def get(self): user = self.get_current_user() if not user: self.redirect("/") return key = db.Key(encoded=self.request.get("key")) course = Course.get(key) class_key = db.Key(encoded=self.request.get("class")) goto = self.request.get("goto") if goto == None or goto == "": goto = "/" # if class is different copy list to the new class if class_key != course.parent_key(): aclass = Class.get(class_key) newCourse = Course(parent=aclass) = newCourse.chapters = course.chapters newCourse.count_questions() newCourse.put() self.stop_edit_course() self.redirect(goto)
def put(self,Id): """Save a class with key == Id""" clss = Class.get( db.Key(encoded=Id) ) if clss: jsn = json.decoder.JSONDecoder() model = jsn.decode( self.request.get('model')) = model['name'] clss.put() else: raise Exception('Saving of class failed')
def post(self,Id=None): """Create new class instance and retirn its id which is its key""" teacher = self.get_current_teacher() if not teacher: self.redirect('/') return #raise Exception('uri='+self.request.uri) httpMethod = self.request.get('_method') if httpMethod == 'PUT': self.put(Id) return if httpMethod == 'DELETE': #raise Exception("deleting...") self.delete(Id) return if httpMethod == 'GET': raise Exception('GET not implemented') return jsn = json.decoder.JSONDecoder() #raise Exception('model '+self.request.get('model')) model = jsn.decode( self.request.get('model')) if not 'clss' in model: raise Exception('Class is missing from model.')'Create student '+str(model)) try: student = create_user(model) except: self.response.out.write('error') return clss_encoded_key = model['clss'] clss = Class.get( db.Key(encoded=clss_encoded_key) ) if clss != None: #try: clss.add_student(student) #except: # raise Exception('failed to add student') else: raise Exception('Class not found.') #raise Exception('stu key: '+str(self.request.uri) + ' ' + str(model)) self.response.out.write('{"id":"'+str(student.key())+'"}')
def delete(self, Id): """Delete a user with key == Id""" user = Class.get( db.Key(encoded=Id) ) if user: user.delete()