def task_checklinks(): """check whether links in built docs are valid""" key = "check_links" args = [ "pytest-check-links", "-o", "junit_suite_name=checklinks", "--check-anchors", "--check-links-cache", "--check-links-cache-name=build/check_links/cache", # a few days seems reasonable f"--check-links-cache-expire-after={60 * 60 * 24 * 3}", # might be able to relax this, eventually "-k", "not (master or carousel)", ] return dict( uptodate=[config_changed(dict(args=args))], actions=[ U.okit(key, remove=True), lambda: (P.BUILD / "check_links/cache").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True), [ *args, P.DOCS_OUT, ], U.okit(key), ], file_dep=[*P.ALL_SPELL_DOCS()], targets=[P.OK / key], )
def task_nbtest(): """smoke test all notebooks with nbconvert""" env = dict(os.environ) env.update(WXYZ_WIDGET_LOG_OUT=str(P.WIDGET_LOG_OUT)) return dict( file_dep=[*P.ALL_SRC_PY, *P.ALL_IPYNB, P.OK / "setup_py"], targets=[P.OK / "nbtest"], actions=[ lambda: [ P.WIDGET_LOG_OUT.exists() or P.WIDGET_LOG_OUT.mkdir(), None ][-1], U.okit("nbtest", True), lambda: [ *P.PYM, "pytest", "-vv", "-n", "auto", "-o", f"junit_suite_name=nbtest_{P.OS}_{P.PY_VER}", *os.environ.get("WXYZ_PYTEST_ARGS", "").split(" "), ], cwd=P.PY_SRC / "wxyz_notebooks", env=env, ) == 0, U.okit("nbtest"), ], )
def _make_spell(path): rel = path.relative_to(P.DOCS_OUT) spell_key = "spell_" + str(rel.as_posix()).replace("/", "_").replace( ".", "/") args = [ "hunspell", "-d", P.SPELL_LANGS, "-p", P.DICTIONARY, "-l", "-H", path ] def _spell(): misspelled = [ line.strip() for line in subprocess.check_output(args).decode( "utf-8").splitlines() if line.strip() ] if misspelled: print(">> misspelled words in ", path) print("\n".join(sorted(set(misspelled)))) return False return True return dict( name=spell_key, file_dep=[path, P.DICTIONARY, P.README], actions=[U.okit(spell_key, remove=True), _spell, U.okit(spell_key)], targets=[P.OK / spell_key], )
def task_setup_py_dev(): """ensure local packages are installed and editable""" def write_reqs_txt(): """write out a requirements file so everything can be installed in one go""" P.BUILD.exists() or P.BUILD.mkdir() P.PY_DEV_REQS.write_text("\n".join( [f"-e {p.parent.relative_to(P.ROOT)}" for p in P.PY_SETUP])) yield dict( name="reqs_txt", targets=[P.PY_DEV_REQS], file_dep=[*P.ALL_SETUP_CFG, *P.PY_SETUP], actions=[write_reqs_txt], ) yield dict( name="pip", file_dep=[ P.PY_DEV_REQS, *[ p.parent / "labextension" / "package.json" for p in P.WXYZ_LAB_EXTENSIONS ], ], targets=[P.OK / "setup_py"], actions=[ U.okit("setup_py", remove=True), [ *P.PIP, "install", "--no-deps", "--ignore-installed", "-r", P.PY_DEV_REQS, ], [*P.PIP, "freeze"], [*P.PIP, "check"], U.okit("setup_py"), ], ) yield dict( name="lab", file_dep=[P.PY_DEV_REQS, P.OK / "setup_py"], targets=[P.OK / "setup_lab"], actions=[ U.okit("setup_lab", remove=True), *[(_make_develop, [p.parent]) for p in P.WXYZ_LAB_EXTENSIONS], ["jupyter", "labextension", "list"], U.okit("setup_lab"), ], )
