def control():

    logger.debug("getRealtimeData called")

        samplerresponse ="getRealTimeData sampleresponse = " + str(samplerresponse))
        temp = getTemperature.control()
    except IOError as e:
        status = 4
        value = e
        logger.critical("%s %s", "Unable to get temperature", e)
        status = 0
        value = temp[1] + '\x1E' + samplerresponse[0] + '\x1E' + samplerresponse[1] + '\x1E' + samplerresponse[2] + \
            '\x1E' + samplerresponse[3] + '\x1E' + samplerresponse[4] + '\x1E' + samplerresponse[5]
        logger.debug("%s %s", "getRealtimeData returned value ", value)

    return status, value
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def processor(self, buffer0):

        self.logger.debug("Interpreter was called.")

        if re.match("^[0-9a-zA-Z]{14}$", buffer0):   # Matched Command with no parameters

            self.logger.debug("Matched command with no parameters")
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_command - ", self.response_command)
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_status - ", self.response_status)
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_value - ", self.response_value)
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_crc - ", self.response_crc)

                data = buffer0
                self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Stripped control chars from packet ", repr(data))
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Unable to strip ctl chars from packet ", e)
                    address, command, crc = struct.unpack('<2s8s4s', data.encode('utf-8'))
                    command = command.decode('utf-8')
                    address = address.decode('utf-8')
                    self.logger.debug("%s %s %s %s", "Unpacked Staribus command", address, command, crc)
                except struct.error as e:
                    self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Can not unpack command ", e)
                    if int(staribuscrc.checkcrc(buffer0)) == 200:
                        self.logger.debug("Packet failed crc check")
                        self.x = 200, None
                        if int(address) != int(self.config.get("instaddr", "iaddr")):  # Check Instrument Address Is Correct
                            self.logger.debug("Instrument address does not match our address")
                            self.x = 80, None
                            ########## Core Module #################
                            if re.match('00010000', command):  # ping
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command ping")
                                self.x =
                            elif re.match('000A0000', command):  # getVersion
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getVersion")
                                self.x = getVersion.control()
                            elif re.match('000D0000', command):  # getMACAddress
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getMACAddress")
                                self.x = getMACAddress.control()
                            elif re.match('000E0000', command):  # getStatus
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getStatus")
                                self.x = getStatus.control(self.response_command, self.response_status,
                            ############ Utilities Module ############
                            elif re.match('01010000', command):  # getTemperature
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getTemperature")
                                self.x = getTemperature.control()
                            elif re.match('010D0000', command):  # getClockDate
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getClockDate")
                                self.x = getClockDate.control()
                            elif re.match('01070000', command):  # getHostname
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getHostname")
                                self.x = getHostname.control()
                            elif re.match('010E0000', command):  # getClockTime
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getClockTime")
                                self.x = getClockTime.control()
                            ############# Data Capture Module ############
                            elif re.match('03000000', command):  # getSpace
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getSpace")
                                self.x = getSpace.control(self.data_array)
                            elif re.match('03040000', command):  # getRate return capture interval
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getRate")
                                self.x = getRate.control()
                            elif re.match('03020000', command):  # getDataBlockCount
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getDataBlockCount")
                                self.x = getDataBlockCount.control()
                            ############ Logger Plugin ############
                            elif re.match('04000000', command):  # getRealTimeData
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getRealTimeData")
                                self.x = getRealtimeData.control()
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command - NO MATCH")
                                self.x = 20, None

        elif re.match("^[0-9a-zA-Z]{10}\x1F*(([0-9a-zA-Z]*)(\x1F)*)*", buffer0):  # Matched Cmd with parameters

            self.logger.debug("Matched command with parameters")
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_command - ", self.response_command)
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_status - ", self.response_status)
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_value - ", self.response_value)
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_crc - ", self.response_crc)

