Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, src_objects, start: int, end: int, time0: float,
                 time1: float):
        objects = src_objects
        axis = ru.get_random_int_in_range(0, 2)
        object_span = end - start
        if object_span == 1:
            self.left = objects[start]
            self.right = objects[start]
        elif object_span == 2:
            if box_compare(objects[start], objects[start + 1], axis):
                self.left = objects[start]
                self.right = objects[start + 1]
                self.left = objects[start + 1]
                self.right = objects[start]
            objects[start:end] = sorted(objects[start:end],
                                        key=lambda x: x.min_box[axis])
            mid = int(start + object_span / 2)
            self.left = BVHNode(objects, start, mid, time0, time1)
            self.right = BVHNode(objects, mid, end, time0, time1)

        box_left = AABB(empty, empty)
        box_right = AABB(empty, empty)
        flag_left, box_left = self.left.bounding_box(time0, time1, box_left)
        flag_right, box_right = self.right.bounding_box(
            time0, time1, box_right)

        if not flag_left or not flag_right:
            print("No bounding box in bvh_node constructor.")
        self.box = surrounding_box(box_left, box_right)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, obj, angle):
        self.obj = obj

        radians = deg_to_rad(angle)
        self.sin_theta = sin(radians)
        self.cos_theta = cos(radians)

        self.bbox = AABB()
        self.hasbox = obj.bounding_box(0, 1, self.bbox)

        _min = Point3( float('inf'),  float('inf'),  float('inf'))
        _max = Point3(float('-inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf'))

        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                for k in range(2):
                    x = i * self.bbox._max.x + (1 - i) * self.bbox._min.x
                    y = j * self.bbox._max.y + (1 - j) * self.bbox._min.y
                    z = k * self.bbox._max.z + (1 - k) * self.bbox._min.z

                    newx =  self.cos_theta * x + self.sin_theta * z
                    newz = -self.sin_theta * x + self.cos_theta * z

                    tester = Vec3(newx, y, newz)

                    for c in range(3):
                        _min[c] = min(_min[c], tester[c])
                        _max[c] = max(_max[c], tester[c])

        self.bbox = AABB(_min, _max)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()

    displaySurface = pygame.display.set_mode((screenWidth, screenHeight))

    blue = AABB(Vector2(60, 60), Vector2(140, 60))
    red = AABB(Vector2(300, 180), Vector2(100, 180))

    holdingRect = None
    holdingOffset = Vector2()
    lastMouseState = (False, False, False)

    gameRunning = True
    while (gameRunning):
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if (event.type == QUIT):
                gameRunning = False

        lastMouseState, holdingRect, holdingOffset = updateMouse(
            lastMouseState, holdingRect, holdingOffset, blue, red, minBounds,

        render(displaySurface, blue, red)

        renderMouse(displaySurface, holdingRect, holdingOffset)


Ejemplo n.º 4
 def split(self):
     half_w = self.__boundary.w / 2
     half_h = self.__boundary.h / 2
     x, y = self.__boundary.x, self.__boundary.y
     self.__n_west = QuadTree(AABB(x, y, half_w, half_h))
     self.__n_east = QuadTree(AABB(x + half_w, y, half_w, half_h))
     self.__s_west = QuadTree(AABB(x, y + half_h, half_w, half_h))
     self.__s_east = QuadTree(AABB(x + half_w, y + half_h, half_w, half_h))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def box_compare(self, a, b, axis):
        box_a = AABB()
        box_b = AABB()

        if (not a.bounding_box(0, 0, box_a)) or (not b.bounding_box(
                0, 0, box_b)):
            print('No bounding box in BvhNode constructor')

        return (box_a._min[axis] < box_b._min[axis])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def box_compare(a: Hittable, b: Hittable, axis: int):
    box_a = AABB(empty, empty)
    box_b = AABB(empty, empty)
    flag_a, box_a = a.bounding_box(0, 0, box_a)
    flag_b, box_b = b.bounding_box(0, 0, box_b)
    if not flag_a or not flag_b:
        print("No bounding box in bvh_node constructor")
    return box_a.minimum[axis] < box_b.minimum[axis]
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, objects, time0, time1, start=None, end=None):
        self.objects = objects
        self.time0 = time0
        self.time1 = time1

        self.box = AABB()

        if start is None:
            self.start = 0
            self.start = start
        if end is None:
            self.end = len(self.objects)
            self.end = end

        axis = int(uniform(0, 3))

