Ejemplo n.º 1
# Until bootstrapping is complete, DO NOT import any modules that attempt
# to import importlib._bootstrap (directly or indirectly). Since this
# partially initialised package would be present in sys.modules, those
# modules would get an uninitialised copy of the source version, instead
# of a fully initialised version (either the frozen one or the one
# initialised below if the frozen one is not available).
import _imp  # Just the builtin component, NOT the full Python module
import sys

    import _frozen_importlib as _bootstrap
except ImportError:
    from . import _bootstrap

    _bootstrap._setup(sys, _imp)
    # importlib._bootstrap is the built-in import, ensure we don't create
    # a second copy of the module.
    _bootstrap.__name__ = 'importlib._bootstrap'
    _bootstrap.__package__ = 'importlib'
        _bootstrap.__file__ = __file__.replace('__init__.py', '_bootstrap.py')
    except NameError:
        # __file__ is not guaranteed to be defined, e.g. if this code gets
        # frozen by a tool like cx_Freeze.
    sys.modules['importlib._bootstrap'] = _bootstrap

    import _frozen_importlib_external as _bootstrap_external
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Bootstrap help #####################################################

# Until bootstrapping is complete, DO NOT import any modules that attempt
# to import importlib._bootstrap (directly or indirectly). Since this
# partially initialised package would be present in sys.modules, those
# modules would get an uninitialised copy of the source version, instead
# of a fully initialised version (either the frozen one or the one
# initialised below if the frozen one is not available).
import _imp  # Just the builtin component, NOT the full Python module
import sys

    import _frozen_importlib as _bootstrap
except ImportError:
    from . import _bootstrap
    _bootstrap._setup(sys, _imp)
    # importlib._bootstrap is the built-in import, ensure we don't create
    # a second copy of the module.
    _bootstrap.__name__ = 'importlib._bootstrap'
    _bootstrap.__package__ = 'importlib'
    _bootstrap.__file__ = __file__.replace('__init__.py', '_bootstrap.py')
    sys.modules['importlib._bootstrap'] = _bootstrap

# To simplify imports in test code
_w_long = _bootstrap._w_long
_r_long = _bootstrap._r_long

# Fully bootstrapped at this point, import whatever you like, circular
# dependencies and startup overhead minimisation permitting :)