                data = buffer0.split('\x1F')  # Strip off ctrl characters and split on <us>
                self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Stripped control chars from packet", repr(data))
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Unable to strip ctl chars from packet ", e)
                    address, command = struct.unpack('<2s8s', data[0].encode('utf-8'))  # Unpack command
                    command = command.decode('utf-8')
                    address = address.decode('utf-8')
                    self.logger.debug("%s %s %s", "Unpacked Staribus command", address, command)
                except struct.error as e:
                    self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Can not unpack command ", e)
                    if int(staribuscrc.checkcrc(buffer0)) == 200:  # check crc
                        self.logger.debug("Packet failed crc check")
                        self.x = 200, None
                        if int(address) != int(self.config.get("instaddr", "iaddr")):  # Check Staribus Inst Address Is Correct
                            self.logger.debug("Packet instrument address does not match our address")
                            self.x = 80, None
                            ############ Core Module ############
                            if re.match('00050000', command):  # getConfigurationBlockCount
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getConfigurationBlockCount")
                                self.x = getConfigurationBlockCount.control(data[1])
                            elif re.match('00060000', command):  # getConfigurationBlock
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getConfigurationBlock")
                                self.x = getConfigurationBlock.control(data[1], data[2], data[3])
                            elif re.match('00070000', command):  # setConfigurationBlock
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command setConfigurationBlock")
                                self.x = setConfigurationBlock.control(data[1], data[2], data[3])
                            ############ Analogue Module #############
                            elif re.match('02000000', command):  # getA2D
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getA2D")
                                self.x = getA2D.control(data[1])
                            ############### DataCapture Module ############
                            elif re.match('03030000', command):  # getDataBlock
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command getDataBlock")
                                self.x = getDataBlock.control(data[1])
                            elif re.match('03050000', command):  # setRate set capture interval
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command setRate")
                                self.x = setRate.control(data[1])
                            elif re.match('03060000', command):  # capture
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command capture")
                                self.x = capture.control(data[1], self.sampler)
                                self.logger.debug("Matched command - NO MATCH")
                                self.x = 20, None

        if (self.x[0] is not None) and (self.x[1] is not None):
            status = self.x[0] + self.sampler.status()
            self.response_status = str(status).zfill(4)
            self.response_value = str(self.x[1])
            self.response_command = str(address) + str(command)
            joinvalue = self.response_command + str(self.response_status) + '\x1F' + str(self.response_value) + '\x1F'
            self.response_crc = str(staribuscrc.newcrc(joinvalue))
            value = '\x02' + joinvalue + self.response_crc + '\x04\r\n'
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Created Return Message -", repr(value))
        elif (self.x[0] is not None) and (self.x[1] is None):
            status = self.x[0] + self.sampler.status()
            self.response_status = str(status).zfill(4)
            self.response_command = str(address) + str(command)
            self.response_value = None
            joinvalue = self.response_command + str(self.response_status)
            self.response_crc = str(staribuscrc.newcrc(joinvalue))
            value = '\x02' + joinvalue + self.response_crc + '\x04\r\n'
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Created Return Message -", repr(value))
            status = 4 + self.sampler.status()
            self.response_status = str(status).zfill(4)
            self.response_command = str(address) + str(command)
            self.response_value = None
            joinvalue = self.response_command + str(self.response_status)
            self.response_crc = str(staribuscrc.newcrc(joinvalue))
            value = '\x02' + joinvalue + self.response_crc + '\x04\r\n'
            self.logger.debug("%s %s", "Created Return Message -", repr(value))

        return value
Ejemplo n.º 3
def processor(buffer0):

    global response_status
    global response_command
    global response_crc
    response_value = None

    logger.debug("Interpreter was called.")

