindings'][0]
                self.label = ret['label']['value']
                if 'aobo' in ret:
                    self.aobo = ret['aobo']['value']
                    self.aobo_label = ret['aobo_label']['value']
                self.v = ret['v']['value'] if 'v' in ret else None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _get_used_svg(self):
        """ Construct SVG code for the prov:used Activities of an Entity
        script = ''
        query = '''
                PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
                PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
                SELECT *
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                        ?a prov:used <%(uri)s> .
                        ?a rdfs:label ?label .
                ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        entity_result = _database.query(query)

        if entity_result and 'results' in entity_result:
            used = entity_result['results']['bindings']
            if len(used) == 1:
                if used[0].get('label'):
                    label = used[0]['label']['value']
                    label = 'uri'
                uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(used[0]['a']['value'])
                script = '''
                        var aLabel = "%(label)s";
                        var aUri = "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s";
                        var activityUsed = addActivity(555, 205, aLabel, aUri);
                        addLink(activityUsed, entity, "prov:used", TOP);
                    ''' % {
                    'label': label,
                    'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                    'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
            # TODO: Test, no current Entities have multiple prov:used Activities
            elif len(used) > 1:
                # TODO: Check query
                query_encoded = uriparse.quote(query)
                script += '''
                        activityUsed1 = addActivity(555, 215, "", "");
                        activityUsed2 = addActivity(550, 210, "", "");
                        activityUsedN = addActivity(545, 205, "Multiple Activities, click to search", "%(sparql_endpoint)s?query=%(query_encoded)s");
                        addLink(activityUsedN, entity, "prov:used", TOP);
                    ''' % {
                    'sparql_endpoint': self.endpoints['sparql'],
                    'query_encoded': query_encoded
                # do nothing as no Activities found
            # we have a fault
            script += '''
                    var activityFault = addActivity(550, 205, "There is a fault with retrieving Activities that may have used this Entity", "");

        self.script += script
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_agent_was_attributed_to_svg(self):
        """ Construct the SVG code for the prov:wasAttributedTo Entities of an Person
        script = ''
        query = '''
                PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
                PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
                SELECT DISTINCT ?e ?label
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                        { ?e a prov:Entity .}
                        { ?e a prov:Plan .}
                        ?e prov:wasAttributedTo <%(agent_uri)s> ;
                        OPTIONAL { ?e rdfs:label ?label . }
                ''' % {
            'agent_uri': self.uri
        entity_results = _database.query(query)

        if entity_results and 'results' in entity_results:
            wat = entity_results['results']
            if len(wat['bindings']) > 0:
                if wat['bindings'][0].get('label'):
                    label = wat['bindings'][0]['label']['value']
                    label = 'uri'
                uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(wat['bindings'][0]['e']['value'])
                script += '''
                    entityLabel = "%(label)s";
                    entityUri = "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s";
                    var entityWAT = addEntity(385, 430, entityLabel, entityUri);
                    addLink(entity, entityWAT, "prov:wasAttributedTo", RIGHT);
                ''' % {
                    'label': label,
                    'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                    'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
            elif len(wat['bindings']) > 1:
                query_encoded = uriparse.quote(query)
                script += '''
                    var entityWAT1 = addEntity(395, 440, "", "");
                    var entityWAT2 = addEntity(390, 435, "", "");
                    var entityWATN = addEntity(385, 430, "Multiple Entities, click here to search", "%(sparql_endpoint)s?query=%(query_encoded)s");
                    addLink(agent, entityWATN, "prov:wasAttributedTo", RIGHT);
                ''' % {
                    'sparql_endpoint': self.endpoints['sparql'],
                    'query_encoded': query_encoded
                # do nothing as no Activities found
            # we have a fault
            script += '''
                var addEntity(550, 200, "There is a fault with retrieving Activities that may have used this Entity", "");
        return script
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _get_details(self):
        """ Get the details for an Agent from an RDF triplestore"""
        # formulate the query
        query = '''
            PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
            PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
            SELECT *
            WHERE { GRAPH ?g {
                    a prov:Agent ;
                    rdfs:label ?label .
                OPTIONAL {
                    <%(uri)s> prov:actedOnBehalfOf ?aobo .
                    ?aobo rdfs:label ?aobo_label
            ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri

