Ejemplo n.º 1
def array_data_to_xml(rows, cols, get_row):
    xml = "<arraydata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\"/>\n" % (rows, cols)
    for row in range(rows):
        xml += "<row index=\"%s\"/>\n" % to_string(row)
        for value in get_row(row):
            xml += var_to_xml(value, '')
    return xml
def array_data_to_xml(rows, cols, get_row):
    xml = "<arraydata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\"/>\n" % (rows, cols)
    for row in range(rows):
        xml += "<row index=\"%s\"/>\n" % to_string(row)
        for value in get_row(row):
            xml += var_to_xml(value, '')
    return xml
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, cmd_id, seq, text, is_json=False):
        If sequence is 0, new sequence will be generated (otherwise, this was the response
        to a command from the client).
        protocol = get_protocol()
        self.id = cmd_id
        if seq == 0:
            NetCommand.next_seq += 2
            seq = NetCommand.next_seq

        self.seq = seq

        if is_json:
            if hasattr(text, 'to_dict'):
                as_dict = text.to_dict(update_ids_to_dap=True)
                assert isinstance(text, dict)
                as_dict = text
            as_dict['pydevd_cmd_id'] = cmd_id
            as_dict['seq'] = seq
            self.as_dict = as_dict
            text = json.dumps(as_dict)

        if IS_PY2:
            if isinstance(text, unicode):
                text = text.encode('utf-8')
                assert isinstance(text, str)
            assert isinstance(text, str)

        if DebugInfoHolder.DEBUG_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1:
            self._show_debug_info(cmd_id, seq, text)

        if is_json:
            msg = text
            if protocol not in (HTTP_PROTOCOL, HTTP_JSON_PROTOCOL):
                encoded = quote(to_string(text), '/<>_=" \t')
                msg = '%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (cmd_id, seq, encoded)

                msg = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (cmd_id, seq, text)

        if IS_PY2:
            assert isinstance(msg, str)  # i.e.: bytes
            as_bytes = msg
            if isinstance(msg, str):
                msg = msg.encode('utf-8')

            assert isinstance(msg, bytes)
            as_bytes = msg
        self._as_bytes = as_bytes
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, cmd_id, seq, text, is_json=False):
        If sequence is 0, new sequence will be generated (otherwise, this was the response
        to a command from the client).
        protocol = get_protocol()
        self.id = cmd_id
        if seq == 0:
            NetCommand.next_seq += 2
            seq = NetCommand.next_seq

        self.seq = seq

        if is_json:
            if hasattr(text, 'to_dict'):
                as_dict = text.to_dict(update_ids_to_dap=True)
                assert isinstance(text, dict)
                as_dict = text
            as_dict['pydevd_cmd_id'] = cmd_id
            as_dict['seq'] = seq
            text = json.dumps(as_dict)

        if IS_PY2:
            if isinstance(text, unicode):
                text = text.encode('utf-8')
                assert isinstance(text, str)
            assert isinstance(text, str)

        if DebugInfoHolder.DEBUG_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1:
            self._show_debug_info(cmd_id, seq, text)

        if is_json:
            msg = text
            if protocol not in (HTTP_PROTOCOL, HTTP_JSON_PROTOCOL):
                encoded = quote(to_string(text), '/<>_=" \t')
                msg = '%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (cmd_id, seq, encoded)

                msg = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (cmd_id, seq, text)

        if IS_PY2:
            assert isinstance(msg, str)  # i.e.: bytes
            as_bytes = msg
            if isinstance(msg, str):
                msg = msg.encode('utf-8')

            assert isinstance(msg, bytes)
            as_bytes = msg
        self._as_bytes = as_bytes
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def getVariable(self, attributes):
        xml = "<xml>"
        valDict = pydevd_vars.resolve_var(self.get_namespace(), attributes)
        if valDict is None:
            valDict = {}

        keys = valDict.keys()

        for k in keys:
            xml += pydevd_vars.var_to_xml(valDict[k], to_string(k))

        xml += "</xml>"

        return xml
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def getVariable(self, attributes):
        xml = "<xml>"
        valDict = pydevd_vars.resolve_var(self.get_namespace(), attributes)
        if valDict is None:
            valDict = {}

        keys = valDict.keys()

        for k in keys:
            xml += pydevd_vars.var_to_xml(valDict[k], to_string(k))

        xml += "</xml>"

        return xml
Ejemplo n.º 7
def array_to_xml(array, roffset, coffset, rows, cols, format):
    xml = ""
    rows = min(rows, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)
    cols = min(cols, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)

    #there is no obvious rule for slicing (at least 5 choices)
    if len(array) == 1 and (rows > 1 or cols > 1):
        array = array[0]
    if array.size > len(array):
        array = array[roffset:, coffset:]
        rows = min(rows, len(array))
        cols = min(cols, len(array[0]))
        if len(array) == 1:
            array = array[0]
    elif array.size == len(array):
        if roffset == 0 and rows == 1:
            array = array[coffset:]
            cols = min(cols, len(array))
        elif coffset == 0 and cols == 1:
            array = array[roffset:]
            rows = min(rows, len(array))

    xml += "<arraydata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\"/>" % (rows, cols)
    for row in range(rows):
        xml += "<row index=\"%s\"/>" % to_string(row)
        for col in range(cols):
            value = array
            if rows == 1 or cols == 1:
                if rows == 1 and cols == 1:
                    value = array[0]
                    if rows == 1:
                        dim = col
                        dim = row
                    value = array[dim]
                    if "ndarray" in str(type(value)):
                        value = value[0]
                value = array[row][col]
            value = format % value
            xml += var_to_xml(value, '')
    return xml
Ejemplo n.º 8
def array_to_xml(array, roffset, coffset, rows, cols, format):
    xml = ""
    rows = min(rows, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)
    cols = min(cols, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)

    # there is no obvious rule for slicing (at least 5 choices)
    if len(array) == 1 and (rows > 1 or cols > 1):
        array = array[0]
    if array.size > len(array):
        array = array[roffset:, coffset:]
        rows = min(rows, len(array))
        cols = min(cols, len(array[0]))
        if len(array) == 1:
            array = array[0]
    elif array.size == len(array):
        if roffset == 0 and rows == 1:
            array = array[coffset:]
            cols = min(cols, len(array))
        elif coffset == 0 and cols == 1:
            array = array[roffset:]
            rows = min(rows, len(array))

    xml += "<arraydata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\"/>" % (rows, cols)
    for row in range(rows):
        xml += "<row index=\"%s\"/>" % to_string(row)
        for col in range(cols):
            value = array
            if rows == 1 or cols == 1:
                if rows == 1 and cols == 1:
                    value = array[0]
                    if rows == 1:
                        dim = col
                        dim = row
                    value = array[dim]
                    if "ndarray" in str(type(value)):
                        value = value[0]
                value = array[row][col]
            value = format % value
            xml += var_to_xml(value, '')
    return xml