        if axis == 0:
            comparator = self.box_x_compare
        elif axis == 1:
            comparator = self.box_y_compare
            comparator = self.box_z_compare

        object_span = self.end - self.start

        if object_span == 1:
            self.left = self.objects[self.start]
            self.right = self.objects[self.start]
        elif object_span == 2:
            if comparator(self.objects[self.start],
                          self.objects[self.start + 1]):
                self.left = self.objects[self.start]
                self.right = self.objects[self.start + 1]
                self.left = self.objects[self.start + 1]
                self.right = self.objects[self.start]
            s = sorted(self.objects[self.start:self.end + 1], key=comparator)

            mid = self.start + object_span / 2
            self.left = BvhNode(self.objects, self.start, mid, self.time0,
            self.right = BvhNode(self.objects, mid, self.end, self.time0,

        box_left = AABB()
        box_right = AABB()

        if (not self.left.bounding_box(self.time0, self.time1, box_left)) or (
                not self.right.bounding_box(self.time0, self.time1,
            print('No bounding box in BvhNode constructor')

        self.box = AABB.surrounding_box(box_left, box_right)
def test_intersects():
    aabb1 = AABB((0, 0), (20, 30))
    aabb2 = AABB((0, 0), (20, 30))
    aabb2 = AABB((100, 100), (200, 200))
    assert(not aabb1.intersects(aabb2))
    aabb2 = AABB((-5, -5), (10, 10))
    aabb2 = AABB((5, 5), (10, 10))
    aabb2 = AABB((-5, 5), (10, 10))
    aabb2 = AABB((5, -5), (10, 10))

    # Edge case: two AABBs that share exactly one edge should not be considered intersecting
    aabb2 = AABB((20, 0), (40, 30))
    assert(not aabb1.intersects(aabb2))

    # Edge case: two AABBs that share exactly one point should not be considered intersecting
    aabb2 = AABB((20, 30), (40, 60))
    assert(not aabb1.intersects(aabb2))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        aabb1.intersects("Not a word")
def test_width_height():
    aabb = AABB((0, 0), (50, 30))
    assert(aabb.width == 50)
    assert(aabb.height == 30)

    aabb = AABB((0, 0), (10, 0))
    assert (aabb.width == 10)
    assert (aabb.height == 0)

    aabb = AABB((0, 0), (0.1, 0.1))
    assert (aabb.width == 0.1)
    assert (aabb.height == 0.1)
def test_inside():
    aabb1 = AABB((0, 0), (50, 30))
    aabb2 = AABB((0, 0), (20, 30))
    assert(not aabb1.inside(aabb2))

    # Edge case: AABBs should be considered "inside" AABBs of the exact same dimensions (and vice-versa)
    aabb2 = aabb1
    assert (aabb1.inside(aabb2))
    assert (aabb2.inside(aabb1))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        aabb1.inside("Not a word")
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def parse_gt(self, fn_gt):
        tree = ET.parse(fn_gt)
        root = tree.getroot()

        aabbs = []  # list of all axis aligned bounding boxes of current sample

        # go over all lines
        for line in root.findall("./handwritten-part/line"):

            # go over all words
            for word in line.findall('./word'):
                xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = float('inf'), 0, float('inf'), 0
                success = False

                # go over all characters
                for cmp in word.findall('./cmp'):
                    success = True
                    x = float(cmp.attrib['x'])
                    y = float(cmp.attrib['y'])
                    w = float(cmp.attrib['width'])
                    h = float(cmp.attrib['height'])

                    # aabb around all characters is aabb around word
                    xmin = min(xmin, x)
                    xmax = max(xmax, x + w)
                    ymin = min(ymin, y)
                    ymax = max(ymax, y + h)

                if success:
                    aabbs.append(AABB(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).scale(self.loaded_img_scale, self.loaded_img_scale))

        return aabbs
Ejemplo n.º 12
def encode(shape, gt, f=1.0):
    gt_map = np.zeros((MapOrdering.NUM_MAPS,) + shape)
    for aabb in gt:
        aabb = aabb.scale(f, f)