    if re.match("^\x02*[0-9a-zA-Z]{14}\x04*", buffer0):   # Matched Command with no parameters

        logger.debug("Matched command with no parameters")
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_command - ", response_command)
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_status - ", response_status)
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_value - ", response_value)
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_crc - ", response_crc)

            data = buffer0.strip('\x02\x1F\x04\r\n')
            logger.debug("%s %s", "Stripped control chars from packet ", repr(data))
        except Exception as e:
            logger.debug("%s %s", "Unable to strip ctl chars from packet ", e)
                address, command, crc = struct.unpack('<2s8s4s', data)
                logger.debug("%s %s %s %s", "Unpacked Staribus command", address, command, crc)
            except struct.error as e:
                logger.debug("%s %s", "Can not unpack command ", e)
                if int(staribuscrc.checkcrc(buffer0)) == 0200:
                    logger.debug("Packet failed crc check")
                    x = 200, None
                    if int(address) != int(config.get("instaddr", "iaddr")):  # Check Instrument Address Is Correct
                        logger.debug("Instrument address does not match our address")
                        x = 80, None
                        ########## Core Module #################
                        if re.match('00010000', command):  # ping
                            logger.debug("Matched command ping")
                            x =
                        elif re.match('000A0000', command):  # getVersion
                            logger.debug("Matched command getVersion")
                            x = getVersion.control()
                        elif re.match('000D0000', command):  # getMACAddress
                            logger.debug("Matched command getMACAddress")
                            x = getMACAddress.control()
                        elif re.match('000E0000', command):  # getStatus
                            logger.debug("Matched command getStatus")
                            x = getStatus.control(response_command, response_status, response_crc)
                        ############ Utilities Module ############
                        elif re.match('01010000', command):  # getTemperature
                            logger.debug("Matched command getTemperature")
                            x = getTemperature.control()
                        elif re.match('010D0000', command):  # getClockDate
                            logger.debug("Matched command getClockDate")
                            x = getClockDate.control()
                        elif re.match('01070000', command):  # getHostname
                            logger.debug("Matched command getHostname")
                            x = getHostname.control()
                        elif re.match('010E0000', command):  # getClockTime
                            logger.debug("Matched command getClockTime")
                            x = getClockTime.control()
                        ############# Data Capture Module ############
                        elif re.match('03000000', command):  # getSpace
                            logger.debug("Matched command getSpace")
                            x = getSpace.control()
                        elif re.match('03040000', command):  # getRate return capture interval
                            logger.debug("Matched command getRate")
                            x = getRate.control()
                        elif re.match('03020000', command):  # getDataBlockCount
                            logger.debug("Matched command getDataBlockCount")
                            x = getDataBlockCount.control()
                        ############# Publisher Module ###############
                        elif re.match('05040000', command):  # getPublisherLabels
                            logger.debug("Matched command getPublisherLabels")
                            x = getPublisherLabels.control()
                        elif re.match('05030000', command):  # getPublisher
                            logger.debug("Matched command getPublisher")
                            x = getPublisher.control()
                        elif re.match('05060000', command): # getPublisherArtist
                            logger.debug("Matched command getPublisherArtist")
                            x = getPublisherArtist.control()
                        elif re.match('06030000', command): # getDataPublisher
                            logger.debug("Matched command getDataPublisher")
                            x = getDataPublisher.control()
                        ############ Logger Plugin ############
                        elif re.match('04000000', command):  # getRealTimeData
                            logger.debug("Matched command getRealTimeData")
                            x = getRealtimeData.control()
                            logger.debug("Matched command - NO MATCH")
                            x = 20, None 

    elif re.match("^\x02*[0-9a-zA-Z]{10}\x1F*(([0-9a-zA-Z]*)(\x1F)*)*\x04*", buffer0):  # Matched Cmd with parameters

        logger.debug("Matched command with parameters")
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_command - ", response_command)
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_status - ", response_status)
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_value - ", response_value)
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Current current response_crc - ", response_crc)