        # run the query
        agent_details = _database.query(query)

        # extract results into instance vars
        if 'results' in agent_details:
            if len(agent_details['results']['bindings']) > 0:
                ret = agent_details['results']['bindings'][0]
                self.label = ret['label']['value']
                if 'aobo' in ret:
                    self.aobo = ret['aobo']['value']
                    self.aobo_label = ret['aobo_label']['value']
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _prov_rdf(self):
        self.g = Graph()

        # get the URIs of Named Graphs that contain references to this Entity
        q = '''
            SELECT DISTINCT ?g
            WHERE {
                GRAPH ?g {
                  {<%(uri)s> ?p ?o .}
                  {?s ?p2 <%(uri)s> .}
        ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri

        # retrieve all the triple of each Named Graph containing this entity
        # add them to in-memory graph
        for row in _database.query(q)['results']['bindings']:
            q2 = '''
                CONSTRUCT {
                  ?s ?p ?o .
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH <%(g)s> {
                        ?s ?p ?o .
                ''' % {
                'g': str(row['g']['value'])
            ng = _database.query_turtle(q2)
            self.g.parse(data=ng, format='turtle')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _get_wif_svg(self):
        """ Construct the SVG code for the prov:wasInformedBy Activities of an Activity
        script = ''
        query = '''
                PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
                PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
                SELECT *
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                        <%(uri)s> a prov:Activity .
                        <%(uri)s> prov:wasInformedBy ?wif .
                        OPTIONAL { ?wif rdfs:label ?wif_label . }
                ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        activity_results = _database.query(query)

        if activity_results and 'results' in activity_results:
            wif = activity_results['results']
            if len(wif['bindings']) == 1:
                if wif['bindings'][0].get('wif_label'):
                    label = wif['bindings'][0]['wif_label']['value']
                    label = 'uri'
                uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(
                script += '''
                    var activityWIB = addActivity(275, 399, "%(label)s", "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s");
                    addLink(activity, activityWIB, "prov:wasInformedBy", RIGHT);
                ''' % {
                    'label': label,
                    'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                    'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
            # TODO: Check query
            elif len(wif['bindings']) > 1:
                query_encoded = uriparse.quote(query)
                script += '''
                    var activityWIB1 = addActivity(275, 399, "", "");
                    var activityWIB2 = addActivity(270, 394, "", "")
                    var activityWIBN = addActivity(2650, 389, "Multiple Activities, click here to search", "%(sparql_endpoint)s?query=%(query_encoded)s");
                    addLink(activity, activityWIBN, "prov:wasInformedBy", RIGHT);
                ''' % {
                    'sparql_endpoint': self.endpoints['sparql'],
                    'query_encoded': query_encoded
                # do nothing as no Activities found
            # we have a fault
            script += '''
                var activityUsedFaultText = addActivity(550, 200, "There is a fault with retrieving Activities that may have used this Entity", "");

        self.script += script
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_agent_was_associated_with_svg(self):
        """ Construct the SVG code for the prov:wasAssociatedWith Activities of an Agent"""
        script = ''
        query = '''
                PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
                PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
                SELECT DISTINCT ?a ?label
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                        { ?a a prov:Activity . }
                        ?waw prov:wasAssociatedWith <%(uri)s> ;
                        OPTIONAL { ?waw rdfs:label ?waw_label . }
            ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        activity_results = _database.query(query)

        if activity_results and 'results' in activity_results:
            waw = activity_results['results']
            if len(waw['bindings']) > 0:
                if waw['bindings'][0].get('waw_label'):
                    waw_label = waw['bindings'][0]['waw_label']['value']
                    waw_label = 'uri'
                waw_uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(
                script += '''
                    activityLabel = "%(waw_label)s";
                    activityUri = "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(waw_uri_encoded)s";
                    var activityWAW = addActivity(5, 200, activityLabel, activityUri);
                    addLink(agent, activityWAW, "prov:wasAssociatedWith", TOP);
                ''' % {
                    'waw_label': waw_label,
                    'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                    'waw_uri_encoded': waw_uri_encoded
            elif len(waw['bindings']) > 1:
                query_encoded = uriparse.quote(query)
                script += '''
                    var activityWAW1 = addActivity(15, 210, "", "");
                    var activityWAW2 = addActivity(10, 205, "", "");
                    var activityWAWN = addActivity(5, 200, "Multiple Activities, click here to search", "%(sparql_endpoint)s?query=%(query_encoded)s'");
                    addLink(agent, activityWAWN, "prov:wasAssociatedWith", TOP);
                ''' % {
                    'sparql_endpoint': self.endpoints['sparql'],
                    'query_encoded': query_encoded
                # do nothing as no Activities found
            # we have a fault
            script += '''
                var activityUsedFaultText = addActivity(5, 200, "There is a fault with retrieving Activities that may be associated with this Person", "");

