Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_alias():
    app = aaargh.App()

    def foo():
        return 'foo-result'

    @app.cmd(alias=['bar1', 'bar2', b'bar3'.decode('ascii')])
    def bar():
        return 'bar-result'

    assert app.run(['foo']) == 'foo-result'
    assert app.run(['foo2']) == 'foo-result'

    assert app.run(['bar']) == 'bar-result'
    assert app.run(['bar1']) == 'bar-result'
    assert app.run(['bar2']) == 'bar-result'
    assert app.run(['bar3']) == 'bar-result'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sample_app():
    app = aaargh.App(description="A simple greeting application.")
    app.arg('-r', '--repeat', type=int, default=1, help="How many times?")

    def hello(repeat):  # application level "repeat" argument is always passed
        return "Hello, world!"

    @app.cmd(name="hi", help="Say hi")  # override subcommand name
                 help="Name of the person to greet")
    def say_hi(name, repeat):  # both application and subcommand args
        out = []
        for i in range(repeat):
            out.append("Hi, %s!" % name)
        return "\n".join(out)

    return app
Ejemplo n.º 3
import aaargh
from boto import ec2
from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError

from fabric.context_managers import settings, local_tunnel
from fabric.api import run, sudo
from fabric.contrib.files import upload_template, contains, append
import time
import docker

from config import Config
from utils import find

app = aaargh.App(description="A prototype of skipper.")

def get_or_create_security_group(c):
    groups = c.get_all_security_groups()
    group = find(groups, {'name': 'skipper'})
    if not group:
        print("Creating new security group.")
        group = c.create_security_group("skipper", "Skipper security group")
        print("Found existing security group.")
    return group

def authorize_group(group, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr_ip):
        group: Security Group
Ejemplo n.º 4
import yaml
from beefish import decrypt, encrypt_file
import aaargh
import grandfatherson
from byteformat import ByteFormatter

from bakthat.backends import GlacierBackend, S3Backend, RotationConfig, SwiftBackend
from bakthat.conf import config, load_config, DEFAULT_DESTINATION, DEFAULT_LOCATION, CONFIG_FILE
from bakthat.utils import _interval_string_to_seconds
from bakthat.models import Backups
from bakthat.sync import BakSyncer, bakmanager_hook, bakmanager_periodic_backups

__version__ = "0.5.4"

app = aaargh.App(
    "Compress, encrypt and upload files directly to Amazon S3/Glacier/Swift.")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BakthatFilter(logging.Filter):
    def filter(self, rec):
        if rec.name.startswith("bakthat") or rec.name == "root":
            return True
            return rec.levelno >= logging.WARNING

STORAGE_BACKEND = dict(s3=S3Backend,
Ejemplo n.º 5
    except ImportError:

from . import reader
from . import v7conversion

def gzip_wrap(fp):
    if fp.name.endswith('.gz'):
        return gzip.open(fp, mode='rt', encoding='ascii')
        return io.TextIOWrapper(fp, encoding='ascii')

app = aaargh.App(description="Neustar (formerly Quova) data set utilities.")

@app.cmd(help="Convert a Neustar V7 dataset to Whip format")
             help="Input data file (defaults to stdin)")
@app.cmd_arg('--date', help="Date to use (YYYY-MM-DD)")
             help="Output file (defaults to stdout)")
def convert(input, date, output):
    if date is None:
Ejemplo n.º 6
import logging
from time import time
from sys import exit

import aaargh
import hedron
import brainkey
from sh import megals, megaput, megaget, megarm, ErrorReturnCode_1

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BV_PERSISTENCE_PATH = "/var/tmp/brainvault-persistence"
BV_SUFFIX = '.tar.xz.ccrypt'

cli = aaargh.App()

def brainvault_backup_path(brainvault_hashed, specific):
    hashed = brainkey.password_hash(brainvault_hashed,
    path = BRAINVAULT_VERSIONED.format(hashed, specific)
    return path

@cli.cmd_arg('--max_days', default=None, type=int)
# --specific is without the X. FIXME: Should be in help output.
@cli.cmd_arg('--specific', default=None, type=int)
def locate_backup(brainvault_hashed, max_days=None, specific=None):
Ejemplo n.º 7
import colorama
import os
import subprocess
import sys

cfg = config.get_config()
url = cfg.get('server', 'url').replace("://", "://%s:%s@" % (cfg.get('server', 'username'), cfg.get('server', 'password'))) + "dav/%s/" % (cfg.get('server', 'username'),)
client = TaskDAVClient(url)
cache_dir = cfg.get('cache', 'dir') if cfg.has_option('cache', 'dir') else None
cache_update = cfg.get('cache', 'update') if cfg.has_option('cache', 'update') else None
boolean_option = {'t': True, 'true': True, 'y': True, 'yes': True, 'f': False, 'false': False, 'n': False, 'no': False}
cache_default = (boolean_option[cfg.get('cache', 'default').lower()] if cfg.has_option('cache', 'default') else True) if cache_dir else False

utc = caldav.vobject.icalendar.utc

app = aaargh.App(description="A simple command-line tool for interacting with Tasks over CalDAV")

app.arg('-n', '--calendar-name', help="Name of the calendar to use", default="Tasks")
app.arg('-c', '--color', dest='color', action="store_true", help="Color output mode", default=True)
app.arg('-m', '--no-color', dest='color', action="store_false", help="Monochrome output mode (disable color)")

def cache_args(f):
    """decorator that adds standard caching arguments to a cmd which reads data"""
    use_cache = app.cmd_arg('-C', '--cache', dest='use_cache', action="store_true", help="Use cache directory", default=None)
    no_use_cache = app.cmd_arg('--no-cache', dest='use_cache', action="store_false", help="Don't use cache directory")
    return no_use_cache(use_cache(f))

def cache_update_args(f):
    """decorator that adds standard caching arguments to a cmd which writes data, and does a background update after that command finishes"""
    use_cache = app.cmd_arg('-C', '--cache', dest='update_cache', action="store_true", help="Update cache directory after changes", default=None)
    no_use_cache = app.cmd_arg('--no-cache', dest='update_cache', action="store_false", help="Don't update cache directory after changes")
Ejemplo n.º 8
#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = 'nitin'

