Ejemplo n.º 1
def bigquery(line, cell=None):
  """Implements the bigquery cell magic for ipython notebooks.

    The supported syntax is:

      %%bigquery <command> [<args>]


      %bigquery <command> [<args>]

    Use %bigquery --help for a list of commands, or %bigquery <command> --help for help
    on a specific command.

    line: the magic line.
    cell: the body of the notebook cell.

    The result of processing the magic.
  namespace = {}
  if line.find('$') >= 0:
    # We likely have variables to expand; get the appropriate context.
    namespace = _utils.notebook_environment()

  return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, cell, _bigquery_parser, namespace=namespace)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def chart(line, cell=None):
  """ Generate charts with Google Charts. Use %chart --help for more details.

    line: the %chart magic line.
    cell: the contents of the cell. Can contain YAML chart options.
  parser = _commands.CommandParser(prog='%%chart', description="""
Generate an inline chart using Google Charts using the data in a Table, Query, dataframe, or list.
Numerous types of charts are supported. Options for the charts can be specified in the cell body
using YAML or JSON.
  for chart_type in ['annotation', 'area', 'bars', 'bubbles', 'calendar', 'candlestick', 'columns',
                     'combo', 'gauge', 'geo', 'histogram', 'line', 'map', 'org', 'paged_table',
                     'pie', 'sankey', 'scatter', 'stepped_area', 'table', 'timeline', 'treemap']:
    subparser = parser.subcommand(chart_type,
        'Generate a %s chart.' % chart_type)
    subparser.add_argument('-f', '--fields',
                           help='The field(s) to include in the chart')
    subparser.add_argument('-d', '--data',
                           help='The name of the variable referencing the Table or Query to chart',

  return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, cell, parser)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def pymodule(line, cell=None):
  """Creates and subsequently auto-imports a python module.
  parser = _commands.CommandParser.create('pymodule')
  parser.add_argument('-n', '--name',
                      help='the name of the python module to create and import')
  return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, cell, parser)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def extension(line):
  """ Load an extension. Use %extension --help for more details. """
  parser = _commands.CommandParser(prog='%extension', description="""
Load an extension into Datalab. Currently only mathjax is supported.
  subparser = parser.subcommand('mathjax', 'Enabled MathJaX support in Datalab.')
  return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, None, parser)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def projects(line, cell=None):
  parser = _commands.CommandParser.create('projects')

  list_parser = parser.subcommand('list', 'List available projects.')
  list_parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter',
                           help='Optional wildcard id filter string used to limit the results')
  list_parser.set_defaults(func=_list_line, cell_prohibited=True)

  set_parser = parser.subcommand('set', 'Set the default project.')
  set_parser.add_argument('id', help='The ID of the project to use')
  set_parser.set_defaults(func=_set_line, cell_prohibited=True)

  return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, cell, parser)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def projects(line, cell=None):
  parser = _commands.CommandParser.create('projects')

  list_parser = parser.subcommand('list', 'List available projects.')
  list_parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter',
                           help='Optional wildcard id filter string used to limit the results')
  list_parser.set_defaults(func=_list_line, cell_prohibited=True)

  set_parser = parser.subcommand('set', 'Set the default project.')
  set_parser.add_argument('id', help='The ID of the project to use')
  set_parser.set_defaults(func=_set_line, cell_prohibited=True)

  return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, cell, parser)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def csv(line, cell=None):
  parser = _commands.CommandParser.create('csv')

  view_parser = parser.subcommand('view',
                                  'Browse CSV files without providing a schema. ' +
                                  'Each value is considered string type.')
  view_parser.add_argument('-i', '--input',
                           help='Path of the input CSV data', required=True)
  view_parser.add_argument('-n', '--count',
                           help='The number of lines to browse from head, default to 5.')
  view_parser.add_argument('-P', '--profile', action='store_true',
                           default=False, help='Generate an interactive profile of the data')

  return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, cell, parser)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sql(line, cell):
    """ Create a SQL module with one or more queries. Use %sql --help for more details.