        # segmentation map
        aabb_clip = AABB(0, shape[0] - 1, 0, shape[1] - 1)

        aabb_word = aabb.scale_around_center(0.5, 0.5).as_type(int).clip(aabb_clip)
        aabb_sur = aabb.as_type(int).clip(aabb_clip)
        gt_map[MapOrdering.SEG_SURROUNDING, aabb_sur.ymin:aabb_sur.ymax + 1, aabb_sur.xmin:aabb_sur.xmax + 1] = 1
        gt_map[MapOrdering.SEG_SURROUNDING, aabb_word.ymin:aabb_word.ymax + 1, aabb_word.xmin:aabb_word.xmax + 1] = 0
        gt_map[MapOrdering.SEG_WORD, aabb_word.ymin:aabb_word.ymax + 1, aabb_word.xmin:aabb_word.xmax + 1] = 1

        # geometry map TODO vectorize
        for x in range(aabb_word.xmin, aabb_word.xmax + 1):
            for y in range(aabb_word.ymin, aabb_word.ymax + 1):
                gt_map[MapOrdering.GEO_TOP, y, x] = y - aabb.ymin
                gt_map[MapOrdering.GEO_BOTTOM, y, x] = aabb.ymax - y
                gt_map[MapOrdering.GEO_LEFT, y, x] = x - aabb.xmin
                gt_map[MapOrdering.GEO_RIGHT, y, x] = aabb.xmax - x

    gt_map[MapOrdering.SEG_BACKGROUND] = np.clip(1 - gt_map[MapOrdering.SEG_WORD] - gt_map[MapOrdering.SEG_SURROUNDING],
                                                 0, 1)

    return gt_map
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, category, drawCallback=None):
        self.category = category
        self.mobile = category.mobile  # is object mobile
        self.life = category.life  # lifetime (seconds)
        self.collide = category.collide  # collision flag
        self.threshold = category.threshold  # variable update frequency

        # create my graphics object
        self.graphicsObject = engine.GraphicsObject(category.source,

        # find out the size of my graphics object
        result = self.graphicsObject.getSimData()
        (self.centerX, self.centerY, self.width, self.height) = result

        self.posX = 0  # current X position
        self.posY = 0  # current Y position
        self.velocityX = 0  # current X velocity
        self.velocityY = 0  # current Y velocity
        self.facing = 0  # current facing (degrees)
        self.turnRate = 0  # degrees / second
        self.accel = 0  # speed / second
        self.alive = 1  # flag for staying alive
        self.uDelay = 0  # update delay
        self.uTimer = 0  # update timer
        self.aabb = AABB()
        self.removeCallback = None  # callback when removed from the world
        self.handle = 0
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self):
     self.color_index = random.randint(color.MIN_COLOR, color.MAX_COLOR)
     self.aabb = AABB([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
     self.translation_matrix = numpy.identity(4)
     self.rotation_matrix = numpy.identity(4)
     self.scaling_matrix = numpy.identity(4)
     self.selected = False
     self.name = None
 def calculate_aabb(self):
     bottom_right = None
     for word in self:
         if(bottom_right is None):
             bottom_right = word.aabb.bottom_right
             bottom_right = (max(bottom_right[0], word.aabb.bottom_right[0]), max(bottom_right[1], word.aabb.bottom_right[1]))
     self.aabb = AABB(self.top_left, bottom_right)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self):
     self.location = [0, 0, 0]
     self.color_index = random.randint(color.MIN_COLOR, color.MAX_COLOR)
     self.aabb = AABB([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
     self.translation = numpy.identity(4)
     self.scalemat = numpy.identity(4)
     self.selected = False
     self.scale_mult = 1.0
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.aabb = AABB()
        self.mesh_data = None
        self.informations = None
        self.animation_class = None

        self.default_material = None
        self.mesh_buffer_object = MeshBufferObject()
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self):
     self.color_index = random.randint(color.MIN_COLOR, color.MAX_COLOR)
     self.translation_matrix = numpy.identity(4)
     self.scaling_matrix = numpy.identity(4)
     self.selected = False
     self.aabb = AABB([0, 0, 0], 1)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def checkSkip(self, sim, newX, newY, newFacing):
        """check if this displacement skips any space
        if abs(sim.posX - newX) - sim.width > 0 or abs(sim.posY -
                                                       newY) - sim.height > 0:
            #print "skipping %s from: (%.2f, %.2f) to: (%.2f, %.2f)" %( sim, sim.posX, sim.posY, newX, newY)
            # create a bounding box to fit in the skipped area
            skipBox = AABB()