        self.script += script
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _get_wdf_svg(self):
        """ Get the Entity/Entities this Entity prov:wasDerivedFrom"""
        script = ''
        query = '''
                PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
                PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
                SELECT DISTINCT ?e ?label
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                        <%(uri)s> prov:wasDerivedFrom ?e .
                        ?e rdfs:label ?label .
                ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        entity_results = _database.query(query)

        if entity_results and 'results' in entity_results:
            wdf = entity_results['results']['bindings']
            if len(wdf) == 1:
                if wdf[0].get('label'):
                    label = wdf[0]['label']['value']
                    label = 'uri'
                uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(wdf[0]['e']['value'])
                script += '''
                        var entityWDF = addEntity(355, 440, "%(label)s", "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s");
                        drawLink(entityWDF, entity, "prov:wasDerivedFrom", TOP);
                    ''' % {
                    'label': label,
                    'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                    'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
            elif len(wdf) > 1:
                query_encoded = uriparse.quote(query)
                script += '''
                        var entityWDF1 = addEntity(355, 440, "", "");
                        var entityWDF2 = addEntity(350, 435, "", "");
                        var entityWDFN = addEntity(345, 430, "Multiple Entities, click here to search", "%(sparql_endpoint)s?query=%(query_encoded)s");
                        drawLink(entityWDFN, entity, "prov:wasDerivedFrom", TOP);
                    ''' % {
                    'sparql_endpoint': self.endpoints['sparql'],
                    'query_encoded': query_encoded
                # do nothing as no Entities found
            # we have a fault
            script += '''
                    var entityFaultText = addEntity(350, 440, "There is a fault with retrieving Activities that may have used this Entity", "");

        self.script += script
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _get_details(self):
        """ Get the details for an Entity from an RDF triplestore"""
        # formulate the query
        query = '''
            PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
            PREFIX proms: <http://promsns.org/def/proms#>
            PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
            SELECT *
            WHERE {
                GRAPH ?g {
                        rdfs:label ?label .
                    OPTIONAL {
                        ?a_u prov:used <%(uri)s> .
                    OPTIONAL {
                        <%(uri)s> prov:value ?v .
                    OPTIONAL {
                        ?a_g prov:generated <%(uri)s> .
                    OPTIONAL {
                        <%(uri)s> prov:generatedAtTime ?gat .
                    OPTIONAL {
                        <%(uri)s> prov:wasAttributedTo ?wat .
                    OPTIONAL {
                        ?wat prov:wasAttributedTo ?wat_label .
        ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri

        # run the query
        entity_details = _database.query(query)

        # extract results into instance vars
        if entity_details and 'results' in entity_details:
            if len(entity_details['results']['bindings']) > 0:
                ret = entity_details['results']['bindings'][0]
                self.label = ret['label']['value']
                self.gat = ret['gat']['value'] if 'gat' in ret else None
                self.value = ret['v']['value'] if 'v' in ret else None
                self.wat = ret['wat']['value'] if 'wat' in ret else None
                self.wat_label = ret['wat_label'][
                    'value'] if 'wat_label' in ret else None
                self.a_u = ret['a_u']['value'] if 'a_u' in ret else None
                self.a_g = ret['a_g']['value'] if 'a_g' in ret else None
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _get_wgb_svg(self):
        """ Get all prov:wasGeneratedBy Activities for an Entity
        script = ''
        query = '''
                PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
                PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
                SELECT *
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                        {?a prov:generated <%(uri)s> .}
                        {<%(uri)s> prov:wasGeneratedBy ?a.}
                        ?a rdfs:label ?label .
                ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        entity_results = _database.query(query)

        if entity_results and 'results' in entity_results:
            wgb = entity_results['results']['bindings']
            if len(wgb) == 1:
                if wgb[0].get('label'):
                    label = wgb[0]['label']['value']
                    label = 'uri'
                uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(wgb[0]['a']['value'])
                script += '''
                        var aLabel = "%(label)s";
                        var aUri = "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s";
                        var activityWGB = addActivity(5, 205, aLabel, aUri);
                        addLink(entity, activityWGB, "prov:wasGeneratedBy", TOP);
                    ''' % {
                    'label': label,
                    'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                    'uri_encoded': uri_encoded