def task_integrity(): """check various sources of version and documentation issues""" return dict( file_dep=[ *P.ALL_SRC_PY, *P.ALL_MD, *P.ALL_SETUP_CFG, P.POSTBUILD, P.SCRIPTS / "", ], actions=[ U.okit("integrity", remove=True), [*P.PYM, "_scripts._integrity"], U.okit("integrity"), ], targets=[P.OK / "integrity"], )
def _make_linters(label, files): prev = [P.OK / "setup_py"] next_prev = [] for i, cmd_group in enumerate(P.PY_LINT_CMDS): for linter, cmd in cmd_group.items(): ok = f"lint_{label}_{i}_{linter}" next_prev += [P.OK / ok] yield dict( name=f"{label}:{linter}", file_dep=[*files, *prev] if prev else [*files, P.OK / "setup_py"], actions=[ U.okit(ok, remove=True), *(cmd(files) if callable(cmd) else [cmd + files]), U.okit(ok), ], targets=[P.OK / ok], ) prev = next_prev next_prev = []
def task_setup_py_ci(): """CI: setup python packages from wheels""" return dict( file_dep=[*P.WHEELS.values()], targets=[P.OK / "setup_py", P.OK / "setup_lab"], actions=[ U.okit("setup_py", remove=True), U.okit("setup_lab", remove=True), [ *P.PIP, "install", "--no-deps", "--ignore-installed", *P.WHEELS.values(), ], [*P.PIP, "freeze"], [*P.PIP, "check"], U.okit("setup_py"), ["jupyter", "labextension", "list"], U.okit("setup_lab"), ], )
def task_robot(): """test in browser with robot framework""" file_dep = [ *P.ALL_ROBOT, *P.ALL_SRC_PY, *P.ATEST_PY, *P.ALL_TS, *P.ALL_IPYNB, P.SCRIPTS / "", P.OK / "setup_lab", ] if not P.RUNNING_IN_CI: file_dep += [P.OK / "robot_lint"] return dict( file_dep=sorted(file_dep), actions=[U.okit("robot", remove=True), [*ATEST], U.okit("robot")], targets=[P.OK / "robot"], )
def task_release(): """run all tasks, except re-locking and docs""" return dict( file_dep=[ *sum( [[ P.OK / f"lint_{group}_1_pylint", P.OK / f"lint_{group}_1_flake8" ] for group in P.LINT_GROUPS], [], ), P.SHA256SUMS, P.OK / "integrity", P.OK / "nbtest", P.OK / "robot", ], targets=[P.OK / "release"], actions=[ U.okit("release", remove=True), lambda: print("OK to release"), U.okit("release"), ], )
def task_lint(): """detect and (hopefully) correct code style/formatting""" for label, files in P.LINT_GROUPS.items(): for linter in _make_linters(label, files): yield linter yield dict( name="prettier:core", uptodate=[config_changed(P.README.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))], file_dep=[P.YARN_INTEGRITY, P.YARN_LOCK], actions=[[ "jlpm", "prettier", "--write", "--list-different", P.README ]], targets=[P.README], ) yield dict( name="prettier:rest", file_dep=[P.YARN_INTEGRITY, P.YARN_LOCK, *P.ALL_PRETTIER], targets=[P.OK / "prettier"], actions=[ U.okit("prettier", remove=True), ["jlpm", "lint:prettier"], U.okit("prettier"), ], ) yield dict( name="eslint", file_dep=[ P.YARN_INTEGRITY, P.YARN_LOCK, P.OK / "prettier", *sum([[*p.rglob("*.ts")] for p in P.TS_SRC], []), ], targets=[P.OK / "eslint"], actions=[ U.okit("eslint", remove=True), ["jlpm", "lint:eslint"], U.okit("eslint"), ], ) yield dict( name="robot", file_dep=[*P.ALL_ROBOT, *P.ATEST_PY], targets=[P.OK / "robot_lint"], actions=[ U.okit("robot_dry_run", remove=True), [*P.PYM, "robot.tidy", "--inplace", *P.ALL_ROBOT], [*ATEST, "--dryrun"], U.okit("robot_lint"), ], )