Ejemplo n.º 1
def nnet_bayesian(X, Y):
    """Bayesian neural net."""
    lambda_ = 1e-1  # Weight prior
    noise = tf.Variable(0.01)  # Likelihood st. dev. initialisation

    net = (ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples_) >>
           ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=20, std=lambda_) >> ab.Activation(
               tf.nn.relu) >> ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=7, std=lambda_) >>
           ab.Activation(tf.nn.relu) >> ab.DenseVariational(
               output_dim=5, std=lambda_) >> ab.Activation(
                   tf.tanh) >> ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=1, std=lambda_))

    f, kl = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=f, scale=ab.pos(noise))
    loss = ab.elbo(lkhood, Y, N, kl)
    return f, loss
Ejemplo n.º 2
def deep_gaussian_process(X, Y):
    """Deep Gaussian Process Regression."""
    lambda_ = 0.1  # Initial weight prior std. dev, this is optimised later
    noise = tf.Variable(.01)  # Likelihood st. dev. initialisation
    lenscale = tf.Variable(1.)  # learn the length scale

    net = (ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples_) >> ab.RandomFourier(
        n_features=20, kernel=ab.RBF(ab.pos(lenscale))) >> ab.DenseVariational(
            output_dim=5, std=lambda_, full=False) >> ab.RandomFourier(
                n_features=10, kernel=ab.RBF(1.)) >> ab.DenseVariational(
                    output_dim=1, std=lambda_, full=False))

    f, kl = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=f, scale=ab.pos(noise))
    loss = ab.elbo(lkhood, Y, N, kl)

    return f, loss
Ejemplo n.º 3
def nnet_bayesian(X, Y):
    """Bayesian neural net."""
    noise = 0.01

    net = (
        ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples_) >>
        ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=5) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.nn.selu) >>
        ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=4) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.nn.selu) >>
        ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=3) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.nn.selu) >>

    f, kl = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=f, scale=noise).log_prob(Y)
    loss = ab.elbo(lkhood, kl, N)
    return f, loss
Ejemplo n.º 4
def bayesian_linear(X, Y):
    """Bayesian Linear Regression."""
    lambda_ = 100.
    std = (1 / lambda_)**.5  # Weight st. dev. prior
    noise = tf.Variable(1.)  # Likelihood st. dev. initialisation, and learning

    net = (ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples_) >>
           ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=1, std=std, full=True))

    f, kl = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=f, scale=ab.pos(noise))
    loss = ab.elbo(lkhood, Y, N, kl)

    return f, loss
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_dense_distribution(make_data):
    """Test initialising dense variational layers with distributions."""
    x, _, _ = make_data
    S = 3

    x_, X_ = _make_placeholders(x, S)
    N = x.shape[0]

    Phi, KL = ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=D)(X_)
    tc = tf.test.TestCase()
    with tc.test_session():
        P = Phi.eval(feed_dict={x_: x})
        assert P.shape == (S, N, D)
        assert KL.eval() >= 0.
Ejemplo n.º 6
def bayesian_linear(X, Y):
    """Bayesian Linear Regression."""
    reg = .01  # Initial weight prior std. dev, this is optimised later
    noise = tf.Variable(.5)  # Likelihood st. dev. initialisation, and learning

    net = (
        ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples) >>
        ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=1, std=reg, full=True)

    phi, kl = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=phi, scale=ab.pos(noise))
    loss = ab.elbo(lkhood, Y, N, kl)

    return phi, loss
Ejemplo n.º 7
def gaussian_process(X, Y):
    """Gaussian Process Regression."""
    lambda_ = 0.1  # Initial weight prior std. dev, this is optimised later
    noise = tf.Variable(.5)  # Likelihood st. dev. initialisation, and learning
    lenscale = tf.Variable(1.)  # learn the length scale
    kern = ab.RBF(lenscale=ab.pos(lenscale))  # keep the length scale positive
    # kern = ab.RBFVariational(lenscale=ab.pos(lenscale))

    net = (ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples_) >> ab.RandomFourier(
        n_features=50, kernel=kern) >> ab.DenseVariational(
            output_dim=1, std=lambda_, full=True))

    f, kl = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=f, scale=ab.pos(noise))
    # lkhood = tf.distributions.StudentT(df=1., loc=f, scale=ab.pos(noise))
    loss = ab.elbo(lkhood, Y, N, kl)

    return f, loss
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_ncp_output(make_data):
    """Test we are making the ncp extra samples correctly, and KL is OK."""
    x, _, X = make_data
    x = x.astype(np.float32)

    net_ncp = (ab.InputLayer(name='X', n_samples=1) >> ab.NCPContinuousPerturb(
        input_noise=1.) >> ab.DenseNCP(output_dim=1))

    net = (ab.InputLayer(name='X', n_samples=1) >>

    F, KL = net_ncp(X=x)
    F_var, KL_var = net(X=x)
    tc = tf.test.TestCase()

    with tc.test_session():
        f, f_var = F.eval(), F_var.eval()
        assert f.shape[0] == 1
        assert f.shape == f_var.shape
        assert KL.eval() >= KL_var.eval()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main():
    """Run the imputation demo."""
    # Fetch data, one-hot targets and standardise data
    data = fetch_covtype()
    Xo = data.data[:, :10]
    Xc = data.data[:, 10:]
    Y = (data.target - 1)
    Xo[:, :10] = StandardScaler().fit_transform(Xo[:, :10])