        self.script += script
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_class_register(class_uri):
    q = '''
        PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
        SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?label
        WHERE {
            GRAPH ?g {
                ?uri a <%(class_uri)s> ;
                    rdfs:label ?label .
        ORDER BY ?label
    ''' % {'class_uri': class_uri}
    instances = []
    for r in _database.query(q)['results']['bindings']:
            'uri': r['uri']['value'],
            'label': r['label']['value']

    return instances
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_contents_classes():
    query = '''
            SELECT DISTINCT ?c
            WHERE {
                GRAPH ?g {
                    ?s a ?c .
                FILTER(!REGEX(STR(?g), "/pingback/", "i")) .
            ORDER BY ?c
    classes = []
        for c in _database.query(query)['results']['bindings']:
                'uri': c['c']['value'],
                'uri_encoded': uriparse.quote_plus(c['c']['value'])
    except ValueError:
        pass  # i.e. no result

    return classes
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _get_details(self):
        """ Get the details of an Activity from an RDF triplestore"""
        # formulate the query
        query = '''
            PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
            PREFIX proms: <http://promsns.org/def/proms#>
            PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
            SELECT *
            WHERE {
                GRAPH ?g {
                        rdfs:label ?label ;
                        prov:startedAtTime ?sat ;
                        prov:endedAtTime ?eat .
                    OPTIONAL {
                        <%(uri)s> prov:wasAssociatedWith ?waw .
                        ?waw a prov:Agent .
                        ?waw rdfs:label ?waw_label .
        ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri

        # run the query
        activity_details = _database.query(query)

        # extract results into instance vars
        if activity_details and 'results' in activity_details:
            if len(activity_details['results']['bindings']) > 0:
                ret = activity_details['results']['bindings'][0]
                self.label = ret['label']['value']
                self.sat = ret['sat']['value'] if 'sat' in ret else None
                self.eat = ret['eat']['value'] if 'eat' in ret else None
                if 'waw' in ret:
                    self.waw = ret['waw']['value']
                    self.waw_encoded = uriparse.quote_plus(self.waw)
                    self.waw_label = ret['waw_label']['value']
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _get_details(self):
        """ Get the details (label only) for an Class from an RDF triplestore"""
        # formulate the query
        query = '''
            PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
            PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
            SELECT *
            WHERE { GRAPH ?g {
                    rdfs:label ?label .
            ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri

        # run the query
        class_details = _database.query(query)

        # extract results into instance vars
        if 'results' in class_details:
            if len(class_details['results']['bindings']) > 0:
                ret = class_details['results']['bindings'][0]
                self.label = ret['label']['value']
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _get_generated_svg(self):
        """ Construct the SVG code for the prov:generated Entities of an Activity"""
        script = ''
        query = '''
                PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
                PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
                SELECT *
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                        { <%(uri)s> prov:generated ?u . }
                        { ?u prov:wasGeneratedBy <%(uri)s> .}
                        OPTIONAL {?u rdfs:label ?wgb_label .}
                ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri

        activity_results = _database.query(query)
        if activity_results and 'results' in activity_results:
            gen = activity_results['results']
            if len(gen['bindings']) > 0:
                if gen['bindings'][0].get('wgb_label'):
                    wgb_label = gen['bindings'][0]['wgb_label']['value']
                    wgb_label = 'uri'
                uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(gen['bindings'][0]['u']['value'])
                script += '''
                    var entityGen1 = addEntity(605, 250, "%(wgb_label)s", "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s");
                    addLink(activity, entityGen1, "prov:generated", TOP);
                ''' % {
                    'wgb_label': wgb_label,
                    'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                    'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
                if len(gen['bindings']) > 1:
                    if gen['bindings'][1].get('wgb_label'):
                        wgb_label = gen['bindings'][1]['wgb_label']['value']
                        wgb_label = 'uri'
                    uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(

                    script += '''
                        var entityGen2 = addEntity(605, 100, "%(wgb_label)s", "%(inst_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s");
                        addLink(activity, entityGen2, "prov:generated", TOP);
                    ''' % {
                        'wgb_label': wgb_label,
                        'inst_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                        'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
                    if len(gen['bindings']) == 3:
                        if gen['bindings'][2].get('wgb_label'):
                            wgb_label = gen['bindings'][2]['wgb_label'][
                            wgb_label = 'uri'
                        uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(