            # calculate skip box values
            dx = newX - sim.posX
            dy = newY - sim.posY

            if dx > 0:
                xMultiplier = 1
                xMultiplier = -1
            if dy > 0:
                yMultiplier = 1
                yMultiplier = -1

            if dy == 0:
                skipWidth = sim.width * xMultiplier
                skipHeight = 0
            elif dx == 0:
                skipWidth = 0
                skipHeight = sim.height * yMultiplier
                ratio = float(abs(dx)) / float(abs(dy))
                if ratio > (float(sim.width) / sim.height):
                    skipWidth = sim.width * xMultiplier
                    skipHeight = (sim.width / ratio) * yMultiplier
                    skipWidth = (sim.height * ratio) * xMultiplier
                    skipHeight = sim.height * yMultiplier

            #print "dx %.2f dy %.2f skipWidth %.2f skipHeight %.2f " % (dx, dy, skipWidth, skipHeight)
            # move the skipBox to the first position
            skipPosX = sim.posX + skipWidth
            skipPosY = sim.posY + skipHeight

            # move the skipbox along the path
            while 1:
                skipBox.transform(skipPosX, skipPosY, newFacing)
                result = self.checkCollideAABB(skipBox, sim, skipPosX,
                                               skipPosY, newFacing)
                if result:
                    return result
                if abs(newX - skipPosX) <= sim.width and abs(
                        newY - skipPosY) <= sim.height:
                skipPosX += skipWidth
                skipPosY += skipHeight

        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self):
     # 该节点的颜色序号
     self.color_index = random.randint(color.MIN_COLOR, color.MAX_COLOR)
     # 该节点的平移矩阵
     self.translation_matrix = numpy.identity(4)
     # 该节点的缩放矩阵
     self.scaling_matrix = numpy.identity(4)
     self.aabb = AABB([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
     self.selected = False
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self):
        # the color number of this node
        self.color_index = random.randint(color.MIN_COLOR, color.MAX_COLOR)

        self.aabb = AABB([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
        # the pingyi matrix of this node, determines the position of the node in scene
        self.translation_matrix = numpy.identity(4)
        # the suofang matrix of this node, determines the size of the node
        self.scaling_matrix = numpy.identity(4)
        self.selected = False
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, center, radius, material):
        self.center = center
        self.radius = radius
        self.material = material

        box = AABB(empty, empty)
        flag, box = self.bounding_box(0, 0, box)
        if not flag:
            print("No sort key")
        self.min_box = box.minimum
Ejemplo n.º 23
def decode(pred_map, comp_fg=fg_by_threshold(0.5), f=1):
    idx = comp_fg(pred_map[MapOrdering.SEG_WORD])
    pred_map_masked = pred_map[..., idx[0], idx[1]]
    aabbs = []
    for yc, xc, pred in zip(idx[0], idx[1], pred_map_masked.T):
        t = pred[MapOrdering.GEO_TOP]
        b = pred[MapOrdering.GEO_BOTTOM]
        l = pred[MapOrdering.GEO_LEFT]
        r = pred[MapOrdering.GEO_RIGHT]
        aabb = AABB(xc - l, xc + r, yc - t, yc + b)
        aabbs.append(aabb.scale(f, f))
    return aabbs
Ejemplo n.º 24
def main():
    fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()

    displaySurface = pygame.display.set_mode((screenWidth, screenHeight))

    # blue = AABB(Vector2(60, 60), Vector2(140, 60));
    # red = AABB(Vector2(300, 180), Vector2(100, 180));
    size = screenWidth / 4
    box = AABB(Vector2((screenWidth - size) / 2, (screenHeight - size) / 2),
               Vector2(size, size))

    radius = screenWidth / 10
    circle = Circle(Vector2(screenWidth - radius * 3, radius * 2), radius)

    holdingObject = None
    holdingOffset = Vector2(0, 0)
    lastMouseState = (False, False, False)

    gameRunning = True
    while (gameRunning):
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if (event.type == QUIT):
                gameRunning = False

        lastMouseState, holdingObject, holdingOffset = updateMouse(
            lastMouseState, holdingObject, holdingOffset, box, circle,
            minBounds, maxBounds)

        renderMouse(displaySurface, holdingObject, holdingOffset)

        maxIter = 1
        i = maxIter
        while (i > 0):
            i -= 1
            collision, normal, overlap = aabbCircleCollision(box, circle)
            if (collision):
                print("Collided! Normal: " + str(normal) +
                      "; Smallest overlap: " + str(overlap))

                circle.position += normal * overlap

        render(displaySurface, box, circle)


def test_scale():
    scaled_aabb = AABB((0, 0), (20, 30)).scale(0.5)
    assert(scaled_aabb.bottom_right[0] == 15)
    assert(scaled_aabb.bottom_right[1] == 22.5)
    assert(scaled_aabb.top_left[0] == 5)
    assert(scaled_aabb.top_left[1] == 7.5)

    scaled_aabb = AABB((-10, -10), (10, 10)).scale(2)
    assert (scaled_aabb.bottom_right[0] == 20)
    assert (scaled_aabb.bottom_right[1] == 20)
    assert (scaled_aabb.top_left[0] == -20)
    assert (scaled_aabb.top_left[1] == -20)