    # Network construction
    n_samples_ = tf.placeholder_with_default(LSAMPLES, [])
    data_input = ab.InputLayer(name='Xo', n_samples=n_samples_)  # Data input

    # Run this with imputation
    if METHOD is not None:
        print("Imputation method {}.".format(METHOD))

        # Fake some missing data
        rnd = np.random.RandomState(RSEED)
        mask = rnd.rand(*Xo.shape) < FRAC_MISSING
        Xo[mask] = MISSING_VAL

        # Use Aboleth to imputate
        mask_input = ab.MaskInputLayer(name='M')  # Missing data mask input
        xm = np.ma.array(Xo, mask=mask)
        if METHOD == "LearnedNormalImpute":
            mean = tf.Variable(np.ma.mean(xm, axis=0).data.astype(np.float32))
            std = ab.pos_variable(np.ma.std(xm, axis=0)
            input_layer = ab.NormalImpute(data_input, mask_input, mean, std)
        elif METHOD == "LearnedScalarImpute":
            scalar = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(Xo.shape[-1]))
            input_layer = ab.ScalarImpute(data_input, mask_input, scalar)
        elif METHOD == "FixedNormalImpute":
            mean = np.ma.mean(xm, axis=0).data.astype(np.float32)
            std = np.ma.std(xm, axis=0).data.astype(np.float32)
            input_layer = ab.NormalImpute(data_input, mask_input, mean, std)
        elif METHOD == "FixedScalarImpute":
            mean = np.ma.mean(xm, axis=0).data.astype(np.float32)
            input_layer = ab.ScalarImpute(data_input, mask_input, mean)
        elif METHOD == "MeanImpute":
            input_layer = ab.MeanImpute(data_input, mask_input)

            raise ValueError("Invalid method!")

    # Run this without imputation
        print("No missing data")
        input_layer = data_input
        mask = np.zeros_like(Xo)

    cat_layers = (
        ab.InputLayer(name='Xc', n_samples=n_samples_) >>

    con_layers = (
        input_layer >>

    net = (
        ab.Concat(cat_layers, con_layers) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.nn.selu) >>

    # Split the training and testing data
    Xo_tr, Xo_ts, Xc_tr, Xc_ts, Y_tr, Y_ts, M_tr, M_ts = train_test_split(
    N_tr, Do = Xo_tr.shape
    _, Dc = Xc_tr.shape

    # Data
    with tf.name_scope("Input"):
        Xob, Xcb, Yb, Mb = batch_training(Xo_tr, Xc_tr, Y_tr, M_tr,
                                          n_epochs=NEPOCHS, batch_size=BSIZE)
        Xo_ = tf.placeholder_with_default(Xob, shape=(None, Do))
        Xc_ = tf.placeholder_with_default(Xcb, shape=(None, Dc))
        # Y_ has to be this dimension for compatability with Categorical
        Y_ = tf.placeholder_with_default(Yb, shape=(None,))
        if METHOD is not None:
            M_ = tf.placeholder_with_default(Mb, shape=(None, Do))

    with tf.name_scope("Deepnet"):
        if METHOD is not None:
            nn, kl = net(Xo=Xo_, Xc=Xc_, M=M_)
            nn, kl = net(Xo=Xo_, Xc=Xc_)

        lkhood = tf.distributions.Categorical(logits=nn)
        loss = ab.elbo(lkhood.log_prob(Y_), kl, N_tr)
        prob = ab.sample_mean(lkhood.probs)

    with tf.name_scope("Train"):
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
        global_step = tf.train.create_global_step()
        train = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)

    # Logging learning progress
    log = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(
        {'step': global_step, 'loss': loss},

    # This is the main training "loop"
    with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(
    ) as sess:
            while not sess.should_stop():
        except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
            print('Input queues have been exhausted!')