            data = buffer0.strip('\x02\x1F\x03\x04\r\n').split('\x1F')  # Strip off ctrl characters and split on <us>
            logger.debug("%s %s", "Stripped control chars from packet", repr(data))
        except Exception as e:
            logger.debug("%s %s", "Unable to strip ctl chars from packet ", e)
                address, command = struct.unpack('<2s8s', data[0])  # Unpack command
                logger.debug("%s %s %s", "Unpacked Staribus command", address, command)
            except struct.error as e:
                logger.debug("%s %s", "Can not unpack command ", e)
                if int(staribuscrc.checkcrc(buffer0)) == 0200:  # check crc
                    logger.debug("Packet failed crc check")
                    x = 200, None
                    if int(address) != int(config.get("instaddr", "iaddr")):  # Check Staribus Inst Address Is Correct
                        logger.debug("Packet instrument address does not match our address")
                        x = 80, None
                        ############ Publisher Module ############
                        if re.match('05050000', command):  # setPublisherLabels
                            logger.debug("Matched command setPublisherLabels")
                            x = setPublisherLabels.control(data[1], data[2], data[3])
                        elif re.match('05070000', command):  # setPublisherArtist
                            logger.debug("Matched command setPublisherArtist")
                            x = setPublisherArtist.control(data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6])
                        elif re.match('05010000', command):  # publisher
                            logger.debug("Matched command publisher")
                            x = capturePublisher.control(data[1])
                        elif re.match('05020000', command):  # setPublisher
                            logger.debug("Matched command setPublisher")
                            x = setPublisher.control(data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6])
                        ############ Analogue Module #############
                        elif re.match('02000000', command):  # getA2D
                            logger.debug("Matched command getA2D")
                            x = getA2D.control(data[1])
                        ############### DataCapture Module ############
                        elif re.match('03030000', command):  # getDataBlock
                            logger.debug("Matched command getDataBlock")
                            x = getDataBlock.control(data[1])
                        elif re.match('03050000', command):  # setRate set capture interval
                            logger.debug("Matched command setRate")
                            x = setRate.control(data[1])
                        elif re.match('03060000', command):  # capture
                            logger.debug("Matched command capture")
                            x = capture.control(data[1])
                        elif re.match('06020000', command):  # setDataPublisher
                            logger.debug("Matched command setDataPublisher")
                            x = setDataPublisher.control(data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6])
                        elif re.match('06010000', command):  # dataPublisher
                            logger.debug("Matched command dataPublisher")
                            x = dataPublisher.control(data[1])
                        elif re.match('000F0000', command):  # controllerControl
                            logger.debug("Matched command controllerControl")
                            x = controllerControl.control(data[1])
                            logger.debug("Matched command - NO MATCH")
                            x = 20, None 

    if (x[0] is not None) and (x[1] is not None):
        response_status = str(x[0]).zfill(4)
        response_value = str(x[1])
        response_command = str(address) + str(command)
        joinvalue = response_command + str(response_status) + '\x1F' + str(response_value) + '\x1F'
        response_crc = str(staribuscrc.newcrc(joinvalue))
        value = '\x02' + joinvalue + response_crc + '\x04\r\n'
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Created Return Message -", repr(value))
    elif (x[0] is not None) and (x[1] is None):
        response_status = str(x[0]).zfill(4)
        response_command = str(address) + str(command)
        response_value = None
        joinvalue = response_command + str(response_status)
        response_crc = str(staribuscrc.newcrc(joinvalue))
        value = '\x02' + joinvalue + response_crc + '\x04\r\n'
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Created Return Message -", repr(value))
        status = 4 + samplerstatus.status()
        response_status = str(status).zfill(4)
        response_command = str(address) + str(command)
        response_value = None
        joinvalue = response_command + str(response_status)
        response_crc = str(staribuscrc.newcrc(joinvalue))
        value = '\x02' + joinvalue + response_crc + '\x04\r\n'
        logger.debug("%s %s", "Created Return Message -", repr(value))

    return value