    # Edge case: Scaling an AABB by factor 1.0 should not change its dimensions
    identically_scaled_aabb = AABB((0, 0), (20, 30)).scale(1.0)
    assert (identically_scaled_aabb.bottom_right[0] == 20)
    assert (identically_scaled_aabb.bottom_right[1] == 30)
    assert (identically_scaled_aabb.top_left[0] == 0)
    assert (identically_scaled_aabb.top_left[1] == 0)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        AABB((0, 0), (10, 10)).scale('up')
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(self, x0, x1, z0, z1, k, mat):
     self.x0 = x0
     self.x1 = x1
     self.z0 = z0
     self.z1 = z1
     self.k = k
     self.material = mat
     box = AABB(empty, empty)
     flag, box = self.bounding_box(0, 0, box)
     if not flag:
         print("No sort key")
     self.min_box = box.minimum
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self):
     super(SnowFigure, self).__init__()
     self.child_nodes = [Sphere(), Sphere(), Sphere()]
     self.child_nodes[0].translate(0, -0.6, 0)
     self.child_nodes[1].translate(0, 0.1, 0)
     self.child_nodes[1].scaling_matrix = numpy.dot(
         self.scaling_matrix, scaling([0.8, 0.8, 0.8]))
     self.child_nodes[2].translate(0, 0.75, 0)
     self.child_nodes[2].scaling_matrix = numpy.dot(
         self.scaling_matrix, scaling([0.7, 0.7, 0.7]))
     for child_node in self.child_nodes:
         child_node.color_index = color.MIN_COLOR
     self.aabb = AABB([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 1.1, 0.5])
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._id = kwargs['_id']
        self.infos = kwargs['infos']
        self.pathsInfos = kwargs['vertex']
        self.matrix = getValue(kwargs, 'matrix')
        if isIdentity(self.matrix):
            self.matrix = None
        self.content = []
        self.aabb = AABB()

        # added by writeContent
        self.ratio = 1.0
        self.newWidth = 1.0
        self.newHeight = 1.0
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def getAABB(self):
        aabb = AABB()

        lastX = 0
        lastY = 0

        # to acces values with simplepath format
        (x, y) = range(-2, 0)

        if self.tag == addNS('path', 'svg'):
            blocks = Factory().create('path_parser').parse(self.get('d'))
            for vertex in blocks:
                for (cmd, values) in vertex:
                    if values is not None:
                        if cmd == 'C':
                            aabb.addBezier((lastX, lastY), values)
                        elif cmd == 'A':
                            aabb.addArc((lastX, lastY), values)
                            aabb.addPoint(values[x], values[y])

                        lastX = values[x]
                        lastY = values[y]

        elif self.tag in [addNS('rect', 'svg'), addNS('image', 'svg')]:
            x = float(self.get('x'))
            y = float(self.get('y'))
            width = float(self.get('width'))
            height = float(self.get('height'))
            aabb.addPoint(x, y)
            aabb.addPoint(x + width, y + height)

        elif self.tag == addNS('use', 'svg'):
            x = float(self.get('x'))
            y = float(self.get('y'))
            # the first character of an href is a #
            imageId = self.get(addNS('href', 'xlink'))[1:]
            image = self.svg.getImage(imageId)
            width = float(image.get('width'))
            height = float(image.get('height'))
            aabb.addPoint(x, y)
            aabb.addPoint(x + width, y + height)

            raise Exception("Can't get AABB of a node which is neither a path \
    nor a rect.\nnode tag:%s" % self.tag)

        return aabb
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def bounding_box(self, t0, t1, output_box):
        if len(self.objects) == 0:
            return False

        temp_box = AABB()
        first_box = True

        for obj in self.objects:
            if not obj.bounding_box(t0, t1, temp_box):
                if first_box:
                    output_box = temp_box
                    output_box.replace_values(AABB.surrounding_box(output_box, temp_box))
                first_box = False
        return True