  The supported syntax is:

  %%sql [--module <modulename>]
  [<optional Python code for default argument values>]
  [<optional named queries>]
  [<optional unnamed query>]

  At least one query should be present. Named queries should start with:

    DEFINE QUERY <name>

  on a line by itself.

  args: the optional arguments following '%%sql'.
  cell: the contents of the cell; Python code for arguments followed by SQL queries.
    if cell is None:
        return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, cell, _sql_parser)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def sql(line, cell):
    """ Create a SQL module with one or more queries. Use %sql --help for more details.

  The supported syntax is:

  %%sql [--module <modulename>]
  [<optional Python code for default argument values>]
  [<optional named queries>]
  [<optional unnamed query>]

  At least one query should be present. Named queries should start with:

    DEFINE QUERY <name>

  on a line by itself.

  args: the optional arguments following '%%sql'.
  cell: the contents of the cell; Python code for arguments followed by SQL queries.
    if cell is None:
        return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, cell, _sql_parser)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def storage(line):
  """Implements the storage line magic for ipython notebooks.

    line: the contents of the storage line.
    The results of executing the cell.
  parser = _commands.CommandParser(prog='storage', description="""
Execute various storage-related operations. Use "%storage <command> -h"
for help on a specific command.

  # TODO(gram): consider adding a move command too. I did try this already using the
  # objects.patch API to change the object name but that fails with an error:
  # Value 'newname' in content does not agree with value 'oldname'. This can happen when a value
  # set through a parameter is inconsistent with a value set in the request.
  # This is despite 'name' being identified as writable in the storage API docs.
  # The alternative would be to use a copy/delete.
  copy_parser = parser.subcommand('copy',
                                  'Copy one or more GCS objects to a different location.')
  copy_parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', help='The name of the object(s) to copy', nargs='+')
  copy_parser.add_argument('-d', '--destination', required=True,
      help='The copy destination. For multiple source items this must be a bucket.')

  create_parser = parser.subcommand('create', 'Create one or more GCS buckets.')
  create_parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', help='The project associated with the objects')
  create_parser.add_argument('-b', '--bucket', help='The name of the bucket(s) to create',

  delete_parser = parser.subcommand('delete', 'Delete one or more GCS buckets or objects.')
  delete_parser.add_argument('-b', '--bucket', nargs='*',
                             help='The name of the bucket(s) to remove')
  delete_parser.add_argument('-o', '--object', nargs='*',
                             help='The name of the object(s) to remove')

  list_parser = parser.subcommand('list', 'List buckets in a project, or contents of a bucket.')
  list_parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', help='The project associated with the objects')
  group = list_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
  group.add_argument('-o', '--object',
                     help='The name of the objects(s) to list; can include wildchars',
  group.add_argument('-b', '--bucket',
                     help='The name of the buckets(s) to list; can include wildchars',

  read_parser = parser.subcommand('read',
                                  'Read the contents of a storage object into a Python variable.')
  read_parser.add_argument('-o', '--object', help='The name of the object to read',
  read_parser.add_argument('-v', '--variable', required=True,
                           help='The name of the Python variable to set')

  view_parser = parser.subcommand('view', 'View the contents of a storage object.')
  view_parser.add_argument('-n', '--head', type=int, default=20,
                           help='The number of initial lines to view')
  view_parser.add_argument('-t', '--tail', type=int, default=20,
                           help='The number of lines from end to view')
  view_parser.add_argument('-o', '--object', help='The name of the object to view',

  write_parser = parser.subcommand('write',
                                   'Write the value of a Python variable to a storage object.')
  write_parser.add_argument('-v', '--variable', help='The name of the source Python variable',
  write_parser.add_argument('-o', '--object', required=True,
                            help='The name of the destination GCS object to write')

  return _utils.handle_magic_line(line, None, parser)