def Ungroup(nps): """ Create the ungroup action, execute it and push it onto the undo queue. """ pNps = [] cNpSets = [] for np in nps: wrpr = pNps.append(wrpr.GetParent().data) cNpSets.append([ for cWrpr in wrpr.GetChildren()]) # Remove those nodes which were empty NodePaths. rmvNps = [np for np in nps if np.node().isExactType(pm.PandaNode)] actns = [] actns.append(actions.Deselect(nps)) for i, cNps in enumerate(cNpSets): actns.extend([actions.Parent(cNp, pNps[i]) for cNp in cNps]) actns.extend([actions.Remove(np) for np in rmvNps]) actns.append(actions.Select([cNp for cNps in cNpSets for cNp in cNps])) actn = actions.Composite(actns) wx.GetApp().actnMgr.Push(actn) actn() wx.GetApp().doc.OnModified(nps.append(rmvNps))
def Select(comps): """ Create the select composite action, execute it and push it onto the undo queue. """ actns = [actions.Deselect(base.selection.comps), actions.Select(comps)] actn = actions.Composite(actns) wx.GetApp().actnMgr.Push(actn) actn() wx.GetApp().doc.OnRefresh(comps)
def Remove(comps): """ Create the remove composite action, execute it and push it onto the undo queue. """ actns = [] actns.append(actions.Deselect(comps)) actns.extend([actions.Remove(comp) for comp in comps]) actn = actions.Composite(actns) wx.GetApp().actnMgr.Push(actn) actn() wx.GetApp().doc.OnModified(comps)
def Replace(fromComp, toComp): """ """ actns = [ actions.Deselect([fromComp]), actions.Remove(fromComp), actions.Add(toComp), actions.Select([toComp]) ] actn = actions.Composite(actns) wx.GetApp().actnMgr.Push(actn) actn() wx.GetApp().doc.OnModified([fromComp, toComp])
def Duplicate(comps): """ Create the duplicate composite action, execute it and push it onto the undo queue. """ selComps = base.selection.comps base.selection.Clear() dupeComps = [] for comp in comps: wrpr = dupeComps.append(wrpr.Duplicate()) actns = [] actns.append(actions.Deselect(selComps)) actns.extend([actions.Add(dupeComp) for dupeComp in dupeComps]) actns.append(actions.Select(dupeComps)) actn = actions.Composite(actns) wx.GetApp().actnMgr.Push(actn) actn() wx.GetApp().doc.OnModified(dupeComps)
def Group(nps): """ Create the group action, execute it and push it onto the undo queue. """ # Find the lowest common ancestor for all NodePaths - this will be the # parent for the group NodePath. cmmnNp = nps[0].getParent() for np in nps: cmmnNp = cmmnNp.getCommonAncestor(np) grpNp = pm.NodePath('group') grpNp.reparentTo(cmmnNp) actns = [] actns.append(actions.Add(grpNp)) actns.extend([actions.Parent(np, grpNp) for np in nps]) actns.append(actions.Deselect(nps)) actns.append(actions.Select([grpNp])) actn = actions.Composite(actns) wx.GetApp().actnMgr.Push(actn) actn() wx.GetApp().doc.OnModified(nps.append(grpNp))