Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _set_params(self, params):
        self._in_use = True

        num_params_needed = _lib.sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(self._statement)
        if isinstance(params, (tuple, list)) or \
                not isinstance(params, dict) and \
                hasattr(params, '__getitem__'):
                num_params = len(params)
            except TypeError:
                num_params = -1
            if num_params != num_params_needed:
                raise ProgrammingError(
                    "Incorrect number of bindings supplied. "
                    "The current statement uses %d, and "
                    "there are %d supplied." % (num_params_needed, num_params))
            for i in range(num_params):
                rc = self.__set_param(i + 1, params[i])
                if rc != _lib.SQLITE_OK:
                    raise InterfaceError("Error binding parameter %d - "
                                         "probably unsupported type." % i)
        elif isinstance(params, dict):
            for i in range(1, num_params_needed + 1):
                param_name = _lib.sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(
                    self._statement, i)
                if not param_name:
                    raise ProgrammingError("Binding %d has no name, but you "
                                           "supplied a dictionary (which has "
                                           "only names)." % i)
                param_name = _ffi.string(param_name).decode('utf-8')[1:]
                    param = params[param_name]
                except KeyError:
                    raise ProgrammingError("You did not supply a value for "
                                           "binding %d." % i)
                rc = self.__set_param(i, param)
                if rc != _lib.SQLITE_OK:
                    raise InterfaceError("Error binding parameter :%s - "
                                         "probably unsupported type." %
            raise ValueError("parameters are of unsupported type")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _set_params(self, params):
        self._in_use = True

        num_params_needed = _lib.sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(self._statement)
        if isinstance(params, (tuple, list)) or \
                not isinstance(params, dict) and \
                hasattr(params, '__getitem__'):
                num_params = len(params)
            except TypeError:
                num_params = -1
            if num_params != num_params_needed:
                raise ProgrammingError("Incorrect number of bindings supplied. "
                                       "The current statement uses %d, and "
                                       "there are %d supplied." %
                                       (num_params_needed, num_params))
            for i in range(num_params):
                rc = self.__set_param(i + 1, params[i])
                if rc != _lib.SQLITE_OK:
                    raise InterfaceError("Error binding parameter %d - "
                                         "probably unsupported type." % i)
        elif isinstance(params, dict):
            for i in range(1, num_params_needed + 1):
                param_name = _lib.sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(self._statement, i)
                if not param_name:
                    raise ProgrammingError("Binding %d has no name, but you "
                                           "supplied a dictionary (which has "
                                           "only names)." % i)
                param_name = _ffi.string(param_name).decode('utf-8')[1:]
                    param = params[param_name]
                except KeyError:
                    raise ProgrammingError("You did not supply a value for "
                                           "binding %d." % i)
                rc = self.__set_param(i, param)
                if rc != _lib.SQLITE_OK:
                    raise InterfaceError("Error binding parameter :%s - "
                                         "probably unsupported type." %
            raise ValueError("parameters are of unsupported type")