def is_conflict_net(self, conn, mac=None):
        is_conflict_net: determines if mac conflicts with others in system

        returns a two element tuple:
            first element is True if fatal collision occured
            second element is a string description of the collision.

        Non fatal collisions (mac addr collides with inactive guest) will
        return (False, "description of collision")
        mac = mac or self.macaddr
        if mac is None:
            return (False, None)

        vms, inactive_vm = _util.fetch_all_guests(conn)

        # get the Host's NIC MAC address
        hostdevs = []
        if not self.is_remote():
            hostdevs = _util.get_host_network_devices()

        if (_countMACaddr(vms, mac) > 0 or
            _countMACaddr(inactive_vm, mac) > 0):
            return (True, _("The MAC address you entered is already in use "
                            "by another virtual machine."))

        for dev in hostdevs:
            host_macaddr = dev[4]
            if mac.upper() == host_macaddr.upper():
                return (True, _("The MAC address you entered conflicts with "
                                "a device on the physical host."))

        return (False, None)
    def is_conflict_net(self, conn):
        """is_conflict_net: determines if mac conflicts with others in system

           returns a two element tuple:
               first element is True if fatal collision occured
               second element is a string description of the collision.
           Non fatal collisions (mac addr collides with inactive guest) will
           return (False, "description of collision")"""
        if self.macaddr is None:
            return (False, None)

        vms, inactive_vm = _util.fetch_all_guests(conn)

        # get the Host's NIC MACaddress
        hostdevs = _util.get_host_network_devices()

        if self.countMACaddr(vms) > 0:
            return (
                _("The MAC address you entered is already in use by another active virtual machine."
        for (dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, host_macaddr) in hostdevs:
            if self.macaddr.upper() == host_macaddr.upper():
                return (
                    _("The MAC address you entered conflicts with a device on the physical host."
        if self.countMACaddr(inactive_vm) > 0:
            return (
                _("The MAC address you entered is already in use by another inactive virtual machine."
        return (False, None)
    def is_conflict_net(self, conn, mac=None):
        is_conflict_net: determines if mac conflicts with others in system

        returns a two element tuple:
            first element is True if fatal collision occured
            second element is a string description of the collision.

        Non fatal collisions (mac addr collides with inactive guest) will
        return (False, "description of collision")
        mac = mac or self.macaddr
        if mac is None:
            return (False, None)

        # Not supported for remote connections yet
        if self.is_remote():
            return (False, None)

        vms, inactive_vm = _util.fetch_all_guests(conn)

        # get the Host's NIC MACaddress
        hostdevs = _util.get_host_network_devices()

        if _countMACaddr(vms, mac) > 0:
            return (True,
                    _("The MAC address you entered is already in use "
                      "by another active virtual machine."))

        for dev in hostdevs:
            host_macaddr = dev[4]
            if mac.upper() == host_macaddr.upper():
                return (True,
                        _("The MAC address you entered conflicts with "
                          "a device on the physical host."))

        if _countMACaddr(inactive_vm, mac) > 0:
            return (False,
                    _("The MAC address you entered is already in use "
                      "by another inactive virtual machine."))

        return (False, None)
    def is_conflict_net(self, conn):
        """is_conflict_net: determines if mac conflicts with others in system

           returns a two element tuple:
               first element is True if fatal collision occured
               second element is a string description of the collision.
           Non fatal collisions (mac addr collides with inactive guest) will
           return (False, "description of collision")"""
        if self.macaddr is None:
            return (False, None)

        vms, inactive_vm = _util.fetch_all_guests(conn)

        # get the Host's NIC MACaddress
        hostdevs = _util.get_host_network_devices()

        if self.countMACaddr(vms) > 0:
            return (True, _("The MAC address you entered is already in use by another active virtual machine."))
        for (dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, host_macaddr) in hostdevs:
            if self.macaddr.upper() == host_macaddr.upper():
                return (True, _("The MAC address you entered conflicts with a device on the physical host."))
        if self.countMACaddr(inactive_vm) > 0:
            return (False, _("The MAC address you entered is already in use by another inactive virtual machine."))
        return (False, None)