                        script += '''
                            var entityGen3 = addEntity(605, 400, "%(wgb_label)s", "%(inst_end)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s");
                            addLink(activity, entityGen3, "prov:generated", TOP);
                        ''' % {
                            'wgb_label': wgb_label,
                            'inst_end': self.endpoints['instance'],
                            'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
                    elif len(gen['bindings']) > 3:
                        # TODO: Check query
                        query_encoded = uriparse.quote(query)
                        script = ''  # reset script
                        script += '''
                            var entityGen1 = addEntity(615, 260, "", "");
                            var entityGen2 = addEntity(610, 255, "", "");
                            var entityGenN = addEntity(605, 250, "Multiple Entities, click here to search", ''' \
                            addLink(activity, entityGenN, "prov:generated", TOP);
                        ''' % {'sparql_endpoint': self.endpoints['sparql'], 'query_encoded': query_encoded}
                # zero
            # we have a fault
            script += '''
                var entityGenFaultText = addEntity(349, 200, '''\
                '''"There is a fault with retrieving Entities that may have been used by this Activity", "");

        self.script += script
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _get_details(self):
        """ Get the details for a Report from an RDF triplestore"""
        # formulate the query
        query = '''
            PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
            PREFIX proms: <http://promsns.org/def/proms#>
            PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
            SELECT *
            WHERE {
                GRAPH ?g {
                        a ?rt ;
                        rdfs:label ?label ;
                        proms:nativeId ?nid ;
                        prov:generatedAtTime ?gat ;
                        proms:wasReportedBy ?rs .
                    OPTIONAL {
                       ?rs rdfs:label ?rs_label .
                    OPTIONAL {
                            proms:startingActivity ?sa .
                            ?sa rdfs:label ?sa_label .
                    OPTIONAL {
                            proms:endingActivity ?ea .
                            ?ea rdfs:label ?ea_label .
                    } .
        ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri

        # run the query
        report_details = _database.query(query)

        # extract results into instance vars
        if report_details and 'results' in report_details:
            if len(report_details['results']['bindings']) > 0:
                ret = report_details['results']['bindings'][0]
                self.rt = ret['rt']['value']
                if 'Basic' in self.rt:
                    self.rt_label = 'Basic'
                elif 'Internal' in self.rt:
                    self.rt_label = 'Internal'
                elif 'External' in self.rt:
                    self.rt_label = 'External'
                self.label = ret['label']['value']
                self.nid = ret['nid']['value']
                self.gat = ret['gat']['value']
                self.rs = ret['rs']['value']
                self.rs_encoded = uriparse.quote_plus(self.rs)
                self.rs_label = ret['rs_label'][
                    'value'] if 'rs_label' in ret else self.rs
                if 'sa' in ret:
                    self.sa = ret['sa']['value']
                    self.sa_label = ret['sa_label']['value']
                if 'ea' in ret:
                    self.ea = ret['ea']['value']
                    self.ea_label = ret['ea_label']['value']
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _get_reports_svg(self):
        """ Construct SVG code for all Reports contained in a ReportingSystem"""
        query = '''
                PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
                PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
                PREFIX proms: <http://promsns.org/def/proms#>
                SELECT  *
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                        { ?r a proms:BasicReport }
                        { ?r a proms:ExternalReport }
                        { ?r a proms:InternalReport }
                        ?r proms:wasReportedBy <%(uri)s> .
                        ?r prov:generatedAtTime ?gat .
                        ?r rdfs:label ?label .
                        ?r proms:nativeId ?nid .
                ORDER BY DESC(?gat)
        ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        reports_results = _database.query(query)