        # Prediction
        feed_dict = {Xo_: Xo_ts, Xc_: Xc_ts, Y_: [0], n_samples_: PSAMPLES}
        if METHOD is not None:
            feed_dict[M_] = M_ts

        p = sess.run(prob, feed_dict=feed_dict)

    # Get mean of samples for prediction, and max probability assignments
    Ey = p.argmax(axis=1)

    # Score results
    acc = accuracy_score(Y_ts, Ey)
    ll = log_loss(Y_ts, p)
    conf = confusion_matrix(Y_ts, Ey)
    print("Final scores: {}".format(METHOD))
    print("\tAccuracy = {}\n\tLog loss = {}\n\tConfusion =\n{}".
          format(acc, ll, conf))
Ejemplo n.º 10
NOISE = 3.0  # Initial estimate of the observation noise

# Random Fourier Features, this is setting up an anisotropic length scale, or
# one length scale per dimension
LENSCALE = tf.Variable(5 * np.ones((21, 1), dtype=np.float32))

# Variational Fourier Features -- length-scale setting here is the "prior"
# LENSCALE = 10.
# KERNEL = ab.RBFVariational(lenscale=LENSCALE, lenscale_posterior=LENSCALE)

# Build the approximate GP
net = ab.stack(
    ab.InputLayer(name='X', n_samples=NSAMPLES),
    ab.RandomFourier(n_features=NFEATURES, kernel=KERNEL),
    ab.DenseVariational(output_dim=1, full=True)

# Learning and prediction settings
BATCH_SIZE = 50  # number of observations per mini batch
NEPOCHS = 100  # Number of times to iterate though the dataset

CONFIG = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 1})  # Use GPU ?

def main():
    """Run the demo."""
    data = fetch_gpml_sarcos_data()
    Xr = data.train.data.astype(np.float32)
    Yr = data.train.targets.astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]
Ejemplo n.º 11
BSIZE = 100  # Mini batch size
CONFIG = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0})  # Use GPU ?
LSAMPLES = 5  # Number of samples the mode returns
PSAMPLES = 10  # This will give LSAMPLES * PSAMPLES predictions

NCLASSES = 7  # Number of target classes
NFEATURES = 100  # Number of random features to use

# Network construction
data_input = ab.InputLayer(name='X', n_samples=LSAMPLES)  # Data input
mask_input = ab.MaskInputLayer(name='M')  # Missing data mask input

lenscale = ab.pos(tf.Variable(np.ones((54, 1), dtype=np.float32)))

layers = (ab.RandomArcCosine(n_features=NFEATURES, lenscale=lenscale) >>

def main():
    """Run the imputation demo."""
    # Fetch data, one-hot targets and standardise data
    data = fetch_covtype()
    X = data.data
    Y = (data.target - 1)
    X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)

    # Now fake some missing data with a mask
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(RSEED)
    mask = rnd.rand(*X.shape) < FRAC_MISSING
    X[mask] = MISSING_VAL
Ejemplo n.º 12
# Variational Fourier Features -- length-scale setting here is the "prior", we
# can choose to optimise this or not
# lenscale = 1.
# kern = ab.RBFVariational(lenscale=lenscale)  # This is VAR-FIXED kernel from
# Cutjar et. al. 2017

# This is how we make the "latent function" of a Gaussian process, here
# n_features controls how many random basis functions we use in the
# approximation. The more of these, the more accurate, but more costly
# computationally. "full" indicates we want a full-covariance matrix Gaussian
# posterior of the model weights. This is optional, but it does greatly improve
# the model uncertainty away from the data.
n_samples_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32)
net = (ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples_) >> ab.RandomFourier(
    n_features=200, kernel=kern) >> ab.DenseVariational(
        output_dim=1, learn_prior=True, full=True))

def main():
    """Run the demo."""
    n_iters = int(round(n_epochs * N / batch_size))
    print("Iterations = {}".format(n_iters))

    # Get training and testing data
    Xr, Yr, Xs, Ys = gp_draws(N, Ns, kern=kernel, noise=true_noise)

    # Prediction points
    Xq = np.linspace(-20, 20, Ns).astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]
    Yq = np.linspace(-4, 4, Ns).astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]

    # Set up the probability image query points
Ejemplo n.º 13
# kern = ab.RBF(lenscale=ab.pos(lenscale))  # keep the length scale positive

# Variational Fourier Features -- length-scale setting here is the "prior", we
# can choose to optimise this or not
lenscale = 1.
kern = ab.RBFVariational(lenscale=lenscale)  # This is VAR-FIXED kernel from
# Cutjar et. al. 2017

# This is how we make the "latent function" of a Gaussian process, here
# n_features controls how many random basis functions we use in the
# approximation. The more of these, the more accurate, but more costly
# computationally. "full" indicates we want a full-covariance matrix Gaussian
# posterior of the model weights. This is optional, but it does greatly improve
# the model uncertainty away from the data.
net = (ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples) >> ab.RandomFourier(
    n_features=100, kernel=kern) >> ab.DenseVariational(
        output_dim=1, std=reg, full=True))

def main():
    """Run the demo."""
    n_iters = int(round(n_epochs * N / batch_size))
    print("Iterations = {}".format(n_iters))

    # Get training and testing data
    Xr, Yr, Xs, Ys = gp_draws(N, Ns, kern=kernel, noise=true_noise)

    # Prediction points
    Xq = np.linspace(-20, 20, Ns).astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]
    Yq = np.linspace(-4, 4, Ns).astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]

    # Set up the probability image query points