#Example: python dataupload.py gensql --datafile csvfile1.csv --dbtype MSSQL --outfile datascript1.sql --table Emp

import aaargh
import csv

app = aaargh.App(description='CSV Data Uploader')

@app.cmd_arg('--datafile', help='Path to the CSV file')
@app.cmd_arg('--dbtype', help='Type of database', default='MSSQL')
@app.cmd_arg('--outfile', help='Path to the output file', default='datascript.sql')
@app.cmd_arg('--table', help='Type of database', default='Table1')
def gensql(datafile, dbtype, outfile, table):
    if datafile is None:
        print('A datafile containing the input CSV must be specified')
    print('Datafile is %s, DB Type is %s, Outfile is %s' % (datafile, dbtype, outfile))

def action_gensql(datafile, dbtype, outfile, table):
    with open(datafile, 'r') as fh:
        csvread = csv.reader(fh)
        is_first_row = True
        sqltxt = ''
        colnamecsv = ''
        colnamearr = None
        for row in csvread:
Ejemplo n.º 9
import sys
import json
import aaargh
import urllib3
import requests
import pyqrcode
import simplejson
from sshpubkeys import SSHKey

)  # Yes I know it's ugly. Please feel free to change it :)

FC_URL = 'https://api.facelesscloud.com/api/'
CLI_APP = aaargh.App()

class Bcolors:
    """ Color Class """
    HEADER = '\033[95m'
    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
    OKGREEN = '\033[32m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

def convert_to_qrcode(str_to_convert):
Ejemplo n.º 10
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def lookup_and_print(db, ip, dt):
    value = db.lookup(ip, dt)
    if value is None:
        print("No hit found")

    # Note: UltraJSON (ujson) does not support pretty printing, so use
    # built-in JSON module instead.
    parsed = json.loads(value.decode('UTF-8'))
    print(json.dumps(parsed, indent=2, sort_keys=True))

app = aaargh.App(description="Fast IP geo lookup")
app.arg('--db', default='db', dest='db_dir')

@app.cmd(name='load', help="Load data")
@app.cmd_arg('inputs', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), nargs='+')
def load_data(db_dir, inputs):

    logger.info("Importing %d data files: %r", len(inputs),
                ', '.join(x.name for x in inputs))

    def gzip_wrap(fp):
        if fp.name.endswith('.gz'):
            return gzip.open(fp, mode='rt', encoding='UTF-8')
            return io.TextIOWrapper(fp, encoding='UTF-8')
Ejemplo n.º 11
from multiprocessing import Process
from sys import argv
from itertools import imap

from butterfly import *
from network import *

import aaargh

app = aaargh.App(description="`Distributed` computing of network usage")
settings(port=39512, viewport=8123)
net = Network()

class ServeObserver:
    def progress(self):
        return float(len(self.complete)) / self.count_tasks

    def get(self):
        self.write("Currently complete %.2f%%" % self.progress)

class WorkerObserver:
    def get(self):
        self.write("Not implemented")

Ejemplo n.º 12
from pulp_auto.qpid_handle import QpidHandle
from pulp_auto.agent import Agent
from pulp_auto.handler.profile import PROFILE
from pulp_auto.consumer import Consumer
from pulp_auto.pulp import Pulp
from pulp_auto.authenticator import Authenticator
import logging, sys, pulp_auto, time
import aaargh
import urllib3
from M2Crypto import (RSA, BIO)

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) #level=logging.DEBUG)
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)

app = aaargh.App(description='Fake pulp consumer')

@app.cmd(help='run the consumer')
@app.cmd_arg('-u', '--url', help='URL of the AMQP broker to use', default='localhost')
@app.cmd_arg('-n', '--consumer-name', help='consumer name to use', default='fake_consumer')
@app.cmd_arg('-r', '--reporting', help='propagate errors back', default=False, action='store_true')
@app.cmd_arg('-f', '--polling-frequency', help='polling frequency', type=float, default=3.0)
@app.cmd_arg('-k', '--key-file', help='path to a key fille', default="")
@app.cmd_arg('-p', '--pulp-url', help='pulp url to use', default="")
@app.cmd_arg('-g', '--register', help='perform consumer registration', default=False, action='store_true')
def run(url, consumer_name, reporting, polling_frequency, key_file, pulp_url, register):
    from gevent import monkey
    monkey.patch_all(select=False, thread=False)

    if not pulp_url:
Ejemplo n.º 13
import os

    import configparser
except ImportError:  # Python 3
    import ConfigParser as configparser  # NOQA

import aaargh
import prettytable

from .events import (Events, TaskRunningError)
from .i18n import (_, N_)
from . import _version
from . import utils

APP = aaargh.App(description=__doc__.splitlines()[0].split("-", 1)[1],
                 epilog=_("Please report bugs to [email protected]"))

# pylint: disable-msg=R0903
class TaskAction(argparse.Action):

    """Define task name, handling --from-dir option."""

    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        if namespace.task is True:
            namespace.task = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(os.curdir))
            namespace.task = values
# pylint: enable-msg=R0903