        if reports_results and 'results' in reports_results:
            reports = reports_results['results']
            if len(reports['bindings']) > 0:
                label = reports['bindings'][0]['label']['value']
                uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(
                nid = reports['bindings'][0]['nid']['value']
                y_top = 5
                x_pos = 350
                script = '''
                    var reports = [];
                    var report0 = addReport(%(x_pos)s, %(y_top)s, "%(label)s", "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s", "%(nid)s");
                ''' % {
                    'x_pos': str(x_pos),
                    'y_top': str(y_top),
                    'nid': nid,
                    'label': label,
                    'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                    'uri_encoded': uri_encoded,
                if len(reports['bindings']) > 1:
                    reports = reports['bindings'][1:]
                    y_gap = 15
                    report_height = 100
                    i = 1
                    for report in reports:
                        y_offset = y_top + (i * report_height) + (i * y_gap)
                        if i == 3:
                            query_encoded = uriparse.quote(query)
                            script += '''
                                var report = addReport(%(x_pos)s, %(y_offset)s, "Multiple Reports, click to search", "%(sparql_endpoint)s?query=%(query_encoded)s");
                            ''' % {
                                'x_pos': str(x_pos),
                                'y_offset': str(y_offset),
                                'sparql_endpoint': self.endpoints['sparql'],
                                'query_encoded': query_encoded
                        uri = report['r']['value']
                        uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(uri)
                        label = report['label']['value']
                        nid = report['nid']['value']
                        script += '''
                            var report = addReport(%(x_pos)s, %(y_offset)s, "%(label)s", "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s", "%(nid)s");
                        ''' % {
                            'x_pos': str(x_pos),
                            'y_offset': str(y_offset),
                            'nid': nid,
                            'label': label,
                            'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                            'uri_encoded': uri_encoded,
                        i += 1
                script += '''
                    addConnectedLinks(reportingSystem, reports, "proms:reportingSystem");
                # no reports
                script = ''
            # we have a fault
            script = '''
                //var reportUsedFaultText = addReport(550, 200, "There is a fault with retrieving Reports that may have used this ReportingSystem", "");
                var reportUsedFaultText = addReport(550, 0, "No Reports for this RS", "");

        self.script += script
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def _get_used_svg(self):
        """ Construct the SVG code for the prov:used Entities of an Activity"""
        script = ''
        query = '''
                PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
                PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
                SELECT *
                WHERE {
                    GRAPH ?g {
                        <%(uri)s> prov:used ?u .
                        OPTIONAL {?u rdfs:label ?label .}
            ''' % {
            'uri': self.uri
        activity_results = _database.query(query)

        if activity_results and 'results' in activity_results:
            used = activity_results['results']
            if len(used['bindings']) > 0:
                if used['bindings'][0].get('label'):
                    label = used['bindings'][0]['label']['value']
                    label = 'uri'
                uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(used['bindings'][0]['u']['value'])
                script += '''
                    var entityUsed1 = addEntity(105, 250, "%(label)s", "%(instance_endpoint)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s");
                    addLink(activity, entityUsed1, "prov:used", TOP);
                ''' % {
                    'label': label,
                    'instance_endpoint': self.endpoints['instance'],
                    'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
                if len(used['bindings']) > 1:
                    if used['bindings'][1].get('u_label'):
                        u_label = used['bindings'][1]['u_label']['value']
                        u_label = 'uri'
                    uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(

                    script += '''
                        var entityUsed2 = addEntity(105, 100, "%(u_label)s", "%(inst_end)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s");
                        addLink(activity, entityUsed2, "prov:used", TOP);
                    ''' % {
                        'u_label': u_label,
                        'inst_end': self.endpoints['instance'],
                        'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
                    if len(used['bindings']) == 3:
                        if used['bindings'][2].get('u_label'):
                            u_label = used['bindings'][2]['u_label']['value']
                            u_label = 'uri'
                        uri_encoded = uriparse.quote(

                        script += '''
                            var entityUsed3 = addEntity(105, 400, "%(u_label)s", "%(inst_end)s?_uri=%(uri_encoded)s");
                            addLink(activity, entityUsed3, "prov:used", RIGHT);
                        ''' % {
                            'u_label': u_label,
                            'inst_end': self.endpoints['instance'],
                            'uri_encoded': uri_encoded
                    elif len(used['bindings']) > 3:
                        query_encoded = uriparse.quote(query)
                        script = ''  # reset script
                        script += '''
                            var entityUsed1 = addEntity(105, 260, "", "");
                            var entityUsed2 = addEntity(100, 255, "", "");
                            var entityUsedN = addEntity(95, 250, "Multiple Entities, click to search", ''' \
                            addLink(activity, entityUsedN, "prov:used", TOP);
                        ''' % {
                            'sparql_endpoint': self.endpoints['sparql'],
                            'query_encoded': query_encoded
                # do nothing as no Agents found
            # we have a fault
            script += 'var entityUsedFaultText = addEntity(1, 200, ' \
                      '"There is a fault with retrieving Entities that may have been used by this Activity", "");'

        self.script += script